The thing is, you're not completely stalled. The design of the cessna wing causes the wing root to stall first, and if no aileron input is introduced, in the normal CG range there is not enough elevator authority to cause the entire wing to stall. The stall progresses from the wing root out to maybe 2/3 of the wingspan. Short of using a very nose high stall entry or some other way of forcing a higher angle of attack (aft CG for example), you simply can't force the entire wing to stall using elevator only. This results in the very straightforward stall characteristics of the cessna high wing aircraft.
Adding ailerons only may cause that outboard portion of the wing to stall despite the lack of elevator authority, because the drooped aileron increases the angle of attack. However when this occurs it's not really a true spin because the roll rate accompaning the yaw rate will force the nose down, typically causing the speed to increase. If the controls are held in the entry condition, it should degenerate into a spiral dive, not an upright spin. The problem for most pilots is that the initial departure is sudden, probably unexpected since only a noob or poorly trained pilot would force the plane into such a position, and also probably low to the ground since the landing phase and final turn are typically where you find someone flying slow, pulling too hard on the controls, then trying to roll out of the turn with the plane in the stall.
That's why the control inputs for a departure recovery are "max relax roll", not "roll, relax, max". As in Max power, Relax the back control pressure, and Roll wings level. If you do it out of order, you're just begging for a snap roll, spin entry, or tipstall.
It's a shame a bunch of guys had to pack it in before the deadly "final turn spin" myth was debunked along with the "downwind turn" myth. The downwind turn is only hazardous if you are flying only by reference to the ground and completely ignore airspeed and what the plane is telling you, and the cessna "final turn spin" is only hazardous if you pull the plane into a stall while turning, then try to aggressively roll the wings level before relaxing the aft yoke pressure. It's just basic aerodynamics, but lots of pilots really never get more than a rudimentary grasp of the forces involved in keeping a plane airborn and pointing in the right direction.
BTW you can get many planes to tipstall even without the plane being "stalled", just like you can get a plane to stall well above it's designed level flight stall airspeed. It's all about angle of attack, and it's why snap rolls are so violent. The difference in angle of attack between the left and right wings is large in a snap roll, and that's pretty much what's happening with a tipstall except the area of concern is typically the wingtip or outer portion of the wing where the ailerons are.
That's one reason why some planes use spoilers for roll control. Control reversal due to wing warping at high speed is another, but that's a completely different thread