Author Topic: Becoming a Trainer  (Read 2622 times)

Offline SkyWolf

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« Reply #30 on: August 18, 2005, 06:52:33 AM »
Originally posted by Ted Strykker

That's why i am able too come across too them in a way they understand,other than hitting them with some tech talk.Their head is already spinning no sense in spinning it some more.

Well.... I can barely understand you at all. At least stop using too instead of to.

Offline SkyWolf

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« Reply #31 on: August 18, 2005, 06:55:58 AM »
Originally posted by Ted Strykker
You know lute this was a thread directed at 1 of the trainers not anyone else.


Offline DaPup

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« Reply #32 on: August 18, 2005, 09:26:58 AM »
Ted  <> I would like to commend you on helping the new players ease into the game, it takes alot of time and patience to be able to help "walk" someone through the initial startup for AH. Maybe we can hook up sometime in the TA and work on some things.

TC <> for grabbing one of the most well known and respected players in our game for the training corps, Silat is a great addition for newbies and veterans alike that want to move their game to the next level.

Silat  <> to you and all our trainers that help with out in the TA, MA and on the boards, I most definately appreciate the help that you guys offer. Everyone from trainers to CM's prolly don't get nearly as much recognition as you deserve but rest assured it doesn't go unnoticed to the majority of our community.



Offline maddog

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« Reply #33 on: August 18, 2005, 11:33:38 AM »
I think all the current trainers are terrible.... They don't even use all the adjatives and adverbs I heard in flight training....... Of course that was so long ago there were a lot less words to choose from back then....

Anyway as soon as my K/D ratio is greater then zero I'm going to ask..... No... Demand to be a trainer..... As long as I don't have to deal with all those new guys and teach flying and ACM and all that other stuff....
« Last Edit: August 18, 2005, 11:38:21 AM by maddog »

Offline TequilaChaser

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« Reply #34 on: August 18, 2005, 01:11:36 PM »
Originally posted by Ghosth

TC got lucky, he picked one solid gold winner right off the start.

well, Ghosth, how could we all resist Him in his High Heels, Pink tutu with purple poka dots , all while doing the Salsa on the dance floor ( in reference to Solid Gold response )


Ted Strykker, I have yet to receive an email from you, Sir.

plase drop  posting to this thread, you are hurting yourself more than helping.  I was happy and fine with your post of you saying thanks for the response , TC, I will be emailing you.

Please, also, continue to strive for that spot at being a Trainer, if that is your goal.

Every Trainer here in Aces High, is not here for any type of Glory , Stardom, Recognition. We are here because we urn to give something back to the community, and help the community prosper to even greater heights. Because we were taught and instructed from our peers of long ago, who were them selves unselfishly giving to the community, that is a way, that is tradition! Let it not go unbroken and may the ropes be passed down thru generation after generation with out change!

If one desires to be a trainer, so than can gain attention, want pats on the back, trying to make a name for them selves etc........then they have all the wrong reasons for being a trainer to start with!

nuff said!   ~S~
"When one considers just what they should say to a new pilot who is logging in Aces High, the mind becomes confused in the complex maze of info it is necessary for the new player to know. All of it is important; most of it vital; and all of it just too much for one brain to absorb in 1-2 lessons" TC

Offline Ted Strykker

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« Reply #35 on: August 18, 2005, 01:14:44 PM »
Sorry TC i been making a race Map for KO.

Offline StarOfAfrica2

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« Reply #36 on: August 18, 2005, 01:27:24 PM »
Ted, you really need to work on that relaxation thing man.  K?  I can name you a handful of guys right off the top of my head who were AW trainers and are not trainers here.  Myself included in that.  Being a trainer in an entirely different game with a different FM and different gunnery rules............none of that is applicable here, other than you know how to work the controls.  Experience in AW or WB or MSCFS or any other combat flight sim has so little to do with training people in Aces High its laughable.  To suggest that people get the job on a favoritsm basis is silly.  TC has been doing this a looooong time.  He's good at it.  He has seen more trainers come and go both here and in AW than I've ever even met.  He understands (as does ghosth) what a good trainer is and what he or she has to offer the community.  If they picked someone over you, dont take it personally.  People are picked for a number of qualities, most of which only come with experience and time.  Skill isnt the biggest thing.  Nor is knowledge of ACM.  The most important skills are maturity, the ability to communicate, and a really well developed sense of humor.  

Ive seen your complaints.   You simply didnt have all the facts, and it looked different from your point of view.  You assumed, and ....... well, we all know what happens when you assume.  If some of the guys in this thread were a bit hard on you, well thats part of what it takes to be a good trainer.  A thick skin.  You are going to have guys that are already frustrated from a night or two in the MA and being made fun of or whatever, and they are going to go off on you and be hard to control.  If you give them the attitude you gave the guys in here, that would pretty much end it for that player right there.  You have the enthusiasm, you have a good working knowledge of ACM and how the game works.  I can see you have trouble in the patience department.  I do as well.  I've known Silat since he first showed up in the AW training arenas looking to learn the game.  I've rarely known anyone more level-headed and helpful to others, or with a better sense of humor.  Given his experience, added with his other qualities, I doubt they could have made a better choice.  You shouldnt be upset if they chose him.  It's hard to compete with those ankles in the right shoes.  And he finds all the finest sheep.

<> Congrats Silat.

Offline Kermit de frog

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« Reply #37 on: August 18, 2005, 03:15:14 PM »
You guys know that all this talk about Silat in heels is brainwashing.  I find myself starting to think Silat is a girl from time to time.  It ain't right damnit!:D
Time's fun when you're having flies.

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« Reply #38 on: August 18, 2005, 10:38:47 PM »
>>Some, no matter how many years they drive, will never be more than dangerous. <<

Intellectually I know this - I guess I'm just having a hard time admitting it :)

On the bright side, my post wasn't half as bad as I remembered. Thought I was gonna have to cancel another account :o

You all offer good advice - my problem is I think there is a recipe and there probably isn't. Some people sing like an angel, others cant carry a tune in a bucket no matter how much they are taught. I suspect dog fighting is a little like that.

Offline humble

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« Reply #39 on: August 18, 2005, 11:22:24 PM »
Actually there are multiple "recipes"....

I think at some level inate ability is the final barrier....however you can get awful least at times. Since it's so intuitive we all tend to get trapped into a series of repetative responses under specific conditions.

Way back when it was pretty easy for me to help those in the "beginning intermediate" range. Invariably the issues were easily identifyable in the opening or midgame or endgame....

So you started with being bounced...showed them how easily a good piot could negate the initial advantage...moved to the merge...then mid fight tactics and reversals....then edge of the envelope angles fighting.

In  60 to 90 days you take a guy to the point he could put up a good fight against almost anyone....

But then you begin to hit the wall....where subtle variations and/or choices make all the difference. Some folks never evolve beyond a good understanding of "the basics"....others quickly evolve to a much higher level. But in the end it takes a real good trainer to get you beyond your "comfort level". Usually its a couple of very specific misconceptions that you repeat instinctively....

I know that in 90% of the good 1 on 1's I lose I think I'm winning....right up to the point I'm toast:)....
Those are the ones that drive you nuts....if you get hosed on the merge its easy to rationalize...but when you think your "winning" and then your used parts fluttering earthward....@#$%^

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Offline weasel4

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« Reply #40 on: August 19, 2005, 07:21:41 AM »
Sounds like he just wants the ability to boot people from TA.

Here is an example of a GREAT Trainer;

I was in training area with major video issues (on top of others)
Silat happened to be flying.  He asked permission to contact me on the phoine to talk me through some of my problems.

He was in UTAH? I am in Kentucky. He called and worked with me on the phone for 1.25 hrs.  YES 1 hour and 15 minutes.  Got everything fixed plus hooked me up with some great downloads.  So not only did I get "Trained" but also met a GREAT friend.
NOW....THIS IS A GREAT TRAINER....I think HTC should credit him 600 mos. Free!!!!!!

Offline Max

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« Reply #41 on: August 19, 2005, 08:37:23 AM »
Originally posted by Kermit de frog
You guys know that all this talk about Silat in heels is brainwashing.  I find myself starting to think Silat is a girl from time to time.  It ain't right damnit!:D

Kermit I happen to have it on good authority that Silat is a former nun now taking male growth hormone injections.


Offline weasel4

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« Reply #42 on: August 19, 2005, 09:08:07 AM »
Now that you mention it....he/she was awfffuulllyyy friendly ???:rolleyes:

Offline Silat

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« Reply #43 on: August 19, 2005, 04:33:13 PM »
Originally posted by weasel4
Sounds like he just wants the ability to boot people from TA.

Here is an example of a GREAT Trainer;

I was in training area with major video issues (on top of others)
Silat happened to be flying.  He asked permission to contact me on the phoine to talk me through some of my problems.

He was in UTAH? I am in Kentucky. He called and worked with me on the phone for 1.25 hrs.  YES 1 hour and 15 minutes.  Got everything fixed plus hooked me up with some great downloads.  So not only did I get "Trained" but also met a GREAT friend.
NOW....THIS IS A GREAT TRAINER....I think HTC should credit him 600 mos. Free!!!!!!


Weasl you thought my time was free?:)
« Last Edit: August 19, 2005, 04:38:33 PM by Silat »
"The first time someone shows you who they are, believe them." — Maya Angelou
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Offline Silat

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« Reply #44 on: August 19, 2005, 04:36:49 PM »
Originally posted by DMax
Kermit I happen to have it on good authority that Silat is a former nun now taking male growth hormone injections.


Im done with the hormone therapy now.
And I wasnt a nun. I used to be a rabbi but now im a jewish american princess.
"The first time someone shows you who they are, believe them." — Maya Angelou
"Conservatism offers no redress for the present, and makes no preparation for the future." B. Disraeli
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