Author Topic: Poll: Which put you off WW2OL more - launch or fanboy posts?  (Read 4373 times)

Offline Kieran

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Poll: Which put you off WW2OL more - launch or fanboy posts?
« Reply #30 on: October 15, 2003, 11:13:50 PM »
My opinion of hardcase is what it is, and he earned it all the way. Doesn't matter at all, I will never meet him personally, nor will we ever be neighbors.

You asked a question higher up... "why do you guys always respond to these threads"... talk about a silly question... maybe because some have a very strong opinion on the topic? You suggest people are ignorant to post their opinion, especially when asked? I honestly don't understand you CRS bots...

Vulcan is trying to prove to someone from the WWIIOL forum what negative impact zealots make here WRT WWIIOL. You've taken the banner up nicely.

Offline DiabloTX

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« Reply #31 on: October 15, 2003, 11:17:19 PM »
Would you two go get a hotel room already?  :D
"There ain't no revolution, only evolution, but every time I'm in Denmark I eat a danish for peace." - Diablo

Offline Gadfly

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« Reply #32 on: October 15, 2003, 11:18:49 PM »
How?  I am not telling you the game is good or suggesting you play it.  I think that it is silly of anyone to NOT play a game because of things that have no impact on the game.  Doesn't make a crap if it is WBIII and Wildbill or IL2 and Olegs-bias, or the fact that Docdoom shot so many of you down in his 190.

If you don't like a game, don't play it.  If you don't like a person, deal with it.  The two are not connected, is what I am saying.

Offline Kieran

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« Reply #33 on: October 15, 2003, 11:19:26 PM »
You have more than a few times posted on AGW about how immature this community is, or how you dislike certain aspects of AH the game and can't stand it. The most I ever said in return is the communities are the same, same personalities. It's your opinion, and valid at that, and heck, if you can't post that on an opposing sim's board, where can you say it? That's the prob... you CRS bots won't allow the same courtesy.

If I say I played the game and saw "XYZ", I don't need some zealot to pop in here and tell me I didn't. I'm a stand-up guy and will admit when I am wrong, you understand, but I will also give a game a fair shake before posting. I'm not the only guy here to have that experience, BTW.

Offline Gadfly

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« Reply #34 on: October 15, 2003, 11:22:55 PM »
I may have, and it is true, but I don't say that is the reason I don't play AH, is it?

No,I don't play AH because it sucks, FOR ME.  I am glad you guys enjoy it.

Offline Gadfly

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« Reply #35 on: October 15, 2003, 11:23:45 PM »
What is a CRS bot?  Wouldn't that imply that I would at least defend CRS or the game?

Offline APDrone

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« Reply #36 on: October 15, 2003, 11:28:51 PM »
Wow.. loaded question.. What put me off ww2ol?

Well, to start with,  it was 6 months of hype and gorgeous screen shots. Remember the B17s?  The holes in the fuselage.. texture of seat covers..  promises of walking through the plane to the different positions..  Other screen shots too.. I recall.. but I only really remember the B17s. I remember spending literally hours one night looking over those things and visualizing what was coming.

Sure, the premise was out there.. a multi-year 'arena' covering the war from start to finish.. canvassing the different theatres, Europe, Africa, Pacific, China.. Ambitious.  And we bought it.. hook, line, sinker..... I/B.. Deck, Conning tower.. bow.. even the freakin' anchor.

June, 2001.  Release date.. Paid $49 brought it home.. Hmm... 93 MB download patch before seeing the first online session.. Thank God I have cable modem.. Finally got it working.. entered.. WOW.. impressive. Spent first couple weeks in awe.. The sounds.. the feeling of your heart in your throat.. wandering around. Pretty imersive.   For the first few weeks. Capture the flag. eh.. ok.. I wanna kill stuff..    Grab armor.. Better yet.. Grab 88!!  Char?   No problem.. Ping.. poof. A35s.. bring marshmallows.. they torch nicely..  Let's fly something..   Hmmm.. find an airfield.. ok.. now find where the action is in relation to one of the few airfields.. ok.. now.. where was that airfield again?  Take off.. time for a beer.. where's the autopilot?   eh?  Hmm.. ok.. trim time.. eh.. um.. still goes in circles... albeit big wide ones now..  Hey look!! Enemy!!  Hey.. wait.. Framerate!!??!!  0.3? 3 seconds/frame????  Hey! Ground!  Dead!!    

Meanwhile, they've fixed bugs, added vehicles, added the rank system. But I still have to hang on to the stick to fly anywhere and when I see an enemy my frame rate drops to less than 1.   Obviously my Athlon 600 just doesn't have the guts. We'll put the game aside until I upgrade.

AirWarrior is executed by the twits at EA and the squadron I'm in hemmorages. Aces High has been lurking in the background and, for me, it's the only logical choice. I like B17s. I like bombing stuff.  Others in the squad go the WW2OL route. We split.  

I kept my ww2ol account.. just in case.. and, yes, I finally upgrade to an Athlon XP 1700.. time to try ww2ol again.. hmm.. a few things have changed.. but it's been a year now.. and the map is .. well.. pretty much the same..   um.. didn't the battle of France only last a few weeks?  Well, let's try flying again... Hmm.. Hawk75 or a blenheim.. what, no B25s even? c'mon.. gimme a real bomber..   eh.. whatever.. off we go.. now.. where was the action again?   hey look.. framerates are decent.. I can fly at the ground and actually pull up!! Woohoo!!      Let's bomb something.. wow.. what a quaint bombsight.. so that's how you incorporate an abacus into the computing mechanism??   Lining up on target.. hey wait...plane is moving.. go to pilot.. retrim.. back to bombadier.. dang.. lost line up.. back to pilot.. aim.. retrim.. back to bombadier.. you're kidding me..right?  

New upgrade.. wow.. now you have to have rank to fly the new planes.. ok.. get rank.. make it to whatever rank it was.. now I can build missions.. and fly straight to the enemy.. woohoo!!.. but.. but.. I still never make it to an airfield before all the new planes are gone. Quota used up.  Um, no thanks.

I sat down and did some relative math.  Given the rate of progress in the war, I can expect to see  my beloved B17 in 2013... if at all.  I'm not waiting..

I was deceived, betrayed and flat out lied to.  Friendships and camraderie were destroyed by WW2OL and the CRS yahoos. Perhaps for the person new to multi-player online games WW2OL may be, gasp, even fun.  It has potential, and there were some good times.. but, given all the bad blood and bonehead decisions, I doubt I will ever truly forgive them.  Even now, I get an offer to return for 2 weeks of free time.. but only during a specific timeframe.. which corresponds to a horribly busy time at work and with family activities.  Even that restriction tells me that those in power still don't have their heads screwed on straight.

I can go on for a couple more pages.. we haven't even touched on the offline mode..

I still wonder where those B17 screenshots are.  Probably framed in a closed Enron office somewhere.

Scenario "Masters of the Air" X.O. 100th Bombardment Group

Offline Kieran

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« Reply #37 on: October 15, 2003, 11:31:11 PM »
I'm glad you're enjoying WWIIOL. Fair enough.

But the question above was for people here who are not currently playing WWIIOL, of which I am one. The question was whether it was the game or the zealots that put me off. For me, a better choice would have been "both", but I was forced to choose.

Now if CRS wants to act like they don't sic players on opposing games to "recruit", that's fine, but... Rafter is obviously preparing to do just that- again. In addition, I find it hard to believe hardcase was not influenced to continue here long after it was apparent he wasn't drawing players in. CRS can pretend they didn't know, but they did, and you would have thought a stand-up crew would have asked hardcase to tone it down. It never happened. Maybe they enjoyed seeing the havoc caused on Dale's service. Maybe they wanted to harm Dale's business. Regardless, hardcase's behavior was malicious, and obvious.

Offline Vulcan

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« Reply #38 on: October 16, 2003, 12:17:12 AM »

Someone break em up.

FWIW guys, its become quite obvious Zeroace (and hardcase) do not represent the average WW2OL player in any way. The 'pillars' of the WW2OL community seem to busy to both with this sort of stuff. There are a lot of great guys over there just like there are here. Unfortunately the bitter taste left by the rantings of the minority has jaded the AH view of the WW2OL crowd. And thats what I'm trying to show these guys.

Offline FUNKED1

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« Reply #39 on: October 16, 2003, 12:29:17 AM »
Originally posted by Kieran
Vulcan is trying to prove to someone from the WWIIOL forum what negative impact zealots make here WRT WWIIOL. You've taken the banner up nicely.

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Offline Karnak

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« Reply #40 on: October 16, 2003, 01:48:19 AM »
Fanatics put me off of anything.  WWIIOL has them and WB3 has them and I consequently have no interest in either.

I used to track the progress in each game, but getting constant (incorrect) snide comments gets old.

It probably isn't very nice for the FA guys either as everybody bashes them.
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Offline crabofix

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« Reply #41 on: October 16, 2003, 01:51:04 AM »
I was very critical to this game when it first came out, but I tried it in Beta and it really sucked, big time.
But, how ever I like the idea and I remember when HT was talking about the same Idea being inplated in WB III. It was an awesome concept.
So I tried it again after like 20 patches and updates. But as any online game, there was to many "gaming the game" so I got tired of it. Reasantly, I been trying it again, its not bad, but the 64 limit is way to annoying and I finelly realized that I would need a major upgrade of my computer to enjoy all the features implanted.
I think the bigest misstake they´ve done, is to make it a PC/MAC online Game. (remembering the "old" WB time, when the MAC issue always put new updates off schedule "2 weeks" was the general word then as now).:lol

Offline Fishu

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« Reply #42 on: October 16, 2003, 02:02:13 AM »
Neither, I had a good hope until v1.9, until when rats decided to completely mess up the game with the modelling & flight modelling mess ups.

Offline Twist

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« Reply #43 on: October 16, 2003, 08:00:42 AM »
Beta tester, spent a lot of my spare time to help out, wanted to see the game and CRS succeed.

Purchased the game for around 40 bucks, downloading the first patch took forever on dial-up. FM just sucked. Tried tanking and that was fun, then game the bug explotations. Alt-tab was the first, made you invisible.

Played when I could for 6 months, continued testing patches when I could. I believe now I stayed longer than I should have. CRS seemed to fall apart, then the fragile community followed.

I returned to AH. When CRS said it you hoped it was true, but when HTC says something you can bet your *** someones working their tail off to make it happen. Small companies always seem to be willing to go that 'extra' mile.

I was disappointed with the product, that's what put me off.

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Offline lazs2

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« Reply #44 on: October 16, 2003, 08:17:04 AM »
No one likes to be lied to..

The whole thing started out as a lie... one big lie after another.   they hired the bigest liar and blowhard I have ever seen on any flight sim... heck... he even calls himself doctor.

They continue to lie and continue to keep the blowhards and liars on the staff.

A pretty girl who is a liar gets to be a pain in the bellybutton eventually and you dump her no matter how pretty... WWIIol isn't even a pretty girl.

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