Author Topic: Small maps and rooks = DOS  (Read 9502 times)

Offline Arlo

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« Reply #60 on: January 13, 2004, 06:26:00 PM »
Originally posted by 11dano11
Still, if I have a squadie or friend nearby and we feel like defending `gainst the horde (at least until the situation becomes totally futile ... sometimes after) we dive into it with gusto and have fun anyway.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------That's the point, Arlo.  We don't have a choice anymore on Sunday night.  You defend against the horde... which is totally futile... or you don't fly.

We have a saying in our squad. When it stops being fun, stop flying.  Well, Sunday nights have stopped being fun, so more and more of us will find other things to do -- make it a training night, go to the CT, or watch a movie, whatever.  And unfortunately, that will only make the Arena that much more lopsided.  

Well ... you still didn't hear me but that's ok. Good luck dealing with this, bro. One man's unbearable burdon in one arena becomes their fight mantra in the next. Welcome to the CT.

Offline DipStick

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« Reply #61 on: January 13, 2004, 06:29:07 PM »
Originally posted by DEMAN
We were DRAMATICALLY outnumbered for at least 18 of the last 24 months and spent MANY nights (not just Sunday or RJO nights) getting gang banged by vastly superior numbers by both Nit and Bish who were racing each other to reset us.

Lol more BS! This thread has given me alot of laughs today. Thanks all. :D  

Offline DEMAN

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« Reply #62 on: January 13, 2004, 06:38:58 PM »
Originally posted by DipStick
Lol more BS! This thread has given me alot of laughs today. Thanks all. :D  

Hmmm,DipStick...dont see you as being online before November 03...wonderin how you would know if this was BS or not??

Offline Grimm

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« Reply #63 on: January 13, 2004, 07:40:12 PM »
Originally posted by 11dano11
It's not about cooperative play, Grimm.  

Dano,    Your Killing me....    :)

Nothing better than to see the CAF being a thorn in the side of the Dammed.    :)     Best post Iv read in a long time.    

(For those that dont know, the CAF and the Dammed have been traditional advisaries since AW DOS)

As Dawg had said,  Sunday Squads have strong participation.   Perhaps if the Dammed became a larger squad you could compete on more level playing feild.   BTW, The CAF does not have a Sunday squadnight.

The RJO happens very occasionaly and not only a Sunday,  It probably happens maybe 4 or 5 Sundays a year.    But it does inspire alot of whines.  

Sorry to upset you so

Offline RookieCAF

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« Reply #64 on: January 13, 2004, 07:59:25 PM »
The best best thing I remember during my tenure as CAF CO (Way back in AW DOS Days) was the streak of god knows how many warnights in a row where we whipped the Damned at their own game, and did it with glee.

Nice to see some things never change, including how much they cry about it.

Carry On :)

(Pun Intended)

Offline Bullethead

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« Reply #65 on: January 13, 2004, 09:11:41 PM »
11dano11 whined:
But when the Bish have 150 up, the Knits have 150 up and the Rooks have >>300<< up, there simply is no defense you can rally, no cavalry to call, no mission you can mount, not a dang thing you can do but stay very hi at the edge of the tide, pick off what you can and hope to land at a rear field before it gets over run by the swarm.  

The Rooks had so many up that I suspect most couldn't find enme to shoot at, so what's left?  Go pork rear fields.  Oh goodie, there goes another option for us.  What, take off from even further rear fields?

I've fought the Damned for 9 years, from AW, across WB, and now into AH.  And no doubt I'll be fighting them still 20 years hence in whatever game we have by then.  And if there's one thing that's been constant so far regardless of time or game, it's that the Damned are a bunch of damned whiners.  

You all know the Damned, that horde of innumerable dweebs who have something like 200 separate squads full to the gills in every arena and server of every online game in the world.  I figure 1/2 of all online players world-wide are Damned.  And what do they whine about?  They whine when once every 5-6 weeks, for 1 night, in 1 arena of 1 game, THEY'RE the ones getting out-numbered for a change.  Weep weep :rolleyes:

And when they're not whining about that, they're whining about how nobody holds still when they spend 20 minutes climbing into orbit, only to blow their 1 pass and run away.  These are the guys who caused the P51 to be labeled the "runstang".  These are the guys whose intentional bailing rather than face even a co-E fight made bailing such an anathema to all true warriors.

Gawd, I love Hating the Damned :D  But I digress...

To the nits and bish:
This whole RJO thing is just evolution, folks.  It's our response to changes in our environment.  Because resets and the perks for them exist, naturally people try to do this.  And for the 1st couple years of AH, it was almost always the Rooks getting the *****ty end of the stick.  So we evolved.  Many Rook squads got together and decided that once every 5-6 weeks, we'd bury the nits and/or bish for a change.  And so far it's usually worked.  Now the RJO is part of YOUR environment.  You must either adapt to it or perish.  But please do one or the other.  Don't debase yourself by whining about it, especially because RJOs only happen about 1% of the total time the arena is active.

Whining about somethign that happens 1% of the time at most...  :rofl:

Offline Coach

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« Reply #66 on: January 14, 2004, 01:04:58 AM »
1 pilot in the CAF with a K/D over 2.0 and your kicking our butts?

Bartender...  I'll have what they're drinking :aok



Offline 11dano11

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« Reply #67 on: January 14, 2004, 01:26:00 AM »
RookieCAF --"we whipped the Damned at their own game, and did it with glee.  Nice to see some things never change, including how much they cry about it."--
In your dreams, Rookie *GG*.  Damned MkXX currently has a team K/D of 2.11 to the CAF 1.25.  Don't know who you're shooting down, but it ain't us
Bullethead --''I've fought the Damned for 9 years, from AW, across WB, and now into AH. And no doubt I'll be fighting them still 20 years hence in whatever game we have by then. And if there's one thing that's been constant so far regardless of time or game, it's that the Damned are a bunch of damned whiners.
Really? Let's take an informal count.  Of those here who flew in AW, how many were trained by someone from the Damned, cuz the Damned pretty much ran the AW Training.  And how many Damned are currently trainers in AH? I know of 3, but there's prolly more, and there's not even a real training program yet.  What have you contributed, Bullethead?
--"These are the guys whose intentional bailing rather than face even a co-E fight made bailing such an anathema to all true warriors."--
You're a gawddam liar. Is that how you debate, Bulletbrain, by making crap up?  Let me say that again, so it's clear.  You are a liar.
--"They whine when once every 5-6 weeks, for 1 night, in 1 arena of 1 game, THEY'RE the ones getting out-numbered for a change."--
Again, it's not every 5-6 weeks, it's every Sunday night, whether or not it's organised.  We've logged on every Sunday for years and for the past several months there's 220, 230 or 250 Rooks up EVERY Sunday.  Hitting 300 last Sunday was a real benchmark for you guys, and at that point it simply became ridiculous.

Offline RookieCAF

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« Reply #68 on: January 14, 2004, 04:18:51 AM »

Sorry, We owned you guys in Warnights. Get over it already.
K/D means absolutely nothing, and you know it. You're just trying to baffle em with bull**** as the saying goes.

Training? Who cares. I learned from Bebop, Headhunter, and with all my squadmates. Some of your guys may be good sticks, but my squadmates are good people. We are a true squad, not a bunch of hired guns.

So why don't you just STFU.

(Or, You can just show your true colors and continue to ***** like the dweeb you are)

Offline RookieCAF

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« Reply #69 on: January 14, 2004, 04:41:01 AM »
And Dano, Coach,

FWIW We've always been the Cactus Air Force (CAF) and have never had to use any roman numeral. We're the same squad. We don't need or want 20 variants.

What does this say about you?

And Coach, I'm drinking Coffee, Black. I think you guys are the ones all liquored up.

Offline Masherbrum

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« Reply #70 on: January 14, 2004, 06:03:22 AM »
Originally posted by DamnedCoach
1 pilot in the CAF with a K/D over 2.0 and your kicking our butts?

Bartender...  I'll have what they're drinking :aok



What are you the Coach of?  Women's Field Hockey?  Please continue to squirm as the whines flow from your glass to your brain.  What the f*** does a K/D ratio of a pilot have to do with anything?  So, you fly that Tiffie over a vulched field.  BulletHead, pass the pin, Coach's chest needs it, and obviously he needs it somewhere else.

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Offline Hap

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« Reply #71 on: January 14, 2004, 06:42:56 AM »
Originally posted by VWE
I keep reading this Bish-Knit as though we were the same. Everyone knows the Knits go it solo and the Bish-Rooks spoon almost every night.

been a bish for years.  never once heard of any joint anything with rooks.


Offline TequilaChaser

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« Reply #72 on: January 14, 2004, 07:39:29 AM »
Originally posted by RookieCAF

Sorry, We owned you guys in Warnights. Get over it already.
K/D means absolutely nothing, and you know it. You're just trying to baffle em with bull**** as the saying goes.

Don't ever recall the Cactus air Force , ever owning me! and your right K/D doesn't mean squat!

Training? Who cares. I learned from Bebop, Headhunter, and with all my squadmates. Some of your guys may be good sticks, but my squadmates are good people. We are a true squad, not a bunch of hired guns.
we are a family, not a squad per say! some of our family are pretty good but it isn't our flying abilitys we like, its our friendships and our cloesness as a family. We support each other and help each other out in times of hardship and vice versa. And I don't know anyone that is hired!  anyone that is Damned is Damned because he wanted to be, or the Damned asked him to be! so you need to back it up there a notch when you imply we are not a true squad! If one of our own gets down on his luck we gather money as a group and help pay his bills, we go the extra mile!

So why don't you just STFU.

This type of language shows the real side of most in Aces High, dweebishness

(Or, You can just show your true colors and continue to ***** like the dweeb you are)
 what? you can type "STFU" but ya can't input other crap and have to use *****, how silly is that?

"When one considers just what they should say to a new pilot who is logging in Aces High, the mind becomes confused in the complex maze of info it is necessary for the new player to know. All of it is important; most of it vital; and all of it just too much for one brain to absorb in 1-2 lessons" TC

Offline TequilaChaser

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« Reply #73 on: January 14, 2004, 07:49:53 AM »
Originally posted by RookieCAF
And Dano, Coach,

FWIW We've always been the Cactus Air Force (CAF) and have never had to use any roman numeral. We're the same squad. We don't need or want 20 variants.

What does this say about you?

And Coach, I'm drinking Coffee, Black. I think you guys are the ones all liquored up.
Tell ya what Rookie, the Roman Numeral thingy is there because the flight sims we have all flown have never let any squad have more than a certian amount allowed, all be it 32 players, 64 players or what ever, so the only reason the roman numeral as you call it is there is because the games limitations, and if you could see how many times we as a squad have argued over it you would understand, but with AH2 this should all be fixed , but just because someone is in MKX, another in MKXX, and a third in MKXXX, don't think that anyone is better than the others because we are ALL DAMNED! as for what this says about us? it says we got alot of people in our family and we have one helluva family reunion! and if I recall , it was the CAF that started the trash talking about a squad, or wait that might have been Virage! :)
"When one considers just what they should say to a new pilot who is logging in Aces High, the mind becomes confused in the complex maze of info it is necessary for the new player to know. All of it is important; most of it vital; and all of it just too much for one brain to absorb in 1-2 lessons" TC

Offline lazs2

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« Reply #74 on: January 14, 2004, 08:02:17 AM »
nobody cares about some rjo..  nobody even knows it's happening except that the numbers are even more lopsided and the rooks act even more suicidal during it.  

The "organization" isn't waht steamrollers fields...  numbers are.   An RJO with even numbers is nothing but a bunch of rooks dying.   Any time one side gets 20% or better numbers it gains all the "strat".  

EXcess lemmings pork fields and resources.   Lemmings can be dangerous if you are at the bottom of the cliff they are jumping off.

Damn... it was fun when nobody cared.
