Author Topic: USSR and Russia  (Read 2814 times)

Offline NUKE

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« Reply #75 on: February 14, 2005, 09:04:19 PM »
Originally posted by genozaur
 why are you trying to rewrite the history ?
You don't like Russians, it's your problem.
But why are you including in your posts the old lies of anti-Soviet propaganda ?


Don't you live in America? wtf??? Russia did invade Poland and they where allies with Germany.

Do you even have a brain?

Offline Masherbrum

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« Reply #76 on: February 14, 2005, 09:14:50 PM »
Originally posted by genozaur
Even Polish leaders in 1939 accepted the fact that the Red Army was regaining the ethnic  territories of western Belorussia and western Ukraine (to the east from Lord Curson's line of ethnic boundaries)  which had been captured by Poland in 1920.

And there were no {German-Soviet}"joint attack on Poland in 1939".

The Poles never "accepted" any fact.  You are out of you league in this aspect.  Read more on Polish history.

Poland was divided in half prior to Operation Barbarossa.  You think the Germans AND Soviets were having PICNICS with the Poles?   Come on man, put the glass d*** down.

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« Reply #77 on: February 14, 2005, 09:18:38 PM »
Originally posted by stiehl
There are black russians?

There are some black Russians (very few though) in big cities like Moscow and St. Petersburg. Several black Russians are celebrities in Moscow.
But the best known 'black' Russian is still the famous poet and writer of XIX century, 'the father' of modern Russian language Aleksandr Pushkin whose grand grandfather was an Ethiopian prince who took the name Hannibal and later achieved the rank of field marshal in Russian service.  :aok

Offline Vulcan

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« Reply #78 on: February 14, 2005, 10:00:21 PM »
Originally posted by genozaur
... replied ...

reel him in!

Offline genozaur

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« Reply #79 on: February 14, 2005, 10:12:07 PM »
Originally posted by GScholz
This is technically correct, but in reality Hitler and Stalin divided Poland between them like a cake.

17 September 1939 the Soviet Union invaded Poland. Losing 3.379 men in the process.

Poland was by then a beaten nation having crumbled under the massive German invasion of 1st September.

Technically you are correct to some extend, because the agreement between Hitler and Stalin was changed after desintegration of Poland in such a way by the shrewd comrade Stalin (former Komissar on affairs of nationalities in Lenin's government) that the only territories the USSR gained were the ethnic Belorussian and Ukrainian lands.

And also, besides of the fact of "agression" against the territories of western Belorussia and western Ukraine, the Red Army took 454,700 Poles (soldiers,officers, and irregulars) prisoners of war. Also an interesting fact is that the Red Army captured up to 300 Polish military aircraft.

And, as far as I know, the state of war between Poland and the USSR was proclaimed in the radio address by the head of emigre Polish government Sikorsky on March 1, 1940 (for what purpose ?).
And now we have 15,131 Polish army officers and policemen shot in Katyn forest and 7,305 Polish prisoners shot in jails in western Belorussia and western Ukraine in spring of 1940.
We don't count, of course, about 60 thousand Soviet prisoners of war who died in 1919-1921 in Polish consentration camps.

I also have three questions to ask.
1) Does the number 3,379 is KIA and include those (not really many) who died from German fire ?
2) How many German troops were KIA in Poland ?
3) How many Polish planes did the German army capture ?

Offline genozaur

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« Reply #80 on: February 14, 2005, 10:44:42 PM »
Originally posted by Masherbrum
The Poles never "accepted" any fact.  You are out of you league in this aspect.  Read more on Polish history.

Poland was divided in half prior to Operation Barbarossa.  You think the Germans AND Soviets were having PICNICS with the Poles?   Come on man, put the glass d*** down.


About 23:40, September 17, 1939 the order by the commander-in-chief of the Polish army Rydz-Smigly was transmitted over the radio : {quote} The Soviets invaded. I order the retreat to Romania and Hungary through the shortest routes. Against the Soviets the military actions are not to be taken, with the exception when they attempt to disarm our units. The task for Warsaw and Modlin, which have to be defending from the Germans, stays the same. The units approached by the Soviets must conduct the negotiations with them with the purpose to withdraw the garrizons to Romania or Hungary . {end of quote} The border guard units and the army units on Romanian border were ordered to continue the resistance.

Offline genozaur

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« Reply #81 on: February 14, 2005, 10:54:17 PM »
Originally posted by NUKE

Don't you live in America? wtf??? Russia did invade Poland and they where allies with Germany.

Do you even have a brain?

I don't need a brain in order to figure out that it was not "Russia" who started the WWII.
Any brainless person knows that the Nazi Germany started the WWII.   :D

Offline genozaur

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« Reply #82 on: February 14, 2005, 11:01:08 PM »
Originally posted by NUKE
Russia and Germany were allies....then when Germany attacked the USSR, they cried like babies for a "second" front.

I'd have been happy if the USSR was destroyed by Germany. Two evil, messed upped societies.

Nuke me, NUKE.

I'm a senior leutenant of the Soviet Army,reserve.

But you have to be smart as a smart bomb, because I dwell in Brooklyn, NY.   :rofl

Offline genozaur

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« Reply #83 on: February 14, 2005, 11:11:02 PM »
Originally posted by Despair
I wonder what gene pool are Americans from?

Native Americans are from the Central Asia just as my savir (sabir) ancestors.

Offline -tronski-

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« Reply #84 on: February 15, 2005, 03:04:11 AM »
C'mon comrade Nuke have another vodka and we can sing it together!

Unbreakable Union of freeborn Republics,
Great Russia has welded forever to stand.
Created in struggle by will of the people,
United and mighty, our Soviet land!

Sing to the Motherland, home of the free,
Bulwark of peoples in brotherhood strong.
O Party of Lenin, the strength of the people,
To Communism's triumph lead us on!

Through tempests the sunrays of freedom have cheered us,
Along the new path where great Lenin did lead.
To a righteous cause he raised up the peoples,
Inspired them to labor and valorous deed.
Or, the old way: Be true to the people, thus Stalin has reared us,
Inspire us to labor and valorous deed!

Sing to the Motherland, home of the free,
Bulwark of peoples in brotherhood strong.
O Party of Lenin, the strength of the people,
To Communism's triumph lead us on!

In the victory of Communism's deathless ideal,
We see the future of our dear land.
And to her fluttering scarlet banner,
Selflessly true we always shall stand!

And then we can toast to the greatest hero of the soviet union!!

« Last Edit: February 15, 2005, 03:14:49 AM by -tronski- »
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Offline straffo

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« Reply #85 on: February 15, 2005, 04:21:16 AM »
Originally posted by genozaur

Even Polish leaders in 1939 accepted the fact that the Red Army was regaining the ethnic  territories of western Belorussia and western Ukraine (to the east from Lord Curson's line of ethnic boundaries)  which had been captured by Poland in 1920.

And there were no {German-Soviet}"joint attack on Poland in 1939".

Stop Ttrolling please.

Especially when speaking of the "ethnic" boundary.

Wtf were the "Ethnic" boundary for USSR ?

Except a reason to use the "Great Russia" myth for war monger ?

Offline genozaur

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« Reply #86 on: February 15, 2005, 11:00:41 PM »
Originally posted by GScholz
"The Nazi-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact
In 1939, Hitler was preparing for war. Though he was hoping to acquire Poland without force (as he had annexed Austria the year before), Hitler was planning against the possibility of a two front war. Since fighting a two front war in World War I had split Germany's forces, it had weakened and undermined their offensive; thus, played a large role in Germany losing the First World War. Hitler was determined not to repeat the same mistakes. So, he planned ahead and made a pact with the Soviets - the Nazi-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact.

The Two Sides Meet
On August 14, 1939, German Foreign Minister Joachim von Ribbentrop contacted the Soviets to arrange a deal. Ribbentrop met with the Soviet Foreign Minister Vyacheslav Molotov in Moscow and together they arranged two pacts - the economic agreement and the Nazi-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact.

The Economic Agreement
The first pact was an economic agreement, which Ribbentrop and Molotov signed on August 19, 1939.
The economic agreement committed the Soviet Union to provide food products as well as raw materials to Germany in exchange for furnished products such as machinery from Germany.

During the first years of the war, this economic agreement helped Germany bypass the British blockade.

The Nazi-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact
On August 23, 1939, four days after the economic agreement was signed and a little over a week before the beginning of World War II, Ribbentrop and Molotov signed the Nazi-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact. (The pact is also referred to as the German-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact and the Ribbentrop-Molotov Pact.)

Publicly, this agreement stated that the two countries - Germany and the Soviet Union - would not attack each other. If there were ever a problem between the two countries, it was to be handled amicably. The pact was supposed to last for ten years; it lasted for less than two.

What was meant by the terms of the pact was that if Germany attacked Poland, then the Soviet Union would not come to its aid. Thus, if Germany went to war against the West (especially France and Great Britain) over Poland, the Soviets were guaranteeing that they would not enter the war; thus not open a second front for Germany.

In addition to this agreement, Ribbentrop and Molotov added a secret protocol onto the pact - a secret addendum whose existence was denied by the Soviets until 1989.

The Secret Protocol

The secret protocol held an agreement between the Nazis and Soviets that greatly affected Eastern Europe. For the Soviets for agreeing to not join the possible future war, Germany was giving the Soviets the Baltic States (Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania). Poland was also to be divided between the two - along the Narew, Vistula, and San rivers.

The new territories gave the Soviet Union the buffer (in land) that it wanted to feel safe from an invasion from the West. It would need that buffer in 1941.

Impacts of the Pact
When the Nazis attacked Poland in the morning on September 1, 1939, the Soviets stood by and watched. Two days later, the British declared war on Germany and World War II had begun. On September 17, the Soviets rolled into eastern Poland to occupy their "sphere of influence" designated in the secret protocol.
Because of the Nazi-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact, the Soviets did not join the fight against Germany, thus Germany was successful it its attempt to safeguard itself from a two-front war.

The Nazis and the Soviets kept the terms of the pact and the protocol until Germany's surprise attack and invasion of the Soviet Union on June 22, 1941."

GS, all the above is correct except for the last statement of yours. The protocol was changed several times in September and October 1939. The first change was Hitler's decision on September 20, 1939 to alter the demarkation line between the German and Soviet forces. On the same day Molotov voiced the Soviet position concerning the changed demarkation line and offered the Moscow variant of the Soviet-German communiqe on the Soviet-German demarkation line in Poland. The Soviet proposal was accepted by the German side.
The new demarkation line was established on September 28, 1939 after the second round of talks in Moscow between Ribbentrop, Stalin and Molotov. On September 29, 1939 both sides signed the 'agreement on friendship and the border line between the USSR and Germany' and several protocols. According to this agreement there was established the border "between the mutual states' interests on the territory of former Polish state". Later on (October 4,1939) one more protocol was added (the description of the border line between river  Igorka and Uzhok pass).

The result of this was such that the Soviet Union gave Germany all the ethnic Polish territories (Lublin region and part of Warsaw region) in exchange of including Lithuania in the Soviet 'sphere of interests'.

Offline genozaur

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« Reply #87 on: February 15, 2005, 11:14:14 PM »
Originally posted by straffo
Stop Ttrolling please.

Especially when speaking of the "ethnic" boundary.

Wtf were the "Ethnic" boundary for USSR ?

Except a reason to use the "Great Russia" myth for war monger ?

Straffo, you are an uneducated frog-lover.
The 'ethnic boundary' we are talking about was recommended by the British government  and is known in history as the (Lord)' Curson line' presented to the Soviet government in the form of an ultimatum in late teens or early twenties of the XX century.

Here we are again, a frog-lover accusing the respected English gentlemen of trolling.    :rofl :aok

Offline NUKE

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« Reply #88 on: February 15, 2005, 11:34:30 PM »

How much would it cost for you to move back to your great country of origin?

I'd be willing to help  pay for your one way trip back. My email is in my profile.

I'll help pay for you trip back to your miserable country of origin if you'd like.

Email me and let's get you back to your homeland, where everything is grand.

Offline genozaur

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« Reply #89 on: February 16, 2005, 12:06:25 AM »
Originally posted by NUKE

How much would it cost for you to move back to your great country of origin?

I'd be willing to help  pay for your one way trip back. My email is in my profile.

I'll help pay for you trip back to your miserable country of origin if you'd like.

Email me and let's get you back to your homeland, where everything is grand.

Nuke, I understand that you were really paissed off when your Russian girl-friend rejected you on the Valentain's day. But you are channelling your anger into the wrong tunnel. Maybe now you have to look at yourself in the full-size mirror.
And your generous offer to pay for my deportation is also rejected. Even communist burecrauts could not order me around, and who the freck are you to even think that you can send people out of the country just when and how it pleases you.
 Nuke, you are really starting to loose it.
Stop yourself before you are gone too far.