Author Topic: And he won't get the death penaly for this?  (Read 12811 times)

Offline GtoRA2

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And he won't get the death penaly for this?
« Reply #45 on: March 03, 2005, 02:02:24 PM »
and the point you completly miss either on purpose because you don't want to lose, or because your to obtuse or in dream land to get is.

Stealing minor **** as a kid is one thing. Or minor vandalisation etc done as a kid is one thing. Yes most grow out of it. Most of us knew it was wrong when we were doing it and didnt think we would get cought.

Murder is a not in the same ball park, hells its not even the same game. It is so bad that normal kids know even when they are 11 that is is so wrong you do not do it.

YOU DO NOT NEED TO GROW UP to know this.  THATS  the point.

Offline OIO

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And he won't get the death penaly for this?
« Reply #46 on: March 03, 2005, 02:21:17 PM »
Originally posted by Engine
Wow, you didn't know right from wrong until 16?  What a messed up kid you must've been.  

Like Martlet, I had a pretty good idea murder was wrong when I was 11.  This is something so amazingly basic, I have a hard time believing that you don't grasp that EVERYONE should understand such a basic concept before their teens.  And more importantly, than when murder is committed, at any age, there should be repercussions. Severe repercussions.  Like death.

No, im not saying that kids dont know right from wrong at 16 ..heck at age 5 they should have a good idea about that. Im talking about the decision making process.

when you're young you tend to act more on your emotions than on your reasoning skills. Thats why angry kids sometimes do things which are so incredibly stupid. Ive seen 6 year olds angry because their moms are taking them away from the mcdonalds playplace because they have to go home..and some of them kids are SO pissed they go berserk..on their own moms.

Thats the kind of thing im talking about. Some kids grow up without what you would call a 'firm hand' (discipline) or have little or no parental guidance to help them learn the difference between an impulse and actually doing something...or both.

That kid shot the driver... he probably didnt think much about the consequences of his actions. Should he go to jail? YES. Should he be executed? Not in my view.. even if the crime he commited was that horrible. We should draw a line between those who kill knowing full well what they are doing and those who kill without knowing what they're doing ...and kids fall in that category.

A shame to see the driver's family in pain and the kid's life ruined. :(

Offline lazs2

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And he won't get the death penaly for this?
« Reply #47 on: March 03, 2005, 02:23:52 PM »
I owned a handgun when I was 9 years old.   Most of the kids I knew owned or had access to guns byu the time they were 14.  

A few kids had accidents with guns... none were punished by the law.  If a 14 year old then killed someone the rest of us would have expected for him to die by the law.

If he didn't we would pretty much figure we were immune also.


Offline RTSigma

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And he won't get the death penaly for this?
« Reply #48 on: March 03, 2005, 02:28:12 PM »
The kid should just get 50 years. In maximum security.

He'll come out at age 64 with no real life and during those 50 years he'll realize what he did was wrong in every way.

Honestly, now a days, are parents teaching their kids whats wrong and whats not? Or just leaving it up to the schools which pamper them and don't know how to discipline?

The kid was an A B student? Heck, just toss him in the desert.


Offline Trell

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And he won't get the death penaly for this?
« Reply #49 on: March 03, 2005, 02:32:03 PM »
I dont think either one of us will ever agree on this so i will leave it at this last port.

You keep saying  saying that vandalism,  stealing and anything else you did as a child that.   You would not do now. you grew out of.  So does that mean if you knew right from wrong.
Then why did you stop doing those things???  did it just get boring and you went onto bigger and better things?,   or did you grow up enough to know better.
If you were caught.  Should you be treated as an adult at that time a harden criminal.  and not as a child..  

You keep saying that they are not the same.  I agree that they are not the same in degrees of violence.  but they are the same for the reason you felt like you should do them then. you knew better,  but you still did them.  you did not think...
But know better now.  you can think things through,  you know that violence is wrong not just because it is against the law. or that you may get caught.  But because you know how it effects the people around you,  and the families of the victims.

We will never see eye to eye on how children think, and how we should treat them when they mess up.
Think as a child they can

Offline lazs2

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And he won't get the death penaly for this?
« Reply #50 on: March 03, 2005, 02:36:12 PM »
No... stealing and vandalism at the age of 14 is the same but... a slap on the wrist might help.   Murder is murder.

I don't see why you don't want to just put sociopaths and child molesters (people who can't be cured) out of their misery with a quite overdose.

Instead... you "humane" types suggest everything from letting the predetors loose on society to tortureing them for 50 years... your "humanity" makes me want to puke.


Offline Martlet

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And he won't get the death penaly for this?
« Reply #51 on: March 03, 2005, 02:37:40 PM »
Yeah.  Just let them go.  They'll grow out of being murderers.

Offline GtoRA2

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And he won't get the death penaly for this?
« Reply #52 on: March 03, 2005, 02:41:10 PM »
I hope you dont have kids trell, I can just see this...

"Trell your son (11) just tried to rape my little girl(8)!!"

"oh dont worry Jane, he just doesnt know right from wrong all that well, and I am sure in a few years will mature enough to not do this anymore, in the mean time we should just slap him on the wrist and not really punish him, its not his fault"

Your right though we won't see eye to eye on this. Mostly cause yours are closed.

Offline OIO

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And he won't get the death penaly for this?
« Reply #53 on: March 03, 2005, 02:47:32 PM »
lazs, i aint the same person i was at 11 or 14 or 16. not even CLOSE to it.

the kid made one huge bellybutton mistake. and he'll have to live with it the rest of his life.

i find it disturbing that you are willing to allow the government to kill a child just because you think he'll still be the same person when he grows up.

granted, prision aint the best place to grow up, a better system should be in place for minors.

I think that an adult in prision for whatever crime has a far, FAR less 'chance' of being rehabilitated into society than a kid does. They are set in their ways. A kid has yet to set them.

Offline lazs2

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And he won't get the death penaly for this?
« Reply #54 on: March 03, 2005, 02:50:36 PM »
oio.... I aint the same person I was at 25.... not by a long shot.

what is your point?


Offline GtoRA2

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And he won't get the death penaly for this?
« Reply #55 on: March 03, 2005, 03:06:37 PM »
 Just because he has some growing up to do, he gets a free pass for murder?

I am notgoing to be the same at 60 as I am now can I get one too?

There are penalties for braking the law, how much growing up you have to do should not be a factor when you take a life and ruin 3 others.

Offline SOB

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And he won't get the death penaly for this?
« Reply #56 on: March 03, 2005, 03:21:11 PM »
Originally posted by Trell
pass laws to gas them for making mistakes.

You can stop right there.  This "mistake" you speak of was the act of obtaining a weapon, then conciously using it to kill another human being.  It wasn't a ****ing "oopsy, i broke the neighbor's window with a baseball", it was murder.
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Offline Mickey1992

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And he won't get the death penaly for this?
« Reply #57 on: March 03, 2005, 03:33:47 PM »
Originally posted by Habu
Actually the sentence is correct. If you wanted to say was hurt you could change it to

Not one of the 24 students on the bus, who ranged in age from 5 to 17 was hurt.

"None of the 24 students on the bus, ranging in ages from 5 to 17, were hurt."

"ranging in ages from 5 to 17" is an adjectival clause.

That leaves "None of the 24 students on the bus were hurt."

"on the bus" and "of the 24 students" are prepositional phrases.

That leaves "None were hurt."  Which is incorrect because "none" is singular.

Offline Maverick

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And he won't get the death penaly for this?
« Reply #58 on: March 03, 2005, 03:53:10 PM »
Originally posted by Staga
Do they use Zyklon-B when gassing people or is there some other, newer gas for that purpose?

Nope. What they do is force the accused to read fininsh posts from this bbs. That's enough to turn any brain to melted jelly. :rolleyes:
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Offline Maverick

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And he won't get the death penaly for this?
« Reply #59 on: March 03, 2005, 04:11:54 PM »

There are quite a few kids out in the world who have no concept of right and wrong. They just know what they want to possess or what they want to do. Anything or anyone that gets in their way  must be elliminated from their way. Frankly I've seen kids who would kill you faster than several of the many violent adults I have dealt with. They simply do not care. Some of them also know that they will likely get almost a free ride through the juvinile system and that it just won't count when they turn 18.

There are predators in this society and they do not get that way at 18 years of age. Some are born psychopaths, some are created or simply chose to be that way. For those kids who don't care about anyone or anything, there is likely not going to be any change as they age.

Keeping these kids in a juvinile facility isn't going to make them better kids. They will simply get older and their regret will be for getting caught, not for what they did. It will protect society from their predation, for a while.
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