amen brother lucull:cool:
Originally posted by AndyH
History has proven (in SSO) that the CO who concentrates his forces generally wins. There has been a definite trend of COs only attacking one target, and winning the frame.
When you have a CO who tries to follow the rules (as Markal did) he gets beat due to his forces being spread out thinner than his opponent.
and noone tould him to walk on the edge of rules ;-)
Markal, no worry buddy next time will be better, every of us have "bad " day on SOPS
Originally posted by skernsk
I am not totally 'qualified' to argue the points as I did not particpate in even one Sunday Squad-Op but I do know that ALL targets should be attacked ... it is a rule.
you are wrong in this , quote form objectives
Your job is to destroy logistic supplies at a depot and hunt and destroy an Allied fleet belived to be operating in the marked area om the map.
NOTE: Anything mention in the above description is not a rule or be taken as a task objective. The above description is only included to add flavour to the scenario. All taskes, rules, special rules, and objectives are note below and take precedence over anything in the description.
Frames are designed so the both sides will cross each other's path and the defenders will attack the oncoming planes. If a squadron is tasked to cap A1 and the CO decided not to attack it then you have 10-15 guys flying around for two hours doing nothing .. .where is the fun in that.
no is not, but is enforced by strategy, tactics and SA
Why somone whould send 3 or 4 people for death? when defence cap waiting for them ? Better is concentrate bigger force, take airsuperiority over first target, cut safe pass and retreat path. Return for rearm, judge resources and decide , do secound strike or not.
So here is moral choose.
Send somone for sure death or not?
ALL frame CO's must understand that when they get a set of objectives they must attack ALL and must defend ALL. This may be why the Friday squads are not having as many issues. They all know this rule and follow it.
no, they have diferent numbers
Attacking one target is not against rules, beucose noone of CiC can predict how many strike poplanes will left for secound attack.
Usual secound attack IS in battle plan, but mostly is no planes left to do this.
If I understand you correct ramzey you are saying intstead of 4 objectives (2 offensive and 2 defensive) to make it around 3. In my opinion it is better to have the numbers thinned out by adding another objective. Being used to a larger number .. we try for around 5 or 6 objectives. That is roughly 15-20 players per objective per side. It makes for some intense fighting.
Thanks for the reply ... [/B]
15-20 players for objective is ok, but its half of side forces.
Count with me please, that 4 objectives per frame , usual we have around 30 players per side.
its 7-8 players per objective. thats mean 2 defence fighters cap (around 15 pilots)
2 strike groups 2x 7 (or )
each strike group should have strike planes + fighter cover
tell me now please how to split forces inside strike group to give them chance to come back? if somwher ther waiting 7 fighters ready to kill them.
no offence , im just courious, when do you last time lead frame in squad operiations?