Author Topic: Release the Hounds  (Read 2720 times)

Offline Hangtime

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« Reply #105 on: August 15, 2005, 06:52:00 PM »
Originally posted by FalconSix
You care to quote some of the ayatollah's "rhetoric"? I bet you don't even know his name, let alone what he has said.

What "anti-west rhetoric" has the ayatollah "spewed"?

When did Iran or the ayatollah support "slaughtering sunnis and westerners"?

When has Iran "raised a finger" toward any peaceful neighboring states attempting to establish a democracy?

On what do you base your opinion of the Iranians and their intentions?

Oh, nothin special. Just 444 days of joy and bliss for 52 Americans, mostly diplomats and the staff of an american embassy. As for Ayatollah Khomeini's policy towards the west.. hey; he's an OK guy, right? Really. He's just misunderstood! And the current secular leadership.. well, they're much more inclined to allow their good friends the Sunni's and the Kurds in Iraq a shot at a democracy next door than the old Ayatollah.

Falcon, yer REALLY impressing me.. never knew I didn't know so much!

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Offline FalconSix

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« Reply #106 on: August 15, 2005, 06:58:08 PM »
Just what I thought, you got nothing. Nice propaganda poster though.

Offline Hangtime

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« Reply #107 on: August 15, 2005, 07:12:10 PM »
Ok.. how about 241 dead marines in Lebanon? The bombing of the USS Cole? Kidnapings, executions, airline hijackings...

Or how about attacks right here? The US Ambasador shot to death in his Bethedsta home? The Captain of the Vincennes.. whose wife was murdered in San Diego by a car bomb?

Oh, the list is long, the facts clear.. and apologists like yerself are frankly disgusting. Iran declared war on America Nov 4th 1979 and has waged an Islamiscist Crusade against America that has grown into a Jihad.

You go ahead.. stick yer head in the sand and wait.

Don't expect my to say 'I told yah so' when a Mullah punts yer obliging apologist bellybutton into oblivion.
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Offline FalconSix

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« Reply #108 on: August 15, 2005, 07:24:26 PM »
I don't need to stick my head in the sand. Funny ... I though it was Saudi terrorists that we've had most trouble with, and Libyan terrorists of course. Iran didn't kill a single US Marine. Iran didn't hijack a single airliner. If Iran has waged an "Islamiscist (what the hell is 'Islamiscist'? lol) Crusade against America that has grown into a Jihad" as you say they've not been much successful have they? No Iranians flying planes into our buildings. No Iranians blowing up our ships. No, that was the Saudis. You know, our friends in the ME.

You sure you're not confusing Iran with Al Quada? Oh yeah, I'm sure the Shi'ite Ayatollah supports Bin "Sunni" Laden.
« Last Edit: August 15, 2005, 07:27:40 PM by FalconSix »

Offline Hangtime

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« Reply #109 on: August 15, 2005, 08:00:02 PM »
Kid, yah shouldn't come to class without yer homework.

On October 23, around 6:20 AM, a yellow Mercedes delivery truck drove to Beirut International Airport, where the United States Marines had their headquarters. It turned onto an access road leading to the compound and circled a parking lot. The driver gunned his engine, crashed through a barbed-wire fence in the compound parking lot, passed between two sentry posts, crashed through a gate, and barreled into the lobby of the Marine headquarters building. The Marine sentries did not have loaded weapons, therefore were not able to shoot the driver. According to one Marine, the driver was smiling as he sped past him.

The suicide bomber detonated his truck, which contained 12,000 pounds (about 5,400kg) of TNT. The force of the explosion collapsed the four-story cinder-block building into rubble, crushing to death many inside. The FBI later concluded that the blast was the largest non-nuclear explosion they had ever seen.

About twenty seconds later, an identical attack occurred on the French Paratrooper barracks. A truck bomb drove down a ramp into the building's underground parking garage and exploded, leveling the headquarters.

Rescue efforts continued for days. While some was hindered by sniper fire, some lucky survivors were pulled from the rubble, and were air lifted to Cyprus or West Germany.

Death toll
The death toll was 241American Servicemen for the Marine Barracks attack: 220 Marines, 18 Navy Personnel, and 3 Army soldiers. 60 Americans were injured. In the attack on the French barracks, 58 paratroopers were killed, and 15 injured. In addition, one Lebanese died in the Marine barracks attack and two Lebanese died in the French bombing.

The attack caused the deadliest single-day death toll for the American military since World War II. The attack remains the deadliest terrorist attack on Americans overseas, and today it is the fourth-deadliest terrorist attack ever.

President Ronald Reagan called the attack a "despicable act" and pledged to stay in Lebanon. Secretary of Defense Caspar Weinberger said there would be no change in the US's Lebanon policy. On October 24 French president François Mitterrand visited the French bomb site. It was not an official visit, and he only stayed for a few hours, but he did declare: "We will stay." US Vice President George Bush toured the marine bombing site on October 26 and said the US would not be cowered by terrorists.

In retaliation for the attacks, France launched an air strike in the Bekaa valley against Iranian Revolutionary Guard positions. President Reagan assembled his national security team to devise a plan of military action, and planned to target was the Sheik Abdullah barracks in Baalbek, Lebanon, which housed Iranian Revolutionary Guards believed to be training Hezbollah fighters. However, Defense Secretary Caspar Weinberger aborted the mission, reportedly because of his concerns that it would harm U.S. relations with other Arab nations. Except for a few shellings from the USS New Jersey off Lebanon, there was no real military response from the United States due to the barracks bombing; however, the US did become involved in several fights in Lebanon during their stay.

The Marines were later moved offshore where they could not be targeted, but in February 1984 the International Peacekeeping Force withdrew from Lebanon.

The responsibility for the bombing is uncertain. Most believe the Hezbollah militant group, backed by Iran and Syria is responsible for the two barracks bombings, as well as the April 1983 US Embassy bombing. Several *****e militant groups claimed the attacks, and one, the Free Islamic Revolutionary Movement, identified the two suicide bombers as Abu Mazen, 26, and Abu Sijaan, 24.

Along with the April 1983 US Embassy bombing, this incident prompted the Inman Report, a review of the security of US facilities overseas for the US Department of State.


Possibly you could use some education on who the 'enemy' is, and who funds them... lets start with Hezbollah. Take out half a sheet of paper, there WILL be a quiz afterwards.

What is Hezbollah?
Hezbollah is a Lebanese umbrella organization of radical Islamic *****e groups and organizations. It opposes the West, seeks to create a Muslim fundamentalist state modeled on Iran, and is a bitter foe of Israel. Hezbollah, whose name means “party of God,” is a terrorist group believed responsible for nearly 200 attacks since 1982 that have killed more than 800 people. Experts say Hezbollah is also an significant force in Lebanon’s politics and a major provider of social services, operating schools, hospitals, and agricultural services, for thousands of Lebanese *****es. It also operates the al-Manar satellite television channel and broadcast station.
What are Hezbollah’s origins?
Hezbollah was founded in 1982 in response to the Israeli invasion of Lebanon, and subsumed members of the 1980s coalition of groups known as Islamic Jihad. It has close links to Iran and Syria.

Who are Hezbollah’s leaders?
Hezbollah leader
Sheikh Hassan Nasrallah,
Tehran, Iran, April 2001.
(AP Photo/Hasan Sarbakhshian )  
Sheikh Mohammed Hussein Fadlallah is considered the group’s spiritual leader. Imad Fayez Mugniyah is considered the key planner of Hezbollah’s worldwide terrorist operations. During the Lebanese civil war in the 1970s, experts say Mugniyah trained with al-Fatah. When the Palestine Liberation Organization and al-Fatah were expelled from Lebanon by Israeli forces in 1982, Mugniyah joined the newly formed Hezbollah and quickly rose to a senior position in the organization. Hassan Nasrallah is Hezbollah’s senior political leader. Nasrallah was originally a military commander, but his military and religious credentials—he studied in centers of *****e theology in Iran and Iraq—quickly elevated him to leadership within the group. Experts say he took advantage of rivalries within Hezbollah and the favor of the head of Iran’s theocratic government, Ayatollah Ruhollah Musavi Khomeini, to become the group’s secretary general in 1992, a position he still holds.

Where does Hezbollah operate?
Its base is in Lebanon’s *****e-dominated areas, including parts of Beirut, southern Lebanon, and the Bekaa Valley. In addition, U.S. intelligence reports say that Hezbollah cells operate in Europe, Africa, South America, and North America. Despite Israel’s 2000 withdrawal from Lebanon, Hezbollah continues to periodically shell Israeli forces in the disputed Shebaa Farms border zone.

Hezbollah has also carried out attacks outside the Middle East. In his September 20, 2001, speech to Congress, President Bush pledged that the U.S.-led war on terror “will not end until every terrorist group of global reach has been found, stopped, and defeated.” Hezbollah’s cells outside the Middle East, its reported involvement in the January 2002 attempt to smuggle a boatload of arms to the Palestinian Authority, and its role in the 1992 and 1994 attacks in Argentina imply that it might meet the president’s definition, terrorism experts say. In June 2002, Singapore accused Hezbollah of recruiting Singaporeans in a failed 1990s plot to attack U.S. and Israeli ships in the Singapore Straits. Hezbollah was also among the few terrorist groups that President Bush mentioned by name in his January 2002 State of the Union address.

How big is Hezbollah?
Its core consists of several thousand militants and activists, the U.S. government estimates.

What major attacks is Hezbollah responsible for?
Hezbollah and its affiliates have planned or been linked to a lengthy series of terrorist attacks against the United States, Israel, and other Western targets. These attacks include:

a series of kidnappings of Westerners in Lebanon, including several Americans, in the 1980s;
the suicide truck bombings that killed more than 200 U.S. Marines at their barracks in Beirut, Lebanon, in 1983;
the 1985 hijacking of TWA flight 847, which featured the famous footage of the plane’s pilot leaning out of the cockpit with a gun to his head;
and two major 1990s attacks on Jewish targets in Argentina—the 1992 bombing of the Israeli Embassy (killing 29) and the 1994 bombing of a Jewish community center (killing 95).

For more info and the source

Now, Question #1: How long do you intend to keep your head in the sand?

Question #2: Have you just recently become a supporter of Iranian Terror Sponsorhips or is it hereditary?
« Last Edit: August 15, 2005, 08:02:10 PM by Hangtime »
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Offline FalconSix

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Release the Hounds
« Reply #110 on: August 16, 2005, 04:21:16 AM »
Half the world supports Hezbollah including what, half of europe and many americans. At least Iran has the brains to use a third party, unlike our "intelligence" who gets caught KIDNAPPING people off the streets of europe and shipping them to our third-world allies for "interrogation". We're even into political assassinations again so yeah we really need to point a finger towards Iran for playing OUR game so well. Teh bastidges!

Italy seeks 'CIA kidnap agents'  
The imam was allegedly driven to a US military base after his abduction
Italian authorities have issued arrest warrants for 13 people they claim are agents "linked to the CIA".
The suspects are accused of abducting an Islamic cleric in Milan in 2003 and flying him to Egypt for interrogation.

OTTAWA, June 30 -- Attorneys for Maher Arar said Thursday that Canadian
criminal charges should be brought against U.S. agents responsible for
spiriting the Canadian man in 2002 to Syria, where he was imprisoned and
allegedly tortured for almost a year.

Drawing parallels to the charges brought against CIA operatives by a Milan
magistrate last week, attorney Marlys Edwardh said Canadian law defined
torture as illegal wherever it occurs. Arar, 34, was seized by U.S. agents
while he was changing planes in New York, questioned for 12 days and then
transported in shackles to Syria.

Judging by the way we treat our allies it's no wonder we have enemies.

Offline Hangtime

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« Reply #111 on: August 16, 2005, 10:05:14 AM »
Originally posted by FalconSix
Judging by the way we treat our allies it's no wonder we have enemies.

Judging by the way we pursue and incarcerate terrorists, suspected terrorists and terrorist supporters possibly they (and you) should find a new hobby... regardless of what country their from or are currently in.

My; how very quickly we go from 'Iran has never lifted a finger' to 'half the world supports hezbollah' follwed by some hasty finger pointing at our counter terror 'excesses' when yer confronted with the facts regarding Iranian support for Terrorist Groups.

Whats next, another 'Guantanamo Bay' expose ...or are you just killing time by taking cheap shots at American Foriegn Policy any place you figure you can get away with it?
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Offline Skydancer

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« Reply #112 on: August 16, 2005, 10:33:30 AM »
Propaganda cartoons are great aren't they! Just change the writing and they could be from Pravda, Volkischer Beobachter, where ever. :lol

Offline FalconSix

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« Reply #113 on: August 16, 2005, 11:06:36 AM »
Originally posted by Hangtime
My; how very quickly we go from 'Iran has never lifted a finger' to 'half the world supports hezbollah' follwed by some hasty finger pointing at our counter terror 'excesses' when yer confronted with the facts regarding Iranian support for Terrorist Groups.

I never said Iran didn't support terrorist groups. Considering what we helped put them trough I'm surprised they've not done worse against us. I asked when Iran ever invaded or overtly attacked anyone, and since the answer obviously is "never", why you think with such conviction that they will do so in the future?

Offline Hangtime

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« Reply #114 on: August 16, 2005, 11:23:25 AM »
Say, ain't you AWOL from the human shield program?
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Offline FalconSix

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« Reply #115 on: August 16, 2005, 11:29:50 AM »
Ah, the final insults of a loser. How very satisfying.

Offline Hangtime

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« Reply #116 on: August 16, 2005, 11:51:17 AM »
I'm a 'loser' because I poked yer apologist pro-terrorist Iranian defense program? Or because I'm less inclined than you are to assume that Iran's quest for Nuclear capability is begnin?


Kinda proud day for me.. to be branded a loser by a liberal terrorist apologist is about on par with getting a whine for a chute kill in the game.
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Offline Staga

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Release the Hounds
« Reply #117 on: August 16, 2005, 12:21:54 PM »
Hangtime when your country openly supports country occypying areas belonging to other nations, practising apartheid and "Lebensraum" politics it's predictable that you're going to be targeted by guerillas/resistance groups/insurgents or what ever name you want to use sooner or later.

You knew it already didn't You :)

Offline FalconSix

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Release the Hounds
« Reply #118 on: August 16, 2005, 03:01:39 PM »
Originally posted by Hangtime
I'm a 'loser' because I poked yer apologist pro-terrorist Iranian defense program? Or because I'm less inclined than you are to assume that Iran's quest for Nuclear capability is begnin?


Kinda proud day for me.. to be branded a loser by a liberal terrorist apologist is about on par with getting a whine for a chute kill in the game.

Hahaha, whine all you want Hangtime. You not answering my question says it all. Ad hominem is your last resort.

Offline Raider179

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Release the Hounds
« Reply #119 on: August 16, 2005, 03:44:08 PM »
Originally posted by FalconSix
I asked when Iran ever invaded or overtly attacked anyone, and since the answer obviously is "never", why you think with such conviction that they will do so in the future?

Oh so if Iran only attacks us Covertly then that is ok. Just as long as they don't do it to our face :rolleyes:,00.html

The U.S. Military's new nemesis in Iraq is named Abu Mustafa al-Sheibani, and he is not a Baathist or a member of al-Qaeda. He is working for Iran. According to a U.S. military-intelligence document obtained by TIME, al-Sheibani heads a network of insurgents created by the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps with the express purpose of committing violence against U.S. and coalition forces in Iraq. Over the past eight months, his group has introduced a new breed of roadside bomb more lethal than any seen before; based on a design from the Iranian-backed Lebanese militia Hizballah, the weapon employs "shaped" explosive charges that can punch through a battle tank's armor like a fist through the wall. According to the document, the U.S. believes al-Sheibani's team consists of 280 members, divided into 17 bombmaking teams and death squads. The U.S. believes they train in Lebanon, in Baghdad's predominantly Shi'ite Sadr City district and "in another country" and have detonated at least 37 bombs against U.S. forces this year in Baghdad alone.