Capt. enven though I think you' are a moron, I will offer you a bit of advice. I made the same mistake when I was 23, got married. Well guess what, roughly $250,000. later (that does not include what I spent on her during the marriage) I am flipping divorced, and have been happily divorced for over 4 years now. Notice I say happily, a quarter of a million dollars gone, and yet I am still happy about it!
No more *****ing
No more whining
No more lies
No more being broke (mind you it took 4 years to restore some of what I lost!)
What I do enjoy now is having money, being able to do what I want, and generally not giving a crap about that aspect of life!
You need to put the brakes on hard, rethink your life, hit yourself in the balls with a 20 lb sledge or whatever else you think will jar you to your senses. Otherwise, the odds are when you are in your 30's like I am, you will be working your prettythang off to recover from a horid mistake in your 20's.
So, listen to divorced men the world over's advice: