jonnyb: By saying, "Religion does not belong in school," I'm assuming you mean that prayer and observance of ritual does not belong in school. On the other hand, I believe that education about religion certainly *does* belong in school.
Not even that restrictive. Prayer and observance do belong in school as long as religious people - teachers and students belong in school. If they pray in their private time with no public money involved - nobody can legally object.
Thrawn: It's not a entitlement, just a good idea to help society run more smoothly.
Just like all the "good ideas" that got us into this mess originally. The common misconseption of ignorant people is that society creates morals. Nothing can be further from the truth.
Morals and customs create society - by enabling the carrier population to prosper and outpropagate the others. Development of morals and customs was not a product of reason or intent but of spontaneous evolutionary process.
Absence of reason or perceived importance was enough justification for arrogant intellectuals to abandon those customs and come up with "reasonable" ones - destroying the foundation of society in the process. Once the screwup brough long-predicted results (Torqueville, Acton, Hayek, etc.), instead of going back to proven morals and starting over from there, remedies from the same discredited set are offered.
Society was running smoothly with respect to children having sex before socialist edicational and other ideas on parenting and responcibility became accepted policies to the detriment of naturally formed ones.