To calculate the destructive power of the gun, the 'POWER' factor from the above table has been multiplied by the RoF, expressed in the number of rounds fired per second. This gives the relative 'GUN POWER'
20x101RB = power = 15 * rof = 'GUN POWER'
20x80RB = power = 14 * rof = 'GUN POWER'
So by Tony's charts a single type 99 mk 2 has a higher "power" then the mg151/20mm. "Gun power" is combination of "power" * rof.
So like Brady said the chart is for unsynched guns. Multiply by synched rof and the "gun power" value you will drop. But it wont change the fact that the type 99 has the potential to be more "desctructive" per round then the mg151.
You cant not consider rof to determin which is a more destructive weapon. 1 20x101RB is more destructive the 1 20x80RB. What makes the mg151 a better weapon is rof.
Just look at the damager column in table 1
type 99 mk2 (20x101RB) = 154
mg151/20 (20X80RB) = 90 / 89 / 206 (M'geschoss)
Its obvious from this which is the more desctructive
round (excluding the M'geschoss).
The type 99mk 2 round fer round will do moere damage the the mg151. The mg151 will let you get more rounds on target faster. Just like in ah.
The mg151 is fine.