Author Topic: Will Kerry run YOU off the road?  (Read 2022 times)

Offline Capt. Pork

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Will Kerry run YOU off the road?
« Reply #75 on: July 12, 2004, 04:57:23 PM »
Originally posted by john9001
i don't like Kerry , but i have to go with curval on this, i don't need 400 HP and a 5000# car to go to the super mkt to pick up a 12 pack of beer and a couple of steaks.

BTW when i was young and stupid i did have cars that went "brum brum" and smoked tires, then i grew up.

If growing up means outgrowing the desire for toys and things that are designed more for fun than practicality, then it's a stage of life I never want to go through.

No, the 400 hp car doesn't have to be the one you take to the grocery store, but it will be a sad day when they're extinct, plain and simple.

Offline lazs2

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Will Kerry run YOU off the road?
« Reply #76 on: July 12, 2004, 05:03:36 PM »
curval... besides the point that you don't know what Americans drive or will drive....

You are wrong..  both Steve and JAB are correct... Americans that use cars for bussiness don't care what powers their cars so long as the maintenance and fuel costs are low and the vehicle will do what they need it to do.

Americans embrace new things faster than any people on earth... even nutty ones... If it was even half decent and would be legal we would see thousnads of em... look at all the allmost worthless  hybrids you see.  

What exacly is a "gas guzzler" to you and... you still haven't told me what you would do to force people into these conversions.   You say something about mandating  lower emissions when in fact, new cars put out miniscule amounts of pollutants...  better to take these engines and use em to drive generators to power our cities and do away with coal than to replace our automobiles.


Offline lazs2

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« Reply #77 on: July 12, 2004, 05:12:18 PM »
plus... what article?  I went to the link and saw an add for a canadian (yep, canadian) company that makes hybrids and conversions but no real data.   We are somehow to believe that they are light years ahead of chyrsler and honda and GM in the game and that unlike the Honda say, they actually live up to their claims... the normal in use hybrid car gets about 2/3 or less the milage that is advertised for it unless it is in total stop and go traaffic.

I have bought canadian software hardware devices (flow monitoring) and my take is that it wouldn' t take much to be an award winner  in that group.


Offline Curval

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Will Kerry run YOU off the road?
« Reply #78 on: July 12, 2004, 05:34:27 PM »
lazs, I am beginning to see your point now.  If it isn't being mass produced right now and in most household cars then it is a fly-by-night thing and...what...ignored?  Data isn't going to convince you of anything...same way all that data about guns in that book you wanted me to read would have convinced me of nothing.

I've said it before...these kits are not for private cars.  This is a commercial venture...they are only contracting with large carriers.

Besides, if you passed a converted truck or van, in this case, you would have NO idea it was converted.

The idea wasn't considered for the private market because of guys like you.  That is my point.  You will resist it because it impinges upon your personal liberties.  In this case it involves your car and your freedom to make lots of noise.  

Eventually your Elky, or whatever it is called, will be an outlawed thing.  It will be seen to be impinging upon everyone else's liberties by belching out horrible black smoke.  In a way it is a big old cigarette you are driving, and you are the Marlboro man.

I think you see this coming...and it scares the heck out of you.
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Offline Cabby44

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Will Kerry run YOU off the road?
« Reply #79 on: July 12, 2004, 05:50:42 PM »

"who would not want a $65,000 front wheel drive 4 door sedan with 80 hp and a 40 mph top speed and a o-60 time of .... infinity? "

Hmmm, 80hp, 40mph "Econo-Box" with no acceleration?  

Think of the thousands of  dedicated Tree-Huggers, Socialists, Commies, Liberals, Hippies, Anarchists, and other royal pain-in-the-asses who would be removed from the ranks of the living driving these pieces of crap on roads jammed with 80,000 pound eighteen-wheelers, Soccer Moms "driving" Urban Assault Vehicles, and certain ethnic groups "driving" 10-20  year-old Cadillacs.

Get these cars on the market now!!


Offline lazs2

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Will Kerry run YOU off the road?
« Reply #80 on: July 12, 2004, 05:52:44 PM »
think whatever you please... the Hot rod industry is a multi billion dollar industry that isn't going anywhere in the forseeable future but....

when do you get your conversion?  i't s ordered allready right?   I mean if you aren't part of the solution you are part of the problem right?

let me know how you like it.

And... you are wrong.   if these hybrids ever become practical and I have a usre for em like jab or steve or even as a commuter... I will get one...  I will still have my Hot Rods and they will be an even bigger source of pleasure no doubt.

Where is your data.   I can show you data for firearms and I can point to the real world milage figures and costs for real world hybrids but you point to an add!   I have learned that canadians are world leaders in beer and salesmen.

you are just being taken in by what you want to believe for whatever reason.

The hybrids will get better... they might be obsolete tho by the time they get good enough to matter... you will be stuck with one of the lemons tho cause you really don't know anything about vehicles.  

I hope they didn't talk you into investing too much and I hope your conversion isn't too expensive a mistake.

I will be vaporizing rear tires and shooting guns for a long long time to come even if kerry thinks they are bad for me...

They are no worse for the environment than all the gas powered lawn tools the average guy uses.


Offline Curval

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Will Kerry run YOU off the road?
« Reply #81 on: July 12, 2004, 06:10:37 PM »
I will think what I please...thanks.

Lazs, I know it is tough but I'll say it again.  This particular hybrid kit is not availiable for private vehicles.  It is a commercial venture, they are only contracting with large carriers.  Next time I'll just quote myself to save some time.

I sold my 2 strioke scooter and got a more environmentally sound 4 stroke recently.  I'll be happy to get you the info on the mileage I get, but I think you already get the point there.  I personally emit about the same pollution as one of those lawn tools I imagine.

If you really want data on the Azure stuff I can find it for you in the morning.  It is all filed away.  

I personally didn't invest much, its certainly not a portfolio mover or breaker.  But, your concern for my financial welfare is noted.

I'm a little concerned about you going down in a hail of bullets, or getting burned up, "Koresh style" in about twenty years, though, defending to the last your right to "drive loud and shoot stuff".  I hope I'm wrong.
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Offline wklink

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Will Kerry run YOU off the road?
« Reply #82 on: July 12, 2004, 07:02:31 PM »
You'll pry my V8 powered cars out of my cold dead hands.....

I am sure the next thing we will be told is that we don't need all that square footage in our house.  I mean, look at all the natural gas and electricity we burn up just to keep our 2500 square foot house warm.  Why, we need to stop that.  It's not right, Its not fair .  In Japan they live in a 4x6 cubicle and you don't hear them complain.  

I'm looking into a Toyota Prius myself.  I want a car that gets decent gas mileage for work.  However I don't want anyone telling me that I 'must' do something just because it is good for me.  It will start with one thing then degenerate into another.
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Offline Capt. Pork

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Will Kerry run YOU off the road?
« Reply #83 on: July 12, 2004, 07:15:42 PM »
Originally posted by Curval
I'm a little concerned about you going down in a hail of bullets, or getting burned up, "Koresh style" in about twenty years, though, defending to the last your right to "drive loud and shoot stuff".  I hope I'm wrong.

What about my right to eat red meat? You know, the kind of food that's exceedingly inefficient in terms of the amount of land, grain and manpower it requires to bring to the market? Furthermore and it's been proven to promote cancer and raise your LDL levels. Don't forget the methane these animals produce. Why don't we put limitations on that(for now), so that in twenty years, it can be banned altogether.

Industrial Chicken farming has been raising nitrogen levels in the Chesapeake for the last twenty years, clouding the water with algea and causing a steady decline in shellfish landings... On top of that, it's just not as pretty...Away with poultry, for christsakes. The huddled masses will do just find sucking on carrots.

What about my right to keep my house at 73 degrees during the winter verses 75?

The fact of the matter is, many modern cars, even the overpowered porsches and ferraris, put out comparetively little greenhouses gas. The ferrari 550, in particular, has extremely low emissions rates. A comparison was featured in a Car and Driver article a few years back, where they tested modern sports cars against contemporary California emissions standards(google it if you care)... Why bother making things like this illegal? Raise the price of gas if need be, stick to emissions standards, hell, make them even more stingent, but to say no, across the board, to machines that given their numbers, are little more than an easy target for legislation... This definitely smells of something stinkier than dirty air.

Personally, I'm amazed at how readily accepting some people are towards these seemingly justifiable limitations to their freedoms of ownership. All for the sake of the greater good.

I feel sorry for those who are addicted to existing on the cutting edge of compromise.

On that same note, Lazs, may you live to see your grandchildren vaporize many a tire.
« Last Edit: July 12, 2004, 07:42:33 PM by Capt. Pork »

Offline hawker238

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Will Kerry run YOU off the road?
« Reply #84 on: July 12, 2004, 10:32:31 PM »
Originally posted by Capt. Pork
Personally, I'm amazed at how readily accepting some people are towards these seemingly justifiable limitations to their freedoms of ownership. All for the sake of the greater good.

I know, those selfish jerks....

Offline Capt. Pork

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Will Kerry run YOU off the road?
« Reply #85 on: July 12, 2004, 10:41:29 PM »
Originally posted by hawker238
I know, those selfish jerks....

My point was that many of these sacrfices are questionable in their benefits to the greater good. And the people that make these sacrifices are often do it as a knee-jerk response... I'm not saying that Curval is one of these people, but you can bet that they'll show up in droves to support legislation that in the end, will have little or no positive impact.

Offline rpm

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Will Kerry run YOU off the road?
« Reply #86 on: July 13, 2004, 01:22:05 AM »
Curval, you might as well give up. You have now been branded a communist , tree hugging, Ameeerika hatin', Kerry lovin' libral by the NeoCons. You can never again say anything that makes any sense without being shouted down.

Welcome to the club. :aok
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Offline Steve

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Will Kerry run YOU off the road?
« Reply #87 on: July 13, 2004, 05:44:06 AM »
"about spending the money right now to upgrade their fleet."

I should get rid of perfectly good running vehicles, regardless of the expense.

What link?
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Offline Curval

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Will Kerry run YOU off the road?
« Reply #88 on: July 13, 2004, 05:56:42 AM »
lol rpm...

Steve...the link to Azure is in my third or forth post.

No need to get rid of your existing vehicles, these guys make "kits" that convert the trucks/vans etc into a hybrid.  This is about the forth or fifth time I've mentioned that in this thread.
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Offline Eagler

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« Reply #89 on: July 13, 2004, 07:44:03 AM »


WHILE RAISING TAXES ON EVERYTHING AND EVERYBODY TO PAY FOR MY HOT AIR GAS BAG IDEAS (cept the majority of those who vote me in cause you guys don't make enough to pay taxes to start with, those of you that actually have a job and show up for work)"

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Intel Core i7-13700KF | GIGABYTE Z790 AORUS Elite AX | 64GB G.Skill DDR5 | 16GB GIGABYTE RTX 4070 Ti Super | 850 watt ps | pimax Crystal Light | Warthog stick | TM1600 throttle | VKB Mk.V Rudder