Author Topic: Deleted my account  (Read 8995 times)

Offline Steve

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« Reply #75 on: June 19, 2004, 02:48:31 AM »
I really don't see me coming back. The FM didn't bother me at all really.  Gunnery did.  I literally couldn't hit anything.  I made passes at a dead stick glider flying straight and level.... and missed lol. I tried several times in Beta to enjoy the game, just hated it every time.  Maybe the icon/gunnery thing is just too hard for a guy like me.  alll I know is... it was no fun at all. I'm quite certain there are many people just like me out there.

Edit:  someone said there would be less kills per sortie now.  This is exactly my point.  The more kills I got, the more action I got.  therefore the more fun I had.  So now I'd be getting much less kills, ergo, much less fun.  How people can consider this a step forward eludes me.
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Offline TBolt A-10

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« Reply #76 on: June 19, 2004, 02:57:23 AM »
Originally posted by Steve

Edit:  someone said there would be less kills per sortie now.  This is exactly my point.  The more kills I got, the more action I got.  therefore the more fun I had.  So now I'd be getting much less kills, ergo, much less fun.  How people can consider this a step forward eludes me.

W.A.D.R., it really just sounds like you're more of a video-gamer than a 'simmer.'  U'll have fun at the arcade playing Asteroids -- you can't miss there.  :p

Offline Steve

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« Reply #77 on: June 19, 2004, 03:01:24 AM »
it really just sounds like you're more of a video-gamer than a 'simmer.' U'll have fun at the arcade playing Asteroids -- you can't miss there.

Yes, I am, I guess.    You've taken two cheap shots at me in this thread and I don't even know you..... I'm glad for  that though, don't think I'd like to know someone like you.
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Offline TBolt A-10

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« Reply #78 on: June 19, 2004, 03:06:56 AM »
Originally posted by Steve
Yes, I am, I guess.    You've taken two cheap shots at me in this thread and I don't even know you..... I'm glad for  that though, don't think I'd like to know someone like you.

Well, sorry for the first one.  But, your post sounded like a whine.

And, the 2nd 'cheap shot' was actually an observation.  :)

So, pardon me for being a big mean man, but shut the hell up, re-instate your account and learn the fuggin' sim like the rest of us are forced to do.  :D


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« Reply #79 on: June 19, 2004, 03:11:53 AM »
Hey Steve,

I really think you should give it some  more time. I know it took me a few flights in beta and now in the real version to get the hang of it. I'm still not close to my old aim but I know I'm improving.

Why give up all the fun of this game because you are unwilling to put some into learning something new?  And thats how you come across in your posts, at least to me.

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« Reply #80 on: June 19, 2004, 03:13:11 AM »
Steve the gunnery is still there. I regularly make kills at 600-800 with Hizzokas. I even wounded an LA-7 last night at D800 with the 7.9mms on a 190 A-5.

It's just a matter of a little practice.  Give it a week and you'll be in the groove.

I for one like the new fuel management and gunnery much better. You can actually fly farther now than before if you watch the way you fly.

And your favorite ride, the P-51, has tremendous range, so the fuel change should make no difference for you.  Just fewer LA-7s vulching the base you're trying to up at.

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« Reply #81 on: June 19, 2004, 03:42:34 AM »
LOL Tbolt... it was a bit of a whine.. sorry for snapping at you.

Mosq, I couldn't even SEE planes at 600-800.  They were specks.
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« Reply #82 on: June 19, 2004, 03:46:10 AM »
Why give up all the fun of this game because you are unwilling to put some into learning something new? And thats how you come across in your posts, at least to me.

Grun, to some extent this is quite accurate.  I don't want to relearn a game, really.  Call it lazy, I'll understand if you do.

The icons/icon range/gunnery  were way beyond my abilities.

People hitting at 800 yards?  lol I can barely see a plane that far out.
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« Reply #83 on: June 19, 2004, 06:46:24 AM »
Originally posted by Steve
Grun, to some extent this is quite accurate.  I don't want to relearn a game, really.  Call it lazy, I'll understand if you do.

Can't see how finding another sim you've never played and learning it from scratch (with a bunch of people you don't know) would be any different?

I'm not a great pilot but I can land 5-6 kills in SpitV in AH2. Get alot of hits with .303s at 600+ too. Oh well....

Offline Overlag

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« Reply #84 on: June 19, 2004, 07:11:41 AM »
Originally posted by Steve
I really don't see me coming back. The FM didn't bother me at all really.  Gunnery did.  I literally couldn't hit anything.  I made passes at a dead stick glider flying straight and level.... and missed lol. I tried several times in Beta to enjoy the game, just hated it every time.  Maybe the icon/gunnery thing is just too hard for a guy like me.  alll I know is... it was no fun at all. I'm quite certain there are many people just like me out there.

Edit:  someone said there would be less kills per sortie now.  This is exactly my point.  The more kills I got, the more action I got.  therefore the more fun I had.  So now I'd be getting much less kills, ergo, much less fun.  How people can consider this a step forward eludes me.

i dunno, ive gone from NOT landing sorties of 2-3 kills in AHI (with 109s and 190s) to landing 4-6 kills in them....... Im gratefull for the "poor" gunnery, no one can hit me! LOL :lol
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Offline Dead Man Flying

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« Reply #85 on: June 19, 2004, 07:14:12 AM »
Originally posted by Steve
The icons/icon range/gunnery  were way beyond my abilities.

No they aren't.  And I think you know that too.  Put in two weeks at it, and you'll be just fine.  I noticed last night that my aim was off a bit; lots of assists or near-misses that baffled me.  So I went off-line, turned on tracers, and adjusted my aim and convergence based on what I saw.

Shotgun blast kills with wing-mounted guns have become more difficult, so I made every gun converge to a pinpoint at the same distance, and I pulled that distance in an extra 100 yards over where I'd had it before.  The result was that I seemed to hit with much, much more lethality for the rest of the evening, and my aim improved dramatically.

So before giving up entirely, why not tinker with convergance and aim offline?  A few simple adjustments could make all the difference in the world.

-- Todd/Leviathn

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« Reply #86 on: June 19, 2004, 07:18:49 AM »
ya know, steve an i have certainly had our beefs over the years. but here he is 100% on target. hitech has left at least 1/3 of us behind just because we dont hav the equip to run the dam thing.(ah2 is the only piece of software i have tht wont run on my present puter)  i have more thn enough equip (according to hitech) to run it, (not buyin new puter just for hitech either) but even after fdisk and clean install of xp, im doing good to pull 30fps (i pulled 60-70 in ah1),  and for what ? a little bit of eye candy. seems like the operaters of online gaming always miss the obvious. had they simply read the ch1 txt buffer, they woulda known wht a mistake this "improved" version is. pretty sure im gonna join the rest of the dropouts at wb's. or alternativly just get drunk, smoke a doob, and remember the good times. just once id like to see a software developer completly debug a previous vers. before comin out w/a new one. but tht's buisiness in america these days, quality dont count fer chit. only way to send um the message in a way they can understand is to dump um. seeya steve.

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« Reply #87 on: June 19, 2004, 08:23:07 AM »
Originally posted by dsrtrat
There will be crying towels sold in the ladies washroom. Steve, you might want to have yours custom made.
Later Steve. :lol Hope you didn't throw out your old Atari.

Well, who would have thought it! I have been looking forward to the AH2 whinefest and account cancellation sulkfest, but who could ever have guessed that Steve would be the one to establish himself as the archetypal titty-baby-crying-whiner?! :eek::lol

So you're sorry you can't land 15 kills in your runstang? Whether AH2 has been a step forward or a step backward depends on what you want from it. I want a WW2 flight sim. For me, it has been a step forward. If all you want is a line-em-up-shoot-em-down arcade turkey shoot, I guess it's been a step back.

But really, Steve old chap. It ill behoves you to whine like this.

I have yet to log my first sortie since the beta ended. Sure, I'll get killed and I'll miss shots I thought were dead certs. But a lot of the crap will be gone - nikky helicopter spray shots, duck-n-tuck SpitV 800 yard cripple shots. I guess you should have done more reading about WW2, and read some of the accounts written by the pilots. The ones I've read all suggest that the AH1 gunnery was way too easy and unrealistic.
W.A.D.R., it really just sounds like you're more of a video-gamer than a 'simmer.' U'll have fun at the arcade playing Asteroids -- you can't miss there.
LOL - I used to have a PC version of that asteroids game -my second favourite arcade game ever. AH1 was the first!:p:D

Offline lazs2

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« Reply #88 on: June 19, 2004, 08:50:27 AM »
I guess that for me the gunnery changes are  good and bad..  I think it has given rise to the return of the fish out of water "floppy fish" move that was so popular in WB's but...

it is hard to feel sorry for the snipers who flew nothing but the fastest  planes in the game and now are complaining that not having the huge advantage of gameing the game is ruining there online fun...  You were sniping against people in lesser planes and able to create a risk free environment for yourself with little or no effort and it was further aided by long range gunnery... Now... you will have to have a little more SA... Loiter a little longer on target... lose some of the risk free behavior but..

you will still have the huge advantage of the fastest plane with good acceleration and climb and turn and... well a very good plane compared to the rest.

the new pee 51 is still the plane of choice for those who don't want to compete on an even basis... It is even better in some respects... you just lost a tiny bit in gunnery.


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« Reply #89 on: June 19, 2004, 10:03:14 AM »
Steve will be back. He's probably altready staring at his credit card, sweat beading on his forhead----hands trembling :p

when Steve does come back, it wont take long (IMO) before he will be landing 10 and 15 kills in his mustang again. He was the same in Air Warrior RR and carried that over to AH ( a bigger change than AH to AH2). And for those that think it's easy to take a Mustang and do what Steve consistanty does, you are kidding yourselves.

Laz, you think you could match Steve's K/D , hit % or K/T in a p-51? It's not the plane, it's the pilot. Not a lot of people can get the results that Steve consistantly does in a P-51.
The guy is good and more than able to adapt to the changes. I just think he was initially frustrated and maybe had a bad day.
« Last Edit: June 19, 2004, 10:14:23 AM by NUKE »