Let me begin with paying my respect and condoleances for all victims in the late events. Let me also declare that I'm firmly against terrorist activities of any kind. If there was anything I could do to make what occured not happen, I would do it.
This said, I think it would be interesting to discuss what I, we, you percive as the real reasons behind this tradition of conflict between the western countries and the muslim world. Sure we can track the conflict all the way back to the crusades in the 11th and 12th centuries, but let's stick to the last 50 years, the aftermath of WWII.
-1947 Israel was founded in a unique way, more or less unheard of in history. A new state appeared over night, a paper product that later have cost many lives to uphold. This is a 'dead horse' in the conflict. It has been beaten over and over, and still it's being beaten over. Israel is supported by mainly the US, but also by other western powers.
-A large part of the worlds oil reserves is located in the middle east, traditional muslim counties. The west has retained a strong presence in the region for the control of this 'black gold'. Historically it has been the British who were the strong power in the area, but since WWII this role has been taken over by the US.
-Another point is; who were the original agressors? No western country (to my knowledge) has been occupied by 'muslim military' for the last 100 years. What is the influence that makes the Muslim feel their way of life is threatened? Are they making it all up?
Ok I hope we can have discussion here, above gutter level. And again note that none of this argumentation is intended as an 'excuse' for terrorism - its always inexcuseable, but rather an attempt to see beneath the suface of the conflict.
Any thoughts?