Author Topic: What race are the French?  (Read 2752 times)

Offline Hortlund

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What race are the French?
« Reply #90 on: February 17, 2004, 09:54:59 AM »
Originally posted by SLO
you surrendered like hipocrites....

No, we didnt surrender, we ALLIED with them. I understand the difference might be hard for you to grasp and all, but the difference is enormous.

Offline Spooky

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What race are the French?
« Reply #91 on: February 17, 2004, 09:59:44 AM »
Originally posted by Hortlund
No, we didnt surrender, we ALLIED with them. I understand the difference might be hard for you to grasp and all, but the difference is enormous.

Yep, at least WE fought !

you guys were prison biatches right away !

System : you have been PWNED

Offline Habu

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« Reply #92 on: February 17, 2004, 10:10:04 AM »
Originally posted by Hortlund
Oh noo...the french guy thinks my credibility is gone. Who can help us now.


LOL I spilled my coffee this morning when I read that. Good one Hortland.

I think it is funny the guy keeps saying "My Van Doo's were there so you are wrong" totally missing the point that the percentage of French Canadian soldiers was so small (but yes there were some) that the government back home had a huge crisis regarding conscripiton. I can just see if he was Prime Minister back then.

"Sir English Canada is not going to vote Liberal anymore as they are all pissed off that so few French Canadians are enlisting."

"Hey I know there are at least 2 over there fighting so English Canada is wrong"

"But sir 2 out of 100,000 is not that many"

"I said there are 2 fighting and they are brave so how dare you imply the French Canadians are not pulling their weight"

"Ok thats good enough for me, thanks for clearing that up"

It really is like boxing in the Special Olympics trying to have an intelligent discussion in here sometimes.

Offline Dowding

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« Reply #93 on: February 17, 2004, 10:13:45 AM »
No, we didnt surrender, we ALLIED with them. I understand the difference might be hard for you to grasp and all, but the difference is enormous.

You smoked but didn't inhale? Or rather you sucked but didn't swallow? Either way, and stupid analogies aside, there was definite executive relief involved.
War! Never been so much fun. War! Never been so much fun! Go to your brother, Kill him with your gun, Leave him lying in his uniform, Dying in the sun.

Offline Habu

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« Reply #94 on: February 17, 2004, 10:29:59 AM »
To be honest if I was Finland Sweden or Denmark and saw what was happening in Russia at the time (as saw how being allied with France in WW1 was a ticket to misery) I would appease the Germans as well. I would be much more worried about Stalin than the Germans.

At the begining of the war people had no idea about the attrocities the Nazis were commiting in regards to the death camps.

Offline Dowding

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« Reply #95 on: February 17, 2004, 10:35:45 AM »
Yes. It's all perfectly accountable. As is the profit margin for those Swedish industrialists, raking it in after the Hitler was revealed to be genocidal maniac.
War! Never been so much fun. War! Never been so much fun! Go to your brother, Kill him with your gun, Leave him lying in his uniform, Dying in the sun.

Offline straffo

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What race are the French?
« Reply #96 on: February 17, 2004, 10:41:14 AM »
Originally posted by Habu
To be honest if I was Finland Sweden or Denmark and saw what was happening in Russia at the time (as saw how being allied with France in WW1 was a ticket to misery) I would appease the Germans as well. I would be much more worried about Stalin than the Germans.

As far as I know you were allied with France too.

Or Toronto is a special place in Canada wich was not allied with France ?

Britain-born Canadian residents volunteered more often than English and French-Canadians combined

tss tss ...
I had to reserach this one as I was not sure of the date it this speak took place
At the begining of the war people had no idea about the attrocities the Nazis were commiting in regards to the death camps.

A. Hitler 30 january 1939 :
Europa kann nicht eher zur Ruhe kommen, bevor die jüdische Frage ausgeräumt ist. Die Welt hat Siedlungsraum genügend, es muß aber endgültig mit der Meinung gebrochen werden, als sei das jüdische Volk vom lieben Gott eben dazu bestimmt, in einem gewissen Prozentsatz Nutznießer am Körper und an der produktiven Arbeit anderer Völker zu sein.

Das Judentum wird sich genauso einer soliden aufbauenden Tätigkeit anpassen müssen, wie es andere Völker auch tun, oder es wird früher oder später einer Krise von unvorstellbarem Ausmaß erliegen.

Wenn es dem internationalen Finanzjudentum in und außerhalb Europas gelingen sollte, die Völker noch einmal in einen Weltkrieg zu stürzen, dann wird das Ergebnis nicht der Sieg des Judentums sein, sondern die Vernichtung der jüdischen Rasse in Europa!
« Last Edit: February 17, 2004, 10:47:07 AM by straffo »

Offline Habu

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« Reply #97 on: February 17, 2004, 10:45:27 AM »
What are you talking about?

Offline straffo

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« Reply #98 on: February 17, 2004, 10:48:29 AM »
Fire up your translator and look at the part I added.

So far some where able to clearly understand Hitler, or I won't have be born.

Offline MJHerman

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What race are the French?
« Reply #99 on: February 17, 2004, 10:49:10 AM »
Given that the free exchange of rationale and well thought out arguments in this post probably ended some 10 or so posts ago, this will be my last contribution to this thread.  I will give both Hortlund and Habu the benefit of the doubt that they are simply misinformed about this issue, and try and set the record straight.  Frankly, the only reason I felt it was necessary is to do my small part to try and limit the disinformation that circulates on this BBS and others, so you can take or leave all of this if you like.

For the record:

1.  At no time did I say that conscription was not a major issue in Canada in both WWI and WWII.  My point was that you cannot understand the reasons why it was such an issue without an understanding of the political context at the time and the history of Canada.

2.  My objections to various comments made were objections to those comments that suggested that Quebec's rejection of conscription was somehow a function of a lack of bravery on the part of French Canadians.  

3.  I am an Anglophone from Montreal.  If either of you seem to think that means that I am a French Canadian and that somehow explains my point of view, you need an education on what it means to be an Anglophone in Quebec.

4.  At no time did I make any attempt to defend "french" honour.  At all times I made every attempt to defend Canadian honour.  Again, the fact that you don't seem to understand the difference goes a long way to explaining some of your posts.

5.  The Van Doos are a proud and distinguished regiment, and in fact have always been the "Pride of Quebec" so to speak, even amongst those people who disagree with the entire conscription issue.  I would ask that you show even just a little bit of respect.  If that is beyond you, so be it, but your lack of respect does not belittle them it belittles you.

6.  Habu, I would love to see statistics that back any of your assertions that, as a percentage of the total population of Canada at the time, French Canadians were underepresented.  I suspect you have none, so your only ammunition is the 98% number you referred to above together with your ridiculous "2 out of 100,000" example which you somehow think supports an attack on me.

I will concede that both of you are entirely correct in your point of view that French Canadians are cowards when you can refer me to any book, article, etc. written by a respected military historian (Canadian or otherwise) which takes the position that the conscription crisis was a result of French Canadian cowardice.  I suspect that you will not find one, but I am willing to give you the benefit of doubt since you both seem convinced that you are entirely right on this whole issue.  Given your commitment to you ideas, I can only assume that you formed those ideas on the basis of reading something, anything, that supports that position, and frankly I would be interested in being similarly enlightened.

Offline Hortlund

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« Reply #100 on: February 17, 2004, 10:55:27 AM »
Originally posted by Dowding
Yes. It's all perfectly accountable. As is the profit margin for those Swedish industrialists, raking it in after the Hitler was revealed to be genocidal maniac.

What you forget is this:

Sweden was allied with Finland during ww2. We sent them equipment, food, weapons, aircraft. We also sent regular combat  troops and airunits.

Finland was at war with Russia.

After the winter war, everyone knew that the Russians would be coming back for more. Suddenly Germany attacks Russia. Well, the enemy of my enemy is my friend. Sweden was *very* close to joining the war on the German side in July/August 1941. And we did all we could to help them fight the war against Russia. That included letting German troops transit through Sweden, escort German merchant ships in the baltic, supply them with iron ore, lumber, paper, ball-bearings etc. We did this way up to August 1944 when the US gave us an ultimatum; "stop that trade or we will attack you".

Now, I know this is probably a wasted post, since you or someone else will go off on some "chicken**** surrendering owned nazi slaves"-rant or whatever.

But that is the reason why Sweden almost joined the war against Russia.

Russia always has been, and always will be, our enemy. This dates back to well before 1534. We have had longer or shorter periods of peace, but we have more or less always been at war with them.

Offline Hortlund

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« Reply #101 on: February 17, 2004, 11:57:05 AM »
Originally posted by AVRO1
I have thrown no insult at you at any time.

I did however mock you,


I called you a racist

In some cultures however (such as the Swedish culture), it would be considered an insult to call someone a racist.


Offline Habu

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« Reply #102 on: February 17, 2004, 01:26:54 PM »
Originally posted by AVRO1

You must have a reading comprehension problem.
All we have said is that our stand against conscription was politically motivated and had nothing to do with cowardice.


They refused to enlist. You can justify the actions any way you like but in two world wars the French Canadians did not enlist.

Cowards always have reasons why they do not perceive themselves as cowards.

I am sure if the Canadian Government was asking people to enlist in a government job with a big pension and little work the "Politically motivated" reasons would be forgotten and the French would be at the front of the line.

I don't think you guys in Quebec realize how bad the reputation of French Canadians is among people in the rest of Canada. The language laws and referendum have done way more damage than you can imagine.

Offline SLO

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« Reply #103 on: February 17, 2004, 05:23:02 PM »
Originally posted by Habu
They refused to enlist. You can justify the actions any way you like but in two world wars the French Canadians did not enlist.

I am sure if the Canadian Government was asking people to enlist in a government job with a big pension and little work the "Politically motivated" reasons would be forgotten and the French would be at the front of the line.

I don't think you guys in Quebec realize how bad the reputation of French Canadians is among people in the rest of Canada. The language laws and referendum have done way more damage than you can imagine.

half my squad is Anglo-Canadian.....I think I would know MUCH better then you what they feel or think about us.

so point 1 you lose....

your question about cowardice....I would personnelly love to show you......BUT.....I'm a civilized individual.....I'll just say I'd rather be a COWARD then a BROWN NOSER....

sniffing butts just ain't for me....

several times Herman tried to explain to you the political situation....yet you ignore those facts......TWICE you Europeans started WORLD WARS.....TWICE North Americans went to save your prettythang.

Offline Habu

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« Reply #104 on: February 17, 2004, 06:00:56 PM »
Originally posted by AVRO1
Habu,  The problem here you cannot proove that they were cowards, it is just your opinion.
Some that went to war showed great courage, which prooves you wrong when you say they all were.

Some Anglo Canadians did not go to war and some voted against the conscription in 1942.
According to your logic that would make you all cowards.
Generalisations can do whatever you want them to, but they are way too broad to have much accuracy.


They refused to enlist. You can justify the actions any way you like but in two world wars the French Canadians did not enlist.

Cowards always have reasons why they do not perceive themselves as cowards.

I am sure if the Canadian Government was asking people to enlist in a government job with a big pension and little work the "Politically motivated" reasons would be forgotten and the French would be at the front of the line.