Author Topic: Newbie help - best way to de-ack a field?  (Read 2193 times)

Offline Cycovision

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Newbie help - best way to de-ack a field?
« on: November 16, 2003, 10:48:09 AM »
Hi all,

I've recently started playing AH and have, for the most part, been practicing offline and following the excellent advice at

However, for a bit of 'excitement' I often venture into H2H play, taking part in a regular team play arena where we go taking airfields.

Well, actually the other guys go taking airfields, I just approach the airfields and get shot to bits :lol

I'm wondering if anyone can give me any tips for taking out those dammned flack cannons? At the moment, I'm doing the following in a spit 9:

1. Go in High.
2. Just outside the field, throttle back and go into a fairly steep dive.
3. Pick a target, make gentle adjustments to keep it in the gunsights.
4. Just as the flack starts, start strafing the gun position.
5. Gently pull out of the dive whilst still strafing (I don't black out anymore!), use the energy to turn away from the field and climb.
6. Get a safe distance from the field, then turn round and start again.

Actually, I've had quite a bit of success using this method but I ALWAYS get killed after taking out two or three guns. I try to take the guns out systematically from the edge of the field, so that I'm never directly over a gun, but they still get me every time.

So, I obviously need a great deal of help here!! Anyone got any killer tactics for de-acking fields?

Thanks in advance!

Offline Rutilant

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Newbie help - best way to de-ack a field?
« Reply #1 on: November 16, 2003, 10:53:23 AM »
Hang around at the edges of the field, wait for everyone else to come in and deack and die doing it, take out the last ack or two and take all the vulches. :D

Offline Cycovision

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Newbie help - best way to de-ack a field?
« Reply #2 on: November 16, 2003, 11:08:16 AM »
lol! Sound advice, Rutilant, :aok Problem is in H2H there often isn't enough players to hit the field in numbers, although it obviously makes sense to do so...

The reason I'm asking for advice on tactics is that there was once this guy in the arena who actually de-acked two fields in one sortie ON HIS OWN! (we play on a small map). Unfortunatley, he either logged out or lost the connection before I could actually ask him what plane he was in or how he did it. It might have been luck, but he seemed like an experience player to me.

He definately de-acked the fields, cos we sent two goons out after he'd confirmed that the fields were de-acked and both fields were taken within minutes. Both goons returned home safely.

How on earth did he do it?!?!?!

Offline Soda

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Newbie help - best way to de-ack a field?
« Reply #3 on: November 16, 2003, 11:23:21 AM »
A few tips, try and line up so you can get as many ack lined up as you can in one pass.  The fewer passes you make the better your chances.  Also, know which ack are manned and which are not.  On airfields there are 3 manned ack, they are most dangerous when flying directly at them as that is the easiest shot for a person to make.  Don't fly directly at those ones if you can.  One last thing, don't get point blank to shoot ack, most people wait too long to shoot.  The ack are un-moving targets so don't be afraid to shoot early at long range and just hose down the area of the ack to kill it.  You shouldn't be waiting until D300 to open fire, instead more like D1.2

Offline Roscoroo

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Newbie help - best way to de-ack a field?
« Reply #4 on: November 16, 2003, 11:27:14 AM »
1st on the clipboard at the top you see the box that says "normal world"    scroll this box and you will see large ,med,small field,

this gives you a good picture of the ack layout on the field.
 look carefully and you will notice that the ack placements line up if you make your pass from the right direction.

pick a plane with a good roll rate (corsair is my plane of choice)

come in with alittle alt and lots of speed for the 1st pass ., work over one row of ack  exit low as possiable looking rearward and rolling slightly (you will see the bullits coming at ya)
 regain alt slowly then turn to make the second pass .

on the large fields i try to place a hangar between myself and the ack when i exit the field (ack cant get ya from behind a hanger)
Roscoroo ,
"Of course at Uncle Teds restaurant , you have the option to shoot them yourself"  Ted Nugent
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Offline Cycovision

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Newbie help - best way to de-ack a field?
« Reply #5 on: November 16, 2003, 12:46:03 PM »
Thanks peeps, I've tried your suggestions a few times and already I'm doing a lot better. Still getting hit too much, but I'm sure that with practice I'll be de-acking like a, erm... something that de-acks very well :p

I should probably start a new thread actually, but I just have two more simple questions so I'll ask 'em here instead and then leave you all in peace...

1. On the arena settings in H2H, what is the function of the 'Killshooter' setting? The AH helpfile doesn't explain what it is, and I haven't figured it out yet by myself!

2. Not that I agree with it, but when i'm hosting everybody asks for it, how do you set unlimmited ammo and fuel? I whack the gunammomultiplyer etc. up to ten and reduce the fuel burn rate but how do you get them to unlimmeted? Again, not a lot of info in the helpfile.

Offline scJazz

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Newbie help - best way to de-ack a field?
« Reply #6 on: November 16, 2003, 01:14:28 PM »
First for unlimited fuel and ammo... not possible. Crank the setting up as far as they go but that is it. Killshooter causes Friendly plane A to take damage if it fires on Friendly plane B while trying to attack Enemy plane C. Useful for keeping ppl honest about engaging an already engaged NME aircraft.

As for AAA...

1) Line up on the field so that you can engage 2 to 3 AAA in a single pass.

2) Fly really freaking fast so that you spend less time in the killbox.

3) Best planes are ones with .50 caliber guns excellent ballistics, long range, damaging enough. When using your Spit DO NOT fire the cannons. Save those for NME Aircraft.

4) Open fire about 1 to 2 seconds (depending on speed) after you see the AAA fire. Remember they have much longer range than you. No point wasting ammo.

5) Jink every second by slight amounts. This really hoses up the AI AAA. Just slight tweaks don't pull more than 1.5Gs. Just a lil roll, elevator jinking.

6) KNOW which of the AAA is manned and treat those with EXTREME respect. Hell sometimes I bring 500lb bombs or rockets and just blast the manned AAA guns to hell from dizzying height.

7) Execute barrel rolls and similar jukes on exit. Again this tosses AI AAA to hell. DO NOT pull major Gs in these jukes since you slow way down and that is often fatal.

8) If you aren't doing 375mph to 400mph don't even think about it.

My personal favorite for deacking is the FW190 any variant. The nose mounted 13mm guns are great since no convergence problem. The plane has awesome roll so juking is a breeze. Flies really FAST in those power dives.
« Last Edit: November 16, 2003, 01:17:38 PM by scJazz »

Offline Rutilant

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Newbie help - best way to de-ack a field?
« Reply #7 on: November 16, 2003, 01:16:32 PM »
1 . Killshooter kills the shooter.. if someone shoots at a friendly, the shooter takes the damage. for team games and stuff

2. They aren't unlimited, per se, they're just set to thier highest and lowest settings for ammo and fuel, respectively.

I think if you set the fuel burn multiplier to 0.000001 or something like that it burns so slowly it may as well be unlimited.


Don't give in to the whiners, disable the A6Ms, la7s, temps, spit14s, 163s and 262s (obviously), leave ammo and fuel default, go into the wind settings and at a reasonable alt (8k or so, depending on map) set the Rise value to '-127', which sets up a straight down draft at 8k at 127mph to prevent ppl from climbing too high..

Promote some skill, eh? :aok

Offline Roscoroo

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Newbie help - best way to de-ack a field?
« Reply #8 on: November 16, 2003, 06:37:33 PM »
unlimited ammo and fuel is what the newbie dweebs whine for in h2h , it sets the perk planes up for spray and pray and ruins the game ...

drop down into the free multi player thread if you want to learn about h2h setups .. ill punt the thread if you want
Roscoroo ,
"Of course at Uncle Teds restaurant , you have the option to shoot them yourself"  Ted Nugent
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Offline gofaster

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Newbie help - best way to de-ack a field?
« Reply #9 on: November 17, 2003, 03:05:36 PM »
Best plane for de-acking a field is the F4U-1D.  The .50s have a long reach and the Corsair can take more damage than a Mustang.  I usually fire the guns in banks of 2 or 4, but if I'm in a hurry and don't expect any enemy aircraft then I'll use all 6.

Line yourself up so that 2 or 3 ack emplacements are in a line and your flight path will take you over them without having to change direction.  Come in around 400ias or more with a dive angle of about 25 degrees (this is so you can level out after the run instead of slamming into the ground).  Give a 3-second burst if you're firing 2 guns, use a 2 second burst if you're firing 4 guns.  You don't need to wait for your bullets to hit their target before you move to the next gun - trust your gunnery skills and let the bullets do their job.  "Fire and forget".  On egress, you'll want to back and jink to avoid the other guns shooting at you from behind.  Get altitude and speed and repeat as necessary.  

Another good airplane is the FW-190A8.  The four cannons dish out a lot more firepower and the FW can take a hit or two.

Offline zroostr

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Newbie help - best way to de-ack a field?
« Reply #10 on: November 17, 2003, 06:08:38 PM »
Originally posted by Rutilant
1 . Killshooter kills the shooter.. if someone shoots at a friendly, the shooter takes the damage. for team games and stuff


hmmm.....i think i got myself like that the other day. i was chasing a la7 with no one but friendlies around and one crossed my sights just as i fired at the la7. next thing i know i'm spinning into the drink :mad:

completely unavoidable since he came from under me but suxx just the same.

Offline DamnedRen

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Newbie help - best way to de-ack a field?
« Reply #11 on: November 18, 2003, 03:17:59 AM »
This is the one instance when I totally agree with kill shooter doing absolutely nothing for the game.

A pilot is honestly trying to win a knife fight when 5 guys jump into the middle of it. He fires only to have some dude pull right into his stream from underneath or from the side. He ends up dying for absolutely no reason other than everyone just has to try and steal every single kill. So what does that promote? Gang banging?

Alrighty. We all know we must have some sort of protection from someone hell bent on shooting down his teammate. By the same token, anyone who flies into someone elses stream deserves to die.  So whats the fix?


What you say? TURN IT OFF!

It has absolutely no value other than to have someone whose honestly trying to win a fight , lose the engagement. But not from a lack of flying ability but some game function thats not required.

If there was absolutely no impact either way then what does that hurt? You fire on friendly and nothing happens. Someone jumps into your steam and nothing happens. You shot an enemy he dies. Kinda simple.

Unless Im missing something terribly important that should be considered a reasonable fix to an unreasonable game action.


Offline Rutilant

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Newbie help - best way to de-ack a field?
« Reply #12 on: November 18, 2003, 06:20:50 AM »
"The people that whine about killshooter make the rest of us glad it's there."


(Edit) My favorite thing about the Mossie and A20 as a fighter, is.. They're so dang big if you try and fire over my shoulder, i can easily, roll a wingtip into your bullet stream, ya greedy bastages.

Actually, i've only ever killshot myself was in that same scenario, i was trying to nick the kill from the lead guy, and i deserved it.

But it does get frustrating when some ******* (wolf88) gets in an m3 to tries and killshoot your tiger for no apparent reason. Makes me wish i coulda blasted him :p

(edit edit) Jack-ass is muted? Come on!
« Last Edit: November 18, 2003, 06:29:48 AM by Rutilant »

Offline Cycovision

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Newbie help - best way to de-ack a field?
« Reply #13 on: November 18, 2003, 08:20:09 AM »
Originally posted by scJazz
First for unlimited fuel and ammo... not possible. Crank the setting up as far as they go but that is it. Killshooter causes Friendly plane A to take damage if it fires on Friendly plane B while trying to attack Enemy plane C. Useful for keeping ppl honest about engaging an already engaged NME aircraft.

Ah, right! Actually, I'm glad that there's no such thing as unlimited fuel and ammo, but I do think that the ammomultiplyer etc. is a good thing for us newbies since it means we get more time to practice the fun stuff without having to return to a field to re-arm etc. - assuming we don't get shot down, that is! Of course, landing and re-arming is an important thing to practice too, but it can get rather frustrating at the start when it seems like that's ALL you're doing ALL the time.

As for the Killshooter, bit of a double edged sword, isn't it? Personally, I think I'll be turning it off when I'm hosting. I've noticed that if someone comes into the room hell-bent on FFA play when everybody else is playing in teams, they usually get bored quickly and either join in the team play or b****r off to another room anyway.

As for accidental friendly fire, well, I think that's just part of the game, and kill-stealers will no doubt get what they deserve once their victim is up in the air again ;)

Offline Rutilant

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Newbie help - best way to de-ack a field?
« Reply #14 on: November 18, 2003, 09:16:42 AM »
and then they revenge kill eachother a bit, then tempers flare, then thier friends jump in trying to defend one another and it just turns into an FFA. when i host teams, however seldom that is, k/s is on ;)