Author Topic: Dogs  (Read 2922 times)

Offline Kanth

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« Reply #90 on: January 03, 2003, 09:38:03 PM »
That's my cats water dish that he's sitting in btw. :D
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Offline Kanth

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« Reply #91 on: January 03, 2003, 09:47:44 PM »
The one aboves family =) complete with wierd uncle hehehe
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Offline Kieran

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« Reply #92 on: January 03, 2003, 10:02:03 PM »
True story coming...

When my wife and I were engaged, we purchased a small, four-room bungalow (nice starter house). I lived in it a few months before we were married (to get it ready). My wife decided we needed something to care for, so she got a cat. Now I had to live with this hateful little animal alone, and it had a rather disturbing habit of sleeping on my face- you see, the house was without a furnace, and it was October.

Cat grows, wife and I marry, and it wasn't long before she decided one cat was not enough. So, along comes cat #2.

Cat #1 was a full-grown tom, cat #2 was a frisky little girl. Cat #1 ambles into the living room one fine evening. The house was small, and all rooms were connected in the center with doorways that would let you circle the house in about an 8ft turn. In the living room we had all the furniture moved to the outside walls (to save space), and I had taken my place next to the wood stove.

Anyway, the tom drifts into the room the way toms do- you know, pimping, shoulderblades shifting up and down, a kind of cool, gangbanger shuffle. In a chair just above was the kitten, ears flat, eyes wide, tail twitching. Kitten pounces, and the two wrestle momentarily in the middle of the room. Tom finally gains the upper hand, kitten takes a swipe at the tom's face, breaks free, and runs behind the couch, tom in hot pursuit. They exit the other side of the couch and kitten flees toward the kitchen, running behind the refrigerator.


Tom is far too big to fit behind the 'frig, so he bangs his head hard. In the meantime kitten has escaped, and regained her perch.

Into the living room comes the tom, pimping stride as before, shoulderblades shifting. Kitten is on the chair, ears flat, eyes wide, tail twitching. Kitten pounces, and the two wrestle momentarily in the middle of the room. Tom finally gains the upper hand, kitten takes a swipe at the tom's face, breaks free, and runs behind the couch, tom in hot pursuit. They exit the other side of the couch and kitten flees toward the kitchen, running behind the refrigerator.


Tom is far too big to fit behind the 'frig, so he bangs his head hard. In the meantime kitten has escaped, and regained her perch.

This went on for 15 solid minutes. I am sitting there in amazement, thinking "just how stupid can an animal be?" Finally the tom just drifted into another room. Kitten sat there for another 15 minutes with a "Huh? Where'd he go?!" look on her face.

Time passed, and I figured if the wife could have two cats, I could certainly have one dog. So I got one. What a goofy looking mutt! A cross between a beagle and a boxer, full of energy.

Anyway... dog bound into the room with that retarded puppy gait... high bounce, ears perked. Kitten is on the chair, ears flat, eyes wide, tail twitching. Kitten pounces, and the two wrestle for a second in the middle of the room. Dog seemed to say, "All Right!!", flips the cat onto the floor and pins it. Cat in a panic swats dog's face, dog howls, cat runs for the couch. Dog is close behind, but of course is way too big to fit behind the couch. Kitten exits the other side of the couch and runs for the kitchen. Behind the 'fring again, the dog skids to a stop right at the backside of the 'frig. Kitten makes her way back to the chair.

Dog comes back into the room- not bouncing, but with nose down, sweeping the floor. Kitten is on the chair, ears flat, eyes wide, tail twitching. Kitten pounces, and the two wrestle for a second in the middle of the room. Dog seemed to say, "All Right!!", flips the cat onto the floor and pins it. Cat in a panic swats dog's face, dog howls, cat runs for the couch. Kitten exits the other side of the couch and is horrified to meet the dog waiting for her.

That's just one story.

Offline StSanta

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« Reply #93 on: January 04, 2003, 08:27:30 AM »
ROFL Kieran :D :D

Man, I can see that happening before my eyes :D.

I like cats, but I like dogs more. Can't really have a dog here though. Am thinking about a cat though. I just hate worrying about whether it'll get run over every time it goes out.

Offline Skuzzy

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« Reply #94 on: January 04, 2003, 09:12:52 AM »
Hehe's one back at ya.

Our kitchen floor is tile and pretty slick.  We have a cooktop island in there.

(The following used to happen about twice a week)

The dog is laying on the kitchen floor and the cat comes in and swats the dog's tail.

The dog gets up and proceeds to chase the cat.  The cat runs around the island, about 3 times while the dog is in hot pursuit.  Then the cat jumps up on the island and sits and watches the dog run around the island, until the dog gets dizzy/tired and crashes in the middle of the kitchen floor.
The cat jumps down on the floor, walks by the dog, stops, looks over at the dog, then turns her head away and walks off.

They did this routine for years.  Dang mutt never did figure it out.
Roy "Skuzzy" Neese

Offline Curval

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« Reply #95 on: January 04, 2003, 09:30:50 AM »
Kanth and Krazyhorse..

Be careful..some of these guys around here reached for their guns when they saw those pics.
Some will fall in love with life and drink it from a fountain that is pouring like an avalanche coming down the mountain

Offline janneh

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« Reply #96 on: January 04, 2003, 10:00:35 AM »
Originally posted by StSanta

Cute, eh?


Sure is!
Labs are very beatiful and has good nature. Ppl seems to very often think wrongly about labs, they indeed grow to very big and muscular, they easily pulls 80kg men to the direction they want to go :)
My Nova Scotian Duck Retriver (Nova) weights about 22kg of pure muscles and my wife has some troubles with him. Labs weights about 30 -35kg's I suppose? Lots of more power.  Male Nova Scotians are known of their obstinacy and my dog sure is perfect example of it. Good luck with your great dog Santa! :)

Offline Kieran

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« Reply #97 on: January 04, 2003, 10:02:10 AM »
Ok, another true story...

Daughter #1 starts pining for a new pet... we'd never been able to keep a dog for long for a variety of reasons, and we needed something low maintenance. A cat seemed perfect, so, as it is never difficult to find a free kitten, we soon had a black-and-white ball of fur living with us.

And what a playful ball of fur it was! Zipping in and out of the garage, teasing the older cat (which BTW is cat #2 from the previous story), generally making a nuisance of herself. Awwww.

I came home one fine afternoon to see my daughter sitting on the basement couch, the ball of fur lying quietly on a towel spread across her lap, my daughter crying her eyes out. The wife pulls me aside and says, "I think you're going to have to put it down. I was putting down the garage door, and it landed on the kitten's head."

Oh joy! In its short time with us I had already grown to loathe the thing, but my daughter WAS genuinely upset, and I was stricken with mercy, so I replied, "Listen, if I'd dropped a garage door on your head, you would lay still, too. Let's give it a day or two and let's see what happens."

Sure enough, the kitten gets up a day later, and though a bit more skittish about the door, appears none the worse for the wear.

A few days later, I enter the basement to see my sobbing daughter, kitten lying on a towel spread across her lap. My wife once again pulls me aside and says, "I think this is really it. I was backing out of the garage, and I ran over the cat."

Yikes! "Well," says I, "it came out of it the first time, so let's wait again." Sure enough, a day or two later it did get up. Two down, seven to go.

Time passed, winter came, and I had to go into town one snowy night. The way my driveway works, I must climb a hill, then make a sharp 90 degree turn left and climb some more. I had a Ford ZX2, great little cars but horrible on snow. I knew I had to hit my tracks perfectly on the drive or I was going to be shoveling it out- and I didn't feel in the mood to shovel. I must say, I lined up the run perfectly, perfect speed, turned at just the right moment, and I have enough smash to get me into the garage without spinning a tire... ahhhhh......

But wait... what's that? Something is wandering into the tire tracks ahead of me... something black and white. It's... it's sitting in the tire tracks! I watched as the idiot cat totally ignored the car coming directly at her. The headlights grew bright in her face as she began licking her paw to wash herself.

At this point I did what I had to do. I whispered a soft "So long!" and bored on ahead. Yup, two soft thumps later I realized she was a champion chicken player. I get the car in the garage and I immediately felt the pangs of regret. Above me was my family eating supper, and I was going to have to go tell my kids the bad news. I turned back out into the driveway to retrieve the body... but wait, no body! Better than that, no blood! How could this be, I know I hit it!? I backtracked to the cat's footprints, and was shocked at what I saw.

There, in the tire track, was the perfect cat snow angel!

Apparently the snow was deep enough to cushion the impact, and the cat was pushed rather harshly into it. Could it have lived? I looked around for the body, and near a basement window I found her. She was licking the snow off of herself, and had a disgusted look, but was otherwise fine. Three down.

Spring came, and one day I came home to see my daughter standing at the end of the driveway, crying. She was looking up, so I am wondering what could be up there that had her upset. I parked the car, walked down the drive and put my hand on her shoulder. Casting my eyes upward I see it... the kitten, about 40 feet up in a tree. It's far too high and far too far out on a limb for me to even think about climbing up to get. The cat was staying until the cat decided to come down, simple as that.

Well, this is the moment I had waited for all my parent life. After sharing a quiet moment I said to my daughter, "Don't worry, sweetie. Ever see cat bones in a tree?"

The cat stayed in the tree all that day and night. The next day when I came home, yup, she's still there. I decide to try parking my van under the tree (in traffic!) and standing on the roof. I was reaching up with a tree pruner, but it was too far to reach. What I did next was the only reasonable thing to do- I went and got my BB gun.

I'm a pretty fair shot, and since I was only pumping it up once, I figure I could make some noise on the branch and scare her back. I was popping the branch in front of her. Nope. Well, maybe if I pop her butt a few times she might get uncomfortable. Nope. Well, maybe if I peck at her front paws she might back down. This actually almost worked. I alternately stung one paw, then another. She'd lift the paw and shake it, then I'd hit the other. She scowled at me and growled, but it became clear I wasn't going to persuade her to come down that way. She'd have to do it herself.

That afternoon, it stormed. It probably rained an inch in an hour, the cat stubbornly clinched to the limb. Oh well, I had been concerned she might dehydrate.

When I came home from work the next day, the kitten was in the garage, nose skinned up a little, but otherwise fine. The little retard has had other adventures since then, but this is already too long.
« Last Edit: January 04, 2003, 11:51:10 AM by Kieran »

Offline Skuzzy

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« Reply #98 on: January 04, 2003, 10:39:53 AM »
I get the feeling you and I could go at this for a bit Keiran.

I think it safe to say, animals, be they dog or cat, are just as inconsistent in intelligence as people are.
Roy "Skuzzy" Neese

Offline Soviet

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« Reply #99 on: January 04, 2003, 11:07:26 AM »
Here's my girl Sasha when she was just a pup (got her around thanksgiving time).  This is the picture the breeder sent me of her at around 6 or 7 weeks old.  She's about 14 weeks old now.  She's a Siberian Husky btw :)

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« Reply #100 on: January 04, 2003, 11:46:14 AM »
Oh btw.  Right now I own 3 dogs.  I have Sasha the Siberian Husky(she's 14 weeks as I said), Buddy who's a Yellow Lab (5 years old, very loyal breed), and Skittles who's a maltese (10 years old).  It's funny watching them, they have like their own little mini-pack.  I let em out in the backyard and they try to hunt squirrels or whatever wild animals are out there together as a pack, of course they never really catch anything except sometimes a stick or something :D

I'm gonna post pictures of them when I get a digital camera soon.

Offline Kieran

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« Reply #101 on: January 04, 2003, 11:52:04 AM »
Not meant as a "backatcha" Skuzzy, just one of many amusing experiences with cats. :D

Offline krazyhorse

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« Reply #102 on: January 04, 2003, 02:47:00 PM »
i love these cat n dog stories  ..very entertaining reading thank yall:)

Offline Kanth

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« Reply #103 on: January 04, 2003, 03:20:17 PM »
still waiting for the great dane kitty cat pictures :D

btw that siberian husky is beautiful!!
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Offline Hawklore

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« Reply #104 on: January 04, 2003, 11:49:08 PM »
Ok.. ever heard of a dog call 911 for his/her own life? on MAX X there was a cat that was choking..being strangled by his flea coller and called 911....

Thats amazing..a deputy came out and rescued ihim.
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