Author Topic: Pizza Size Best Size  (Read 647 times)

Offline brady

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« on: October 27, 2002, 07:41:35 PM »
Ya I know it has been debated to death, but imo the Larger maps are the only way we can go in the future for AH the smaller maps we have now are just to small for the prime time crowd, they do not apeal to me at all in fact I generaly log when i see the numbers playing on them now. The quake still battles do not apeal to me that they foster. The best part of the Pizza map is the fact that you can find whatever kind of battle you want on it. Furbals in one spot with large atacks going on , and great GV action, and small unit battles all over the place. On the smaller maps I generaly have no choice but to partake in a huge battle, on the larger map I do.

 So having said that I want to thank those responsable for the map and all the hard work they have done to help make AH a better place, I think no matter how you feal about the Pizza map you must conced that it was indead done with betterment of the game in mind and that their effort to that end must be saluated.

Offline J_A_B

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« Reply #1 on: October 27, 2002, 08:01:46 PM »
I hate to be the one who has to remind you, but AH is a 24-hour a day game.   At off-peak hours, when there's 80 players online, Pizza map is like a ghost town.  Even with 150-250 online (which is most the time) the level of action is inadequate.  In fact the Pizza map is ONLY good when there's 400+ online IMO.

As for "larger maps being the only option"....I disagree.   They are ONE option.  Other options include things such as having more than a single Main arena and using maps with more "front" area to reduce the density of the action (look at how much of the total map area Mindanao actually USES).   Just because you'd prefer to see larger maps used more doesn't make them the only option available, and you'd be silly to think that large maps aren't without their problems (nothing is perfect).  

Regardless, I will agree that something has to give....the current setup of the MA is reaching its practical limit.  It'll be interestingto see what changes are in store.   Perhaps the Mission arena will reduce the numbers crunch in the MA.


Offline FDutchmn

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« Reply #2 on: October 27, 2002, 08:36:16 PM »
IMHO, I think an alternative criteria for map resets should also be considered.

Offline poopster

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« Reply #3 on: October 27, 2002, 08:39:37 PM »
I disagree Brady.

I can see your points, but as a participant in the CT arena on a regular basis your views as to what works, what is fun, are alot different than mine.

Where lots of people is fun in my view, few people ( or a large map ) is your view.

Ying and yang, with the yangs view being more prevelant..

It's one map in the rotation, one map of that size is "ok"...

As a steady diet, I might as well fly the CT :D

Offline brady

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« Reply #4 on: October 27, 2002, 08:45:51 PM »
Well of course their are options, imo the larger size, no mater how it may be laied out is the best option, we nead more fields than the smaller ones can suport to disperse the numbers, the ever increasing numbers.

 The numbers during non peak times are always an issue no mater what map is in use certainly 80 people in the main in the wee hours of the morning are to few for even the small maps, so this argument for keeping a smaller map is kinda week to imo.

  The idea of having  2  main's imo would not work well, it dident work to well in FA and they had a much larger player base, one areana was always comparatively unused, players always went to the areana with more numbers in it because theire was more action in that areana, also imagine the milk runing in an unsed area during no peek time.

 Larger maps have problems yes, but it is more I think to with them having to spend more time to find their way into battle than anything else, the smaller maps are easer to read on the clipboard, you nead not studdy the map to find the fight you want.
 It is the old path of least resastance thing.Perhaps a revised interface for reading the clipboard for the larger maps.A larger clipboard map for instance.

 I must say that I do not think the Mishion Areana will impact the MA in a substantial way, espichaly with AH's ever increasing player base.

 Anything I say or any point I bring up is always just My opinion.Kinda like everybody else who post's on the BBS:)
« Last Edit: October 27, 2002, 08:50:51 PM by brady »

Offline brady

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« Reply #5 on: October 27, 2002, 08:57:03 PM »
poopster, the point being on the larger map thier is a choice for what kind of battle you want, on the smaller ones their is no choice, the best fights in the CT are when their are larger numbers in attandance, granted good fun and fights can be had with 10 to 20 people on but get 50 to 70 in their and it is a blast:)

                   Just because I am on the CT staff does not mean I do not appricate the situation in the MA nore does it mean I like less populated battles, I like both furballs and smaller actions, I simply tire of the constant furbals on the smaller maps in the MA at present.

Offline poopster

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« Reply #6 on: October 27, 2002, 09:21:08 PM »
No problem Brady :)

We're the opposite in our views in a very big way. Where you believe primetime numbers on the small maps it too much. I believe the numbers on the small maps during primetime brings out the best the Main has to offer..

Go figure..

Offline brady

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« Reply #7 on: October 27, 2002, 09:26:17 PM »
Ya were totaly aposed their poopster, Hopefully HTC can find us both a happy medieum:)

Offline Gman

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« Reply #8 on: October 27, 2002, 09:41:50 PM »

Offline Voss

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« Reply #9 on: October 27, 2002, 10:09:27 PM »
I agree with you brady. Despite the opinons to the contrary, the Pizza map is a great map even during non-peak hours. The people that favor this map increase with every rotation. After Pizza was reset today NDIsles rotated through, and the evidence that it is out of date hit Bishops like a ton of bricks.

Shutup GayMan (heh, it was just too easy).

Offline Innominate

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« Reply #10 on: October 27, 2002, 10:13:20 PM »
One of the biggest problems AH has right now is that the numbers online fluctuate so much.  During off-peak hours, even the 256 maps are too big, during prime time, the 512 maps are a requirement.

Overall, the larger maps are the best solution right now.  They eliminate some of the furballing, but there is always a good furball for those who choose to do so.  Unlike the small maps, akdesert gives EVERYONE an opportunity to do what they want to, not just those who want to furball.  So while it does hurt the furballs a bit, it helps everything else vastly.  On the other hand, the small maps, especially during peak hours, are completly worthless for anyone who doesn't want to dive into a 50 player furball.

Another big problem is tactics.  Often without missions, the players are clueless as to where to go(Sheep, all of ya)  The small maps there is almost always a clear direction that is best to move in, on akdesert, there are so many possible places to attack, that a coordinated attack can be difficult.  The 512 maps are maps that the players have to learn to play, it's far more complicated than the 256 maps.

The best map size right now is probably something between 256 and 512.  Future maps will need to be designed for 500 players, as much as for 100 players, a difficult but possible problem.
« Last Edit: October 28, 2002, 12:00:55 AM by Innominate »

Offline Pirate BK

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« Reply #11 on: October 27, 2002, 11:50:05 PM »
I won't argue that the Pizza "size" map is not without worth. I just don't like the AK map. Nothing against them or the makers hard work. I just think the map can be boring at best. Thats actually an improvement from before ... maybe I'll grow to .. naaa :p

Pirate //BK\\

Offline anton

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« Reply #12 on: October 28, 2002, 12:14:16 AM »
Voss- lol           Bish win 3 maps in a row, the 3rd being akdesert & the knits/rooks decide to take turns giving each other kneepad service in a co/op Vs bish.  What THAT has to do with  numbers in relation to map size I have NO idea.
 At any rate I feel the akdesert map is great during peak hours & very boring the other 5 days a week. I would like to say to anyone who cares to knock the akdesert map  "show me the 1 you made that is better" Wich leads us to another point- if the AKs can design a map why cant yer squad, or mine. HTC was nice enuff to make available a mapmaker program, quit squeakin about what exists & come up with a solution!

Offline anton

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« Reply #13 on: October 28, 2002, 12:16:43 AM »
knook co/op doesnt make Ndisle outdated either-:rolleyes:

Offline Voss

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« Reply #14 on: October 28, 2002, 01:12:13 AM »
NDIsles was reset in under 3hours (closer to 2) during a peak weekend period. Under those conditions it is too small and therefore outdated.