Author Topic: WW2OL, 2nd Impressions  (Read 4592 times)

Offline Staga

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WW2OL, 2nd Impressions
« Reply #105 on: December 18, 2002, 02:55:20 AM »
What ever, Straffo  :)

Offline straffo

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WW2OL, 2nd Impressions
« Reply #106 on: December 18, 2002, 03:11:11 AM »
Well there is no difference in datas ... just a change  in representation :)

I agree that the Vulgum Pecus interpretation will be different but looking at chart is worst part of my dayly job :)

But as in AH the average number of player is not really important ... one spike in player number may permit the capture of several towns in a row (I'm not speaking of axis/allied side) but as average smooth the result it won't be shown on chart ...

And defense is easiest than offense so if at one time you can concentrate lot of player in a spot you win with number.Schwerpunkt theory at work :p
« Last Edit: December 18, 2002, 03:16:08 AM by straffo »

Offline Staga

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WW2OL, 2nd Impressions
« Reply #107 on: December 18, 2002, 03:13:11 AM »
Ther game is tweaked to make the axis win ...

Then Axis would have much more AAA, PzjgrI with 47mm AT-cannon, Pak36(t) 47mm and PzGr40 for PzIII.
These would be historically correct armaments.
Also 8.8cm FlaK could be moved by pushing it but for some reason CRS modelled it so that it could be moved only by a heavy puller.
Also british 2-pdr is having better penetration than it historically had, possible reasons for this is either CRS did use numbers from 1942 ammo or they didn't model face-hardening of the armourplates used in german panzers.

Hawk modelled in game is Hawk 75 A-3 with 1200Hp engine using high-octane fuel.
How many of those could run 440kmh@SL ?
How many of those was in service at BoF?
MS.406/410 was the workhorse of the French AF, would you like it to be modelled instead of D.520?

Tell me again how did CRS tweaked that game to help Axis side ?

Offline straffo

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WW2OL, 2nd Impressions
« Reply #108 on: December 18, 2002, 03:25:33 AM »
Originally posted by Staga
Then Axis would have much more AAA, PzjgrI with 47mm AT-cannon, Pak36(t) 47mm and PzGr40 for PzIII.
These would be historically correct armaments.
Also 8.8cm FlaK could be moved by pushing it but for some reason CRS modelled it so that it could be moved only by a heavy puller.
Also british 2-pdr is having better penetration than it historically had, possible reasons for this is either CRS did use numbers from 1942 ammo or they didn't model face-hardening of the armourplates used in german panzers.

Hawk modelled in game is Hawk 75 A-3 with 1200Hp engine using high-octane fuel.
How many of those could run 440kmh@SL ?
How many of those was in service at BoF?

If it's wrong it shoud be corrected I don't  want in any sim an incorrect modellisation whatever the side
I don't want to face a porked AXIS just to be able to win where would be the challenge ?


MS.406/410 was the workhorse of the French AF, would you like it to be modelled instead of D.520?

No I would have seen the MS406 modeled instead of the Hawk it's a bad design decision .
IMO they included the Hawk because of US player (who are mostly playing on the axis side...)

I bet that when WWIIol will model the US intervention the balance problem will be more evident ...
and I'll cut and paste endlessy this (remplacing allied by axis):

Originally posted by hardcase
I've watch the fight from the beginning. Allies don't organize, don't communicate, don't chatter, don't defend their air bases to the death(which allows stukas to run rampant). Allies like to lone wolf, axis seem to organize. Someday the allies will learn teamwork.


Tell me again how did CRS tweaked that game to help Axis side ?

How many map reset for each side ?

Offline Staga

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WW2OL, 2nd Impressions
« Reply #109 on: December 18, 2002, 03:58:21 AM »
How many map reset for each side ?

And this proves that CRS tweaked that game to help axis win?

O.K, can't argue with that.

Offline straffo

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WW2OL, 2nd Impressions
« Reply #110 on: December 18, 2002, 04:04:34 AM »
Originally posted by Staga
And this proves that CRS tweaked that game to help axis win?

Well ... no
My sentence was a bit harsh and overkill I've to admit :)

O.K, can't argue with that.

No You can't :p

Offline Kieran

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WW2OL, 2nd Impressions
« Reply #111 on: December 18, 2002, 06:11:52 AM »
Hardcase has already piped up, so I'll ask you directly, Staga...

Yes or No, do you really believe that most of the good players all play Axis, and; if true, what fun is a game like that?

Offline Nifty

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WW2OL, 2nd Impressions
« Reply #112 on: December 18, 2002, 09:25:03 AM »
Originally posted by lazs2
gee nifty... realism is ruining immersion for you?   difficulty makes for immersion?  guess we will never agree.  I also would like to know how you can ever have "parity" with allied vs axis... I think we agree that there is no variety but I simply can't think of any time period in the war where there was parity.

Full RPM and full manifold pressure (not using emergency power mind you) from engine start until landing causing the engine temperature never going over 70 (or 75, can't remember where the yellow region starts on our temp gauges) degrees Celsius is nowhere near realistic.  Even on 30 minute sorties I can run around full RPM full throttle and never even yellow line my engine in Aces High.  That's realism?  So WWII pilots only had to worry about changing their prop pitch and throttles for fuel conservation?  Never to worry about engine temps?  Their WEP cut off automatically when the temp began to redline?  Come on, Lazs, neither AH or WWIIOL are realistic in relation to engine management and engine temperature.  WWIIOL is a helluva lot closer to real life, it's just a faster rate.

To me, parity does not mean equality.  Parity means competitive.  A Spitfire Mk Ia is competitive with a 109E-4.  The 109 is better (armament, engine can take neg G's and is a bit more powerful), but the Spit I competes well with the 109.  WWIIOL doesn't model the early Pac theater, but the A6M2, D3A, and B5N match up well with the F4F, P-40, SBD-3 (not our  -5) and TBD (not TBF/M).  The Zero is as fast, turns better, and climbs better than the Wildcat.  The Wildcat has better armor, better guns, and dives better than the Zero.  That's not equal, but that's competitive.  That's parity in my book.
proud member of the 332nd Flying Mongrels, noses in the wind since 1997.

Offline Kieran

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WW2OL, 2nd Impressions
« Reply #113 on: December 18, 2002, 09:57:05 AM »

Can't disagree the Spitfire is more of a match for the 109, the problem is it is severely limited. That is not a complaint per se because it is correct, but it does tend to make the "gotta be on the winning side" players overwhelmingly choose Axis if they wish to fly.

With regards to armament, there is absolutely no parity in the air.

Offline hardcase

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WW2OL, 2nd Impressions
« Reply #114 on: December 18, 2002, 12:43:46 PM »
in the BEF did the allies have air superiority? New release will allow the allies bring the spit to the mainland and they will be part of the spawn limit to wherever they landed.  If you spent any time in the game at all, playing both sides, you will notice the difference in the style of play. Squads in axis work together and cross talk all the time. Allies are still looking for that teamwork. That is why I fly allied and make sure there are missions to be had. When they work together the allies are a force to contend with. Working together is the hard part for them.

The perception that CRS wants the Axis to win is just in error. Why in the world would a bidness to that. Give me one reason that benefits CRS to do so. Axis has faster tanks, a great dive bomber, top of the line fighter, cannons on their ac. I guess that is one reason axis actually won the BEF. Soon France will be out of the picture with better stuff. They pretty much are out of date in 41.


Offline Apeboy

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I used to like twweaking my machine, wwii cured me of that.
« Reply #115 on: December 18, 2002, 01:48:51 PM »

I gotta give you kudos for your support of wwii, both on the crs boards and here or where ever wwii raises it's head.

Crs has relied upon people like you to provide support for their product which, to date, is not ready for primetime.  Kudos to you, shame on crs.

I used to like tweaking my machine, wwii cured me of that.  It's just too much to ask of customers to one, get roped into a bunch of b.s. at launch,  Two, to continue to deal with the technical problems they do, just look at the boards.  Three, come out with a "Reader's Choice" edition if you don't want the 155 meg patch.  The list goes on and on.  Many of the same problems exist since release unless you, the customer, take a crash course in tweaking.  We're not talking the tweaking 101 or 102 most gamers or familiar with.  On top of that it's a course not even given by the people who make the game!  Look at the last posts of technical assistance given by crs in the tech help forum.    

I really thought during beta when they said they were going gold they had something up their sleeve or they were just kidding.  Nope.  No matter how you slice it wwii is a lemon, you can take it back to the shop as many times as you want, it's still a lemon.

Offline hardcase

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WW2OL, 2nd Impressions
« Reply #116 on: December 18, 2002, 02:03:42 PM »
Many of those early problems that require all the tweaking are gone. If you have the lastest drivers for your video, a vidcard that handles dx8.1,  we usually get ppl in with little hassles. Ppl runing xp, which uses 100+ megs of ram to load, and having say 256 meg, find the playing tough around fights. They also don't know about xp's firewall and cant load at first. Some try to play without the lastest servicec packs for their OS, without mobo drivers. I played for months with an out of date 4n1, added the lastest and my FPS went back to 60-70s+. Some try to update from the 1.o version and it takes forever. They don't know abou the full install at the d/l page.  The tweaking we do now, is based on just getting the machines update to where, if you think about, machines should always be.

CRS does do support. They don't spend to much time on the ww2.hq froums, but they  lurk and post when info is needed. The are very repsonsive,  even when no ones knows they have been. The fixes we do now, as above, are very common and understood

The full install of 1.72 is about 110 megs and is on the d/l page. You can always test out the FM etc offline

That early on desparate tweaking, was just that, desparate.


« Last Edit: December 18, 2002, 02:06:27 PM by hardcase »

Offline zarkov

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WW2OL, 2nd Impressions
« Reply #117 on: December 18, 2002, 02:08:26 PM »
I've mainly just flown (Luftwaffe) and served as a rifleman (French army) in WWIIOL.

Flying is fun but "different" from what I've been accustomed to (WB2.77, WBIII and AH).  The FM seems to share some characteristics with AH - the responsiveness of the planes, especially whilst rolling.  By the way, you CAN get into an irrecoverable spin.  I did that during the 1st week of the game - I flew a 109 up HIGH (don't remember the exact altitude but I think it was around 7000 to 8000 m), trimmed the bird for level flight and then I intentionally stalled the plane - it went into a spin and I couldn't recover before auguring in.

My record as an infantryman has been "mixed" - I've only just started fooling around with the FPS aspect of the game.  I've mainly been sneaking around by myself and fooling around because my squad is somewhat inactive in the game.  However, I've been able to sneak up very close to German tanks and fire my rifle into the vision slats of the commander's cupola.  One time, I snuck up on a German armoured car and a Panzer - one shot from my rifle into the car's ventilation grill brought forth a nice gush of grey smoke and the car turned around 180 degrees and skedaddled.  I then turned my attention to the Panzer (my intention being to fire my rifle into the vision slats and kill the crew)...then I heard the sound of a vehicle coming up behind me, turned around, saw the tricky little armored car (with smoke still billowing out of its damaged engine) come up behind me just before he machine gunned me to death.

So I wouldn't say that infantry is "helpless" against tanks.  The terrain COULD use some more cover but being sneaky and not running STRAIGHT into the battle can yield nice dividends.  However, with that being said, you have to recognize that the infantryman is the MOST vulnerable "unit" in the game - one rifle bullet will pretty much end your sortie right there so EXPECT to die.  It's those moments where you sneak up into a tank's blind spot and start blasting your rifle into the vision slats that make all those deaths worth it.

Offline Kieran

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WW2OL, 2nd Impressions
« Reply #118 on: December 18, 2002, 02:22:14 PM »
If you spent any time in the game at all, playing both sides, you will notice the difference in the style of play.

BTW, I have. Said so maaaaany times before. And I have seen cooperation on both sides as well. If you had spent any time at all making hopeless Blen runs on FBs that took a perfect run to hit (with a Blen) and been repeatedly shot down by the 109s that cruised imperviously nearby, you'd understand why people jump to the Axis. (Note I can assume how you play, too. ;)) I can remember flying countless missions with Turo and Lt, and all we did was hit FBs all night. It can be done, but I can see how people would tire of dying to the stat hounds that couldn't be caught by the all-too-slow Allied cover. Blens roast on one pass, and you know that... or, do you? ;)

Offline lord dolf vader

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WW2OL, 2nd Impressions
« Reply #119 on: December 18, 2002, 02:23:28 PM »
played 7 or so hours and was impressed as hel.

fast responces from getting password.

but still needs work no dout  im still totaly lost as far as how you calibrate the j stick in game this is after reading the documentation twice. i hate to have to learn such a complex system for one game . and voice coms are desperatly needed. or more

but worth 10 bucks a month for a while at least. so i signed up :)

anyone have a hazard script for ww2? i cant find one anywhere thanks for posting the config file staga ill have to read more befor i use it, or do i just paste it to the file you mentioned?

dont want to take chance of porking the game to find out :)

message me as towd anyone my main problem is finding people but its my second day.