Originally posted by Chairboy
...and maybe if people would stop posting 'IN'. This gives the trolls validation.
I disagree. "IN" is a sort of selfmoderation in it's self. It shows, without going to the extreme, that something that is likely objectionable to the board as a whole has been posted.
I agree with the nominations of Nilsen, Nash and Sandman. All are very intelligent and, for the most part, very level headed. None of them have ever flamed anyone that I can recall.
Some obvious things that should be reason for moderation:
Some obvious things that should NOT be reason for moderation:
Intense heated debates (as long as they do not turn into personal flaming)
Mild adult language (as long as it does not turn vulgar, we all know what and where the line is)
Personal opinions (political, religious or otherwise) that do not agree with that of the moderators (unless they become flames or vulgar).
We need to remember that this is a worldwide forum, not a local, regional or USA only forum. A bit of openmindedness is required to be a moderator and it should be a quality that is within each of us that post here. You also have to have a sense of humor.
Remember, you do not have to read, respond or comment on a topic or post just because it is there. Just like listening to the radio or watching TV, you have the option of changing the channel, ignoring it or simply turning the dang thing off. This is not Salem. You do not have to dunk the witch to see if she floats or drowns.