Author Topic: HTC, please look at these films  (Read 1610 times)

Offline NUTTZ

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HTC, please look at these films
« Reply #45 on: December 05, 2000, 04:22:00 PM »
Originally posted by RAM:

I hate to say this. BUt I can take pre-1.04 posts by lazs and F4UDOA that got answers just like that-and then resulted that 1.03 FM was way wrong.

Sorry, but I dont think that the FM now is close to real life. And not by far.

I never said it was.. I said it's the closest of all the flight syms I've played.

I think if your looking for a "perfect" FM, you'll never find it online gaming. I think HTC needs to hit that "sweet spot" between FUN and a real FM to keep paying customers like myself, having fun and staying. And once again, IMO i think he hit it. I don't think this sym was designed around what RAM and the others that want to see  a "perfect" FM. I know your looking for a flight Sym that is perfect in every sense of the word, and i wish you luck in finding it.



Offline RAM

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HTC, please look at these films
« Reply #46 on: December 05, 2000, 04:30:00 PM »
Well, Nutz, I love AH because it pretends to be the most realistic sim out there, and I think that most people here love realism over quake-ish FMs. Am I wrong?.

I don't think so.

Anyway you are right in one thing, we will never have a FM just as the one in the RL. Sad as it is, it wont never happen ,because we dont know how did those birds handle in real life.

But for sure that NO ww2 fighter was able to take off, accelerate to 170mph and do 27 consecutive tight loops while winning altitude. I'm sure as the hell of that.

And if we are going to have a realistic FM, we need to fix that, don't we?.

And that's my point.

Offline Wardog

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« Reply #47 on: December 05, 2000, 04:33:00 PM »
I have never said there is or is not a problem.

There are 237 posts on this BB about the N1K2s FM. There only needs to be 1 post. Pyro & HT do read this board and dont need to see 237 post about the same damn thing. It was said once, thats enough.

The reason i dont squeak about any of the planes FMs is because i adjust, adapt and overcome. Change your flying style to adjust to FM changes. After flying online for 11 years and going though 100s of patches, updates i have adjusted to each accordingly.

When HT has the time to compare the Planes FM with real data, then changes will be made, in there own priority.

As i have never flown any WWII aircraft, ill go by the available data that HT can find on the planes we have in AH.

But i will never quit AH because i thought there might be something wrong with the FM, id rather adjust and let this sim progress as HT sees fit.

Dog out...

Offline RAM

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« Reply #48 on: December 05, 2000, 04:38:00 PM »
The high E-burning in the turns was discussed dozens, maybe hundreds of times since beta until 1.03 when HTC admited there was something screwed.

If it wasnt for that continuous claim that the E-burning in the turns was so high, we'd never seen the 1.04 FM and we'd still be in the 1.03Fm saying "this is the closest we can be to reality".

Again I learned a lot about that. seems that not many people learned too. The problem must be talked all the times neccesary until it is fixed. Not only once.

IMO, of course.

Offline SOB

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« Reply #49 on: December 05, 2000, 05:07:00 PM »
What you seem to be missing RAM is that HTC isn't looking to hear the loudest or most frequent whines, gripes, complaints excetera.  They are, on the other hand, very open to hearing questions about things that might be off, particularly when backed up by data.  People have, in the not so distant past, presented them with data about an aircraft that conflicted with what was in AH, and it was changed...this includes the flight modelling in wasn't just constant squeaking about it that got it changed.

Bloom saw something that he thought was off about the Niki, tested it for himself, filmed it, and posted it with a "hey, take a look, this can't be right, can it?"

On the contrary, a post that says "I just got killed by a squealing ufo niki that buzzed 360s sideways around my plane with fireballs shooting out of it's prettythang and it blew off half of my plane with one ping and it's squealing bulls@#$" or "<player name> was flying a typhoon and shot me with his cheating rearward facing guns because he is a big cheater" are posts that aren't likely to get a positive reaction.

See what I mean?  OK, probably not, but it felt good to type it anyhow.

Flys a Niki now, will fly it when it gets more ammo, will probably fly it if/when the flight model is changed.
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Offline bloom25

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« Reply #50 on: December 05, 2000, 05:57:00 PM »
Good GOD!  What happened to my thread?!?  

I was just messing around offline because I wanted to see what the n1k could and could not do.  When I found out it could do this, I decided to post the film and see if this is possible for any WWII fighter.  I didn't think it was, and I posted such in the thread.  My intention wasn't to start yet another FM whine, but it looks like I failed miserably.  Now I'm sorry I ever posted the thing.  

Maverick found out other planes could do this as well.  What I wanted to know, I'm afraid to ask now, is if this should be possible.  Now somewhere earlier in this thread I read that the spitfire could do 3 consecutive loops.  GREAT, this is the information I was looking for.  Aside from some funny smilies, this thread went far beyond what I think it should have.


Offline Maverick

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« Reply #51 on: December 05, 2000, 06:28:00 PM »

A couple points.

1. This is a game. It isn't a recreation of WW2 combat. It is a game based on WW2 combat. No PC now out will ever be able to accurately model flight dynamics in the real world especially in a combat type game.

2. Your contention about v1.04 being farther from "reality" than 1.03 is wrong. Sorry but you are wrong here. If you do not like the Fm that is one thing but the current version with it's emphasis on planes keeping E is far closer to real flying than the 1 turn stall 1.03 version.

No I do not fly WW2 fighters, nor have I been in in air to air combat. I do own and fly a real plane in the real world however. I think that puts me in a better perspective to see an attempt to model half way "normal" flight dynamics into a game than a non pilot.

No I do not do a loop soon after takeoff. My Comanche is not rated for aerobatics and neither am I. I also am not suicidal which ANYONE flying a WW2 fighter and looping after take off would have to be. Here you auger and show up in the tower. In the real world you go to the morgue.

Final point. Just let it go buddy. IT AIN'T A BIG DEAL!!!!!!! It's a GAME.

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Offline RAM

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« Reply #52 on: December 05, 2000, 06:36:00 PM »
Originally posted by Maverick:

2. Your contention about v1.04 being farther from "reality" than 1.03 is wrong. Sorry but you are wrong here. If you do not like the Fm that is one thing but the current version with it's emphasis on planes keeping E is far closer to real flying than the 1 turn stall 1.03 version.

Hummm, I didnt say that the 1.03fm was closer to reality, I said that I never saw the BS moves I see some planes do now in the previous FM, thats all.

I agree that they burned too much E, but for sure they didnt do such incredible things as N1k2s do all day long here.

And, in 1.03 there WAS a decent torque model, that now is gone.

Other than that I agree with you in everything else. This is a game and I want this game to be the best. Maybe in a passionate way, but I DO want the best for AH.

Luke Skywalker

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« Reply #53 on: December 05, 2000, 06:47:00 PM »
I dont understand so much noise and talk about this thing.

I saw the film and found it amazing, but if I am told that real planes could do that I will have to agree, as I dont know enough about the matter.

I say: if it needs a fix, then it must be fixed. If it doesnt, then it must be left as it is.

But I dont see the point in making a 50 post thread, with personal attacks, and repeated statements about the same thing. It's senseless.

Hey, dont shoot me! I'm on the light side!!


[This message has been edited by Luke Skywalker (edited 12-05-2000).]

Offline Vulcan

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HTC, please look at these films
« Reply #54 on: December 05, 2000, 07:12:00 PM »
Didn't RAM leave AH?

Offline Pollock

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« Reply #55 on: December 05, 2000, 09:06:00 PM »
I wonder if the ones who attacked Blooms post like the quaking quakabilities to the quakefest of quakedom that this game is now.
I hope for a historical arena to lock out the quake planes WHINER me a Whiner Quake on...

Offline SOB

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« Reply #56 on: December 05, 2000, 11:46:00 PM »
Man Pollock, you sound really upset about this Quakish stuff.  Try a little therapy and relaxation, it can do wonders!  Now, go out and purchase a copy of Quake III, and take it home.  Once you get home, get a big fat red marker, and right Aces High all over it.  Now, grab a hammer from your toolbox, and head out to your driveway.  Set the box down, and have at it...pound all your aggressions out on the box with that hammer.  Now, after you've worked all that out, head back indoors, grab a nice lemonaid, and turn on the television.  If you can, try and find a nice episode of say, Little House on the Prarie...just make sure it's one of the happy-go-lucky episodes - not one of the lost crops or one where Mrs Oleson is being especially nasty.  Just sit there, sipping your lemonaid, watching that soothing happy-go-lucky episode of Little House, and let all your worries slip away.

SOB, I knew that Jack Daniels smelt kinda funny!
Three Times One Minus One.  Dayum!

Offline Jekyll

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« Reply #57 on: December 06, 2000, 02:32:00 AM »
On the 'realism-v-game' question, I thought I'd include a few comments from some on this board over the past few months.

I often wonder if the authors of these posts still feel this way.  Sometimes I really doubt it!

After 10 years of online flying, AW-DOS,WB and AH. AH by far has the more realistic FM, Damage modeling ive had the pleasure of flying. Right from the start, everyone knew it would be a steep learnig curve.To my surprise, it wasnt that hard to pickup on. Very close to the FM in WB..

Ive flown WB for 5 years,so i may have had a start on AH that others didnt.

It just takes time. Thats all.Allthough i do have 1 question for you. Did you fly WB in RR Mode? As i found out may have been. So this will make AH a steep learning curve for you.

FA is a friggin GAME!!!! AH is a friggin Sim!!!!!!

It ain't amatuer hour airplanes...

Sure it's tuff.. but if playing a guitar wuz easy ther'ed be a half a million jimmi hendrix's.

Stick it out.. the satisfaction gleened from flying a reality based FM will pay back in dividends... the first time you shoot me down.. .

You don't ask for a more realistic FM, just a more 'fast and furious' one. That's fine too, but many of us came here specifically because the WB FM was getting stale. The Turn-4-Ever(tm) e-retention lead to some ridiculous furballs. I started playing AH as soon as the beta was released, and it took quite some time to get comfortable. Every time I went back to play WB, the WB FM struck more and more game-like.

I hunderstand ur feeling, but as far as I'm concerned, my fun comes from this sim being realistic and hard to master. I don't realy like 'faster' sims.
Here keeping your energy and couple of tricks are the key, having to control ur impulses during the whole dogfight is my challenge and source of delectation.

WWII planes were not light and they were not something you could just throw around the sky. Watch the WWII iron at any airshow and if they are doing aerobatics they will be big and smooth. You just can't make comparisons between a 51 or a Jug and a Cessna.

These planes were not easy to fly. In the "sims" people expect to be able to hop in and go fly (let alone fight) with little or no actual stick time. Do that in a real warbird and you are dead. Hell, do it in a Cessna and odds are you die. If you are lucky you'll get airborne... but land? I would bet against it.

The planes were hard to fly and hard to master but once you climb that curve you are one to be feared.

I say keep the difficulty where it is. So what if it takes a few attempts to finally take off and so what if the newbies don't win a dogfight because they can twitch faster but don't really appreciate the FM.

Dumb the sim down and it will be another Quake.

Not a flame at all. I just would like to see one online flight sim keep the realism level up and for God's sake, please, please no easy mode in the MA.

Names removed to protect the guilty  

[This message has been edited by Jekyll (edited 12-06-2000).]

Offline Duckwing6

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« Reply #58 on: December 06, 2000, 06:11:00 AM »
LOLOL SOB that was a good one !

Oh and RAM know "the final word" ? it must be something pretty important to you cause you allways seem to MUST have it.


Offline RAM

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« Reply #59 on: December 06, 2000, 06:38:00 AM »
LOL jekyll, that was a kick on the ****s, happens that I use to be polite and answer the people talking to me.