Author Topic: <S> Americans  (Read 3608 times)

Offline Dowding

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« Reply #45 on: February 04, 2003, 04:42:45 PM »
It would be cool to meet the people I've argued with over the last couple of years. I'd never used a BBS before I came to AH - I'd barely used the internet. It's been an interesting experience.

There's no way you can form a balanced opinion on someone just reading these boards. Unfortunately, I tend to do just that, and then one post leads to another and pretty soon I've said something pretty stupid and started getting aggressive.

I'm a big Jack Daniels drinker Hangtime, BTW. Maybe one day I could get over to an AH con and drink the old timers around here under the table. Well... okay, I could give it a damned good go anyways. ;)

I don't really have any hard feelings towards anybody - not even Grunherz, and he called me a 'f***ing communist studmuffingot'. :D
War! Never been so much fun. War! Never been so much fun! Go to your brother, Kill him with your gun, Leave him lying in his uniform, Dying in the sun.

Offline Dowding

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« Reply #46 on: February 04, 2003, 04:44:07 PM »
Humanity can either conquer space together, or they can ride on the backs of the Russians and Americans... what's it gonna be?

I'd like to see Europe, China, Russia and the US going into space together. It seems like such a distant prospect however.
War! Never been so much fun. War! Never been so much fun! Go to your brother, Kill him with your gun, Leave him lying in his uniform, Dying in the sun.

Offline AKS\/\/ulfe

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« Reply #47 on: February 04, 2003, 04:52:21 PM »
I'd like all nations to join together scientifically and monetarily to form an International Space Program... it sickens me to think how far in space we would be today, but only if the Cold War had continued until today.

It's sad that the only REAL driving force to get into space and keep pushing the boundaries was the threat of a nuclear winter.

Offline Rude

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« Reply #48 on: February 04, 2003, 04:59:58 PM »

I love you man!:D

Tell ya what....I wish I was as hopeful as you are about many things...I may be old, but I remember being passionate about many days I'm only passionate about my family...perhaps if I were more passionate towards my faith, I wouldn't open my big mouth as often. :)

and Hang...a vision of you in a diaper with a very small bow and arrow has left me with but one choice of action...I'm goin home!


Offline Hangtime

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« Reply #49 on: February 04, 2003, 06:42:34 PM »
I'm a big Jack Daniels drinker Hangtime, BTW. Maybe one day I could get over to an AH con and drink the old timers around here under the table. Well... okay, I could give it a damned good go anyways.  

I gave up drinkin hard and fast.. I'm a mean drunk. ;)

All is not lost tho... there are other methods. :D

Rude, after that intresting word painting, I may take up drinkin again. Just to get the taste outta my mouth. And thats not a diaper. Its a dependz.
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Offline TWOLF

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« Reply #50 on: February 04, 2003, 06:45:23 PM »
Well gentlemen, it seems this very well intentioned thread has been Hijacked by some Neysayers from both sides of the fence.  Let’s clear up a few things shall we?

First.  The U.S. is the World in its composition of people.  The NASA space program is part of that.  This is a Human project, not an American Project.

Second, unless you are a Certified descendent of American Natives (less then 5% of the population of the U.S.) Then you are not an American.  You are a U.S. Citizen.  If your looking in the mirror and a White, Black, Yellow, or a Brown face is looking back then you are a European 70% of all U.S. Citizens (White) 20% African (Black) and 15+% from Asia, and the Middle East.  +/- 5% is pretty accurate.  Look it up.
I don’t care if you got off the boat 5 minutes ago, or 500 years ago your still NOT an American.  Your blood is as European, African, Asian, or what ever as the folks that are born on those continents.  
That goes for the “Euro’s” too.  Stop acting like children!
WE ARE ALL THE SAME, WE ARE ALL HUMAN.  There are bigger things in life then He said she said.   Seven Amazing lives passed from us on Saturday, from Europe, Asia, and Africa.  All seven Human.  All seven working toward a Human goal.  The quest for space.

Offline Kelly[KGN]

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« Reply #51 on: February 04, 2003, 06:52:50 PM »

Offline Hangtime

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« Reply #52 on: February 04, 2003, 06:56:11 PM »
So at the risk of becoming "the rest of the night was spent holding Kimberly"-material....

I knew we'd get there.

Hail, Swami Hortland!!

The price of Freedom is the willingness to do sudden battle, anywhere, any time and with utter recklessness... home, or abroad.

Offline midnight Target

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« Reply #53 on: February 04, 2003, 07:00:17 PM »
My God!!

I step away for one day and Hang gets all kissy face.....

Offline Hangtime

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« Reply #54 on: February 04, 2003, 07:20:56 PM »
hehehehhe... better living through chemicals.
The price of Freedom is the willingness to do sudden battle, anywhere, any time and with utter recklessness... home, or abroad.

Offline Sandman

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« Reply #55 on: February 04, 2003, 07:57:58 PM »
Originally posted by midnight Target
Well written Steve. I feel no need to argue with you... weird feeling.

and thank you.

Gimme an H!
Gimme an O!
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Gimme a L!
Gimme a U!
Gimme an N!
Gimme a D!

Offline Hangtime

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« Reply #56 on: February 04, 2003, 08:04:07 PM »
Hey.. is that an anchovie or yah just here for the pizza?

'G'.. the carnage on these boards can be ferocious at times. Ok, most of the time., but ain't no bad folks hereabouts.. just bad opinions. ;)

In time you may come to discover that the AH BBS natives will at least give yer dismembered carcass a decent burial after they rip your heart out and eat it.

The price of Freedom is the willingness to do sudden battle, anywhere, any time and with utter recklessness... home, or abroad.

Offline TWOLF

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« Reply #57 on: February 04, 2003, 09:16:38 PM »
Originally posted by GScholz
LOL! *dons flak-jacket and join in the group hug* :)


Offline StSanta

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« Reply #58 on: February 05, 2003, 07:17:32 AM »
Hortlund, if I've come across as an angry stunninghunk, it's probably because I get inflamed by posts here.

There is too much one sidedness admiration. I don't mind critique on Europe - there is a hell of a lot to comment on here. The same is true for the US - many things are questionable there.

The thing is, one needs to be open about the world. That includes ones own part of it. I see lots of and 'great post' when admiration is expressed, yet when it is about serious concern, you're either met by a wall os silence or derisive comments and red herrings.

To use Bushs words - 'let there be no mistake' - the US has, like Europe, plenty of things that ain't right. it has many good things, as has Europe. We need not to be cheerleaders or country bashers but objective human beings.

Your post comes after a long line of patriotic posts about America, and after a string of abusive posts about the rest of the world. It's getting one sided and we're losing our collective objectivity, if we ever had one.

My sucking up comments was a reflection of how I've seen you develop through your interaction with Americans on this board. In the start, you were more critical and objective. Now, you use stronger and stronger words, often with emotional content, to argue about something that is best seen in an objective light. And decidedly from a pro American position.

Nothing wrong with being pro American or pro whatever, as long as one is objective. MY feeling is jsut that you're losing your objectivity, wanting to replace it with a feeeling of being 'one in the popular gang'.

You got a good mind, that's what so annoying about it. You don't NEED a black and white world. Yer mind can handle shades of grey. Most people are unable to handle grayness, and for almost everyone, black and white is more comfortable. But it ain't accurate.

No qualms with you personally. Just don't like to see you as a cheerleader. And I call it as I see it, even if it ain't very dimplomatic.

Offline Animal

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« Reply #59 on: February 05, 2003, 07:23:20 AM »
Originally posted by StSanta
Hortlund, if I've come across as an angry stunninghunk, it's probably because I get inflamed by posts here.

There is too much one sidedness admiration. I don't mind critique on Europe - there is a hell of a lot to comment on here. The same is true for the US - many things are questionable there.

The thing is, one needs to be open about the world. That includes ones own part of it. I see lots of and 'great post' when admiration is expressed, yet when it is about serious concern, you're either met by a wall os silence or derisive comments and red herrings.

To use Bushs words - 'let there be no mistake' - the US has, like Europe, plenty of things that ain't right. it has many good things, as has Europe. We need not to be cheerleaders or country bashers but objective human beings.

Your post comes after a long line of patriotic posts about America, and after a string of abusive posts about the rest of the world. It's getting one sided and we're losing our collective objectivity, if we ever had one.

My sucking up comments was a reflection of how I've seen you develop through your interaction with Americans on this board. In the start, you were more critical and objective. Now, you use stronger and stronger words, often with emotional content, to argue about something that is best seen in an objective light. And decidedly from a pro American position.

Nothing wrong with being pro American or pro whatever, as long as one is objective. MY feeling is jsut that you're losing your objectivity, wanting to replace it with a feeeling of being 'one in the popular gang'.

You got a good mind, that's what so annoying about it. You don't NEED a black and white world. Yer mind can handle shades of grey. Most people are unable to handle grayness, and for almost everyone, black and white is more comfortable. But it ain't accurate.

No qualms with you personally. Just don't like to see you as a cheerleader. And I call it as I see it, even if it ain't very dimplomatic.

Traitor! We saved your bellybutton during WWII!!! :mad:
And we visit Europe to see all the graves of our soldiers :(