Author Topic: Hitech and Pyro - Some Useful Tips  (Read 1155 times)

Offline Pyemia

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Hitech and Pyro - Some Useful Tips
« Reply #60 on: December 02, 2001, 05:31:00 PM »
That frontal deflection thing of yours has no sense.. Were planes equipped with front shields in WW2?

In a sense yes, they were.  It was called closure rate and required extremely good perception / skill to judge correctly in order to obtain correct range at which to fire.

What is wrong with the HUD idea.  It worked well in Wing Commander?

Alternatively one of the HTC team or a player could be used as a ground controller to warn a pilot when an enemy is attacking.  Remember in real life a pilot could turn and check behind him.  

Hitech - it seems there is a bug with collisions in the game.  While dogfighting a spitfire yesterday he flew into my aircraft and I was killed.  I noticed he flew off unharmed.

As an expert on MMP type games I fully understand the problems encountered with varience etc.  Here is what I propose:

Each time a person logs onto the server, the server takes a ping count from them.  When online only other aircraft with the same identical ping count are visible to engage.  All other aircraft with greater or less ping counts are greyed out or totally invisible.  This would prevent all warps and fix the collision problem.

I trust you will get on this asap.  Thank You.  Pyemia out.

Offline mrsid2

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Hitech and Pyro - Some Useful Tips
« Reply #61 on: December 02, 2001, 05:35:00 PM »
Heh Pyemia I hope you understand that none of your suggestions this time make any sense at all.

Clearly you have perceived the essence of online gaming far better than anyone else here, Hitech included. So I beg you to code a game for us so we can ditch that miserable HT and become your loyal and paying customer.

Offline Kingonads

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Hitech and Pyro - Some Useful Tips
« Reply #62 on: December 02, 2001, 05:58:00 PM »
OK let me start from the top, sorry I forgot about he smokeless powder in todays rounds and I have seen the gunsight footage it was light faided white or grey trail. like that of a radiator hit.  

Suave01 thats funny stuff launching your barrel down range, your AG didnt lock it in properly huh?  the dumbest thing I have done was fired 400 rounds through my weapon then grabed the barrel to pick it up.... needless to say i left my fingerprints on my SAW. My LT laughed at me for a week, I didnt realize that my SAW had blistered my hands untill after I had carried it 100m and was tring to figure out what was sizzeling.  Sounded like bacon on a fring pan.

  Prymia I just give up on U its seems painfuly obvious to me that U R just trolling.  Go to a AOL chat room and do that. Oh and the Wingcommander HUD is just that a HUD it is a SCI-FI game not a WWII flightsim.  U have a computer in WC not in AH I would love to see a P51D carry the Mark2 super computer.


Offline Pyemia

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Hitech and Pyro - Some Useful Tips
« Reply #63 on: December 02, 2001, 06:37:00 PM »
Well Hodo, if it is a WW2 Flight Sim, should'nt it realistically model WW2 aircraft?

Think before you communicate with me please


Offline Kweassa

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Hitech and Pyro - Some Useful Tips
« Reply #64 on: December 02, 2001, 06:49:00 PM »
Py, those fighters in Wing Commander sort of seems way ahead of World War II technology curve, wouldn't you think?    :confused:  It's gameplay versus realism in this one.

 In the case of icons, gameplay won because the resolutions of computer monitors still cannot give out as accurate and delicate information as human eyes do. It's a crutch.

 In the case of HUDs, navigating one's way via map and keeping himself situationally aware at the same time is just one of the things you have to learn as a fighter/bomber/vehicle/boat driver. The main agenda of realism wins over this one. Sure, it is more uncomfortable than modern planes equipped with HUD, and certainly not as comfortable as some WWII on-line sims which has HUD feature... but thinking back, the WWII pilots didn't have HUD. Why should we?    :mad:

 This is not a "progressive change", but a "parallel change" which would turn AH into something it is not    :( . WWII planes equipped with Head Up Displays showing map, speed, altitude info etc etc..

 We already have a "compass" for the bearing, "clip board map" for general navigation, "dot dar" and "dar bar" to notify us of enemy presence, "speed indicator" to tell you the speed, and "altitude indicator" for alt..  and most importantly, we have our eyes. We must scan through these instruments, look around your plane, check the horizon, study ground details to see if it matches the map like the actual pilots did, and AH community nor HTC would never ever think of changing this. This sort of 'uncomfortable but realistic approach' is what gives AH it's charm.

 As for the head-on shots, did you ever consider some of those merciless HO pilots you have encountered actually DID have what you said were needed - perception and skill, and perhaps you did not?

 Because, in my case, I'm a poor HO pilot no matter what sort of plane I fly. I generally hate HO and never try one, and try to avoid as much as possible.

 Result: I can't hit jacksh*t when I go into a HO, even with a plane that has 8 x Colt/Browning .50s, firing 1/3rd of its 3400 rounds from distance 1200 yards and closing. If I spray my aim is always off, if I wait for the right moment it is always mutual damage between me and the enemy.

 Going into a HO is risking damage. No matter what sort of protection, closure rate there is, a lucky shot is gonna land sooner or later. It's like the gambler's rule, sooner or later your luck runs out.

 Perception and skill or not, expert and newbie alike: HO will result in damage, just a question of "will it be this time or not".

 You go for HO you are commited.
 Solution: you are threatened by HOs, then don't ever try one. What is the real point of your 'suggestion'? It only sounds like this(I admit I'm putting words into your mouth here, but this is the only thing I can come up with considering your suggestion on HOs):

'Make it easier for an experienced pilot like me to go HO, and don't let total newbies flying TnB around ever hit me on a HO. They are unskilled, and I know they never will hit me if this game was modelled correctly. These seemingly total newbies just turn to face me and they shoot, and I took damage. This is soooo unrealistic.'

 I have a pretty good feeling you'll still be complaining about HOs even when your suggestion comes true. Please try checking out the dot command '.target xxx'. Closure is fast, and bullets disperse more than you think it would.


 The collision issues are well addressed. Try asking about it in gameplay/feedback forums without adding your opinion on something you do not know about    :rolleyes: .

 What you experienced was not a "bug".

 - Saint K -

[ 12-02-2001: Message edited by: Kweassa ]

[ 12-02-2001: Message edited by: Kweassa ]

Offline FlyingDuckSittingSwan

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Hitech and Pyro - Some Useful Tips
« Reply #65 on: December 02, 2001, 06:51:00 PM »
Kieran, get a grip mate.

Yeah I did get some good answers to my post, but I also got some really crap ones.
As for never having made a valid suggestion or having a good idea to improve the game. I did! Read my thread on introducing jet fighters. Some people liked it too.

I'm "attacking" the community am I?  :D I thought this was the AH ubb not the nuns convention bbs. God, I'm sorry if I scare you all so much, I'll try and tone it down from now on.  :D


Offline Kieran

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Hitech and Pyro - Some Useful Tips
« Reply #66 on: December 02, 2001, 07:20:00 PM »
I don't know if Pyemia is a troll or not, but I can say 100 per cent that my first post wasn't. It just turned into a troll after all the moronic answers I got.

Sorry, I mistook you for the guy that said this. Despite the fact you received good responses (however you define that) you devolved into trolling. You then proceed to occasionally jab at the community for hassling you despite the fact you yourself are hassling us- that is, unless, there is someone else with a ridiculous bird name calling the people here "old, arrogant, fat-egoed, depends-wearing" and so on.

Read your jet suggestion- didn't like it. Doesn't make it invalid, just didn't like it. See? I can disagree without attacking you.

By the way, I can split-S effortlessly.   :cool:

Offline Kingonads

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Hitech and Pyro - Some Useful Tips
« Reply #67 on: December 03, 2001, 07:19:00 AM »
I see no point in being mean to people Pymia and it is a SIM not a REAL LIFE FLIPPING PLANE, if it were U would not be here to post would U, cause U would be DEAD.  its real simple trust me,  people like U get killed by "freindly" fire in a real combat zone.  And yes I have been to a combat zone, Kosovo, Korea <DMZ patrol> and soon to go to Afganistan.  God I love the Army sends me all sorts of places to kill people.


Offline Pyemia

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Hitech and Pyro - Some Useful Tips
« Reply #68 on: December 03, 2001, 08:18:00 AM »
No Hodo, your army sends you to protect the rights of people like me to free speech, movement and other things essential to our civilisations.

The killing is just a means to this end imo.

  :(   :(   :(

Offline Pyemia

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Hitech and Pyro - Some Useful Tips
« Reply #69 on: December 03, 2001, 08:20:00 AM »
By the way, Good Luck.  I mean that honestly.    :)

Offline Ripsnort

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Hitech and Pyro - Some Useful Tips
« Reply #70 on: December 03, 2001, 08:32:00 AM »
Incidently, about 80% of what you see in AH is what the PLAYERS ASKED, HTC builds the sim around the requests by the majority.  I like the direction they(we?) are going and I see some of the suggestions in the first post good, but mostly I like the sim just the way it is.

Offline moose

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Hitech and Pyro - Some Useful Tips
« Reply #71 on: December 03, 2001, 08:40:00 AM »
This troll will go down in history

either that or MG finally bought a PC  :)  :)

Offline K West

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Hitech and Pyro - Some Useful Tips
« Reply #72 on: December 03, 2001, 08:48:00 AM »
Moose there aint nothing historical about it  :)  Most participants know it's a troll but have no compulsion about stepping up to the base and batting it around as it bids.

 But he's gotten a tad boring. It's like hitting a soggy roll of toilet paper. Over and over and over. The squeeky noises it made when we made forced it to respond to our sarcasam and insults was fun for a while. Now it's soon to be relegated to background noise as it's posts have gone beyond absurd and ridiculous.


Offline midnight Target

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Hitech and Pyro - Some Useful Tips
« Reply #73 on: December 03, 2001, 09:16:00 AM »
Originally posted by Pyemia:
[QB]Fine then, i'm off to sleep.  Nothing but redicule here anyway.

"Redicule"........naw, too easy!

Offline Am0n

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Hitech and Pyro - Some Useful Tips
« Reply #74 on: December 03, 2001, 01:20:00 PM »
I cant belive i just sat here and read all this crap.. lol

What a waste of bandwith.

"Hey im new, this is what you need to change for me to like this game ive played for a week."

So lets get cracking on getting these changes in effect, we wouldnt want to loose this great guy who insulted us at hello.