the sun effect is jaw dropping. first time i have seen the sun done 100% right in a sim.
there are of course some niggles..
i miss being able to move my head like in aces high
well thats my only real niggle
the cockpit bars take up a big area and without being able to move your head a la AH its hard to see stuff.
really, it is definitely the most amazing sim i have ever seen. there are so many little details that just arent in aces high.. you can tell which type of round you just hit with in a multi type belt just by the hit sprite.. the forests are awesome and the effect really is good RIGHT down to treetop level... much better "ground clutter" tan just the random noise type stuff.
the fm might not hit the numbers i havent really tested it yet, but the feel is good. the yaw is a little squirrely tho, seems like rudders are much less effective than ah? im not sure if thats correct..
i havent had a single CTD yet tho. its stable and from what i have seen relatively bug free. definitely the best sim i have ever purchased.