Especially since he seems to understand that paper carriers respawning at the South Pole isn't the answer. Maybe he can come in on "Team Bug?"
I'm not sure what this "Team Bug" issue is but maybe I can clarify why I cannot think of a better way to run this setup/scenario
First off I'm making an asumption
Brady wanted base capture to be possible without being dominating. To this end he lowered the hardness of the CV's and increased that of the shore batteries. This effectively keeps the cv fleets from parking off shore and shelling an area into oblivion. Plus the 8K rule was set with MA standards in mind where most attackers will be carrying in or around 2k of bombs/rockets/whatever. In this setup the IJN can for the most part carry less than that unless I'm totally off my rocker.
The flipside of this thinking is that morons are going to drive the ships right up to the coastline anyway because who wants to fly 3 minutes to get to the battle when you can fly 3 seconds.
and now theyare throwing me out of the office so I will have to edit this after I get home.
.... ok home... now where the hell was I and what in the hell was my point.....
oh right ( I think) anyway the cv's are vulnerable and it is a bit of a pain to lose them and have to drive them up from the south. But I think the CM's visit the arena enough during peak hours that if need be the fleets can be moved about to facilitate good fun battles. I guess I consider this a fair compromise the benefits of not having a fleet parked near your base (which drives me up the fall in setups like Guadalcanal) against the possible loss of your favorite plane for a period of time.
I think the job of the CM is about finding those compromises sometimes it works out and most people are happy others you miss your mark and it takes some tweaking to strike the right balance. In this case I think Brady has gotten the setup pretty well tuned. I've flown both sides and had an enjoyable time. I still don't think the chog/-4 need to be included not that I'm deathly afraid of the 20mm cannons in the chog just that it would regulate the -1D to a secondary role when historically the reverse was true. It just doesn't add anything to the scenario, neither does the F4u-4.
I'm not a big Brady cheerleader we've had our arguments in the past and I've quietly disagreed with him on numerous other occasions but in this case I feel that he has arrived at planeset that offers the BEST CHANCE for the MOST people to have a good time.
I think I made sense just now... maybe not... who knows, it's tough writing a msg over the course of 6+ hours and keeping your point clear, and I tend to ramble.