Author Topic: Friday's set up........  (Read 9613 times)

Offline Löwe

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Friday's set up........
« Reply #75 on: December 10, 2003, 07:26:44 PM »
Next time theres another late PTO setup, we could just pull this thread out dust it off and use it over again. It's the same guys insulting each other each time. When I was Axis, I always said bring on the F4U's.

You got Storch from JG-3 saying bring on the F4U's. Personally for me I dont care ethier way, I'll be in an F6, or a P-47. However it is a chance for some of the Corsair buffs to get to fly their favorite ride.

I don't see how it could cause all this nashing of teeth. The majority of the guys flying Japanese will be JG-3 , and I think it's pretty obvious , they can take care of themselves no matter what you throw at em.

Give the corsair guys their corsairs, for crying out load. If they fly smart they'll have fun. Anybody flying them because they think it's gonna make them uber........... Well , Storch and a few others will hand em their butts.

For once just do it and see how it plays , so we can cut this same old tired arguement out for a while.

I know what Nizche said, but I say " If it don't make you stronger it might just kill your arse".

Offline Batz

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Friday's set up........
« Reply #76 on: December 10, 2003, 07:29:28 PM »
Originally posted by Squire
"As a dedicated axis flyer i can say with complete certainty that if the allies get these rides they will run or they will die."

"We will murder them. It is easily defeated with good flying and patience"

Geez, somebody is kinda full of himself today huh?

...oh Batz, do you have any nice charts that compare the Hurricane I and the 110C-4/b? BoF was the time for a good chart, pity its passed now.

Yak-9T, I like it actually, you can get in close and then :)

As for the F4U-4, I wouldnt hold my breath for it lads. I dont care if its added or not really.  It would be nice to see it included as a perk ride maybe, just for fun. Seems to me the LW gets the 540mph Me 262 in a few CT setups? or did we all forget?

Squire I whole heartily agree that the 110C-4b is too much for the BoF and in the thread about that plane set I even said as much. I think the 110 in ah with DB601n isn’t even representative of the 110 in the BoB. I also said the ju88 and Boston should have been out.

My point with the yak 9t was erg made the claim that "g6 and g2 put the 9t to shame." The g6 and g2 certainly have their advantages but so does the 9t. Some of the best fighting I have had in ah was fighting yak9ts in a g6. OTD and below 5k its clearly up to the better pilot. 7-10k the g6 gains. 12 to 15 it’s back to pilot. Above 15k well the yak9t has no business up that high. In either plane you don’t survive many mistakes.

In the Okinawa set up I don’t think the chog is too much air2air. My only concern would be a2g. Its no better or worse then the dhog. But the Hispanos can easily chew up a whole field. The Japanese only have like 6 airbases on the island. Turn off field capture and hell any plane that you cram in setup put it in there.

The F4u-4 had minimal impact in the real battle and if unchecked in this setup it would be 90% of the allied planes in the air.

I agree with Soulyss 100% and think he would be a great CT CM.
The F4U-1C and -4 aren't needed. What would they contribute to the setup? nil, nadda, zero. To the IJN players they would just be a couple of planes that can run away more and/or faster than the other ones if they were perked because people would be even less inclined to commit to a dogfight with perk points on the line. If they were not perked they would represent the vast majority of allied sorties during the week. Both ways you look at it, it means less fun for the axis flyer. From an allied point of few they are just not needed. Anything the super-hogs can do the -1 and -1D can do, maybe not to the same extend but well enough for the purposes of the setup (ie they both possess superior speed and ord capability o their IJN counter parts). It is in the best interest of all involved as a matter of having fun that the perk planes are left on the sideline till something competitive emerges from the IJN.

Competition and the ability of your opponent to win is what makes for a good battle which I think most would agree a more enjoyable experience. Without both sides being able to engage and defeat the other really makes for a long and stale week in the CT.

Offline Arlo

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Friday's set up........
« Reply #77 on: December 10, 2003, 07:37:56 PM »
" ... both sides being (un)able to engage and defeat the other really makes for a long and stale week in the CT."

Especially since he seems to understand that paper carriers respawning at the South Pole isn't the answer. Maybe he can come in on "Team Bug?" ;)

Offline scJazz

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Friday's set up........
« Reply #78 on: December 10, 2003, 08:12:22 PM »
Originally posted by brady
I have always Known (even when I was helping Kanttori to find info for this map) that F4U-4's and C hog's were at Okinawa, Givien the Allies Signastudmuffinant advantages in spead and ordance delevery abalitys in this present set up, I feal that adding the Hog and the -4 would realy be unjustifiable in the present set up( the later more so than the former given that they were operational at the very end of the battle and got only 9 kills for entire war.)

OK this is just the latest example of Brady's no F4U-1C argument. He has repeated himself many times on this subject and we've all read it many times. For the record I'll repeat his comments now in English with proper spelling.

1) The C-Hog is just way too fast
2) The C-Hog has far too much JABO capability
3) The damage the 20mm M2 rounds does is just way too hideous when dealing with the IJN/IJAAF paper airplanes

OK so let's examine each of these items a bit closer.

1) The C-Hog is exactly the same speed as the D-Hog which we are allowed to have.

2) If the C-Hogs JABO ability is considered extreme then why in hell is the P47-D30 included? Jug-30 carries roughly 60% more droppable ordnance, 4060lbs vs 2640lbs. At this point Brady points out the guns causing hellish levels of damage in JABO runs. Right...

The C-Hog goes through 932 rounds of 20mm ammo in 21 seconds. Each round does 4.03lbs of damage to a ground target. This works out to 3755bs of damage for the entire load at 178.85lbs of damage per second.

The P47-D30 goes through 3400 rounds of .50 ammo in 32 seconds. Each round does 1.17lbs of damage to a ground target. This works out to 3978lbs of damage for the entire load at 124.3125lbs of damage per second.

As seen by these figures the P47-D30 has guns capable of delivering about 200lbs more damage to a ground target. However it's guns deliver roughly 70% the damage per second that a C-Hog's can.

3) Look IJN/IJAAF aircraft are paper thin to any kind of gun. If we could get a setup that had Hurri I's and Zeke's we'd see that even a .303 armed plane needs a 0.1 second burst in order to make a Zeke explode. However we can have the P47 which can unload 106 rounds a second. We can not have a plane that fires 44 rounds a second. Even though the 20mm M2 has slightly less range and accuracy than a .50 M2.

An object example using the Shore Batteries as the target (the hardest targets in setup).

P47-D30 dives in and unloads all under carriage weapons. At this point the SB has taken 4060lbs of damage and needs just 940lbs more to blow up. Using guns this will require 7.5 seconds of fire which can be done in 2 to 3 passes. If done perfectly the Jug now has 2596 rounds on board or 76% of its' ammo supply, 23.5 seconds of fire left.

C-Hog dives in and unloads all under carriage weapons. At this point the SB has taken 2640lbs of damage and needs just 2360lbs more to blow up. Using guns this will require 13.2 seconds of fire which can be done in 4 to 6 passes. If done perfectly the C-Hog now has 346 rounds on board or 37% of its' ammo supply, 7.8 seconds of fire left.

Would you rather take the Jug or the Hog on the lone wolf blow up the SB mission?

Gun and Rocket damage source is myself as posted in Aircraft and Vehicles forum, "Analysis of Aircraft Guns" thread.

So what is the conclusion we can draw from all of this?
1) Brady's whole C-Hogs are too good at JABO argument is junk. You can tell it is junk because we can have a P47-D30.
2) Since the D-Hog and C-Hog are both SLOWER than the Hog-1 that whole "too speedy" thing is junk as well.
3) Brady is stating opinions about what he thinks a C-Hog is capable of rather than using facts backed up by math. Which is pretty much what we've come to expect.
4) Brady pretty much doesn't know squat about the AH environment and has never taken the time to learn. Kinda weird considering the responsibility he has been given.

Oh, as an added bonus the cannon armed IJN/IJAAF aircraft can strafe a GV much more easily than the MG armed Allied AC. I won't even mention the conga line streams of KI67s heading toward the CVs and what a pain it is to blast them with MGs.

Brady... if I had the money I'd buy you a whole warehouse full of clues!
« Last Edit: December 10, 2003, 08:15:19 PM by scJazz »

Offline Slash27

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Friday's set up........
« Reply #79 on: December 10, 2003, 08:20:18 PM »
I'll give that post a "10".  Nice Jazz:aok  Whats the N1K's Jabo ability vs the C-Hog?

Offline scJazz

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Friday's set up........
« Reply #80 on: December 10, 2003, 08:49:22 PM »
The C-Hog ranks #9 on my list of "Planes that can beat the stuffing out of hardened ground targets". The N1K2-J is #19. The P47-D30 is #1. Two perk planes the Hog-4 and Tempest are in the top 20 (obviously Hog-D and Hog-4 are tied for #7. The F4U-1D ranks #7 which I'm kicking myself about since I forgot to thwack Brady upside the head with the fact that the D-Hog is better at JABO than the C-Hog.

Plane Total Dam ORD Guns ORD+1/2Guns
P-47-D30        3978 4060 3978 6049
N1K2-J        3465 1100 3465 2832.5
F4U-1C        3696 2640 3696 4472
F4U-1D        2808 3248 2808 4652

Offline Slash27

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Friday's set up........
« Reply #81 on: December 10, 2003, 08:53:39 PM »
Thanks for the figures

Offline scJazz

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Friday's set up........
« Reply #82 on: December 10, 2003, 08:57:51 PM »
If you want the whole stinking list just send an email to my profile and I'll send back the spreadsheet.

Offline Oldman731

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Friday's set up........
« Reply #83 on: December 11, 2003, 07:51:32 AM »
Originally posted by Löwe
For once just do it and see how it plays , so we can cut this same old tired arguement out for a while.

Trust it to Lowe to cut to the heart of matters.  I agree.  The setup lasts only a week.  Unleash all Corsairs, from all bases, let every allied pilot fly one, see what happens.

Or:  If we think we can't stand it for a whole week, do it on Friday and Saturday only (or some other combination).

- oldman

Offline Eagler

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Friday's set up........
« Reply #84 on: December 11, 2003, 08:03:03 AM »
this thread and others just like it posted everytime CT is a PTO setup is proof that CT should always be an ETO scenerio :)
"Masters of the Air" Scenario - JG27

Intel Core i7-13700KF | GIGABYTE Z790 AORUS Elite AX | 64GB G.Skill DDR5 | 16GB GIGABYTE RTX 4070 Ti Super | 850 watt ps | pimax Crystal Light | Warthog stick | TM1600 throttle | VKB Mk.V Rudder

Offline Mister Fork

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Friday's set up........
« Reply #85 on: December 11, 2003, 08:40:31 AM »
The setup is fair. Lots of planes on the US side, good strong defenders on the Japanese side.  

Brady's volunteering his time to set this map up, which by the way will take a few hours. Setups are very time consuming and he's spending his free time to help all you guys.

Time is money and when someone gives it away for free, please respect that the CT staff is giving it away in bunches here in the CT.
"Games are meant to be fun and fair but fighting a war is neither." - HiTech

Offline scJazz

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Friday's set up........
« Reply #86 on: December 11, 2003, 09:45:22 AM »
Never said his time wasn't valuable Fork. What I said was...

1) He doesn't know what he's talking about
2) He is inflexible to the point of foolishness
3) I'd rather have Jester do the setup because at least you can talk to him

Offline brady

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Friday's set up........
« Reply #87 on: December 11, 2003, 12:19:26 PM »
The C hog is being left out not because of it's potential distructive capabalitys, but because it is uber, thats why it was perked in the MA, the ease with which it does everything (killing and distruction) is the reasion, as it was the reasion HTC perked it.

 Just because I dont agree with a point a player makes does not make me inflexable, their are plenty of examples of me tweaking things one way or another in many of my set up's based on observations by players and staff, to back this up.

Offline Easyscor

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Friday's set up........
« Reply #88 on: December 11, 2003, 12:58:35 PM »

All this plane whinning and poking sticks in Brady's eye.  I haven't seen an unfair setup in the CT yet and we have to fly the Boston IIIs far more than I'd like but you won't hear us complain about it.

As for Brady not listening, he added the B-26 to this very setup when it was pointed out our squad would have to fly Peggys and sink all the Allied CVs.  Be glad he saw the need to stop that or you wouldn't have any CVs to fly from. :p
Easy in-game again.
Since Tour 19 - 2001

Offline Arlo

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Friday's set up........
« Reply #89 on: December 11, 2003, 01:06:38 PM »
Originally posted by Eagler
this thread and others just like it posted everytime CT is a PTO setup is proof that CT should always be an ETO scenerio :)

Cod yer bein' a real handsomehunk. :rofl