Author Topic: Furball arena ?  (Read 1086 times)


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Furball arena ?
« Reply #30 on: October 14, 2005, 05:44:34 PM »
eddiek must be a democrat.  we don't really need big gov't in here too.  do we? :D

Offline Slash27

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Furball arena ?
« Reply #31 on: October 14, 2005, 05:55:47 PM »
Which one is EddieK?:huh

Offline Noir

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Furball arena ?
« Reply #32 on: October 14, 2005, 06:05:50 PM »
lol someone took the wrong post
now posting as SirNuke

Offline x0847Marine

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Furball arena ?
« Reply #33 on: October 14, 2005, 06:46:58 PM »
Where the cliques came from is a "what came first, the chicken or egg" argument, regardless of the reason; the groups are here and gamers are urinating all over each other from the safety of home because of it.

Should HT should recognize it's a divisive issue and do something to resolve it?..

I thought about it for a second and I wouldn't if I were him.

I'd sit back, count YOUR $$ and LMAO at how I've got you all hooked with a passion. All this petty gamer drama is good business. If I were HT, I’d pit one side against the other and create drama.. I’d play GOD with my little gamer addicts and watch them respond with total childish predictability.

So cluck away guinea pigs, recruit all your friends to be "furballers" to battle the nefarious “toolshedders” (at just $15 a mo!!) so they too can choose a side, defend it with passion, and spend endless hours bravely twisting a stick.

Yup, if I'm HT I have no problems with gamer drama like this.

Offline RedTop

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Furball arena ?
« Reply #34 on: October 14, 2005, 07:20:03 PM »
Originally posted by x0847Marine
Where the cliques came from is a "what came first, the chicken or egg" argument, regardless of the reason; the groups are here and gamers are urinating all over each other from the safety of home because of it.

Should HT should recognize it's a divisive issue and do something to resolve it?..

I thought about it for a second and I wouldn't if I were him.

I'd sit back, count YOUR $$ and LMAO at how I've got you all hooked with a passion. All this petty gamer drama is good business. If I were HT, I’d pit one side against the other and create drama.. I’d play GOD with my little gamer addicts and watch them respond with total childish predictability.

So cluck away guinea pigs, recruit all your friends to be "furballers" to battle the nefarious “toolshedders” (at just $15 a mo!!) so they too can choose a side, defend it with passion, and spend endless hours bravely twisting a stick.

Yup, if I'm HT I have no problems with gamer drama like this.

:confused: I give. Enjoy
Original Member and Former C.O. 71 sqd. RAF Eagles

Offline x0847Marine

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Furball arena ?
« Reply #35 on: October 14, 2005, 07:47:14 PM »
Originally posted by RedTop
:confused: I give. Enjoy

That wasn't directed at you, just my general observations.

I'm working on opening a gamer cafe across from the new HS their building 4 blocks away, I plan on manipulating my customers to keep them interested... however I can. It might be AMD vs Intel, this game vs that game.. if I have too ill impregnate the prom queen I've hired just so the school walks in to see who the a-hole was.

One I establish their competing interests, I'll work them against eachother then watch as they hang around my shop bickering and spend $$.

Offline DipStick

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Furball arena ?
« Reply #36 on: October 14, 2005, 08:34:14 PM »
xmarine = voss? :eek: :huh :eek: :confused: :noid

Offline lazs2

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Furball arena ?
« Reply #37 on: October 15, 2005, 09:04:01 AM »
Ok... how bout we divide the "war" into one hour segments... the chesspeice with the most kills per hour per person wins the "war" and gets a bazillion perk points and then it starts all over.

and xmarine... I think that it is brave of you to even play as lamely as you do considering the horrible accident that took allmost all the fingers on your right hand.

Public Relations Officer for the BK's


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Furball arena ?
« Reply #38 on: October 15, 2005, 10:03:41 AM »
Originally posted by x0847Marine
That wasn't directed at you, just my general observations.

I'm working on opening a gamer cafe across from the new HS their building 4 blocks away, I plan on manipulating my customers to keep them interested... however I can. It might be AMD vs Intel, this game vs that game.. if I have too ill impregnate the prom queen I've hired just so the school walks in to see who the a-hole was.

One I establish their competing interests, I'll work them against eachother then watch as they hang around my shop bickering and spend $$.

Offline Sloehand

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Furball arena ?
« Reply #39 on: October 15, 2005, 08:25:52 PM »
Originally posted by DipStick
God just created another kitten.

I'll make an assumption that your comment indicates that I'm soft and easy, in some non-martial way.  If you ask the real warriors in our military you will learn that, its those that fight the best that wish more than anyone, that war never happens.  Are they 'kittens'?
But, on the personal note, you intimate I'm baby seal material.  Can't tell you how wrong you really are.  You don't have to be mean in nature, to be medieval on the bad guys.  I've spent most of my life in careers involving the real world application of all types of martial arts (and 'martial arts' means open-hand, weapons, tactics and strategy).
First rule you learn, there is always, ALWAYS, somebody bigger, badder and better than you are.  In my case, there aren't too many, and I've been able to avoid those that there are... uh, most of the time.  :)  At any rate, I've survived to a too-ripe age, so I must be doing something right.
Anyway, suffice to say I never go out of my way to start a fight, but I finish all of them, one way or the other.  I just don't feel the need to be mean to people for no good reason (no matter what kind of deriere' they may be) or to pump a deflated ego, like some in here.
If that makes me a 'kitten' so be it.  Don't come close, or you'll get scratched, I guarentee.
Jagdgeschwader 77

"You sleep safe in your beds because rough men stand ready in the night to visit violence on those who would do you harm."  - George Orwell
"Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety." - Benjamin Franklin

Offline TW9

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Furball arena ?
« Reply #40 on: October 15, 2005, 08:31:59 PM »
Originally posted by Sloehand
I'll make an assumption that your comment indicates that I'm soft and easy, in some non-martial way.  If you ask the real warriors in our military you will learn that, its those that fight the best that wish more than anyone, that war never happens.  Are they 'kittens'?
But, on the personal note, you intimate I'm baby seal material.  Can't tell you how wrong you really are.  You don't have to be mean in nature, to be medieval on the bad guys.  I've spent most of my life in careers involving the real world application of all types of martial arts (and 'martial arts' means open-hand, weapons, tactics and strategy).
First rule you learn, there is always, ALWAYS, somebody bigger, badder and better than you are.  In my case, there aren't too many, and I've been able to avoid those that there are... uh, most of the time.  :)  At any rate, I've survived to a too-ripe age, so I must be doing something right.
Anyway, suffice to say I never go out of my way to start a fight, but I finish all of them, one way or the other.  I just don't feel the need to be mean to people for no good reason (no matter what kind of deriere' they may be) or to pump a deflated ego, like some in here.
If that makes me a 'kitten' so be it.  Don't come close, or you'll get scratched, I guarentee.

!!!!!N000OOoo!!!! J000OooO CaNt !!QUAH!! 1ts Teh C0pYR1gHT!!!
Quote from: sax
The community lacks personality , thank #@# for TW9 or
there would'nt even be anyone --------- left .
Quote from: Krusty
Edit2: BAN the ass-hat. That's not skuzzy, that's a tard named TW9

Offline lazs2

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Furball arena ?
« Reply #41 on: October 15, 2005, 09:22:41 PM »
martial arts guys are mostly *******.    they talk a good game tho.  It's so cute.

Public Relations Officer for the BK's

Offline Fariz

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Furball arena ?
« Reply #42 on: October 16, 2005, 12:26:27 AM »
I have very few fperks, probably under 100 now. When I have them, I spend them. Flying perk planes is very interesting part of the game.

I guess I already spend around 1000 fperks this tour only.

Offline lazs2

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Furball arena ?
« Reply #43 on: October 16, 2005, 08:58:36 AM »
here is the deal..

furballers don't care about the fluffers unless they ruin the game by destroying the ability to have a good furball...

if you make a map where every field is fairly close then when the fluffers wave their arms and go "look at me look at me... I crapped in the pool" by destroying the FH's or CV's where there is a really good fight... well... if the fields are close together..

The furballers just move and fight again... this seems neat on the surface but... in the past when we have had lots of areas like that...

The fluffers screamed and wailed that everyone was ignoring them and not "playing like a team"... not "trying to win the war"   Just like when they were children and their mom made the other kids play with em.... they petitioned HT to make the maps more difficult for furballs to happen and easyier to stop by any talentless fluffer who owned a mouse.

Festers map and a few others started out great with lots of close fields but the fluffers got it changed allmost immediately.

and sloehand.... everyone here likes me... I have lot's of friends and they told me that they don't really like you but are afraid you will flip out if they say so.

Public Relations Officer for the BK's

Offline SlapShot

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Furball arena ?
« Reply #44 on: October 16, 2005, 09:59:07 AM »
Originally posted by Sloehand
I'll make an assumption that your comment indicates that I'm soft and easy, in some non-martial way.  If you ask the real warriors in our military you will learn that, its those that fight the best that wish more than anyone, that war never happens.  Are they 'kittens'?
But, on the personal note, you intimate I'm baby seal material.  Can't tell you how wrong you really are.  You don't have to be mean in nature, to be medieval on the bad guys.  I've spent most of my life in careers involving the real world application of all types of martial arts (and 'martial arts' means open-hand, weapons, tactics and strategy).
First rule you learn, there is always, ALWAYS, somebody bigger, badder and better than you are.  In my case, there aren't too many, and I've been able to avoid those that there are... uh, most of the time.  :)  At any rate, I've survived to a too-ripe age, so I must be doing something right.
Anyway, suffice to say I never go out of my way to start a fight, but I finish all of them, one way or the other.  I just don't feel the need to be mean to people for no good reason (no matter what kind of deriere' they may be) or to pump a deflated ego, like some in here.
If that makes me a 'kitten' so be it.  Don't come close, or you'll get scratched, I guarentee.

Nope ... you missed by a mile ... not your fault.

I quote Lazs from another thread ...

Lazs : every time a BK makes some sissy cry god creates a kitten.

At the moment ... god is VERY busy.
SlapShot - Blue Knights

Guppy: "The only risk we take is the fight, and since no one really dies, the reward is the fight."