Author Topic: JFK Scenarios on History Channel  (Read 3650 times)

Offline Holden McGroin

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JFK Scenarios on History Channel
« Reply #45 on: November 20, 2003, 05:41:23 PM »
The whole Kennedy thing is so huge because it's at the center of so many other covert shadow-government operations. Kennedy himself was the smallest part of it, because it was actually a power play between Dulles' CIA, the anti-Castro military, LBJ, the Giancana Mafia, and a bunch of other dirty players.

Oswald was a patsy, sure, but he put a gun on Jack. Of course, so did other test-mules from Dulles' MK-Ultra LSD-mind-control experiments. Zapruder was in on it, too: He was a KGB mole from way back. And the whole thing had ripple effects, like Jonestown, which was an assassin training camp that got found out.

As for the Warren Commission, that thing was a joke—Dulles himself was on it, and there was only one person on the whole commission who wasn't on the CIA payroll and suspected Oswald didn't act alone. He died in a plane crash, after a young congressional aide named Bill Clinton drove him to the airport. It's all true, but nobody wants to admit it. Nobody.

Now, Roswell, that's a bunch of crap. The Air Force was in possession of captured alien technology years before that. In '43, they started reverse-engineering a torus-shaped craft that came down in Arizona, and the next thing you know, America has The Bomb, supersonic aircraft, and a space program. Glenn saw stuff up there, flying lights. You can look it up.

You know what I think? I think that skirt-chaser Kennedy wanted to spill the beans about our alien friends, so they killed him. He told his girlfriend Marilyn Monroe, and they killed her, too.

No doubt, you're wondering, "Who are 'they'?" Well, I think the numbers speak for themselves: The Trinity site, where the first A-bomb was detonated, Dealey Plaza, where Kennedy bought the farm,  Area 51, and downtown Baghdad are all on the 33rd parallel. And what other significance does the number 33 happen to have? It's the highest rank of the Masonic order. Wheels within wheels, my friend. Wheels within wheels.

(read my sig disclaimer)
Holden McGroin LLC makes every effort to provide accurate and complete information. Since humor, irony, and keen insight may be foreign to some readers, no warranty, expressed or implied is offered. Re-writing this disclaimer cost me big bucks at the lawyer’s office!

Offline Shuckins

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« Reply #46 on: November 20, 2003, 05:43:26 PM »
A tumbling bullet can cause a large entrance wound.  Hydrostatic shock can cause the cranium to explode outward.

From what I've seen of Kennedy's skull, there isn't enough left of the right cranium to draw any solid conclusions.

The 60 % majority of the American public that believe in a conspiracy has been fed a steady diet of this drivel for decades.  Every "inconsistency" touted by Oliver Stone has been proven by experts to be almost spot on.


Offline gofaster

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« Reply #47 on: November 21, 2003, 08:27:48 AM »
Originally posted by Holden McGroin
The whole Kennedy thing is so huge because it's at the center of so many other covert shadow-government operations. Kennedy himself was the smallest part of it, because it was actually a power play between Dulles' CIA, the anti-Castro military, LBJ, the Giancana Mafia, and a bunch of other dirty players.

Oswald was a patsy, sure, but he put a gun on Jack. Of course, so did other test-mules from Dulles' MK-Ultra LSD-mind-control experiments. Zapruder was in on it, too: He was a KGB mole from way back. And the whole thing had ripple effects, like Jonestown, which was an assassin training camp that got found out.

As for the Warren Commission, that thing was a joke—Dulles himself was on it, and there was only one person on the whole commission who wasn't on the CIA payroll and suspected Oswald didn't act alone. He died in a plane crash, after a young congressional aide named Bill Clinton drove him to the airport. It's all true, but nobody wants to admit it. Nobody.

Now, Roswell, that's a bunch of crap. The Air Force was in possession of captured alien technology years before that. In '43, they started reverse-engineering a torus-shaped craft that came down in Arizona, and the next thing you know, America has The Bomb, supersonic aircraft, and a space program. Glenn saw stuff up there, flying lights. You can look it up.

You know what I think? I think that skirt-chaser Kennedy wanted to spill the beans about our alien friends, so they killed him. He told his girlfriend Marilyn Monroe, and they killed her, too.

No doubt, you're wondering, "Who are 'they'?" Well, I think the numbers speak for themselves: The Trinity site, where the first A-bomb was detonated, Dealey Plaza, where Kennedy bought the farm,  Area 51, and downtown Baghdad are all on the 33rd parallel. And what other significance does the number 33 happen to have? It's the highest rank of the Masonic order. Wheels within wheels, my friend. Wheels within wheels.

(read my sig disclaimer)

That's so classic, including the sig disclaimer, that its worth quoting! :rofl

Incidentally, I caught the first half of Peter Jennings' special where they recreated the assassination using computer animation based on the Zapruder film.  It pretty much concluded that there was 1 shooter, in the Texas Book Depository, who fired 3 shots.  First one missed, second one pierced JFK's back and throat and struck the gov in the back/chest, and the third was the head shot.

I didn't watch it past the bit about Jack Ruby.

Offline lazs2

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« Reply #48 on: November 21, 2003, 08:54:33 AM »
LDF... on the bullet thing... like so many other things you are just being silly.  I don't think you know anything about bullets and their affects.   Ask any deer hunter about the strange performance of his bullets, especially those available in 1963.

I don't know what happened but there is nothing to make me think that oswald didn't fire all those bullets or kill that cop with his 38.   I bet these conspiracy guys could make a case for there being a second hidden shooter for the wild boar I shot.... My shot was "inconsistent"   probly find hundreds of things that weren't right about the wound or angles or whatever.  


Offline CMC Airboss

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« Reply #49 on: November 21, 2003, 02:56:07 PM »
Originally posted by lazs2
I don't know what happened but there is nothing to make me think that oswald didn't fire all those bullets or kill that cop with his 38.
How about the fact that .38 S&W Auto casings were found by the first agent to reach the scene.  They were laying near Tippet.  Oswald was carrying a .38 Special Revolver.  Revolvers, as we all know, don't eject the cartridge casings after each shot.   When Oswald was picked up, his weapon was loaded with four rounds of .38 special.  Test firing showed that .38 Auto casings would have cracked and deformed in the bored out cylinder of Oswald's revolver.  The casings found at the scene were not cracked and deformed.

This is direct from the House Select Committee on Assassinations that provided information for the Warren report
"(206) Inasmuch as the panel's examinations were related to physical evidence only, a hypothesis to account for the discrepancy regarding the recovered cartridge cases and bullets is speculation."

Offline OIO

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« Reply #50 on: November 21, 2003, 03:12:00 PM »
Holden.. that was Gold! :aok :D :rofl

Offline Stringer

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« Reply #51 on: November 21, 2003, 03:14:13 PM »
I believe Seinfeld explained the whole thing during his re-creation of the second spitter.

Offline Samiam

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« Reply #52 on: November 21, 2003, 03:53:59 PM »
ABC aired a feature last night that very credibly debunked any notion that the assasination was anything other than Lee Harvey Oswald acting alone for his own motives.

Of course, since Peter Jennings is an alien visitor who's being manipulated by underground communist forces to undermine american values to make it easier for the aliens to colonize North America rather than Asia, nothing he says can really be trusted.

Offline lazs2

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« Reply #53 on: November 21, 2003, 04:28:48 PM »
on the 38 cases.... I would have to see what they were talking about... the 38 special is a .357" bullet loaded into a straight wall case.   the 38 S&W is an older cartrige of less power.. it is also of .357-.358" and uses a slightly shorter tapered rimmed case that will not load into a 38 special chamber (too fat at the large end of the taper).

the 38 auto and 38 super are both semi rimmed cases straight walled with bullets ranging from .354-.358"  depending... depending on year and manufacturer   they will load and fire in a 38 special chamber being semi rimmed.   The 38 auto is a weak version of the 38 super and obsolete    even in 1963...   It should have fire formed to the 38 special chamber tho with no problem.    

my guess is... you wouldn't find any pro using a 38 auto pistol... a 38 auto case would work in a 38 special chamber.... probly...    It would depend on the particular lot of 38 auto ammo and manufacturer...   I wouldn't guess either way but the 38 auto is a low pressure round so would probly be safe enough fired from the 38 special.

I believe that 38 auto and 38 super are identical in size but the super is loaded to much higher pressures... between a 38 special and a 357 mag.   maybe like a 38+p.

both 38 super and 38 auto use oddball bullet weights that would identify them as auto rounds probly..  What was the weight of the slug from the cop?

This is all off the top of my head... I will check my reload manuals when I get home...  


Offline Jack55

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« Reply #54 on: November 21, 2003, 07:25:12 PM »
I think the Warren Report is very convincing.

Offline yowser

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« Reply #55 on: November 21, 2003, 07:38:07 PM »
Sounds like some people are basing their conspiricy theories on information offered as "fact" in the Oliver Stone movie JFK....which was hilariously spoofed in that "magic luger (sp?)" Seinfeld episode by the way.  

Some basic facts that contradict most conspiracy theories:

1.The "pristine" bullet was not pristine. It was in fact severely flattened and its markings matched the rifle that had Oswald’s fingerprints, just like the other bullets did.
2.The pristine bullet was not "magic" either. The second shot that hit both Kennedy and Connally did not change direction. It had a straight trajectory. Kennedy was sitting in an elevated position, above Connally. Connally had turned in reaction to the first shot.
3.Bodies shot from the back fall forwards and backwards, not always forwards. Depends on their position when shot. More importantly, Kennedy moves forward for a split second upon impact of the second shot. He then falls to the left and back. The entry wound was on the upper REAR of his head.
4.There are no entry wounds from the front. The angle of the entry wounds rule out any shots from the grassy knoll.
5.There was no fourth shot. This theory came from an audio engineer using audio from a motorcycle cop’s microphone and has since been disproved. The cop was nowhere near where the audio engineer thought he was.
6.The three shots occurred in 8 seconds, not 6.3 seconds.  Plenty of time for this particular model of rifle.  Try it.
7.Oswald was a very good shot.  These three shots were less then 100 yards.  Records exist which show him scoring nearly perfect with 200 yard targets, similar in size to a head target.

You might want to read the Warren Commission report. It leaves out all sorts of facts and gets others wrong, but most of it has held up well under close scrutiny over the years. As well, all sorts of sites show the Zapruder film, the most important piece of evidence, frame by frame.

« Last Edit: November 22, 2003, 01:39:59 PM by yowser »

Offline SirLoin

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« Reply #56 on: November 21, 2003, 11:52:05 PM »
Originally posted by Shuckins
What MT said!

Oswald had 8 seconds in which to fire three shot, and even a piece of crap military rifle like the 6.5 Carcano is perfectly capable of doing the job.

Oswald acted alone.  Period.

Regards, Shuckins

Didn't the second and third bullets hit almost on top of each other?

I read many books ago on the assasination and came to the conclusion it was a lone gunman(not Oswald) from the sniper's nest in the book building.A semi-automatis rifle was used for rapid firing and there was four shots...."Oswald's" rifle was planted there along with the three spent shells.He was probably acting as a lookout and helped the sniper sneak in the building...JFK's brain went missing so nobody could do a spectographic analysis on the bullet fragments in the brain.

Oswald was CIA...All you need to see is the photo of him and Ferry from years ago at a military training base.

It was a lone gunman and it was a conspiracy.:D

Offline Shuckins

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« Reply #57 on: November 22, 2003, 12:17:47 AM »
Sir Loin, (Great handle by the way)

This topic is too serious for sarcasm...get a GRIP willya!  

Oswald was identified by witnesses as the man who shot officer Tippets less than a mile from the school book depository.  He made the walk to that spot from the depository in fifteen minutes.  Tippets was the second officer to confront Oswald after Kennedy's assassination.  Oswald had no prior what reason did he have to shoot Tippets?

Two murders, less than a mile apart, within 20 minutes.  The second committed by the chief suspect in the first;  a man with no priors, but who was so mentally unstable that even the Russians had "invited" him to leave their country.

A pipsqueak with a with a "head full of scrambled eggs" as one police investigator of the Kennedy assassination characterized him.

On the other hand, Kennedy could have been killed by an expatriat coon-ass, Louisiana Cajun ex-Marine with communist leanings and a head full of bad wiring.  

Oh, wait, that WAS bad.                                                                                                    :D

Regards, Shuckins

Offline lazs2

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« Reply #58 on: November 22, 2003, 09:17:16 AM »
Ok... checked on it... the 38acp and the 38 super both use straight walled cases of .380-384" dia.   and come loaded with a 130 grain round nose normaly.. the 38 special comes in at .379 with a 158-200 grain round nose or semi wadcutter or hollow point normally.

The case would not be too small and split in the 38 special chamber if you could get the rounds into the chamber because they are actually a little bigger around than the 38 special case.   pressures for the 38 acp and 38 special are about the same.
