Author Topic: Tank town  (Read 4011 times)

Offline jaxxo

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Tank town
« Reply #30 on: January 09, 2004, 06:59:31 AM »
Well some whiny gv'ers are experiencing what fighting on the russian front in ww2 was like. God forbid htc empowered me with a tank busting ju87d with twin 37mm. :) Matter of fact Im thinking of changing my name to Hans Rudel and setting up base camp outside of dweeb town. However that being said, when someone goes in and drops all the vhs I get 100 more gvs invading my home fields,...well at least I dont have to fly up to 10k to drop a load on an Ltard :P

Offline DYGCaps

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Tank town
« Reply #31 on: January 09, 2004, 07:33:40 AM »
Quit your whining about TT, it will never change.  The fact is that this entire thread is useless and ridiculous.  Oh my god a plane dropped a bomb on you, that sucks...all you have to do is spawn again...and that takes what? 2 seconds?  Whereas the planes have at least a 15 minute flight to get to alt to get into TT...:rolleyes:

Offline moot

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« Reply #32 on: January 09, 2004, 10:36:20 AM »
makes you wonder whether it is intuition or projection when someone comes into a discussion and immediately tags arguments as whine.
Hello ant
running very fast
I squish you

Offline LePaul

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« Reply #33 on: January 09, 2004, 11:24:56 AM »
Originally posted by JB73
never heard lepaul .. how'd your attack go? !

im tellin you 1 day i will take a 110 there and kill all the barracks and VH's

just to pad my damage/sortie in attack mode.

Long Lanc ride...upped, watched a TV documentary...came back in time to see I was at 25k and would clear the "Whiners Barrier" with ease.  Had a Squaddie with me in a P47.  Located section where the bad GVs were (NW).  Town was already pretty leveled (those dang buffs!) doors and away went 54 500 pound bombs.  7 kills and an impressive crater line.

Descended, low gas, so made several straffing runs.  Got two more from gun runs lol.  Eventually lost all 3 buffs and went back to Squad ops.

There's yer AAR  :p

Offline kj714

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« Reply #34 on: January 09, 2004, 12:01:08 PM »

"Now you really need to shut up. Its all about ME ME ME ME ME!"

Are you for real, guy?

"But maybe im mistaken and babbling"

Offline kj714

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« Reply #35 on: January 09, 2004, 12:07:10 PM »

"Ohhh this is lame. This conversation comes up all the time on this map. And yet again, all that comes of it is nagging and complaining. Have you thought of anything remotly new yet?"

Then why are you spending any time on this thread?

Offline kj714

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« Reply #36 on: January 09, 2004, 12:16:35 PM »
"and it could start a early war furball area"

theres a good idea! Maybe if the bases were up on the mountainside to give them a running start? I wonder what the effect on frame rate might be with all the gv's and planes in one small area?

Offline NoBaddy

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Re: Tank town
« Reply #37 on: January 09, 2004, 02:29:40 PM »
Originally posted by kj714
Raise the mountains around it and put Otto AA guns on them.

Either that or put some limited fuel fighter only capability at the vh's. Something to keep the planes out.

I agree that tank town should be for GV'ers to gv their little hearts out.

There's always a dweeb who decides to get in there in his A20 and screw it up.

Hmm, guess you don't often bother to read the boards. As I said earlier, each country has 2 gv fields inside the crater. The plan is to take the rear field for each country and enable fighters only. No bombs. No C47s. Not yet sure which fighters. I expect it would be mainly those armed with mg's.

I expect this will be done when the terrain is updated for AH2.
NoBaddy (NB)

Flying since before there was virtual durt!!
"Ego is the anesthetic that dulls the pain of stupidity."

Offline Zanth

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« Reply #38 on: January 09, 2004, 03:16:32 PM »
Originally posted by simshell
here would be the plane list for the vh's


Tank town could pull dual duty as Laz's early war plane area (sort of)  Heck might be fun.  (we could ignore the trucks)

Offline XtrmeJ

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« Reply #39 on: January 09, 2004, 03:23:37 PM »
Originally posted by kj714

Then why are you spending any time on this thread?

I like to make you cry. So far it is working:lol :rofl

Offline Gunslinger

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« Reply #40 on: January 09, 2004, 03:34:25 PM »
The planes dont bother so much as the inevitable total spawn camp (from anyside)  I think the southern bases in tank town are at a total dissadvantage because of the proximity and the hills.  

ALSO I nearly blew a gasket the other day when I was shootin a guy point blank and the rounds were passin right threw him.  He was spawn camping but impossible to kill.  I can usually take out a single spawn camper but this was rediculus.  I'm not sure but I think it might had to do somthing with my Frame rate.  In the air I usually get 36-60 but tank town its 8-22.  OH well, new map today anyways HOPE ITS NOT BIG ISLES

Offline kj714

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« Reply #41 on: January 09, 2004, 04:19:45 PM »

"I like to make you cry. So far it is working"

Haha, you overestimate yourself there milkweed.

Your logic is a little hard to follow; a major whine about how worthless the thread is, then continued participation in it. Are you a chickenhead, or do you just act like one?

akakakakakakakak -

everybody die, mang!

Offline XtrmeJ

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« Reply #42 on: January 09, 2004, 04:30:18 PM »
Im just not see'ing the point to this thread. Do a search for how many other GV whines there are about tank town ect. This is just another to add with a point that has been stated many times before. And if you look in the ifrst 50 posts one of the HiTech crew has answerd which is less than I can say for this thread because it has been stated many times before. Maybe you should come in to MA right now cuz skuzzy is on, and the GV whines are plentiful. So until the time they are fixed why dont ya sit back and ride it out, rather then whine repeatedly.

Offline simshell

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« Reply #43 on: January 09, 2004, 05:57:23 PM »
there is nothing wrong with making threads about game issues and the so called most whine threads are just the biggest issues within the game

you people use the word whine to try to make those look dumb for bringing up game issues that are bothering them and sense you disagree you call it whining

the htc staff is happy with gamer's making threads about  game issues  that are bothering its users
known as Arctic in the main

Offline XtrmeJ

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« Reply #44 on: January 09, 2004, 06:15:31 PM »
Yes but when the same issue is brought up over and over again it is pointless. I think u are missing the point hehe. It is good to bring up the issues i agree, but continuelly bringing up the same topic over and over doesnt fix things. Everyone in this game knows the problem with tank town and gv's. HTC does appreciate it but when they tend to stop reading these threads after the 100th one. They are not idiots they get the idea and I'm sure they are trying to figure out new ways to resolve the problem. Just some people are so thick in the head they won't see this and continue to post. As for me, I like to bring this up. As for whines, after this many threads on the topic, it is perfectly fine to call it a whine :)