Like I said it is not a very good comparison but you made some points that are not correct based on solid documentation.
You said
Enormous range? Compared to what? Even the P-47D-25 out-ranged the F4U-1 series.
Do you have a copy of the F4U-1 POH? Because of the lower drag of the F4U-1 even with almost half the fuel of the P-38L with two 300 gallon DT's the F4U-1 had almost exactly the same range. And this is not the maximum F4U-1 capicity for takeoff.
From the P-38L POH
Two 300Gallon DT's 1,010gallons of total fuel on board.
maximum range one way using 950 gallons (the rest for takeoff and climb)
From the F4U-1D POH
Two 170 gallon DT's 577 total gallons of fuel.
Total range on 560 gallons
2,080 miles.
The F4U could travel the same distance on half the external gas.
You said
As to acceleration, the P-38 would leave a -1 series Corsair behind like it was tied to a tree. I doubt that the F4U-4 could accelerate faster than the P-38L, much less its far less energetic and older sibling. Look at Dean's calculations (you seem to like referring to him), he puts the P-38L well ahead of the F4U-4 and likewise, the P-38F well ahead of the F4U-1. If he's right (and he probably isn't far off), its no contest.
Based on what? The P-38 acceleration claims are as bad as the lockness monster claims. It just didn't exist. The TAIC report shows the P-38L at full combat power was beaten by a P-47D30(that could not out accelerate a F4U-1) and a P-51D.
Lets check the facts
P-38L power loading
Power loading= 5.468
F4U-1D Power loading
Power loading= 5.411 <=Winner, later F4U-1D was rated a 2300HP by wars end
P-38L Cdo= .0278
F4U-1D= .020<=winner
Well how about instant acceleration like take off from a short distance? The P-38 should be able to take off and fly circles around the F4U like the Mustang right?
Takeoff from hard surface runway mil power 0 wind From the POH's
P-38L 17,400lbs- 1030FT
F4U-1D 11,700lbs- 680ft <==========Winner
F4U-1D with a 2,000lbs bomb 14,200LBS= 1,110FT <=only 80 ft more than the P-38L empty?
This clearly does not look like the F4U-1 is tied to a tree?
I know you will claim 1725HP from the P-38L however any WW2 aircraft could be overboosted. I also know for a fact the R2800 was overboosted regularly and could run at high boost levels at least as well as an Allison could. So we should both stick to the manufactures recomendations for output HP espicially since there is nothing to show the P-38 doing any better than listed performance except homemade charts and graphs.
You may also quote Francis Dean's AHT.
Well he list the loaded weight of the P-38L at 16,880LBS the Weight of the F4U-1D through the book at 12,289LBS and the Cdo at .0267. Where these numbers come from I don't know but I do know they are all wrong based on Vought and NAVAIR docs detailing weight and drag.
You may say that the P-38 outclimbed the F4U-1 by a wide margin so why would it not accelerate it?
Well first climb only takes place in a very small area of the power curve were Cdi is most important at speeds around 150MPH. However acceleration crosses the entire speed range and is most important at combat speeds above 200MPH.
Also and even more importantly from the document I retreived from Vought shows the P-38J climbing to 20,000FT in 5.9 minutes. If this was the performance of the P-38J then how can the P-38L have the same climb rating with 1,100lbs more lbs and the same HP. I know that subtracting 1,000lbs from the F4U-1 reduces climb to 20K by 1 minute. So would the addition of 1,000lbs to the P-38L increase the time to climb by 1 minute. Test against the P-51D and P-47D would seem to show just that.
You said
I can't find a single reference that states that anyone was flying the F4U-1 in Korea. The first F4U units to see combat in Korea were VMF-214 and VMF-323. They were flying the F4U-4B/C.
I am researching my sources, standbye.
Then you said
As to comparing the F4U-1D to the P-38L (similar vintage), where does the Corsair do better than the Lightning? Climb? No, not even close. Standard bomb load? Nope, the P-38Ls were certified for 4,000 pounds on their hardpoints. Range? Forget it... A P-38L with 310 gallons under each wing could stretch its legs to over 3,000 miles. Milo Burcham flew a P-38F that far, and it carried 110 gallons less than the L model. Speed? Slight edge to the Corsair down low... P-38L wins from 20k on up. Roll rate? F4U below 300 mph, P-38L above 300 mph. Handling? P-38L wins hands down at low speeds, give the F4U the edge above 400 mph. Generally speaking, the F4U is outclassed in a dogfight vs the P-38L.
I have to dig my source for the F4U-1D in Korea but never the less it was in active service long after the P-38 was on the airshow circuit.
2. Loadout, the F4U-1 took off in combat with up to a 17,000lbs load. That is 5K or external stores. I have never seen anything to show the P-38 carrying more than 4K.
3. Speed- The F4U-1D was faster up to 25K, slower to 30K and then even from 30K up. This can be proven by many different sources
4. Dive - The F4U-1 was rated much faster allowable speeds in a dive even with P-38L dive break the posted restriction on the P-38L was 420MPH IAS, 460TAS where as the F4U was limited to 410Knots IAS/480MPH IAS or 576MPH TAS at 10,000FT.
So the P-38L was limited to 116MPH slower diving than the F4U-1. Also it was also only rated for 6G's from the POH. as to 7G's for the F4U-1 at 100% weight.
5. Turn ability- The F4U-1 Vn diagram from the POH indicates a 3G stall at approximately 165MPH CAS at 12,000lbs. The P-38L shows a 3G stall at approx 165MPH CAS with no weight listed. For reference the P-51D manual Vn diagram is shown at empty weight. This may mean the same for the P-38 in which case the best the P-38 could hope for would be a tie.
6. Roll- The F4U outrolls the P-38L up until 400MPH where a restriction on the F4U ailerons lowers the allowable rollrate. This was common Navy practice and the same restriction is listed on the F8F and F6F at even slower speeds. Also the P-38 had horrible roll inertia cause by it's twin boom engines. An object in motion tends to stay in motion.
7. Low speed handling- The F4U outhandled any of it's Army couterparts at low speed hence the lateral control rating at the JFC of second best ailerons at 100MPH. It also had the best elavator, best harmonzation of controls and best stability in a dive. You can't compare a land based A/C to a carrier based one in low speed handling.
8. Climb- P-38L no question.
Other than climbing away I cannot see an advantage for the P-38L.
You also mentioned Lindberg prefering the P-38 to the F4U. I would love to read that if you have it or know the source. I have a quote from Rex Barber P-38 pilot of Yamamoto fame where he claims if the US could build only one fighter/Bomber in WW2 it should have been the F4U. And he was a AAF pilot.
Anyway it's late and I'm exhausted.