Author Topic: Observation: Changes in MA style in the last month or so..  (Read 3022 times)

Offline lazs2

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Observation: Changes in MA style in the last month or so..
« Reply #60 on: January 07, 2003, 01:54:55 PM »
jakal... I got no problem with base defense but when a few suicide guys come in and pork the fuel or fh's and for two fields back and then mob the forward field with 20 guys... that isn't a fite.   There is no fite involved... you may be stupid enough to up with 25% fuel to try and take on 5 v 1 odds but that is merely frustrating to me..    

I don't like to be on the other end of that either... I don't like to be involved in a huge raid where there are 5 v 1 odds in my favor.  

certainly.... large fights between fields are pointless..... not at all full of the entire meaning of life and the universe that this game can be when field capture or even..... holy of holies.... perhaps "winning the war" and making life safe for our families and countries and gaining those all important 25 perkie points...

I don't care about score or perkies (I got more than 8 thousand of em and I'll sell em for a penny a piece)   I don't care who wins the friggin war and I don't enjoy fighting buildings or Ai.   I like to play against other humans in the fairest and largest fights possible.  

I just think that the lack of talent required to suicide a base is out of proportion to the effect it has on gameplay.   certainly you can see thbat much even if you don't agree on what is good gameplay?   You shouldn't have much affect if you don't have any skills.

Offline MWHUN

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Observation: Changes in MA style in the last month or so..
« Reply #61 on: January 07, 2003, 02:29:38 PM »
The sad part, and I hate to point fingers, is that for the most part it is the same old pilots and squads that refined the pork and auger to an art form in AW that are doing it in here as well.  Heck most of them still do it in there pork stangs and still lack any combat skill other than dive to the deck drop and auger and heaven forbid if they survive the 1st pass their 1st instinct is to roll back into the filed and "vulch" a fighter in the ack.  

A sad statement on their skill level…

Offline Jackal1

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Observation: Changes in MA style in the last month or so..
« Reply #62 on: January 07, 2003, 04:37:10 PM »
Originally posted by lazs2
jakal... I got no problem with base defense but when a few suicide guys come in and pork the fuel or fh's and for two fields back and then mob the forward field with 20 guys... that isn't a fite.   There is no fite involved... you may be stupid enough to up with 25% fuel to try and take on 5 v 1 odds but that is merely frustrating to me..    

I don't like to be on the other end of that either... I don't like to be involved in a huge raid where there are 5 v 1 odds in my favor.  

certainly.... large fights between fields are pointless..... not at all full of the entire meaning of life and the universe that this game can be when field capture or even..... holy of holies.... perhaps "winning the war" and making life safe for our families and countries and gaining those all important 25 perkie points...

I don't care about score or perkies (I got more than 8 thousand of em and I'll sell em for a penny a piece)   I don't care who wins the friggin war and I don't enjoy fighting buildings or Ai.   I like to play against other humans in the fairest and largest fights possible.  

I just think that the lack of talent required to suicide a base is out of proportion to the effect it has on gameplay.   certainly you can see thbat much even if you don't agree on what is good gameplay?   You shouldn't have much affect if you don't have any skills.

  The Skilled attack pilots are what`s bothering you.:D  They just won`t quit destroying strat and takin bases no matter how much you yelp and whine. Anyone as skilless as you are saying has neither a postive affect or a negative affect. Perks certainly don`t enter the picture for the strat player. lol  You say you don`t care who wins the war. Bases gettin porked don`t affect you then. Guess what? Some of do care who wins the war. I personaly think if i had to up over and over to furball and rtb or get shot down would bore me to death. If that`s what you enjoy then I`m proud for you. You said it all in your last line. Read it. You certainly don`t have any affect on the objective of the game with all your self defined skills. You neither deter or support it in anyway.  If you don`t won`t your bases porked learn a little SA, like actualy planning in advance for defense, until then avoid them. The next map will have bases for you to launch from.
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Offline poopster

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Observation: Changes in MA style in the last month or so..
« Reply #63 on: January 07, 2003, 10:23:20 PM »

LOL Jackle, I've been flyin with Laz awhile. I don't think I've EVER seen him over 2500 feet AGL :D

Won't go into the merits of a "good" fight because obviously you subscribe to the greater good, the war..

Some of us simpletons take great pleasure in the "fight" itself. The TOTAL object of playing is the "fight".  

Just happens to be a requirement for these hidden little jewels where they are found is an even-up altercation. The more the merrier. Might be a sign of old age though, we been pluggin away for a good deal of years.

No need to get your cornflakes soggy. There is MORE than enough that fits your "brand" of fun. More every day. Relish in it, enjoy it.

We just have to search harder for our cornflakes. Hence the post in the first place. And a few of nights of not finding a good even-up constricts our collective codpiece...

What I found interesting within all these posts is that DrDrea was the ONLY one that I think nailed the reason for the change.

The bonus cash for top dawgs couldnt POSSABLY be causing people to move in droves more worried about staying alive and scoreing than helping out now could it?

That was the purpose of the post, that's my view. Surprising only one person subscribed to it.

As far as the war ?? Jeez I hope you win it over and over and over again.

Strange....sorta like a furball don't you think ??

Tan buildings and hangers can be an absolute blast shooting....

Shooting at inanimate objects is topshelf for fun. I enjoy shooting at planes too, when the odds are 3 or 4 to one. AND THEY'RE TAKING OFF :D

Just can't get enough of that..

What a blast !!

« Last Edit: January 07, 2003, 11:00:40 PM by poopster »

Offline DrDea/Kvorkian

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Observation: Changes in MA style in the last month or so..
« Reply #64 on: January 07, 2003, 11:02:06 PM »
Awww shucks.Thats Dr     DEA kinda an AW abriviated DrDeath due to the 5 char CPID restrictions  but yea,I flew MA since  Jan 1999 and dropped out a few months ago.Ive noted several changes in the main but I got out when the bonus thing started so I never saw the effect.Judging by the tone of the posts lately thats the only thing I could come up with.Shame to kinda screw the game that way.It totally kills the concept of teamwork to a degree but I was a furballer too.Just didnt follow the masses or worry about the return trip home all the time.I fought till the bitter or sweet end.

Offline Jackal1

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« Reply #65 on: January 08, 2003, 04:47:43 AM »
AWWw dangit poopster and Drdea, dangit why`d you have to go do that and spoil my fun?:D  I`m gonna e-mail HT and see if he will perk peeps like you in the message boards. You know the kind, the ones who know what their talkin a bout. lol
 I don`t get into these banter wars as a rule. I was takin a couple days break from the game when I saw Laz`s post in the "concerning suicide attacks" thread. I wanted to see how stirred up I could get him with a little of the old bait and switch routine. I have laughed so much I`m sore. Check out the other thread and you will notice I told him I was baiting. One thing you can say about him, he`s not timid in voicing an opinion.:D  Poopster I am a little worried about the 2500 agl statement thouhgh. Maybe it is the age. If you would like I`ll grab my cane and drive you down to the optical clinic.:D  I aint no spring chicken either. lol I have saw Laz fly for a while too, he`s a damn good pilot. All I`d like to ask of him is to remember that some are new to the Combat Sim scene. We all had to learn by mistakes. I know because the little skill I have aquired came very slow with a long, long ways to go. AW sounds familiar to me too. Nothing like uppin at TWI, heading across the pond to Mog for the never ending battle. It was great. The frequent explosions you saw there was me in me trusty Stang, and I do mean frequent.:D
Jackal1 <--------- JacL in Aw.:rolleyes:
  In all seriousness though poopster, as you say "my brand of fun" is actualy doing it all, maybe poorly, but lots of fun. We all get aggravated at what others idea of how it should be done from time to time. My true opinion is that that`s what makes the game tick. If we all had the same views and goals in the game it wouldn`t last long. Some of the changes in the game I haven`t agreed with at all, but I`m about to begin to think there`s a chance HT knows exactly what he`s doing , no matter how much we tell him differently. ;)
 One thing i know for sure is there is nothing out there that even comes close to AH and it sounds like it will only get better. The dedicated players in this combat sim as the ones in that preceded it is what makes it great. Some of us been doing it for a spell and some are just now getting hooked, and I do mean hooked. Poopster, DrDEa, Laz and all the rest of us sim junkies, I salute you. Let`s all pitch in and do something constructive , like amybe buying RaUmL a new dress. That pink one is getting old.:D
Democracy is two wolves deciding on what to eat. Freedom is a well armed sheep protesting the vote.

Offline lazs2

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Observation: Changes in MA style in the last month or so..
« Reply #66 on: January 08, 2003, 08:04:21 AM »
Well... glad you got a laugh out of it in any case.   That's allmost as much fun as a good fite.

I gotta say this tho... I am at best mediocre.  I would be even worse tho if I started out in this game by playing it safe.   I would be even worse than that if I used the excuse of "winning the war" to justify building battling.

If you want to get decent you gotta pay the dues.   You can pay em fast and get it over with or you can drag it out and maybe never aquire any air to air skills.   Even dieing well beats building battleing

heck... even someone of my limited talent kills a couple and RTB's in a fight once in a blue moon.

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Offline popeye

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Observation: Changes in MA style in the last month or so..
« Reply #67 on: January 08, 2003, 08:15:19 AM »
Time for Fighter Town?

We already have an arena with a complex strat system for those who like it, why not an arena for those who only want to furball, and resent any interference with "their brand of fun".

Where is Major Kong?!?

Offline Shane

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Observation: Changes in MA style in the last month or so..
« Reply #68 on: January 08, 2003, 08:29:51 AM »
Originally posted by popeye
Time for Fighter Town?

We already have an arena with a complex strat system for those who like it, why not an arena for those who only want to furball, and resent any interference with "their brand of fun".

There exists an arena (or 2 depending on ho wyou look at it) kind of already for this express purpose.

Before you snicker when I mention the DA  - have you ever gone in? Have you ever zoomed the map out and noticed there is indeed a FFA (FT) area on the east side?  Admittedly the 3 bases could use being a little closer together, but...  it's there.

Hell you could even go with 2 sides and use some of the various bases elsewhere on the map.

There's also CT which kind of functions like a FT in that there's usually an almost endless furball between the 2 closest bases or 4.  The only draw back is the limited matchups, but these get changed weekly - more often than some MAers undies.  :D

Then there are also various H2H arenas - some setup with 100% MA-default settings - that also serve as FT's of sorts.

The only thing missing from all 3 of the above?  People. CT is often under used, even by those who clamor for "rolling/historical" planesets - why? I mean The CT enjoys a variety of decent maps with the same gameplay options as MA, including being a hamstard if one wants to be. There are also maps that come along with unique skins for the planes. Some are damn fine pieces of work, both maps and skins.

DA is a ghost town for the most part. The FFA is almost never used. why?  because no one is *there* and sheep prefer to go where other sheep are. So do the wolves.

H2H can be full and hard to get into with the 8-player limit for those "good" hosts.

I dunno... this very same situation existed in AW, and in all probility WB and FA for all i know.  It's all about the # of people.  You come up with a workable solution and you'll be enshrined into the pantheon of Flight Sim cods.
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Offline DrDea/Kvorkian

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Observation: Changes in MA style in the last month or so..
« Reply #69 on: January 08, 2003, 09:15:20 AM »
I think alot of it breaks down to a quake mentality.Rape pillage and burn.When AW was started in the AOL sector there was not as much of that.Then it started catching on more as the game progressed.Could it be related more to the type of Quake style games produced since then that promote blow it all to hell style?Possably.Im 41 myself so Im really more into the dogfighting at this point.A good old 1 on 1 or even 2 on 1 suits me fine.Perhaps our new blood is stuck in the "quake"rut.Who knows

Offline wetrat

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« Reply #70 on: January 08, 2003, 09:32:40 AM »
Originally posted by poopster
Perfect example. Wetrat then the question I have is..

Is it more fun ???

And if so why ??

Hell no, it's not more fun. I'd much rather go and furball and 1v3 in a G10.. and I would if I were rewarded by it. This tour I'm trying to get #1 for the $100... so I need to fly like a panzy.. and if I feel like fighting, I'll take an LA7 just for safe measure.. lol.
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Offline maxtor

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Observation: Changes in MA style in the last month or so..
« Reply #71 on: January 08, 2003, 09:36:15 AM »
Originally posted by Shane
It's all about the # of people.  You come up with a workable solution and you'll be enshrined into the pantheon of Flight Sim cods.

Only place I have ever seen more than one well populated arena was Air Warrior.  They only allowed a couple hundred in a arena, when one was full you had to go to the next.  I know it was done for hardware/connection reasons - but I am not at all convinced HTC doesn't often have the same issues.

The "old" maps were designed for a smaller number anyway. seems like we have the numbers to support more than one main arena, but it would still have to be an MA setup.

I feel people don't go to those other places simply because they are not interested and don't want to.

Offline Vulcan

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Observation: Changes in MA style in the last month or so..
« Reply #72 on: January 08, 2003, 05:28:42 PM »
To me its simple:

I say hey suicide porking runs are ruining the game.

They say hey its a strategic move to capture fields.

Fine I say, part of a strategic environment is attrition. If you die how about losing some of your forward planes.

They say hey we want to fly what we want when want.

I say so what happened to 'strategy'.

Offline guttboy

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Observation: Changes in MA style in the last month or so..
« Reply #73 on: January 09, 2003, 12:16:00 AM »
Hey Vulcan....

I was on one of those, as someone put it, PORKSTANG runs just yesterday......

Hmmmmm  didn't mosey that plane over and shoot you down?

Maybe some of us live on those jabo runs.....LOL

All in good fun!


Can I do that?:D

Offline Puke

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Observation: Changes in MA style in the last month or so..
« Reply #74 on: January 09, 2003, 02:39:12 AM »
At the base of it, the reason for military aircraft is to blow things up on the ground.  It's a big part of military aircraft history and I can see how a great many would enjoy that aspect in here.  I'm not a big WW2 buff, but if we had a 'nam sim I'd love to take an A-4 and attack a few bridges and dodge a few SAMs myself.  

As far as this new reward for high rank impacting the style of play in the MA, I don't think it has any noticeable effect on the play in the MA at all.  I would venture a guess and say that really only a small handful of people have a chance at it anyway and for the rest of us it's just business as usual.