Author Topic: Kill Stealing  (Read 3081 times)

Offline JB82

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Kill Stealing
« on: April 17, 2005, 10:04:25 AM »
Yesterday I shot up an enemy plane so bad that he was on fire and missing a wing then several second later a Countrymen came by and started shooting at that same con.  How are we suppose to handel a Countrymen when it is obvious that he is trying to steal your kill?  I know many of you do not check out the whole BBS so I made a link to an ideal I have below.  I know I'm not the only one who is getting irritated with the kill stealing.

Offline mojo55

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« Reply #1 on: April 17, 2005, 10:25:04 AM »
Was it me...?

Offline WMLute

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« Reply #2 on: April 17, 2005, 12:22:54 PM »
other night I had shot off both wings, and the tail, AND set the sucker on fire, and otw down some dork shot the crud out of it and got the kill.  I generally will say something (if it's done OBVIOUSLY) on range channel, and it's sometimes a bit terse, sometimes just a simple "*insert CPID* please dont' shoot at wingless planes" and use the "shame" factor of being called on it.

BUT I also dont' find it THAT big of a deal.  I was new once, and had no clue how it all "worked".  I wouldn't get into a FIGHT over a stolen kill.  Throw some sarcasm at 'em maybe, but that's about it.
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Offline jaxxo

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« Reply #3 on: April 17, 2005, 12:25:55 PM »
Yeah yeserday i had a vet steal a kill of mine and laugh about it after i called him out. Five minutes later i watched a p38 rip him a new one while I drank my finger backing off the check 6 key. Hehe. Instant karma's a beeotch.

Offline SuperDud

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« Reply #4 on: April 17, 2005, 12:36:27 PM »
Very good point Lute! While not as bad as shooting the wingless plane, I was on the 6 of a bad guy just last night after a fairly decent fight to get there. Suddenly tracers fly past my cockpit. I look back to see one of my guys firing away! Well in that moment where I thought I was being shot at and looking back, the bad guy broke hard right and lost me for a moment. My "buddy" not worrying about being shot at like I was, saw it and was able to follow and get the kill. I was about to tell him what I thought about this when over local vox I heard, "MY FIRST KILL!" Heck it was worth it, I remember the thrill I got from my 1st actual A2A kill in the game(wasn't to long ago). Instead, I gave him a WTG and flew on to get killed by Murdr and his P38 lol:D  So good advice Lute, not all steal kills are done outta greed. Some just do it without knowing. I'd say something to the guy, but I'd be polite about it unless it was on purpose.
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Offline TBolt A-10

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« Reply #5 on: April 17, 2005, 12:50:35 PM »
who cares?  you know you beat your opponent.  everyone else around you knows you beat your opponent.

o wait, you're score potatos, eh?  

score potatos worry too damn much and b1tch 'n moan more than i care to listen to on range channel.  i hope you keep your b1tching on private channels...  :)


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Kill Stealing
« Reply #6 on: April 17, 2005, 01:17:22 PM »
Might have been me.
 I know I was in an area fighting someone along with several other people when somene got the guy flaming.
I followed him around waiting to see when he was going to pop.
He didnt right away and kept flying around and started shooting at people again so I finished him off and I happened to get the kill.

Nobody complained at the time.
and I know I remember seeing at least 1 JB around so as I said it might have been me

Had he managed to shoot someone down before he popped Im sure somene would have wanted to know why nobody finished him.

I will follow a damaged plane around a bit to make sure he's really dead and not faking it.
I dont shoot unless he starts acting like he may again become a threat. Once he starts flying normally or starts firing at people himself then I'll finish him.

Anyway. I wasnt trying to steal anyones kill. Im not that hard up for kills and if anyone see's the oppotunity to steal one of mine. Be my guest. Im more concerned with the enemy dieing then who gets the credit

unless you can see a plane is missing a wing or a tail. Just cause you get someone in flames doesnt mean hes no longer a threat.

I've taken more then one pilot with me when I've been burning and enemy made that assumption.
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Offline Cobra412

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Kill Stealing
« Reply #7 on: April 17, 2005, 01:29:54 PM »
Jaxxo that's what I've been doing to folks who try that. I also do that to those who use you as bait purposely without atleast giving you a 6 call to let you know their coming. A few squads are notorious for doing that. When one of their squadmates do it I check to see who else is on that squad and their whole squad will get the same treatment. I'll wait till their about dead and then go kill the bad guy.

Offline WDOT4W

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« Reply #8 on: April 17, 2005, 01:33:01 PM »
Originally posted by DREDIOCK
Might have been me.
 I know I was in an area fighting someone along with several other people when somene got the guy flaming.
I followed him around waiting to see when he was going to pop.
He didnt right away and kept flying around and started shooting at people again so I finished him off and I happened to get the kill.

Nobody complained at the time.
and I know I remember seeing at least 1 JB around so as I said it might have been me

Had he managed to shoot someone down before he popped Im sure somene would have wanted to know why nobody finished him.

I will follow a damaged plane around a bit to make sure he's really dead and not faking it.
I dont shoot unless he starts acting like he may again become a threat. Once he starts flying normally or starts firing at people himself then I'll finish him.

Anyway. I wasnt trying to steal anyones kill. Im not that hard up for kills and if anyone see's the oppotunity to steal one of mine. Be my guest. Im more concerned with the enemy dieing then who gets the credit

unless you can see a plane is missing a wing or a tail. Just cause you get someone in flames doesnt mean hes no longer a threat.

I've taken more then one pilot with me when I've been burning and enemy made that assumption.

I do the same thing, & I'm sure I've unknowingly stolen 1 or 2... & have had them stolen from me as well... by me own squaddies no less... LOL

I never set out to steal kills, I set out to flame the enemas & have fun doing so...

but sometimes it's an iffy kinda thing, when there's 2 or more goin after a vulcher per say, what do ya do ?? Hold back & look for another enema ? (as I'd "say" I should do..) or press on cause he vulched me..?? ;) so if he flames him & I put a cpl cannon rnds in him afterwards, am I stealing ? & vice versa... ??

ego & anger & a cpl of brewskis & 6 .50cal's can be a wild combo... you just never know what might happen



Offline Kegger26

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« Reply #9 on: April 17, 2005, 03:03:15 PM »
Originally posted by Cobra412
Jaxxo that's what I've been doing to folks who try that. I also do that to those who use you as bait purposely without atleast giving you a 6 call to let you know their coming. A few squads are notorious for doing that. When one of their squadmates do it I check to see who else is on that squad and their whole squad will get the same treatment. I'll wait till their about dead and then go kill the bad guy.

How sad is that? I mean comeone so someone didnt give you a check six. So your not going to give them a check six back? Why are they responsible for making sure your six is cleared at all times? How about YOU take responsibilty for clearing and checking your own six. Rather than leaveing it in the hands of someone else, only to get pissed off when that emy plane rips you a new one.

 This kind of stuff is getting out of hand. I would be happy if HTC did away with the scoring system, and the landing kill messages. Keep the perks, but this score whoring has turned AH in to DOOM with wings. Enough is enough.

I know on rooks we have alot of score potatos. So the get together andf fly over to an emy feild fighter light. They "cap" it. They stay around untill they are low on ammo or fuel, then they RTB.

 They ***** and moan if you take down a fighter hanger, bomber hanger. VHs are fine since those Flaks fight back and they dont have ord. They call you the fun police. They call you names. They make claims like "we have it under control" However I have yet to see this tactic works. Since a cap only last as long as your fighters have fuel and ammo. So we can safely say around 20-30 mins.

 Durring this 20-30 mins there is always a small number of guys slamming the town. Yet they never quiet seem to get it all the way down. There are calls over vox to help kill the town, yet you still have 20 planes flying in a holding pattern over the feild trying to vulch.

Bringing a goon into this is sometimes stupid. Mostly becuase some John Wayne in the group sees an emy plane about to up and calls out "let him up, lets have some fun" Then they spend 10 mins chasing an La7 across there feild. This La7 makes a bee line for the goon and gets it in a few passes. This kind of action also cost one or two pilots there lives. If your the goon dont say anything, you would just be pissing on there parade. They will tell you how it is YOUR fault and the town aint down anyways. If you ask them why isnt it down with this many ppl around, you normaly dont get an awser.

 The lastest thing in this type of game play is the "screw it I am going to bish/knits". This isnt just comming from new players, but guys that have been around for a few years. This comes after a hanger has been dropped most of the time. Or a fellow rook doesnt follow there order. This "fine I am taking my toys and going home" bit is getting old too. Where is the loyalty? We use to have it. Now every day I see guys bouncing from country to country. Whoever is winning thats the side you will see them on. HTC you need to make it, so that in the MA if someone changes countrys they are stuck there for the whole week. I think this would stop the flip flopping.

Offline Elfie

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« Reply #10 on: April 17, 2005, 04:13:11 PM »
HTC you need to make it, so that in the MA if someone changes countrys they are stuck there for the whole week. I think this would stop the flip flopping.

Not every one does that to join the winning side Kegger. Before I joined Assassins I used to play for whichever team had the lowest numbers when I logged in. Others do this as well.

They ***** and moan if you take down a fighter hanger, bomber hanger. VHs are fine since those Flaks fight back and they dont have ord. They call you the fun police. They call you names. They make claims like "we have it under control" However I have yet to see this tactic works. Since a cap only last as long as your fighters have fuel and ammo. So we can safely say around 20-30 mins.

It is far easier to cap a field with fighters when the VH is down. Fighters run out of ordnance to kill gv's far faster than they run out of ammuntion/fuel. Most of the time it is far better to take a field intact than it is to wreck the place before taking it. I have seen far more times where a single gv has ruined a base capture or held it up for 20 minutes than I have of a single fighter getting up from a capped field.

The first things dropped on a field should be acks and VH. If you have enough fighters to overwhelm the air defenses then there is no need to drop the rest of the hangers. Leaving the rest of the hangers up allows your team to maintain offensive momentum after the field capture occurs.
Corkyjr on country jumping:
In the end you should be thankful for those players like us who switch to try and help keep things even because our willingness to do so, helps a more selfish, I want it my way player, get to fly his latewar uber ride.

Offline Cobra412

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« Reply #11 on: April 17, 2005, 04:28:35 PM »
Keep preaching Kegger because frankly I don't give a chit. I've always got my head on a swivel looking to clear myself and looking to give 6 calls to friendlies. Maybe if I weren't worrying about not only myself but everyone else around me then I wouldn't need a check 6. I could pay attention to my 6 constantly and disregard the rest of the action that isn't a direct threat to me. Wait that would make me like the rest of the people around here. :eek:

When I sit there and watch a bird crawling up my 6 with a friendly on them and the friendly never bothers to give a 6 call in the process (whether I see them or not), screw them. Paybacks are a squeak and one persons actions will bring this kind of payback to their whole crew. Maybe then they'll learn that if they expect to get help when they need it the most or get a 6 call then they'll give the same to others.

I've watched people do this one to many times and typicall it's the same crews who do it. You can't trust flying in the same AOR with them because they don't care about helping friendlies. They only care about their next kill. They are the same salamanders that when you jump in to save their arse because they're being overwhelmed they will bail on you the second they get cleared and the enemy starts concentrating on you.

Maybe I'll just start doing like everyone else does. I'll let those who are being overwhelmed die and go on my merry way or I'll use them for bait. I'll only pay attention to my 6 and I'll unmap my range mic and unmap my check 6 call key since they won't be necessary anymore.

Frankly if they don't like it then they'll learn to be a team player or suffer the consequences. One persons actions will affect their whole crew especially in cases like this. I've sacrificed my position multiple times to help a friendly who's being overwhelmed regardless if they got themselves in that position in the first place. 8 times out of 10 that person will bail on me the second they get the chance and leave me with the horde while they race home to mommy.

BTW Kegger what's your callsign in the game. I don't want to mistakingly give you a 6 call since it's YOUR responsibility in the first place. Wonder why HTC programmed that in the first place. I also wouldn't want to help you out when you get in a jam because again it's YOUR responsibility not to get yourself in that position to start off with. Also since we are on the subject what crew are you in so I can make sure to give them the same treatment as you have suggested?
« Last Edit: April 17, 2005, 04:38:08 PM by Cobra412 »

Offline TalonX

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Kill stealing is rarely an accident
« Reply #12 on: April 17, 2005, 04:44:19 PM »
I think you should simply say something like, " You don't have to shoot the ones already going in."  

The point is made, and the individual may be more careful or considerate later.

The best one I heard was when I flamed a plane and the guy behind me stole the kill.  When I made the famous comment, the guy says, "I was about to ram him, I had to shoot."

Please.   Give me a break.


Forgotten, but back in the game.  :)

Offline ALF

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« Reply #13 on: April 17, 2005, 05:10:24 PM »

Offline Elfie

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« Reply #14 on: April 17, 2005, 05:12:55 PM »
1)On fire does not mean out of combat in all cases. If the enemy is nowhere near anyone else and poses no danger, then killing him is uncalled for, but in a furball, the flamer may have a minute or two in which he is still a shoot him for gods sakes!

That's a very good point Alf. I have a film of me flying a Ki-84 where a spit9 ruins my whole day by making my plane a flying torch. Since that was the only real damage, I went ahead and killed the offender before my Ki exploded :D
Corkyjr on country jumping:
In the end you should be thankful for those players like us who switch to try and help keep things even because our willingness to do so, helps a more selfish, I want it my way player, get to fly his latewar uber ride.