seat belt law is nothing more than a money maker for the police departments / local government. If I can ride in the back of a pickup truck without any type of safety harness legally, why do I have to where 1 in the front. Police also use this as a good reason to pull you over and look for drunks driving or search for drugs / weapons. But if I don't have to ride a helmet on a motorcycle, why should I have to wear a seatbelt in a car, heck I have to have a helmet to ride a bicycle. The reason there is no helmet / motorcycle law is because the insurance company's got together and found it was way cheaper for them if motorycle wreck victims died intead of living as vegetables. They figured its cheaper if you just die, then them having to pay for all your medical bills in a really bad wreck, you can look that up because its true, so don't tell me that the government or anybody else is interested in my well being because that's total crap.
There was an article last week in my local newspaper that was talking about a lady that got a seatbelt ticket because she was too fat to get the seatbelt around her, it wouldn't fit...The police wouldn't let her drive off in it, and her husband ended up having to go get the car out of inpound and he's been on tv griping for the past week... My thoughts on this were that her wearing a seatbelt should be one of the last things on her mind, she has more important health issues to think about. Also you should have seen the way the police handled this, just trying to get a huge story started, they were all over my local news and everything. Don't police have anything better to do, I know they get bored but don't they have minority's beat or something better to do lol