Author Topic: Gunnery again............  (Read 1793 times)

Offline paulobrien6969

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Gunnery again............
« Reply #60 on: February 13, 2005, 11:57:18 AM »
Many times while flying in the Spit V I have taken my usual run-of-the-mill D200 deflection shot ... lace the guy from stem to stern ... nothing. This is basically my bread-and-butter shot. But, I will say, at other times things happen as expected ... that is the root of my confusion and frustration.

I don't know ... but something is not right or something has changed.

I am not whining or complaining and have started to adjust, but it seems, from this thread, that I am not the only one experienceing this, which leads me to believe that something is amiss

spitv is my ride and ive been taking the shots that i would usually take and not hitting,this is since 2.02

I have noticed that I have not been hitting **** since 2.02. Shots that were a definite LOCK I know for a fact missed. THen shots where I was spraying like mad because my previous shots weren't hitting were met with a second delay then a tail falling off. Usually at close range when I KNOW I didn't hit anything. I think hit sprites are a bit fubar'd right now.

i dunno,ive been told by ht that nothing has changed in gunnery since 2.02 so i put it down to me having a bad patch,which ive had before
but ive tried everything
ive gone from a slightly above average shooter to a complete spaz, i even took a week break to see if i could shake this "bad luck"  and no difference
its at the point now where im sitting here reading the bbs rather than playing because its just so frustrating
i had learnt to fly a certain way that would most of the time get me the kill
i get 200 out or less and fire
this just aint happening no more
im there at the same point, firing in the place i know is the right spot,no hits or hits but no real damage
i wish there was some other explanation other than i've become a complete load of sh*t of a pilot in an instant

Offline Dead Man Flying

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Gunnery again............
« Reply #61 on: February 13, 2005, 12:00:12 PM »
I've noticed no change in the gunnery with the new patch.  If anything, I feel that my gunnery has been more lethal and effective in the last couple of days than it has been in quite some time.

-- Todd/Leviathn

Offline paulobrien6969

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Gunnery again............
« Reply #62 on: February 13, 2005, 12:20:46 PM »
well that only leads back to the fact its just me
and as i said i wish it wasnt.
has anyone else had all there talent go poof?
like go to sleep a pilot,wake up a tea boy

Offline Dead Man Flying

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Gunnery again............
« Reply #63 on: February 13, 2005, 12:24:35 PM »
Originally posted by paulobrien6969
well that only leads back to the fact its just me
and as i said i wish it wasnt.

Well, we all go through periods of ups and downs, be it in our timing, or choices, or our gunnery.  It just seems that right now you're in a down cycle with your gunnery.

The last time I had a really nasty downturn in my gunnery was about a week after AH2 went live.  To fix this, I turned on my tracers, went offline, messed with convergence, and practiced against the drones for awhile until I felt I had my shot back again.  Then I turned off the tracers and headed back to the MA.  It's been fine ever since.

-- Todd/Leviathn

Offline paulobrien6969

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Gunnery again............
« Reply #64 on: February 13, 2005, 12:33:19 PM »
yep i went offline for a few hours,
practising coming in from all angles at those drones and i was getting all the shots in,went back in the MA and missed a lot.
i just feel like ive lost a leg or something...
ive had ups and downs before but this time seems to be lasting too long

Offline Dead Man Flying

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Gunnery again............
« Reply #65 on: February 13, 2005, 12:52:43 PM »
Are you missing a lot?  Or are you hitting but not doing damage?  The latter suggests that you're suffering from rubber bullets, and it might be related to either your VSync setting or the quality of your connection to HTC.

Also, keep in mind that hit sprites changed with 2.02, so maybe that's throwiing off your aim a bit.

-- Todd/Leviathn

Offline paulobrien6969

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Gunnery again............
« Reply #66 on: February 13, 2005, 01:52:11 PM »
ty for the replys
yeah i think the new hit sprits do throw me of a little..
i also have a new system and the video card is not using the correct driver due to a corruption in windows not letting me load it or using the nvidia one even though mine is the asus version
also im getting lag.. lots of it
loads of strange warping  
but thats just today
i was hitting people today and getting hit sprits but still no damage ,or at least alot less than i would expect
i am in england,im not sure how much that affects connection
ive also had major ping problems before

Offline mechanic

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Gunnery again............
« Reply #67 on: February 13, 2005, 02:55:52 PM »
my ping rate has increased recently.

other day i unloaded the full 900 20mm from a niki into three lancs with no damage aside from fuel leak.

instantly i went to the DA with a squaddie and shot down his bombers in flames with little more than 60 rounds per plane.

somethings dodgy with rubber bullets and high pings for certain.
And I don't know much, but I do know this. With a golden heart comes a rebel fist.

Offline stantond

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Gunnery again............
« Reply #68 on: February 14, 2005, 10:18:22 PM »
Not that I am a good shot by any means... but what I have found that helps are three things:

1.  Turn off tracers.  No tracers also seems to help when attacking bombers.

2.  "Fly" your bullets onto the nme plane.  In other words, orient your plane so if your plane was to keep moving and would collide with an nme, then that is where the bullets will impact.   G's are factored in when you approach gunnery that way.

3.  Allow some slight delay for lag.  Firing slightly before you 'see' the familiar sight picture can help alot.  

Of course, this advice comes from someone that is not so great at gunnery.  Most of the problems I have come from not being able to anticipate where the nme plane will be so I can fire rounds to meet it.  I agree with firing in bursts as well.  I think if I could train myself to always do #'s 2 and 3, I would be a pretty good shot.

