Author Topic: A Freakin .22 ..................  (Read 8516 times)

Offline Tac

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A Freakin .22 ..................
« Reply #45 on: March 06, 2001, 04:09:00 PM »
saintsaw, I was quoting someone else in that statement.  

And I agree, more laws will not prevent this from happening. Its a social problem that is present because said laws are not decisive.

I am a firm supporter of a TOTAL gun Ban. Any person not in the military or police should not have a gun. Should not be allowed to buy a gun or be allowed to keep it.

Before gun fanatiks and NRA sluts start spewing constitucional/moral rights/needs to allow citizens to buy and bear arms and other such lame excuses to keep their firepower... remember: guns were designed, made and used for the sole purpose of killing. Hunters brought their game down for thousands of years with bows and arrows, if you need to kill to eat, you sure as hell can do it with all the high-tech titanium tipped, space age metal made bows avaliable out there. If you need to kill to defend your country, join the army, thats what its there for. Any imbecile that keeps illusions that he will join a gang of rambos and kick out the invading army with their 9mm Berrettas and redneck brand shotguns after said invading army defeated all your tanks, professional soldiers and air power... well, lets say I hope they get killed before they take others with them. To protect your fellow citizens? Become a cop, thats what they are there for.

Having a gun at home is the same thing as keeping a pressure activated landmine under your sofa. Its there, it is made to kill...and you have it. If you got kids, remember they LOVE to jump on sofas when you are not watching.

Guns are designed so that even a retard can use them. A kid will figure out how to load, cock, remove safety and shoot a gun in less than 5 minutes. Even less if he has HBO.

So what are you really "lobbying" to have? A chance to feel mighty because you own a gun or the life of others & your loved ones? Its either one or the other, it cant be both.

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« Reply #46 on: March 06, 2001, 04:20:00 PM »
Originally posted by fd ski:
4 years enlisted US Navy. Ran for my life in 97. Best thing i ever did.
What i've seen in my 4 years in most cases was far from profesional in any way shape or form.

first off FD, it was the navy

secondly, it seems you may have been assigned to one of the worst units in the navy.

thirdly, maybe it was just your inability to adapt.

either way, you obviously did what was best for you...and the navy  <S>

Commanding Officer, 56 Fighter Group
Retired USAF - 1988 - 2011

Offline Kratzer

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« Reply #47 on: March 06, 2001, 04:25:00 PM »
Wowsers... I never came in the 'O Club' before...

I see a couple problems here:
1. How do you keep a weapon out of the hands of a pissed off kid?
2. Why does a pissed off kid think that shooting up the school is a good idea?  I was pissed off a lot as a kid, but the idea to shoot up the school never entered my mind, and I didn't hear about other kids doing the same thing.  I had easy access to a lot of firearms, but that isn't what they were for.  Why is it so much more common now?

While I see no problem with having to wait a week to buy a gun, these are kids who have circumvented all of the current gun control systems (as has been noted, you can't buy a gun as a minor) in some manner.  Making possession of a firearm illegal doesn't keep the firearm out of the hands of a person who wants one, and suggestions to do so are attempts to apply a band-aid to a sucking chest wound.

It is understandable that people think strict gun control would help... but realistically, I don't think that it would...

So the real challenge is in keeping the kid from being that pissed off, and in making sure that if the kid DOES get that pissed off, that they don't grab a gun.  

I think NATEDOG was pretty right on in his assessment - parenting is the key.  I don't know if it is the 'New Way' to raise them that is the problem - I think kids should express themselves and have some responsibility for their lives, but I think that parents need to be active in their kids lives, and not let 'em run hell and gone all over town with no boundaries.  You can't decide how your kid is going to act when he grows up, but you can sure  as hell do your damndest to try and show 'em the right path.

Offline fd ski

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« Reply #48 on: March 06, 2001, 04:41:00 PM »
>first off FD, it was the navy  

Plezzzzzee coming from an AirForce guy ?  

>secondly, it seems you may have been >assigned to one of the worst units in the >navy.

USS George Washington CVN 73
USS J C Stennis  CVN 74
I was in S3 squadron on those two. We had more damn unit medals then i care to count. It's wierd when after 4 years you have 4 rows of ribbons  
Unit itself was allright - it was an idiocy and lack of imagination that killed me.

>thirdly, maybe it was just your inability >to adapt.

I would charactarise it as ability to think for myself and have higher ambitions then sucking up to E-8s for promotions.  

>either way, you obviously did what was best >for you...and the navy  <S>

For me - oh yes. Let's see... in 4 years i've over quadripled my pay check, i'm almost done with my degree and nobody tells me which pocket i should carry my wallet in  

Bartlomiej Rajewski
aka. Wing Commander fd-ski
Northolt Wing
1st Polish Fighter Wing
303 (Polish) Squadron "Kosciuszko" RAF
308 (Polish) Squadron "City of Cracow" RAF
315 (Polish) Squadron "City of Deblin" RAF

Turning 109s and 190s into scrap metal since 1998

Northolt Wing Headquarters

Offline Fishu

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« Reply #49 on: March 06, 2001, 04:45:00 PM »
Originally posted by Kratzer:
It is understandable that people think strict gun control would help... but realistically, I don't think that it would...

So the real challenge is in keeping the kid from being that pissed off, and in making sure that if the kid DOES get that pissed off, that they don't grab a gun.  

Well, over here in Finland those guns arent as easy to get, so they use knives instead.
It's bad, but at least you don't do any massacres with a knife, compared to some firearm.

One internet friend of mine, finnish as well, was stabbed with knife few weeks ago without a reason by some 15-16 year old while he was walking on the street.
Luckily, he will probably fully recover from that (and it wasn't just one stab).

In the US, this kid would been probably carrying a firearm instead of a knife.

Offline -ammo-

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« Reply #50 on: March 06, 2001, 04:56:00 PM »
Well, that comment about it "was the Navy" was unfair...I didnt mean it and it was a jab, undeserving at that.

Im glad you quadrupled your pay check sir, however  folks that STAY in the military certainly do not doing it to get rich. There is something to say for selfless service.

FD, I am also pleased that you have noone to tell you what to do, I myself answer happily first To God as my ultimate Authority, as will every one day whether you believe it or not, and then I answer to my Countries service, with a pride. Dont knock us for being the best patriots we can

<S>, may your pockets be full, as well as your satisfaction.

Commanding Officer, 56 Fighter Group
Retired USAF - 1988 - 2011

Offline AKDejaVu

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« Reply #51 on: March 06, 2001, 04:57:00 PM »
In the US, this kid would been probably carrying a firearm instead of a knife.

Not true.  Guns in schools are rare.  That is the main reason for such prolific coverage when it happens.  Knifes in school.. hell I remember high school well enough to know they were pretty fricking common.

One gets media coverage, the other doesn't.  Somehow one person killing two people with a gun is more important than 20 people getting stabbed in various other schools.  Things like this are what make pro-gun advocates so worried.  It really seems as if there is a hidden agenda proliferated by the media.

The truth is, the problem isn't guns or knifes.. its kids.  There's a reason we don't allow them to do certain things before a certain age.  It just seems that the world forgets that on a regular basis.



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A Freakin .22 ..................
« Reply #52 on: March 06, 2001, 05:27:00 PM »
[B}Originally posted by Park:
Don't bother pal; most Americans on this board think it's fine and dandy for a kid to get hold of a gun and shoot his classmates.



[This message has been edited by SwampRat (edited 03-06-2001).]

Offline Cabby

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« Reply #53 on: March 06, 2001, 06:18:00 PM »
The mega-murderous Euros are telling the USA how to control firearms???


Six: "Come on Cabbyshack, let's get some!"

Offline Pongo

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« Reply #54 on: March 06, 2001, 06:54:00 PM »
Originally posted by J_A_B:
Gun control isn't the problem.

Our broken school system is the problem.  Fix the schools so they actually do their job and don't single people out, and this problem will disppear.

You Europeans who think America's only school violence is gun-related should check the statictics.  For every 1 gun incident, there are several hundred stabbings, quite a few of which cause severe injuries and occasionally even death.   It's just that gun violence is the only type that recieves national attention.  I am the first to admit--America's education system is completely broken.

But guns aren't the problem.  They're a scapegoat for the REAL problem of broken schools.


So by your own admission the nature of the violance commited with guns is far worse? Even if far more rare. So if all those knife toters got ahold of daddys 22 and settled it like many body bags would you have.
It appernently not the criminals kids you have to worry about. Its the kids of the guy at your NRA meet.

Offline Tac

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« Reply #55 on: March 06, 2001, 07:29:00 PM »
Better parenting=less violent kids
No guns (aka total gun ban)=no readily avaliable weapons to be used when parenting doesnt work. And believe me, parenting DOESNT work on the instant the kid is beaten up near his house, in a flash of absolute anger and rage goes to dad's closet, takes out the shotgun, then grabs the shells he watched mom drop from above the bathroom mirror a few days ago, load up, and scatter the bullies' brains across the street.

Parenting is nice and pays off in the long run, but no parenting can go against hormone and anger in a kid, especially a bullied one.Ban on guns would at least give an incredible margin of safety from such anger release. If the bully sees the kid coming at him with a knife he can still run and scream.. thats hard to do from a bullet.  


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A Freakin .22 ..................
« Reply #56 on: March 06, 2001, 07:46:00 PM »
Originally posted by Ripsnort:
Two years of this abuse combined with parents divorcing and an alcoholic mother

You had one too? I lost mine when I was 12.
I grew up DC, some people had lullibies.. I had gun shots and police sirens.

The most important things a parent can pass on to their children are: 1)Respect for your fellow humans, 2)Respect for yourself, and 3)Self Control.

Education on guns should be a given if there is one in the house.

My dad has a 7" scar on his right arm from when he was shooting at fish in the local pond. What you gonna do in North Dakota anyway? Well he slipped on a rock and shot himself in the arm with a .410(which happens to still be in the house). He had to be rushed to the hospital because he shot himself in the artery. He told me this story when I was 10, and I listened to all the gory details.. blood gushing out of his arm and into a stranger's car.

That's all I ever need to know to never point a gun at another person out of spite or rage, unless it's defend my own life or an acquintance of mine.


Offline Pup

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« Reply #57 on: March 06, 2001, 09:49:00 PM »
ok guys here is my insight in this as a 17 year old JR...Its taken from my post on AGW in a topic like this one here goes...:

You guys are guys really have no clue do you? I am a teenager I go through this every day its not the guns, its not the knifes its not the music not the TV, its the adults...its the role-models, its the lack of morals its all the stuff combined. I went through some of the same stuff these punks(yes punks, I forgive em but they are punks, use your fist if your gonna use violence) went through and I didn't goto school with a handgun I could have easily gotten and killed anyone now did I?? Its role-models like you guys who need to step up and show responsibility (no offence(spelled right?) intented)and teach us right from wrong and listen to us when we need to be listened to. There is such a huge generation gap in understanding right now its rediculous...ok anyway enough of my rambling, probably get slammed and flamed anyhow but take it from me a teenager been through tough times and good times, its the person and the role-models...DUNE BTW, I would not have turned him in either if he was my friend, he said he was joking right? You know how many teenagers say they want that teacher to drop dead or such and such to happen to such and such, or they want to kill such and such?? Its too hard to tell and to report every single kid who says that. BTW< I would have told him not to come to school and prayed for him if he felt that strongly...but hey thats me..

P.S: sorry for my spelling, cannot beleive how bad its gotten after talking on flight sims in acronyms and using cut up words LOL...

Its just an insigh on this stuff, btw I could get a .22 for pretty cheap illegally very easily, I could get just about anything I wanted pretty easily..anyhow thats my outlook on it as a person who is living it right now.

Pup out

[This message has been edited by Pup (edited 03-06-2001).]

Offline Pup

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« Reply #58 on: March 06, 2001, 09:51:00 PM »
this is my other post over there:

Ok guys, gun laws won't help period, I know many places I could get drugs guns anything I wanted for an affordable price no questions asked and this is in Mission Viejo!!! like i stated in my post its responsibility its maturity and its self-control, which are lacking in many ways in the "adult" part of society. Role-models, parents, everywhere you look and people are blaming other people for their problems... What am I supposed to think when they tell me to take responsibility for my actions and then they go off have an affair and lie about it on live TV?? Or when some kids parents are growing marajauna and using it, and tell him not to take it, what is he to do? The guns don't fire themselves, there must be a person behind it feeling the "Power" it supposedly gives them pulling the trigger, lacking the self-control and awareness that it takes to pull that trigger in certain cases. When adults blame not enough gun laws or this and that AGAIN they are not taking responsibility for their lack of proper role-modeling. I am blessed with a loving household with strong morals and disciplinary actions. I am blessed with good friends who I can talk to, I am blessed with a Youth Pastor who is only 26 and who knows what i am going through and can talk to. Ok here is the hard part to prove my one point a few years ago I got low enough to think about taking my own life, an 8th grader getting that low, I wrote the note, I thought about it I even cried about...then I prayed about it, thought about it more and more and knew that would be copping out would be giving in and not being the man I needed to be...At another I felt like realy killing someone really doing it, the morals the responsibility, the self-control I got from the CORRECT AND RESPONSIBLE role models allowed me to get through it...Its not the laws or the musci or the tv nothing like that..again, its teaching kids, US, ME, to take the responsibility and then ACTING ON THAT and showing it, I for one am saddended by this incident but get on with life and learn from mistakes teach your kids right from wrong, self-control and responsibility, thats the only way to get through this, antoher thing, compassion would be good, high-school, Jr. High is cruel yes. The real world? its crueler you learn to take it and live with it in school, and then when you get to Real Life you use what you learned in school to live life the best you can and to make sure you understand that for your every action, you must take responsibility. Hey its life learn to live with it.
BTW, don't feel sorry for me that was in earlier parts of my life now I moved and got some real good friends and a better life, thats just a memory

Sorry if you don't like me cutting and pasting but thought this fit anyhow..

Pup out

[This message has been edited by Pup (edited 03-06-2001).]

Offline Pup

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« Reply #59 on: March 06, 2001, 09:54:00 PM »
ok and hehe sorry this is my last copy and paste, its from another teenager who had something to say...his two posts combined the second is in reference to my second post   ..

1st post:Here's my point-of-view as an 11th grader in a US public school system.
While I believe that the cause of the school massacres lies fully in the individials(s) taking part, guns gave these people the means to carry out their plots.

While some argue that if there were no guns, the offenders would simply use another weapon, I believe that it would be very tough to match the damage done by guns with a different weapon.

Bombs - Takes a lot of planning on the part of the offender. First one must posess knowledge of how to build an effective bomb. OK, I know, you could probably find this on the net. What would an employee think of a high schooler buying small quantities of fertilizer? Also, where does the offender build this bomb? It would be tough to keep quantities of fertilizer and diesel fuel hiden from any parent short of blind. Then comes the task of transporting and placing an explosive device in the school. My school does not allow backpacks in classrooms since we had a wave of bomb threats following the Columbine massacre. Provided the student was "smart" enough to build an effective bomb, it would be very tough to build, store, transport, and place. And it's still not guaranteed to effect anyone when or if it does go off.

Knives - This takes a physically capable person to execute. While someone armed with a knife may catch someone off-guard, they wouldn't last long against the mob of students retalliating. Sustained injuries would be much less serious.

Poison Gas - Just obtaining it and transporting it inconspicuiously would all but rule out this means.

Car: My school has a small concrete ledge running around most of it. Any attempt at a car suicide would do little more than kill the driver and shake the school a bit. In any case the wall would absorb most of the impact energy, and there are no parts of my school where someone could crash through a wall into a largely populated area.

Guns - Easily obtainable from a parent or parent of a friend, etc. Easily concealed beneath clothing or stashed in a messy locker. Needs no special physical atrubutes to operate. Can be precisely aimed at other students and can be made instantly lethal with a little care. Nobody in the school will have the means to supress the offender. Very efficient way to kill.

So what do I think the answer is? I believe the responsibility lies in several places. First is in gun owners to not leave guns accessible to kids without supervision. This won't by a long shot cut teens off from guns, but it's a start. Next is the general behavior of students. Why anyone would tease or pick on another student until they reach their breaking point is beyond me. Students need to learn to accept others for who they are and if they don't like what they see they should just keep it to themselves instead of trying to verbally (or physically) destroy the person and push them to the edge. Parents need to become more aware of what their kids are up to and be more willing to listen to their kids. With parents gone so much, kids don't have anyone at home to confide in or to talk to about their problems before they get to the breaking point.

I'm not sure that I would have turned in the kid who committed this recent massacre had he joked about it beforehand. Obviously those who dismissed his claims knew him well enough to know how to take things from him and didn't believe it to be a true threat. Any teen with a little common sence would report a massacre plot if the warning signs were obvious, best friend or not. I really think you'd have to have background information about the offender in order to make any judgement of the jokes he made and the expected behavior of those who heard them.

Just my $.02 from my perspective for now...

2nd post:Thanks <S>
I went back and read your post in-depth. I usually skim over long threads to get the main points.
I agree that it is super-easy for teens to get their hands on drugs, weapons, etc. so unless something changes you need to teach kids to respect others instead of trying to cut them off from all sources of contraband, which I view as nearly impossible.

I think we've all had our low points in life. My Freshman year was my "downer" year and I'm glad I made it through OK. The opinions and words of others can relentlessly rip you apart at this time and emotions run high. In Junior High and High school you must transform from an all-trusting and naive elementary student to one who can take verbal and physical abuse and know not to dwell on what others might think of you or what they do to you. Some don't take this rough transition well as can be seen in the "outcasts" who perform these massacres. Perhaps students are getting too large of a dose of the acclaimed "cruel" "real world" too soon, and in their limited experience revert to acts of violence as the solution. then end..

Mosse11 if you do read through this and get to this part just want to tell you that I a 17yr old considers it an act of cowardice too, and that the kid would never goto NARCs and rat on someone else, that would just lead to worse treatment its better to be pcied on then be considered a fink out there beleive me, just tell me this would you have gone to the teachers and would have told em? doubt it, btw the teachers do when they see it usually try and stop it but you really think they gonna do this stuff in front of teachers? yeah right!

Pup out

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