Author Topic: Release the Hounds  (Read 2717 times)

Offline Skydancer

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« Reply #30 on: August 11, 2005, 11:37:55 AM »
Its blind support for Israel over the interests of the arab world that has caused this mess anyhow!

All that crap about Moslems wanting the world to be one big Islamic state

Its all about power politics and people who feel unjustly treated. The religion thing is just a smokescreen.

Sort out the Israel Palastine situation. Take a more even handed approach in foreign affairs and maybe just maybe we wouldn't be needing to worry about all this.

Supporting Israel as a nuclear power and letting them do the wests dirty work is a total recipie for disaster! If Israel didn't have the bomb, the US and Britain weren't enforcing "regime change" by building up Military power in the ME would the Iranians feel that they realy needed a bomb?

Its dumb unsophisticated foreighn policy that is causing this just as it helped kick off the cold war. The world is a complex place requiring complex solutions not " yee ha lets bomb em " politics.

Offline slimm50

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« Reply #31 on: August 11, 2005, 11:49:15 AM »
Originally posted by Skydancer
" yee ha lets bomb em "

works for me.;)

Offline soda72

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« Reply #32 on: August 11, 2005, 12:02:58 PM »
Originally posted by FalconSix
Do we know it will happen?

No we don't know...

But I don't like to gamble with peoples lives hoping for the best with the Iranian "supreme leader" who is not accountable to anyone but god, by placing our fate in his hands...

Offline FalconSix

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« Reply #33 on: August 11, 2005, 12:10:08 PM »
But you are willing to hope for the best with Pakistan's "supreme leader", or China's, or any of the former Soviet republics (which are mostly muslim) etc.?

Offline soda72

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« Reply #34 on: August 11, 2005, 12:30:51 PM »
Keep rolling the dice, sooner or later you will get "snake eyes"...


Offline JBA

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« Reply #35 on: August 11, 2005, 01:33:37 PM »
With the threat of going to the UN, Iran has Oh about 15 years to worry about it, then the US will have to send in troops to stop it.
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Offline Hangtime

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« Reply #36 on: August 11, 2005, 01:43:17 PM »
Our policy has been for the most part 'reactive'. They do something, we 'react'. Lately, the bush policy has been leaning towards 'proactive'.. do what's necessary to eliminate the threat before it becomes a reality.

Should AQ use a nuke, the reponse will be 'in kind', reactive AND overwhelming. And he won't just tag ONE group/nation, he'll tag 'em all, immediately. To wait would be inviting another strike, and frankly, the worlds condemnation and outrage for one retaliation vs 4 or 5 retaliations all in the same time frame would be the same. So, 'get it done' would most likely be the plan.

Of course, all the above is idle speculation. I do know I'd be frothing at the mouth to 'get it done' and i suspect most other americans would feel the same way. I also suspect the 'government' would not survive very long if it did not 'reach out and touch' the terror supporting states in retaliation for a nuke touched off here.
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Offline jEEZY

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« Reply #37 on: August 11, 2005, 01:43:52 PM »
Originally posted by Skydancer
would the Iranians feel that they realy needed a bomb?

Short answer, yes.

Long answer yes. Iran has had designs on being the geo-political power in the Mid-East since about Cyris the Great. Although dressed up in Islam for the time being, they essentially are ramping up a neo-persian empire that will counter balance Isreal and Turkey. In fact, all the talk of Turkey being a "EU" country simply elevates Iran to be the next power broker. I surmise that Iran already has designs on an "autonomous" S. Iraq, and has openly supported and in essence controlled Syria (ever wonder why Hizballah never had a civil war in Syria like they did in Lebbanon?).  

Iran has alot going for it to bring the entire middle east under its sphere of influence. Note that it is a net energy exporter, it has a stable autocratic government, it govt is also well distributed within the country (no splinter groups), and a decent military (fort he area). For it to get the bomb, or just make everybody think they have the bomb would increase their standing in the area with other regimes.

Offline Gunslinger

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« Reply #38 on: August 11, 2005, 02:51:59 PM »
Originally posted by Skydancer
So now we are glibly talking about actualy using nuclear weapons! and Allowing Israel to strike out at a fundamentalist Moslem state!

That'll make the world a better place! :rolleyes:

it's happend before...the Israeli strike not the nuke thing.  I don't particularly feel we are in a position to stop israel if they want to.

Offline Seagoon

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« Reply #39 on: August 11, 2005, 03:50:33 PM »
Greetings Skydancer,

Originally posted by Skydancer
Its blind support for Israel over the interests of the arab world that has caused this mess anyhow!

All that crap about Moslems wanting the world to be one big Islamic state

Its all about power politics and people who feel unjustly treated. The religion thing is just a smokescreen.

One of my Arabic history profs at the University of St. Andrews used to start his first lecture to the incoming class by stating something along the following lines.

"Most of you being Westerners, and in particular academic, secular, upper class  Westerners from the UK see everything in political terms. That is your template for interpreting everything. The class struggle, left wing vs. right wing, Capitalism vs. Socialism. That way of thinking is absolutely ingrained in the Western psyche, most of you, perhaps without even thinking about it frame everything in the same terms that have framed thinking in the West since the rise of nationalism and the publication of Origin of the Species and Das Kapital. So you will try to see Arabic History through that lens, you will try to interpret their actions, their religion, their history, their economy through the lens of Western, Secular, Political ideology. DON'T DO IT! You will never understand the Arab mind, or Arab history, or Arab actions if you do so. You will simply fail to understand the middle east as profoundly as most westerners do and will instead find it to be irrational or or incomprehensible or irritating at best.

The average Arab doesn't see things in terms of the class struggle or left vs. right, oh some Westernized ones do, but that is not their worldview, it is your worldview and you are simply being foolish and quite possibly arrogant to demand they use it as well.

What then is the right lens to use to understand them and interpret them? It is Islam. The Arab world neither knew nor wanted to know anything of secular humanism or separation of religion and state until we forced it on them during the colonial period and now that is unraveling as the river returns to its natural course. Islam is more than a religion, it is law, it is government, it is economics, it is the life of the Arab. It is literally the constitution of many Arab states, its propagation and defense which is written into their constitution didn't actually need to be, it would be understood by the Arabs even if it weren't. They don't even call themselves citizens or subjects, they are the Umma the faithful. Even those who don't believe in Allah, believe in Islam.

Therefore begin to understand Islam, and then you will begin to understand the Arabs."

Skydancer, respectfully, you cannot simply transplant your Western socialist worldview onto the Middle East and erase 1300 years of Islam's hegemony as a worldview, and equally respectfully, you are never going to be able to understand them or react to them until you begin to take Islam very, very, seriously. You have grown up in a nation where women can wear whatever they please and go where they want with whom they want, where it is taken for granted that the people may create and enact laws for themselves, where people can criticize Christ and Christians (and theoretically any other religion) without fear of imprisonment and where people are free to choose whether they want to be any religion at all. Where living together with a member of the opposite sex without being married is no big deal. This is not the case throughout most of the Middle East.

Al-Qaeda didn't attack Washington and New York because of Israel, they attacked - and they have restated this again and again - because there are infidels on the sacred Saudi Arabian peninsula and that simply cannot be allowed. The Jihadis are fighting the West in Iraq not because we are American or Republican, or Conservative. Heck they'd be bombing them if they were French Communists. They are fighting them because they are infidels occupying Muslim land. That is also why they objected in the strongest possible terms to the democratic elections, because they undercut the entire concept of Islamic rule (A Caliphate which enforces Sharia) and that's not me saying that, that's Al-Zarqawi:

" Now they are completely preoccupied with making the big American lie called 'democracy' successful. Americans have been playing with the minds of many peoples with the lie of 'civilized democracy;' they have deluded them that their happiness and prosperity is conditional upon this inadequate human system, and subsequently the infidel American administration declared war on Iraq and Afghanistan because it is the primary protector and guardian of democracy in the world...


"This principle - that is, government of the people [and] by the people - is the very core of the democratic system ... and it exists only through this [principle]. This, then, is the 'religion of democracy' which is being praised and glorified with much fanfare. This is what its theoreticians and thinkers and missionaries keep publicizing, and this in fact is what we see and experience in the reality from which we suffer. Democracy, in all its variations and interpretations, is based on principles and foundations, the most important of which may be summarized as follows:

"First: Democracy is based on the principle that the people are the source of all authority, including the legislative [authority]. This is carried out by choosing representatives who act as proxies for the people in the task of legislating and making laws. In other words, the legislator who must be obeyed in a democracy is man, and not Allah. That means that the one who is worshiped and obeyed and deified, from the point of view of legislating and prohibiting, is man, the created, and not Allah. That is the very essence of heresy and polytheism and error, as it contradicts the bases of the faith [of Islam] and monotheism, and because it makes the weak, ignorant man Allah's partner in His most central divine prerogative - namely, ruling and legislating. Allah said: 'Sovereignty is Allah's alone. He has commanded you to worship none but Him' [Koran 12:40]. 'He allows none to share His sovereignty' [Koran 18:26]...

"Second: Democracy is based on the principle of freedom of religion and belief. Under democracy, a man can believe anything he wants and choose any religion he wants and convert to any religion whenever he wants, even if this apostasy means abandoning the religion of Allah... This is a matter which is patently perverse and false and contradicts many specific [Muslim] legal texts, since according to Islam, if a Muslim apostatizes from Islam to heresy, he should be killed, as stated in the Hadith reported by Al-Bukhari and others: 'Whoever changes his religion, kill him.' It does not say 'leave him alone.'

"One may not make a [peace] treaty with an apostate, nor grant him safe passage or protection. According to Allah's religion, he has only one choice: 'Repent or be killed.'

"Third: Democracy is based on considering the people to be the sole sovereign, to whom all juridical matters and conflicts should be referred, and if there is any controversy or conflict between governor and governed, each of them threatens the other to refer to the will of the people and its choice, so that the people should decide on the matter on which is disagreed. This conflicts with and is contradictory to the principles of monotheism, which determines that the arbiter, deciding by His judgment in matters of discord, is Allah and none else. Allah said [Koran 42:10]: 'And in whatever thing you disagree, the judgment thereof belongs to Allah.' Democracy, on the other hand, says: 'And in whatever things you disagree, the judgment thereof belongs to the people and to none beside the people...'

"Fourth: Democracy is based on the principal of 'freedom of expression,' no matter what the expression might be, even if it means hurting and reviling the Divine Being [i.e. Allah] and the laws of Islam, because in democracy nothing is so sacred that one cannot be insolent or use vile language about it.

"Fifth: Democracy is based on the principle of separation between religion and state, politics, and life; what is Allah's is rendered unto Allah, which is just worship in the places designed for it. All other aspects of life - political, economic, social, etc. - are the people's prerogative...

"Sixth: Democracy is based on the principle of freedom of association and of forming political parties and the like, no matter what the creed, ideas, and ethics of these parties may be. This principle is null and void according to [Islamic] law for a number of reasons... One of them is that voluntary recognition of the legality of heretical parties implies acquiescence in heresy... Acquiescence in heresy is heresy...

"Seventh: Democracy is based on the principle of considering the position of the majority and adopting what is agreed upon by the majority, even if they agree upon falsehood, error, and blatant heresy... This principle is totally wrong and void because truth according to Islam is that which is in accordance with the Koran and the Sunna [i.e., the tradition of the Prophet], whether its supporters are few or many; and that which contradicts the Koran and the Sunna is false even if all the people of the world agree on it..."

" The matter, then, is a matter of principle; it is non-negotiable, and there can be no concession regarding it whatsoever... It is a matter relating to the principles of our creed - nay, it is the very essence of our creed."

- Abu Mus'ab Al-Zarqawi, January 23, 2005
« Last Edit: August 11, 2005, 03:54:10 PM by Seagoon »
SEAGOON aka Pastor Andy Webb
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Offline Skydancer

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« Reply #40 on: August 11, 2005, 06:04:04 PM »
Originally posted by Seagoon

 What then is the right lens to use to understand them and interpret them? It is Islam. The Arab world neither knew nor wanted to know anything of secular humanism or separation of religion and state until we forced it on them during the colonial period and now that is unraveling as the river returns to its natural course.

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So respectfully I have to ask why are we trying to enforce it on them again? Iraq? Why make the same mistake all over again?

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Originally posted by Seagoon

Al-Qaeda didn't attack Washington and New York because of Israel, they attacked - and they have restated this again and again - because there are infidels on the sacred Saudi Arabian peninsula and that simply cannot be allowed.......... They are fighting them because they are infidels occupying Muslim land. That is also why they objected in the strongest possible terms to the democratic elections, because they undercut the entire concept of Islamic rule (A Caliphate which enforces Sharia) and that's not me saying that, that's Al-Zarqawi:

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So why is Mr Bush trying to enforce western ideals of democracy upon them? Again why has Bush and Blair commited out two nations to doing something that the muslim world neither wants nor frankly, feel it needs!

Sorry but your argument seems to present a very good case for getting out of the ME backing off from supporting Israel and allowing the Muslim world to govern its affairs as it sees fit. Maybe in some parts of the world imposition of our model of "democracy" is not the solution to the problem. All it has done has created a whole set of new problems. Time to stop meddling perhaps?

Maybe we should leave the ME and those of our population who want no part of our democracy should leave the West or be made to leave? That would seem a better solution to me. ( Also to our finaly awakening govt who has just begun deportation proceedings on several supporters of terrorism!

( one day I'll get the hang of this button quote thing! Shrugs )
« Last Edit: August 11, 2005, 06:08:00 PM by Skydancer »

Offline Holden McGroin

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« Reply #41 on: August 11, 2005, 06:21:47 PM »
Originally posted by Skydancer
So why is Mr Bush trying to enforce western ideals of democracy upon them?

Some questions to ponder...

What is the world's largest democracy and is this democracy a western or eastern nation?

I this nation based on judeo-christian philosophy?

What western economic / governmental system was embraced by the government of the Chinese mainland?

Does the fact that these western ideas are practiced by the two largest countries in the world disqualify the idea that democracy can take hold in the Muslim world?
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Offline Xargos

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« Reply #42 on: August 11, 2005, 06:28:55 PM »
Wish we were not so dependent on oil.  The Middle East would fall into caos just like Africa and the west should just let them drown in their on muck.
Jeffery R."Xargos" Ward

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Offline Gunslinger

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« Reply #43 on: August 11, 2005, 06:32:42 PM »
Originally posted by Xargos
Wish we were not so dependent on oil.  The Middle East would fall into caos just like Africa and the west should just let them drown in their on muck.

that's what I say.  Make their oil wealth an irrelevent and make these people transition into the 21st century just like every other country has to.  If they can't let them whine to the UN and the Nanny EU for help.

Offline Holden McGroin

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« Reply #44 on: August 11, 2005, 06:43:33 PM »
We have a 250 year domestic supply of oil in the form of shale.

Liquefaction of coal can be started for production of coal derived synthetic crude oil. The US has roughly a 1000 year supply.

Where are our processing plants?  Or at least plans for them?
Holden McGroin LLC makes every effort to provide accurate and complete information. Since humor, irony, and keen insight may be foreign to some readers, no warranty, expressed or implied is offered. Re-writing this disclaimer cost me big bucks at the lawyer’s office!