I know the Russian people to be proud and competent....very resourceful. A good people who love their families and wish for nothing more than a peaceful life affording opportunity to live out their lives as they choose to.
In that nation, just as in any you might mention, are those who would wish failure on the US effort in Iraq or any other effort for that matter....hardened hearts, full of hate for the US and what we stand for. We have them here in our own country....a very small and pitiful group who are seen, heard and then ignored.
As many nations have before, once again am and boroda have misjudged our president, the citizens of the US and especially are troops....if pushed, this president will not back down.
The Japanese made the same mistake at Pearl Harbor....I believe the quote was "we have awakened a sleeping giant".
Times and methods are different now, but the resolve of the American citizen is not....we turn against ourselves, insult one another, fight one another over what we believe....however, give us a common foe and no other nation in the world will join together faster and more deliberately than the US.
Some may be right in that our actions today may bring future reactions against our nation....I say let it happen and let it happen now....I find the most benefit recieved by the past 2 years of circumstances, is that we now have a much clearer picture of who are truly our friends in this world....I'de rather face my enemies with a fighting chance, then to get stabbed in the back by those who say they are our friends only to benefit themselves.
God will sort all of this out....in the meantime, I stand in support of trying to do what's right in this world, rather than what is politically expedient.
Post what you may my Russian comrades...it won't change a thing:)