Author Topic: Slaughter at the Bridge of Death  (Read 4023 times)

Offline blitz

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Slaughter at the Bridge of Death
« Reply #75 on: April 02, 2003, 03:33:23 PM »
Originally posted by Wlfgng
of course you would

very narrow view

Halliday: Well, the fact is I don't think they do
dispute it, they simply put a political spin on it
because they don't like the truth. We've seen
Madeleine Albright on Television in this country
announcing that the deaths of 500 000 children were
worth it, in terms of containing President Saddam
It's just a very uncomfortable feeling, and they know
it's true, they just can't accept it politically

Regards Blitz

America was threatened by Iraq in no way, it was just plain ridiculous-It's an 'Aggression War'

When will Vietnam people finally get an apology?

Offline blitz

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Slaughter at the Bridge of Death
« Reply #76 on: April 02, 2003, 03:42:36 PM »
Originally posted by blitz
I would say the insane embargo killed the babies in the first place .

September 20, 1999

U.N. Official in Iraq Calls for Lifting of Sanctions

AGHDAD, Iraq -- Weighing in on renewed discussions among Western powers on Iraq, the senior United Nations official here called on Sunday for an immediate and unconditional lifting of many sanctions that would open the way to bigger flows of food, medicine and most other Iraqi imports.

The official, Hans von Sponek, said a dispute over plans to revive international weapons inspections in Iraq now posed increasing risks to the social fabric in a country that has already borne more than nine years of United Nations sanctions.

"Don't play the battle on the backs of the civilian population by letting them wait until the more complex issues are resolved," Sponek, a German who is the United Nations Humanitarian Coordinator for Iraq, said in an interview here.

Sponek and his predecessor, Denis Halliday, have long tried to turn international attention toward the suffering of ordinary Iraqis, even as the United States and Britain have focused on the intransigence of the Iraqi Government, and blamed that Government for the travails of its citizens.

But Sunday, on the eve of expected talks about Iraq at the United Nations, Sponek spoke in unusually impassioned terms about what he called the dangers of "using the human shield" in hopes of coaxing Iraqi concessions on arms issues.

"Please remove the humanitarian discussions from the rest in order to really end a silent human tragedy," Sponek said.

The remarks seemed intended at least in part as a reply to a State Department report issued last week that held the Iraqi leader, Saddam Hussein, wholly accountable for the suffering of his people.

The talks at the United Nations, among the five permanent members of the Security Council, are intended to seek agreement on a plan that would ease sanctions on Iraq in exchange for Baghdad's submission to a new system of weapons inspections to replace one that collapsed late last year.

The collapse was caused by bitter disputes between Iraq and the United Nations over access to suspected weapons sites, and it was followed last December by four days of heavy punitive air strikes by the United States and Britain. Air strikes that the Iraqi Government says have killed nearly 200 people have continued sporadically in the nearly 10 months since.

In that time, members of the Security Council have been unable to agree even among themselves over how any new system should function and on what terms it should be introduced. And throughout, the Baghdad Government has turned a deaf ear to all proposals, insisting instead that the time has come to lift all of the United Nations sanctions, which have been in force since the Persian Gulf war of 1991.

The stalemate has left a United Nations special monitoring commission known as Unscom unable to carry out its work. Reviled by the Iraqi Government for its intrusive methods, the commission is now paying the price -- in Baghdad, its headquarters within a United Nations compound remain padlocked and shuttered.

France, Russia and China, among the five permanent Security Council members, have been sympathetic to Iraq's contention that its Government has essentially carried out its obligations to the weapons inspectors. Those Governments now appear to support a plan that would allow an immediate end to the sanctions in return for Iraq's agreement to a new and less intrusive system of weapons inspection.

But the United States and Britain, which believe that Iraq may still be concealing an illicit weapons program, have argued for tougher terms. Together with the Netherlands, Britain has called for a plan that would allow only a moderate easing of the sanctions -- and only after a test period of several months that would be intended to gauge Iraq's cooperation with a new inspection regime.

The United States is seen as likely to support such an approach, but so far it is still opposed by the other three Council members. Senior officials from the five countries, who met in London last week, have reported progress toward a deal, but they also have cautioned that an agreement might not be possible.

Sponek, the United Nations representative here, has responsibility only for humanitarian issues, and not the arms inspections. But even among those who disagree about weapons inspection, he noted, there is a consensus that ordinary Iraqis have suffered under the embargo; all, he argued, should move now to halt what he called their "continuing deprivation."

Pointing to increases in crime, including prostitution, and the deteriorating quality of education, Sponek said he believed that Iraq should be given broad latitude to import any goods that did not also have military use.

Regards Blitz

America was threatened by Iraq in no way, it was just plain ridiculous.

When will Vietnam people finally get an apology?  

2 million killed, 3 million wounded, what for?

Offline Wilfrid

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Slaughter at the Bridge of Death
« Reply #77 on: April 02, 2003, 03:54:09 PM »
Yeager - "The Raq" ??!?!

Offline BGBMAW

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Slaughter at the Bridge of Death
« Reply #78 on: April 02, 2003, 04:15:41 PM »

Do you fly under the name Blitz?

Can anyones tell me what this guy flys under..or does he?

type .join ###

 edited heavily###########################################################################################..

Blutz you are a moron..Why arent you with the other human shields...*****


Offline BGBMAW

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Slaughter at the Bridge of Death
« Reply #79 on: April 02, 2003, 04:25:30 PM »
France, Russia and China, among the five permanent Security Council members, have been sympathetic to Iraq's contention that its Government has essentially carried out its obligations to the weapons inspectors. Those Governments now appear to support a plan that would allow an immediate end to the sanctions in return for Iraq's agreement to a new and less intrusive system of weapons inspection.

Essentially??!!!!   Less intrusive?!!!

WHY dont you tell me what you think these words mean ??

AND Tell me why you think that the UN should not hold IRaq fror what the UN DEMANDED in 1441..COMPLETE DISCLosure!!! No stupid  sht about..well you cant go there..and blah blah...and oh..those missles go to far ..oops..

Not ESSEntially..and not "less intrusive"..

 Do you know what these words mean even?

Offline Wlfgng

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« Reply #80 on: April 02, 2003, 05:04:39 PM »
didn't bother to read it.
if you can't say it concisely, you can't say it

any one can cut and past a thousand words... what's your point?

Offline Steve

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Slaughter at the Bridge of Death
« Reply #81 on: April 02, 2003, 05:27:46 PM »
Not sa single original thought... not a single suggestion of a solution to the problem Blitz.  

Blitz, you're just an empty vessel which simply is unable to do anything but regurgitate the propaganda of others.  I shant bother to read any more of your posts since they lack, as I said, any original thought whatsoever.  If you actually come up with  a thought, or a different action othe rthan the U.S. is taking, please preface it with "Original thought"  otherwise I'll just skip it as more bull**** you read somewhere, then cut and pasted.
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Offline Red Tail 444

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Slaughter at the Bridge of Death
« Reply #82 on: April 02, 2003, 06:32:29 PM »
Interesting, this thread kind of reminds me of a quote I read about a particular battle during the Tet offensive.

Maybe we have to "destroy the town in order to save it."

Are we doing the same in Iraq?

Saddam did all that gassing in 1988, with our Government and the UK providing support. Where was the outcry then? Rumsfeld and Bush shook that bastard's hand, no less!

Definitely, Saddam needs to go, but the trash talking about Shock and Awe, and how fast we're going to have the Iraqis blowing kisses to us, does anyone remember that? Damn, even I got caught up in the hype. At least I can admit it. We're in this tar baby now, and we're stuck there, I just look forward to the regime falling. What happens next? Cheaper Oil? more pissed off Muslims? Cats and dogs living together, side by side?

I hope we're this hawkish against North Korea, that actually has the ability and balls to defend itself.

Not to mention China, anyone hear the wonderful stories about how they're squashing democracy there, away from the media? Saddam is nothing compared to those clowns.

In any event, it totally sucks that we can somehow find billions and billions of dollars, and yet no money for me, schools, me, policemen, me, firemen , me, retired vets, (but most importantly, ME) and  the guys in this online GAME that have been unemployed for months...Go figure.

It's not about republicans or democrats...but theres plenty of BS we've been force fed by this administration..more to come later, count on it. Those Iraqi warships are gonna steam right up to the Naval War College and invade Newport..I saw it on :)

I liked most of the responses here, on both sides...this is something most Iraquis can't do, hopefully this will change

Support the damn troops, at the VERY least!


Offline Red Tail 444

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Slaughter at the Bridge of Death
« Reply #83 on: April 02, 2003, 06:38:46 PM »
Steve, I also didnt have a suggestion, but I say we're there now, so let's finish the deal. That's MY suggestion, but in the future, I'd like to see us follow the rules of democracy, international, or otherwise, that we are losing good men and women for.

90% of the Turks opposed the war, and we're going to screw them financially, because they listened to the constituents who elected them. The fact we're not respecting that, seems wrong, to me.

I expect to get flamed, bigtime (maybe or maybe not by you Steve), but I'm a big boy, I can take it :)

Offline TracerX

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Slaughter at the Bridge of Death
« Reply #84 on: April 02, 2003, 07:00:11 PM »
Ok Blitz, turn off Al Jazeera, and step away from the TV.  You are unnecessarily subjecting yourself to irrational and illogical sources of information.  Please don't confuse cause and effect.  The fact that Saddam Hussein refuses to feed his people and divert resources from the oil for food program for military purposes is not the fault of the United States Government.  He has ways to provide for his people, but refuses to do so.  Your demonizing of the USA for the condition of the civilian population in Iraq is like blaming Smith & Wesson for killing John Lennon.  The only one with a gun here is Saddam Hussein.  It is hard to talk to people who fail to look at the whole picture.

Offline Steve

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Slaughter at the Bridge of Death
« Reply #85 on: April 02, 2003, 07:12:30 PM »
Gainsie... bruddah

I hope we are hawkish on Korea as well.  I read a handful of articles saying that although N Korea has a substantial army, they really do not have the financial wherewithawl to sustain any kind of conflict.  i'm sure they could wreak some havoc in the DMZ.. then what, I wonder.

Dude, I too am baffled and unhappy that we can send Billions upon billions of dollars in foreign aid yet, IMHO, the MOST important jobs in America, teachers, firemen, cops, and their ilk, get paid so little.  Heck, shouldn't our troops that see combat be appropriately compensated for their willingness to give their lives for the good of the country?

How the hell can teachers be paid so little when so much rests on their shoulders?  I don't get it!!!!!!!!!!!!

P.S.  no, I'm not a teacher.      
Member: Hot Soup Mafia - Cream of Myshroom
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Slaughter at the Bridge of Death
« Reply #86 on: April 02, 2003, 07:14:14 PM »
tracerx, God bless you for typing what you did... I've told that to Blitz repeatedly, he hasn't once had the balls to respond... except for cut and paste.
Member: Hot Soup Mafia - Cream of Myshroom
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Offline BGBMAW

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Slaughter at the Bridge of Death
« Reply #87 on: April 02, 2003, 07:23:09 PM »
yes tracerx,,salute..

Steve..ya i agree..its tuff to sort the billions in world and who gets what to help who...

I say STOP supporting the overpayed Pro Athletes..Football-Baseball-Basketball...I will vever support that sht..Its rediculous that alot of you guys pay these guys to play games in front of you for so much frikn money...

My family is all in medical world..Doctors.etc...I swear..If they really didnt care about humans..we wouldn have sht..cause the med prof going to hell..WTG insurance comapnies and you dirtbags who sue everyone...Before my dad died,,,he said "Dotn be a Doctor"...Dam....that was brutle He was Paying 100k  for Med malpractice insurance!!! Urologists work with very sensitive equipment..lolol

As is almost everything here..its Voluntary and you are payed what the market will bare...Ya..kind of BS sometimes tho.

Offline Suave

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Slaughter at the Bridge of Death
« Reply #88 on: April 02, 2003, 08:10:07 PM »
If a hostage taker was executing hostages and the police stormed the building and some hostages were killed in the take down, blitz would blame the police for their deaths.

It's the same illogic employed by those who state that the UN sanctions are causing death and suffering in Iraq, not Hussien .

This isn't a second gulf war, it's the same gulf war that started 12 years ago, it's just that some players have changed sides .

Offline Red Tail 444

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Slaughter at the Bridge of Death
« Reply #89 on: April 03, 2003, 12:41:50 AM »
I have no problem with athletes making money. Most of these guys grew up dirt poor, and if the leagues and owners can support the players, good for them, I hope they make all the dough they can get, just don't be a bastard about it and diss poorer folks. I ran track with Adidas for one year, and I barely earned enough to survive, but I LOVED it, and damn nearly did it for free!

I read in newsweek these corporate execs earning 3, 4, 5 Billion a year...PLEASE!

Steve, I managed to not only balance the MN state budget..(you know the Public Radio online thing)..and I also managed to create a 1.7 billion dollar surplus :). All I did was create a new tax bracket for the wealthy (200,000+/year) and screwed em bigtime. Then, add the luxury car tax, and cigarette tax.  Not one dime on nursing home beds, police, fire or education cuts..

When I run for office, my campaign slogan just might be, "Tax the rich, milk those bastards dry" :D

Or, to quote George Carlin, "The Public Sucks. F--k Hope." :D

PS, I'm a psychotherapist in private practice, AND an educator, so I get fugged on both ends, from all directions, all the time. The gangbangs in the MA aren't watermelon compared to real life LOL