Author Topic: This just makes me angry!  (Read 1800 times)

Offline GrimCO

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This just makes me angry!
« Reply #15 on: July 02, 2003, 11:38:22 AM »
Originally posted by Mini D
And where did you read this in Rip's post?

Biggot was spot on.  Imposing a statement like this hints at it.

The law defines "resident"... as in allowing them into certain schools, not paying their tuition.  Or allowing them the same financial break that is alloted to every resident of Washington at Washington schools.

Someone living in the state, that has lived in the state, that contributes directly to the state's economy is a resident.  To say otherwise is to be a .  Maybe I could use the word slave and entitlement instead?


Gee Mini, I just assumed that since his post was about a bill allowing illegal immigrants to receive resident status for college education, that's what he was referring to. This would also allow for the application of grants etc...

I suppose by your definition, if I break into your house and leave a dollar on the table, that makes me a resident of your household. I'll take my eggs scrambled with a side of french toast and a glass of orange juice. Don't forget I'll be needing some new clothes when I get a government grant for college.
« Last Edit: July 02, 2003, 11:43:25 AM by GrimCO »

Offline LoneStarBuckeye

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This just makes me angry!
« Reply #16 on: July 02, 2003, 11:42:22 AM »
Originally posted by Mini D
I AGREE RIP!  let's all shave our heads and get swastika tattoos and try to ensure that education is only available to pure bloods.  Anything to ensure that the children of migrant workers don't forget their station in life.

That is one of the most inappropriate, nonproportional responses I have ever read on this often ridiculous board.  I agree with MT (there's a first), it did leave a mark.  It's just that the mark is not on Rip, it's on you.

Offline Mini D

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« Reply #17 on: July 02, 2003, 11:44:50 AM »
Gee Mini, I just assumed that since his post was about a bill allowing illegal immigrants to receive government grants for college education, that's what he was referring to.
I know you did.  That was my point.

It defines residency.  People just assume that means everything else.  Hmmm... what was that word again?

Find out what a resident pays to go to a college, then what someone from out of state pays.  This rule applies to tuition and eligibility.  It doesn't GIVE anyone money.

Some people are just assuming that... what was that word again?
I suppose by your definition, if I break into your house and leave a dollar on the table, that makes me a resident of your household. I'll take my eggs scrambled with a side of french toast and a glass of orange juice. Don't forget I'll be needing some new clothes when I get a government grant for college.
No... it means that if you walk up to someone and ask him to mow your lawn for $5, you can't press tresspassing charges.

Pretty straight forward.  But feel free to use analogies that correlate to "intruders" and "criminals".  That's great.  What was that word again?


Offline GrimCO

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« Reply #18 on: July 02, 2003, 11:49:46 AM »

Pretty straight forward. But feel free to use analogies that correlate to "intruders" and "criminals". That's great. What was that word again?

Last time I checked, entering the United States illegally is a crime with a penalty of encarceration and/or deportation. This would make illegal aliens "criminals" by definition would it not?

Keep on trying sir.
« Last Edit: July 02, 2003, 12:04:43 PM by GrimCO »

Offline sparkzz

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« Reply #19 on: July 02, 2003, 12:02:19 PM »
Actually Grim illegal aliens are merely deported the first 2 times they are caught, and sent to trial on the third attempt.  Usually receiving time served (approx. 3 months) for entering the country illegally.

The local establishment was talking of giving illegal residents free college tuition to SDSU here in San Diego.  Pretty upsetting to me since I had to work 2 jobs to pay my way through, but than again I was born here.

Offline Mini D

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« Reply #20 on: July 02, 2003, 12:08:06 PM »
Originally posted by GrimCO
Last time I checked, entering the United States illegally is a crime with a penalty of encarceration and/or deportation. This would make illegal aliens "criminals" by definition would it not?

Keep on trying sir.
See my analogy genius.  You chose to see one side of it.  It's your right.  Just don't play it off as either noble or patriotic.


Offline Wlfgng

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« Reply #21 on: July 02, 2003, 12:08:56 PM »
the key word here is   ILLEGAL (aliens)

why not force them to get LEGAL then they can share in what the country has to offer.

or maybe we should just pay for college for our criminals .. they're illegal too

Offline Mini D

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« Reply #22 on: July 02, 2003, 12:18:57 PM »
This is funny.  I mean really funny.

Do any of you even have an idea about American history?  I mean really.  Do you ever actually think about it when starting stupid bigotted threads like this? I mean really?  This all boils down to "we were here first dammit!"

There's a reason we have "undocumented alien families" in the U.S.  I don't think most of you realize what it is.


Offline GrimCO

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« Reply #23 on: July 02, 2003, 12:23:51 PM »
Originally posted by Mini D
See my analogy genius.  You chose to see one side of it.  It's your right.  Just don't play it off as either noble or patriotic.


I see both sides quite well. I just don't agree with your calling Ripsnort a bigot and a nazi because he didn't agree with your viewpoint. That is about as one sided as it gets. It smacks of being pompous and self-righteous. That was my whole point in the first place.

Offline TracerX

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« Reply #24 on: July 02, 2003, 12:27:09 PM »
Hey, I have to agree with Rip, but I am not shaving my head anytime soon.  

There is a difference between allowing someone into our country so they can provide a life for themselves that is better than where they came from, and giving them preferential treatment when they get here.  Maybe we should provide them with a new car and keys to a decent home too.  The thing that makes America great is the freedom for someone to achieve what ever they like depending on their effort.  We should not give someone preferential treatment without merit.  I think that Rip points out that some legislators are careless with the power they have to make laws.  There are charitable organizations that can freely provide for less fortunate people, or classes of less fortunate people.  Legislators should pass laws that encourage charitable behavior, or formation of charities.  They should not create laws that mandate such charitable acts.  Such legislation is too close to Socialistic behavior for me.  

There is ample proof that Americans are extremely charitable individuals anyway, and contribute incredible sums of money because we are so fortunate.  This generosity can be harmed by stingy grabs of politicians that mandate the precious use of tax dollars for specific classes of people.  By the way, our forefathers came here legally, and earned everything they have, so don't quote that "give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses" argument because that has nothing to do with allowing illegal or undocumented individuals access to taxpayer's dollars.

Offline Hortlund

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« Reply #25 on: July 02, 2003, 12:27:14 PM »
Originally posted by Mini D
There's a reason we have "undocumented alien families" in the U.S.  I don't think most of you realize what it is.

This has got something to do with Al Queida...right?

On a more serious note...there is a reason why all nations have immigration laws. Violate those laws and per definition you are a criminal.

Like it or not tard.

Offline Mini D

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« Reply #26 on: July 02, 2003, 12:30:21 PM »
Oh.. I'm sorry grim... But to say that neither rip nor yourself come off as bigotted nor nazi like ("then Golly-geeit you nor your family should be entitled to...") hints that you don't really know what a bigot is nor what the nazi platform was based on.

Its the damn immigrants that cause all the problems and that suck up the resources better suited for law abiding citizens.

Now all we need are camps that we can send these people to.


Offline GrimCO

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« Reply #27 on: July 02, 2003, 12:36:58 PM »
Originally posted by Mini D
Oh.. I'm sorry grim... But to say that neither rip nor yourself come off as bigotted nor nazi like ("then Golly-geeit you nor your family should be entitled to...") hints that you don't really know what a bigot is nor what the nazi platform was based on.

Its the damn immigrants that cause all the problems and that suck up the resources better suited for law abiding citizens.

Now all we need are camps that we can send these people to.


Now you're going as far as to put words in my mouth in an act of desperation to justify your pompous nazi name calling regimen.

When did I say that immigrants were the cause of all the problems?

Keep slinging your self-righteous mud Mini. You're starting to look like nothing more than a blow-hard.

Offline Mini D

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« Reply #28 on: July 02, 2003, 12:37:08 PM »
There is a difference between allowing someone into our country so they can provide a life for themselves that is better than where they came from, and giving them preferential treatment when they get here. Maybe we should provide them with a new car and keys to a decent home too.
LOL! What amazes me is that you guys fail to see any bigotry with statements like this.

You ASSUME that they are getting preferential treatment?  Because two children that attended and graduated from the same high school are now allowed to attend the same college at the same rate?  Or is it that they are allowed to APPLY for the same grants now?  Somehow.... "preferential treatment" becomes the phrase used.

Its strange... I know alot of illegal immigrants.  Preferential treatment is not a term that ever popped into my mind.

Treated as a resident in the state allows them eligibility for grants and student loans as well as the resident discount tuition.  This is not preferential... this is the same as everyone else they went to high school with.  If you have a serious problem with them being treated as equals... then... well... what was that word again?


Offline Sabre

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« Reply #29 on: July 02, 2003, 12:40:26 PM »
This has nothing to do with race or bigotry, at least not with me.  I don't care what country they're from or what color their skin.  We have immigration laws for a reason, to insure an orderly and fair means of bringing potential new citizens from outside our borders.  This insures that we're not innundated with more people than our system (government and private) can cope with it, that those we allow in are not instantly going to be a burden on our already over-taxed (pun intended) wellfare systems (i.e. there are jobs for them, making at least minimum wage and their rights are protected), and yes, to insure they're not dangerous (criminals, terrorists, insane, etc).  When we grant nearly all the benefits of citizenship to those who enter the country illegally, or who stay longer than their visa allows, there is little incentive to go through legal channels to get in.  Thus it becomes a greater burden on the citizens of this country, and I resent that.  I resent it from a monitary perspective and from perspective of fairness to those who come here legally.

True, illegal aliens pay sales tax and in some cases even property taxes (not as home-owners, but perhaps through their landlords).  That doesn't begin to cover the range of services more and more states are beginning to give them.  It doesn't pay for schools or state-run education like state colleges.  So quit trying to throw the race card on the table.  That's not what it's about.
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