Author Topic: Kill Stealing  (Read 3083 times)

Offline Kegger26

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Kill Stealing
« Reply #30 on: April 18, 2005, 01:59:40 AM »
Originally posted by Cobra412
Your right Spot you won't have to worry about me saving your hide or giving you a 6 call and neither will any of your squadmates. The only person who seems to be crying here is yourself. You don't like how I choose to deal with selfish players. Not once did I state I would do this to just any random player. I'm very aware of who I can trust and I'd give up any advantageous postion I may have just to help them even if it means putting myself in a dangerous position or getting killed just to clear them. I'll leave that up to your squadmates if I ever see you around though.

Why exactly would you care so much if I chose to do this to selfish players and their squadmates in the first place? Are you feeling a little guilty or maybe it's because you have some selfish squadmates of your own? If neither of these are the case then stfu and move along. Frankly it's none of your business how I choose to deal with such players and you only look like a fool defending these same selfish idiots.

One last note Kegger if I really needed any kind of training you'd be the last person here I'd go to for help. I'm very capable in one vs. many engagements. I'm sure though looking behind me constantly is the only proper way to deal with such a situation. Whatever would I do without you. :lol

I dont recall where I offered to train you? Second Where am I crying? You are the one *****in about not getting a check six. Then you go on to say "well fine then, they wont get a check six from me neather". I have a three yearold son. He acts like this sometimes. "I cant have that toy? Fine then I dont want any of them". Get over yourself man. I have seen you fly. You arnt that great anyways. Which is why I said I will never have to worry about you clearing my six.

Offline Cobra412

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« Reply #31 on: April 18, 2005, 02:13:58 AM »
You can keep your chitty advice to yourself btw because frankly I've heard better things from newbies.

Where is your SA? What happens when you are alone in the mix with three emy planes? What then? You have to be looking back almost. Why not fly like that all the time?

No one ever said I was great to start off with. Considering I'm self taught and I've only flying for a little over a year and a half I'd say I'm doing just fine. But considering your an ACE and you've told me I'm not that great I'll go back to the drawing board.   :lol

I know it's not in big colorful letters but jesus it's not that hard to comprehend. Maybe I should get your 3 year old to write it out for you in crayons. Would that help you grasp what was written? Or is your brain only big enough to grasp one little thing at a time?

Here we'll try this again. Actually disregard. I don't think I can reduce myself to baby talk just to get you to understand.

:rofl BTW comeback and talk to me about tactics and SA once you can actually land as many kills as you have sorties.
« Last Edit: April 18, 2005, 02:19:15 AM by Cobra412 »

Offline StarOfAfrica2

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« Reply #32 on: April 18, 2005, 02:21:35 AM »
If I see someone with a red dot about to crawl up his tailpipe, I give him a "chk 6" for courtesy.  If he saw the guy, cool.  If he didnt, I may have just saved someone trying to land some kills.  Not such a big deal to me (as you can tell if you look at how often I land lol), but it does matter to some folks so I try to extend the courtesy if I'm not tied up.  

As for myself, I appreciate it when I get the warning, but I dont expect it.  Its my responsibility to keep up my own SA, and if I dont, its my fault if I get shot down.  

I also do try to clear someone's 6 if I have time to get there and it looks like they need the help.  If there's already a group of 4 or 5 of them, I wont waste my alt when they should be more than able to handle the risk.  If they cant, and I do end up engaging, I'm going to hope he's already low on ammo or damaged.  If he's that good, I'll take whatever edge I can get lol.

I might jump into a fight if I'm already there and it looks like my countryman is getting the short end of things.  Especially in a base defense situation.  But if I see things are well in hand or the red guy is already in flames or getting chunks blown off his plane, I'll pull out of the fight and go find one of my own.  It's not just the kill message, its the sense of accomplishment you get when you overcome someone else (whether through tactics or dogfighting skills) and win the fight with no help.  Thats the whole reason I play this game.  That and a certain level of immersion (that is mostly only in my own mind when you are talking about MA play).  I set rules for myself, and I try to stick to them.  Its how I make the game fun for me.

Offline Cobra412

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« Reply #33 on: April 18, 2005, 02:31:19 AM »
Star there's a huge difference between a new guy/gal not knowing any better and a veteran who flat out chooses not to. I'm not talking about any joe out there giving 6 calls when they should be. I'm talking about veterans who use the newbies as bait any chance they can get and not bothering to give them a chance to evade via a 6 call because it'll blow their shooting solution.

I found it amazing just how many vets would do this when I changed my name. Same vets who'd give me a 6 call before wouldn't do it under my new name. Then there were those same vets that wouldn't give a 6 call to anyone but their squadmates.

Last tactics book I read I could have sworn the "free fighter" was the look out. I guess that's not the case in this game though and I shouldn't bother myself with it anymore. I must say it's nice to know how others feel about such a topic. Makes it easier to sift through who I should help and who I shouldn't.

Offline ghi

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« Reply #34 on: April 18, 2005, 03:17:20 AM »
imo, you guys getting mad about Kill stealing ,screeming" DON"T SHOOT ,I GOT HIS WING",must be greedy,selfish, bs, score potatos, not team players,
     For you guys is more important to see your name up on the watermelon score list, them helping others, or what's the most important, having fun.
 Who the heck do you think can be impressed by landing, 10,20, or 100 kills??!! some new players maybe
   Because after few months or  years everyone  playing this game  knows , who's real good fighter, or score potato
 Kills yes, get more kills land them, ohh yes, WTFG
  Daily life is a  competition, i don't need another one, i play for fun, STEAL my KILLS, i don't care

Offline onions4u

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« Reply #35 on: April 18, 2005, 03:32:10 AM »
I have learned not to worry about too much. especially when i,ve been in a Tiger and a plane shoots a tank with his fifties with no sign of damage and I kill him and get a assist. It's not great but teamwork means you may have to give up a kill sometimes.Since were on the subject it can't be who does the most damage in my opinion its who shoots first or most that get the kills. Im almost to the point it must be who shoots first.

Offline TexMurphy

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« Reply #36 on: April 18, 2005, 03:35:37 AM »
Personally Ive died to buring planes that have been ignored quite a few times.

Due to this I DO engage burning planes.

Imho as long as a plane posesses danger to me, my squad or my countrymen I do engage them.

This means I dont shoot wingless or tailless planes but I do shoot smoking or burning planes.

The planes that I do shoot more then anything when burnign is Nikkies. Due to their huge gun power and good climb ability they are a threat while on fire more then any other plane. But if its say a D hog on fire on the deck then I dont care much as long as Im above him.


Offline WMLute

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« Reply #37 on: April 18, 2005, 03:39:42 AM »
Originally posted by Cobra412
Ifound it amazing just how many vets would do this when I changed my name. Same vets who'd give me a 6 call before wouldn't do it under my new name.

When I chose to fly in "shades", I too have found this to be true.  I would almost never get chk 6'd when under my unknown "shade" account, but when flying as Lute I get chk 6'd like crazy.  

Found that to be "interesting"
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Offline Kegger26

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« Reply #38 on: April 18, 2005, 06:53:50 AM »
Originally posted by Cobra412
You can keep your chitty advice to yourself btw because frankly I've heard better things from newbies.

No one ever said I was great to start off with. Considering I'm self taught and I've only flying for a little over a year and a half I'd say I'm doing just fine. But considering your an ACE and you've told me I'm not that great I'll go back to the drawing board.   :lol

I know it's not in big colorful letters but jesus it's not that hard to comprehend. Maybe I should get your 3 year old to write it out for you in crayons. Would that help you grasp what was written? Or is your brain only big enough to grasp one little thing at a time?

Here we'll try this again. Actually disregard. I don't think I can reduce myself to baby talk just to get you to understand.

:rofl BTW comeback and talk to me about tactics and SA once you can actually land as many kills as you have sorties.

Waaaaa :rolleyes:

Offline 1Klink

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« Reply #39 on: April 18, 2005, 07:22:26 AM »
well i,m for 1 glad that cobra let us all know how he thinks,cuz frankly for someone thats played this game as long as he has to be talkin mad crack hed S***T like that.Now we know how too properly treat him when i see him again.

Offline Morpheus

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« Reply #40 on: April 18, 2005, 07:38:48 AM »
I take much pride in my ability to help further induce punishment to wingless planes.

This is no easy task mind you. They are flopping about, left, right, up, down... You name it. To be able to hit one of these planes let alone cause enough damage to actually steal the kill is very tricky indeed.
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Offline Edbert1

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« Reply #41 on: April 18, 2005, 08:27:44 AM »
I've been in only two squads in 9 years, and both of them make a sport out of stealing kills from one another. But it is limited to SQUADDIES ONLY.  I think quite often kills are stolen without that intent, sometimes it is not clear that an enemy is fatally hit, of course sometimes they are as was said flames and missing wings. Never did figure that one out.

I find the shoulder shooting to be more of an issue and every sinlge time I see friendly tracers coming over my canopy I pull into them, usually with catastrophic results to the lamer who is trying to steal the kill. It seems to me to happen most when you've worked a guy into the dirt that some hero comes diving in, I guess he figures that since you are saddled up on the con that you are in trouble or perhaps he just wants to save the con from the torture session you are metting out.

If you think I am taking too long to put the guy away, and can get closer to him that I am then by all means take him. I just ask that you give a warning that you are about to pass me, then cut in front and dispatch him. If you cannot get in between me and the con then hold your fire, I just might be torturing him by hanging D150 off his arse and watching him stir :D

Offline Masherbrum

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« Reply #42 on: April 18, 2005, 08:42:23 AM »
Originally posted by Kegger26

As if Cobra is ever going to be saving my hide in the MA. That is what squadies are for. I have never said I dont give someone a check six or clear there six. We do. But crying becuase someone didnt give you one is just lame. Where is your SA? What happens when you are alone in the mix with three emy planes? What then? You have to be looking back almost. Why not fly like that all the time?

 Karaya, You act as if you know some super secret about me. You take the time to call me by my old name all the time in game. The reason I switched names, is due to the fact after takeing a short break from the game I came back to find someone with the name of SEKegger. Not wanting someone to wear the same name as me, I changed it.

 First I went with Jester. I then foundout there are already a handfull of Jesters in game. So after a few confusing dog fights with two three other "Jesters". I changed it to Spot. Why do you think you know my old screen name? If it was some secret that wasnt supposed to get out, you wouldnt have had it. So enough with the "I know somthing about Kegger" kick.

 You Karaya are one of those guys I was refering to. You get pissed when somthing doesnt go your way. First thing you do is start crying about on country channle. "Come on rooks lets go" or "I am about to join Bish, I am tired of this". How long have you been playing Karaya two-three years? And you act like that? Where is the loyalty? My squad is a rook squad. And that is where we will stay. Win or lose, it doesnt matter.

 Elfie, I have flown with you plenty of times. You are a good stick. You take the time to clear other ppl's six. I have noted that. I also have two or three flims where our squad has helped save yours. As for not carrying ord, you are also one of the ones I DO see hitting the town. Most dont carry ord and they are only there to vulch. This is why one tank can hold up a capture for 30 mins.

 The rooks had a diffrent way of doing things. Some guy will call it hording, we called it the rook roll. About 20 of us would up and smash the hell out of the feild. THe goon would be there within the first 10 mins. Once we took the feild we would all hit the hot pad and re-up. You almost never see this anymore.

It obviously was a "super secret".  You 1.) avoided the blatant question to begin with and 2.) now you are puffing your chest.

« Last Edit: April 18, 2005, 08:45:07 AM by Masherbrum »
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Offline rod367th

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« Reply #43 on: April 18, 2005, 08:48:20 AM »
JUST Flim every sortie as I do.

1. You may catch a hacker

2. you may learn something from your death or victory

3. Its so fun to have a guy on channel 200 say how U ho'ed him or some other stupid thing . Then post film so he stops his ranting next time before making prettythang out  of himself.

4. always helps if you win fight and other guy gets on private  radio and tells you how your a #$^$@%&@ and you mom s a potato ETC. Skuzzy enjoys those films.

5. You never know You maybe in the next ACE's High commerical................... ..........................

6. all you have to do is rename ones you want to save at end of day or remove all of them very easy.............

7. Kill stealers caught on tape may think twice so they don't get bad rep........


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« Reply #44 on: April 18, 2005, 08:58:43 AM »
Originally posted by Cobra412

I also never stated anything about me maneuvering and then squeaking about no 6 calls. I know it's hard to comprehend but I gave a very accurate description of what I've seen and consider selfish acts. Considering it's the same crews doing it over and over again it's not some random event. You might want to go back and reread my earlier post. I don't understand why you'd have to considering you quoted one of the items I was talking about.

My apologies.
 The "*****ing about it" was ment more as a general statement then aimed at you specifically as there are a good deal of people who do ***** about it over vox.

I do understand the frustration level.
Just the other night I spent several flights where I ended up spending the majority of my time trying to clear other peoples 6's then in the very same flight these same folks went on their merry way and didnt help to clear mine when I needed it.
 Haveta admit yea I was getting irked about it but that lasted only long enough for me to up in another plane and go do it all over again.
Just simply isnt worth holding a grudge over it to me.

Aside form the guys that and comming on on someone climbing up on your 6 and not warning you there are other instances.

 sometimes people just didnt happen to be looking at you (again a generic statement).

I know several times people have complained to me about not giving them a check 6 when I didnt even know they were there. One time I came back from being afk and did a qucik pan around and didnt see anything so I just kept going. Next thing I hear is "Thanks Drediock for the check 6"
 I was like "huh"? he said "you could have let me know he was there"
I said "let you know WHO was there?"
"The 190"

"what 190? I dont even know where you are let alone a 190"

"Underneith you"

I rolled over and looked and sure enough JUST within ID range and way below me there he was.

Yea ok Im supposed to know someone needed help from that far out that I couldnt see due to the fact my plane doesnt have a see through floor.
when they fisr started going at it they probably would have showed up as just 2 specks against the terrain.

Other times someone just cause their in the area doesnt men they are looking at the screen. I often watch TV while I fly or get distracted by wife/kid ack.

Im sure others are the same.
so just because our aircraft is there doesnt mean we are
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