Author Topic: How is the M16 performing?  (Read 1425 times)

Offline Scootter

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How is the M16 performing?
« Reply #30 on: April 02, 2003, 11:04:31 AM »
Originally posted by Raubvogel
I've hit running deer in the head past 500m with a .22-250, don't know what the big deal is. Given the right optics and support anyone can make good shots. Nothing to brag about really. [/B]

Nope!   I don't believe you, sorry, I've been shooting comp. for over 20 years and 500 m on a running dear in the head, sorry to call you a story teller but you are.

Most people with good optics, hand loads and ON A BENCH REST, shooting w no wind will hit a paper plate at 500m about 50% of the time. Fact been there to many times with folks like you that think its easy, untill I walk them down to the 1000 yard range and set up a target "way the hell down there" then it's put up or shut up time. Most try but are very disapointed when they fire 5 rounds and get 1 hit on a 9" plate.

If you can shoot like that I will give you all my tropheys as you should have them.

I have a custom .308 Tactical rifle that I will lone you, It shoots about .75" groups at 200 yrds with my hand loads on a rest. I will set up a wire target at 500 m moving left to right. we shall see
I will give you 2 shots  sound fair?
Oh BTW I dont think you had the bench whan hunting  so you cant use that ok?

Offline takeda

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How is the M16 performing?
« Reply #31 on: April 02, 2003, 11:05:51 AM »
Flinging lead onto people is so last century:

Offline Scootter

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How is the M16 performing?
« Reply #32 on: April 02, 2003, 11:15:32 AM »

What happens if I wear a very polished suit of armor?

Dont they aim lasers with mirrors?


Offline Wlfgng

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How is the M16 performing?
« Reply #33 on: April 02, 2003, 11:33:05 AM »
you make a very good target for conventional weapons....

Offline Scootter

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How is the M16 performing?
« Reply #34 on: April 02, 2003, 11:54:58 AM »

Did you see the word armor

I was just thinking if the future is light based weapons we may get very shiny BDU's

Of course thats if, as you stated no .223 AP anywhere.

I found it ironic that we may counter the future weapons with items from the past.

I read that a counter to space base lasers is fairly cheep. a very highly polished caseing for the weapons will reduce the range and power of the lasers, thus requiring much higher power to get the job done.;)

Offline Animal

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How is the M16 performing?
« Reply #35 on: April 02, 2003, 11:59:07 AM »
Originally posted by Scootter

Did you see the word armor

I was just thinking if the future is light based weapons we may get very shiny BDU's

Of course thats if, as you stated no .223 AP anywhere.

I found it ironic that we may counter the future weapons with items from the past.

I read that a counter to space base lasers is fairly cheep. a very highly polished caseing for the weapons will reduce the range and power of the lasers, thus requiring much higher power to get the job done.;)

light and shiny armors dont stand very well against electromagnetic railguns.

Offline Scootter

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How is the M16 performing?
« Reply #36 on: April 02, 2003, 12:12:40 PM »
Originally posted by Animal
light and shiny armors dont stand very well against electromagnetic railguns.

This Sir is very True!!

Offline miko2d

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How is the M16 performing?
« Reply #37 on: April 02, 2003, 12:26:48 PM »
1.9 kW - energy of 19 100-watt bulbs impaired over 0.35 of a second over the area of 1.3mm in diameter or greater. Or a burst of those.

 How does it compare with an energy of a 55 grain bullet travelling at 2700 fps? Anyone cares to convert units and calculate.

 I believe some simple protection will be quickly introduced to make that weapon totally ineffective except as narrow-use sniper/assasin weapon.

 You need a layer of closing that is resistant to heat and/or condiucts hear well to spread it over the wider area. In this case you just get a slight burn as if under a very powerfull light.

 If you make a layer of clothes from some porous material like closed-cell neoperne or poluethylene with bubbles and fill it with liquid - especially under some pressure, the laser will penetrate it, vaporise the liquid locally and the steam will dissipate the laser beam before it reaches further.
 It may be usefull shooting some naked savages but not a half-descent military.

 Nothing beats throwing a hard pointy thingy at one's body.


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How is the M16 performing?
« Reply #38 on: April 02, 2003, 02:23:59 PM »
Originally posted by Scootter
Nope!   I don't believe you, sorry, I've been shooting comp. for over 20 years and 500 m on a running dear in the head, sorry to call you a story teller but you are.

id bet that he not trying to brag but when he shooting at deer in mountains he misjudging range he shootin at. anyone involved with sniper training agree one of skills necessary for job is range estimation. i know i was way way way off on that when first tried it.

Offline BGBMAW

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How is the M16 performing?
« Reply #39 on: April 02, 2003, 02:45:56 PM »
the ammo i buy is usally from gubn shows..but the one guy.i always see and usally buy from name is "Ammo Dump" in Northern California.
Bad thing its the "wolf" ammo..Russain stuff..never had a problem with any of it..Just like buying costs more..Thast why i  love soem of the "free market stuff"

But the 9mm i buy are locally reloaded so its usally around the $100 mark..

But a 1, 000 of 223  fmj  for $120..dam good for me...shoot all day- my friends love it..cause they get to balst away..especially the guys who never/ or rarley shoot...The grins on there face are great...

Anyone know a good place to order steel siloutte or steel reactive targets?


Offline Scootter

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How is the M16 performing?
« Reply #40 on: April 02, 2003, 06:19:03 PM »

Get some 1/4 mild steel and rent a cutting torch for the week end

cut some pointy legs on the targets and you dont even need to weld a base on them

trace the shapes in the steel with a soap stone and have at it

I have made a bunch of them (sure some get beat up)

dont shoot them to close as they can shoot back if ya get my drift

Offline BGBMAW

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How is the M16 performing?
« Reply #41 on: April 02, 2003, 06:56:02 PM »
yep..thts what im thinkn..friend s got a cutting torch...

Should i wear goggles?..lolol

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Re: How is the M16 performing?
« Reply #42 on: April 02, 2003, 09:21:06 PM »
Originally posted by davidpt40
Also, any reports on the M240 or 249?  I've heard they've had problems in the past.

marines out of pendleton were using 240 golf just before they left and the guys i talked to said it too heavy. SAW very good weapon. agile enough weapon that guys have no problem with SAW in MOUT training. all around good gun. the way things are going with arming squads if it dont have a grenade launcher on it its belt fed.

Offline Gunthr

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How is the M16 performing?
« Reply #43 on: April 02, 2003, 09:48:24 PM »
The following comments were lifted from a Muslim extremist site. The person who wrote this appears to think of himself as a Mujahideen... - probably a teenager.


 Abu Qudama
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Registered: Mar 2002
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 As'salamu alaykum,

A 7.62 x 39mm from an Ak will do better than a 5.56mm from an M16 when it strikes a forhead. dont matter what it looks like. besides, the 3.3kg Ak, in my opinion is a much better weapon then the flimsy 2.8kg M16.

1) The gas chamber on an M16 is hardly noticable, let alone able to be cleaned, which causes the gun to be thrown in the bin after extended usage, whereas the Ak-47 or later model AKM has a nice 6 inch long and 1 inch wide chamber at the front, ( the metal-wood section between the range and the barrel) which every rifle must be cleaned after shooting the enemy to mantain peak performance.

2) the length of the Klashnikov Ak, extended version is 869mm (699mm with folded buttstock) where the Rambo M16 is 992mm.

3) Thick stamped steelmetal, chrome barrel, laminated wood, and aliminium magazines form the accurate at 300m AKM, unlike the fibreglass, steel M16.

4) the Ak can function normally after total immersion in mud and water, The fully chromed barrel ensures effective operation even at very low temperatures. The muzzle of the weapon fits into the swiveling firing points of the BMP. Thus, the mujahideen can fire the weapon while the vechicle is moving. but the M16 looks good.


"When I speak I put on a mask. When I act, I am forced to take it off."  - Helvetius 18th Century

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How is the M16 performing?
« Reply #44 on: April 02, 2003, 11:19:42 PM »

   If he keeps it up he'll most likely find out more about an M16a2 than he'd ever wish to know.