Author Topic: For HTC: My suggestion for a new perk list('43~early '44 MA environment)  (Read 10149 times)

Offline Kweassa

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For HTC: My suggestion for a new perk list('43~early '44 MA environment)
« Reply #180 on: February 11, 2005, 10:31:33 AM »
Better yet, why not give people a reason to choose slower planes rather than pick the most powerful arena performers?  :)

Offline JB73

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For HTC: My suggestion for a new perk list('43~early '44 MA environment)
« Reply #181 on: February 11, 2005, 10:41:31 AM »
as stated since day on the board here i am against perking the 190d

always will be, and i would probably lose enough interest in the game to leave once i ran out of perks.

my reasons have been stated, but i will restate them

the 190D is not that fast, and in AHII can be chased down by many planes easily.

it is the worst turning fighter in the entire game. name one fighter that turns worse.

it is outclimbed be even the new early war p38j, let alone pretty much everything close to it. even the spitV can climb with it for a while.

the only reason it has a higher k/d is because many people who fly it fly it timid. watch em fly it sometime, i almost never get above 10K and am killed in it by spitV's and other "slow" planes all the time.

it has never been much higher than 11th in total kills, not the top 5 like some make believe it is in.

with radiator damage (which is the first thing damaged in any fight in the 190D) you are dead. there is almost no way to escape and RTB with it.

thats all i have to say about that.
I don't know what to put here yet.

Offline Kweassa

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For HTC: My suggestion for a new perk list('43~early '44 MA environment)
« Reply #182 on: February 11, 2005, 11:29:18 AM »
Just for the record, the Fw190D-9 in Aces High is the second fastest non-perked plane in the entire set.

-OTD Speeds(WEP)-

LA-7 380
F4U-4 378
190D-9 375
P-51D 367
109G-10 366

The 3rd and 4th fastest non-perked plane OTD has only about 5 minutes supply of WEP.
« Last Edit: February 11, 2005, 11:42:19 AM by Kweassa »

Offline Karnak

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For HTC: My suggestion for a new perk list('43~early '44 MA environment)
« Reply #183 on: February 11, 2005, 11:37:27 AM »

Your defintion of "many", "11" and "early war" must be different than mine.

Only the La-7 is faster than the Fw190D-9 and the Fw190D-9 placed at 7th for total kills in Tour 60.  The P-38J is a late 1943 fighter which, in my book, puts it at the end of the mid war period.
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Offline Heretik

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For HTC: My suggestion for a new perk list('43~early '44 MA environment)
« Reply #184 on: February 11, 2005, 02:52:22 PM »
As much as I like the idea of perking things like La7s, where will it stop? Shall we perk everything but F4Fs, P40bs, and white zekes? How about an 8k altitude cap? Shall we turn the BnZ arena into the TnB arena? why? Because you'd rather TnB on the deck?  
sorry. not buyin it.

Offline streetstang

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For HTC: My suggestion for a new perk list('43~early '44 MA environment)
« Reply #185 on: February 11, 2005, 04:09:05 PM »
+Heretik I agree with you 100%.

Perking all your planes wont do anything but encourage running away from even the slightest hint of danger.

To perk a plane because you dont like how its used is asinine. Whats more is it'll only ruin game play even further.

BTW. Before I forget. You mongrels who no longer play yet feel like you've got something to add. Who are you kidding? You know who you are.

I'll just put it as bluntly as I can. NO need for pretty words when crude will do.

This perk system of yours Kewnesesa is the gdam dumbest thing I've seen anyone agree with ever. Nothing against you. Its just how I feel about your idea here. And for others... To agree with it... I might add that many of you people agreeing with this stupidity are the ones I've chased down countless times while trying to run from a fight (In many OTHER PLANES NOT on the list so what are we going to do? Perk the freakin 205s' now? So IMHO a perk prices on your plane will only make you run even sooner.

There... As blunt and as crude as I could be.

Just play the freakin game and enjoy it for what it is.
« Last Edit: February 11, 2005, 04:12:04 PM by streetstang »

Offline Karnak

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For HTC: My suggestion for a new perk list('43~early '44 MA environment)
« Reply #186 on: February 11, 2005, 04:24:40 PM »

It isn't about speed.  It is about the elimination of roles that AH currently has. At least that is how I see it.

If I were up in arms about the speed I'd want the P-51B, F4U-1 and La-5FN taken out too, but I don't.

From your posts, you just don't get it.  You think this is about aircraft that run.  We'll always have that.  It is about setting the MA in a time when a fighter was a fighter, a strike fighter could to both, but not as well and bombers (other than suicide Lancs and 24s) had a purpose.  In the current MA has focused all of that into just a few airframes.

The reason I am not really happy with the NPA is that it would result in literal hordes of Spitfires.
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Offline streetstang

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For HTC: My suggestion for a new perk list('43~early '44 MA environment)
« Reply #187 on: February 11, 2005, 04:45:47 PM »
You guys want a controled enviorment. Wait for TOD. I've said it before along with countless others before me. And I'll keep saying it. The beauty of this game, and the MA is that you can jump in there and fly any plane at will. Who are you to try and justify how a plane is used? Not just  you Karnak... But ANYONE...

And btw. I know exactly what  you people are b1tching about. I only refer to the running part because so many keep going back to it.(The speed factor) AND All this POS system is going to do is make the MA a BnZ run for you one life to live crap hole. Who wants that? You? You think I'm wrong? I'll bet money on it right now. You people think the MA sucks now with all the BnZ chit? If this watermelon was put into place forget it. You'll see guys in A20s and B26's trying to cherry pick.

I absolutly cannot wait for TOD to come out so you people can be weeded out of the MA for good. The ones who have the balls, more so think they have the right to tell others how the hell they are saposed to fly and use a plane... Any plane.

I dont care what your trying to do or what you think this is going to do to help. Your looking at one small corner of the world rather than the bigger picture.

And If you think I' care because Im worried I'll have to pay for a 51 your wrong. I mostly fly spitV's its rare for me to get in anything faster than a 38. I disagree with you simply because soon, if this handsomehunk system was ever put in the MA... BnZ is all that your going to see.

Offline J_A_B

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For HTC: My suggestion for a new perk list('43~early '44 MA environment)
« Reply #188 on: February 11, 2005, 05:43:07 PM »
Upon re-reading this old, old thread, I find that in the end HTC did not even have to perk the P-51D to limit it enough to completely destroy the fun I had playing and cause me to un-subscribe.

Someone please let me know if the ENY thing is altered in such a manner as to once again permit me free use of my favorite ride.


Offline Furious

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For HTC: My suggestion for a new perk list('43~early '44 MA environment)
« Reply #189 on: February 11, 2005, 06:08:38 PM »
AH2 and the ENY limiter has always allowed you to fly any ride you choose.

Offline Jackal1

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For HTC: My suggestion for a new perk list('43~early '44 MA environment)
« Reply #190 on: February 11, 2005, 06:08:59 PM »
Originally posted by Kweassa
Well.. maybe it has something to do with all of those 'veteran comments' about how the MA has transformed into a 'Bore N' Zoom' arena. You know, the "all I see in the game are Fw190D-9s, P-51Ds, La-7s, and Typhoons. All these guys do are BnZ all day long.. and when they find a co-alt plane they will run straight to their horde from 15k to deck" stuff.

Kweassa, you are making my head hurt. :D
First of all, let me make it clear that I`m not trying to get into some big BBS war with ya here. I`m just seriously trying to understand your thoughts. As of yet I don`t.
 You posted the above anwer to my question below.
My question was..........
"What I would like to know is why it bothers you that people fly P51-Ds and how it affects your enjoyment?
What plane/planes do you ususaly fly?"

  My second question was....................
"I`d also like to know what makes you think that people who enjoy flying the P51-D would pick the B as an alternative.
To me there is no comparison. A lot of it has to do with history. A lot has to do with the feel and capability."

  Unless I`m missing something here, that one was quoted also but then you went on and still didn`t answer it, but instead went into other details that you believe to be so.
  Bud I just can`t see any logical reasoning for any of it.

 You stated.....

Most people in the MA barely manage a 1:1 kill/death ratio. Thus, if a P-51D is perked at about 3~5 points, they will have to fly about two~three sorties in some other plane to earn the price needed to fly a P-51D once. The price isn't jaw-droppingly high as the Tempest is.. it's just a small burden that could catch up if one is too careless.

  So what would this help? The ones that can fly the P51-D good would still be flying them whenever they wished to. The ones that can`t wouldn`t be a threat to anyone no matter what plane they are in. Appears to me this would just be making more cannon fodder for the experienced and hindering the non-experienced.

You stated.....
The MA is full of late-war planes, which are also most usually multi-role planes. The Mossies and 110s are mostly hangar queens, unless some devoted fan makes up a mission featuring them. A-20s, IL2s, Ju87s and etc etc.. are virtually useless in the MA

  I have seen the usage of more 110s and Mossies as of late than I have ever experienced.
 A-20s, IL2s, Ju87s are useless??????
  I`m thinking we are not talking about the same game here. These planes are finaly being put to their role IMHO and I`m proud to see it. Especialy the IL2s. They are being brought out in force in the role they really shine in.
  I`m sorry. I just can`t make sense of it.
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Offline J_A_B

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For HTC: My suggestion for a new perk list('43~early '44 MA environment)
« Reply #191 on: February 11, 2005, 06:17:36 PM »
"AH2 and the ENY limiter has always allowed you to fly any ride you choose."

When I quit back in september, I would frequently log on and have to hunt around and switch countries in order to find the P-51D available.   When I'd log off then back on a couple hours later, often times country numbers were different and my plane would be unavailable and I couldn't change countries due to the side-switch limitation.  Yes, my gameplay time was always very sporadic--an hour here, an hour there.   Add in the fact that I never did like changing countries, and I'm sure you can see how I ultimately decided that it wasn't worth the hassle.  

Since I am but one person and HTC has to keep their product popular with many people if they are to succeed, I understand their design decisions and didn't make any noisy "I quit" posts.  

That was months ago though, and things can and do change.  If things are different, feel free to update me as to the current state of the MA.  Just because I'm not active now doesn't mean I won't be again at some point in the future, and I try to keep myself as least somewhat aware of what's going on development-wise.


Offline streetstang

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For HTC: My suggestion for a new perk list('43~early '44 MA environment)
« Reply #192 on: February 11, 2005, 06:18:25 PM »
stfu u chigger.:mad:


Offline Jackal1

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For HTC: My suggestion for a new perk list('43~early '44 MA environment)
« Reply #193 on: February 11, 2005, 06:22:56 PM »
Democracy is two wolves deciding on what to eat. Freedom is a well armed sheep protesting the vote.

Offline Karnak

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For HTC: My suggestion for a new perk list('43~early '44 MA environment)
« Reply #194 on: February 11, 2005, 06:23:00 PM »

Sorry, I have very little interest in ToD.  I'll try it, but it doesn't sound like my bag.

Likewise, I don't support the NPA because of the effects it would have, IMO.

The current system has serious flaws, but I've never thought of, or heard of, something that fixes it.  But to claim it is flawless is silly.


The ENY limiter is only a rare occurance now.  That said, you'd be one of the first affected and your choice would be to switch contries, log off or fly something you don't have any interest in flying.
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