Originally posted by Toad
Calm and rational?
You've already donned the tin foil hat!
It was the second shooter from the grassy knoll, right Naso? The one secretly sent by the Illuminati and the CFR?
Jesus, Toad, the irony just flew over your head, uh?
I will use more cinical and easy words:
Both countries will investigate, and since neither of the two will be happy to admit to have made the mistake, whoever has made it, they will both blame the gult in the loss of information in the area between the two respective secret services, saving the known party involved (the Italian secret service agents in the car, and the soldiers of the patrol, or the checkpoint), and blaming the responsability somewhere in the unknow world of interalliance communications, practically, nobody.
Everyone is happy, move along.
I've been clear?
No tiny foil hat, just realpolitik.