Author Topic: What do you guys think of Lieberman, is his being Jewish an issue?  (Read 3906 times)

Offline Toad

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What do you guys think of Lieberman, is his being Jewish an issue?
« Reply #45 on: August 16, 2000, 05:27:00 PM »
Originally posted by Karnak:
Nothing bad can be said about Danish behavior in WWII.

Well, there is this... <from:>

"The term "Freikorps Danmark" is actually a hybrid of the German [Freikorps/Free Corps], and the Danish national name - Danmark. The Danes themselves called it "Frikorps Danmark"...

a) It was officially sanctioned by the Danish Government, and volunteers from the standing Danish armed forces were officially allowed to complete their military service in this unit. Career soldiers were promised an equivalent rank....

The "Freikorps Danmark" was announced on June 28, 1941, and was open to men between the ages of 17 and 35. The initial draft of some 480 men, most still in Danish Army uniform, left for Hamburg on July 19, where they formed the 1st Battalion of the new Freikorps, and were fitted with new Waffen-SS uniforms and gear....

In May 1942, the Freikorps was sent to Heeresgruppe NORD and attached to the 3.SS-Totenkopf Division...

The combat hardened Danes who had survived the "Freikorps", were for the most part unceremoniously merged into the ranks of the Nordland regiment to form SS-Pz.Gren. Regt. 24 "Danmark" (danisches Nr.1)...

It is estimated that 3900 Danes gave their lives in German Service. Most of the surviving soldiers were sentenced to long prison terms when they returned home after the war."

FOREIGN LEGIONS OF THE THIRD REICH (vol.1) by David Littlejohn
Uniforms, Org. and History of the Waffen-SS (vol.3) by R.J.Bender

Interesting site, lots to read.

This is there too...

Duration of the Occupation:
9th of April 1940 - 5th of May 1945

Danish losses during the war:

1281 sailors killed

797 killed in various actions

515 died in concentration camps

183 killed in the bombing of Gestapo
headquarters (Aarhus, Odense and Copenhagen)

102 executed by the Germans

102 killed during the large strikes

88 killed by bombardments

33 killed when a German freighter exploded in the harbour of Aarhus

26 soldiers killed during the fighting when the Germans took over control on the 29th of August 1943

13 soldiers, airmen and frontier guards killed during the invasion on the 9th of April 1940

11 killed by the bombardment of the shipyard Burmeister and Wain on the 27th of January 1943

10 civilians killed when the Russians bombarded Bornholm

11 murdered in the Gestapo headquarters in Copenhagen (the Shell House)

Total: 3172

About 8000 Danes volunteered to fight for the Germans on the Eastern front. About 3900 lost their lives.

Just a little history.

[This message has been edited by Toad (edited 08-16-2000).]
If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude than the animated contest of freedom, go from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains sit lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen!

Offline AKFokerFoder+

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What do you guys think of Lieberman, is his being Jewish an issue?
« Reply #46 on: August 16, 2000, 08:15:00 PM »
My my my!

Perhaps the cookies did come from their German friends!  

About 4000 Danes died for Hitler.  And about 10,000 Ugly Americans fell on the beaches of Normandy alone.  Ugly Americans, under pretty white crosses, all to clean up Europes mess.

And now there are elected Nazis in Austria (THAT scares the kee rap outta me), I wonder if the Europeans are protesting, or buying cookies?

My bet is they are buying cookies, and spitting on American graves.

Get your sons and daughters ready to go back over, and fill more graves.  Some in Bosnia, some in Kosovo, who knows? maybe this time some in Denmark...  

More Ugly Americans under more white crosses...  yep, ya gotta love the way the Europeans know how to run things.

Hell, maybe we should do that in America, ya know???, register our guns, vote in some Nazis, burn some books, then burn some Jews... and become sophisticated like our European friends

Offline Downtown

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What do you guys think of Lieberman, is his being Jewish an issue?
« Reply #47 on: August 16, 2000, 09:12:00 PM »
Kai, you didn't call me white trash, I am dissapointed.  Really.

I wonder how a person who claims to be so well educated can be so stupid.  WOuld you like me to list things in the bible for which most people should be blinded?  I hope you don't eat pork or work on the Sabath yourself.

Perhaps your not religious, I am not.

I don't know how you got so much hate in you Kai.  And as for the Media I don't get much of it myself I am a little busy.

But for the Logical argument about why most people become racist here is it.

YOu hate someone.

Hate is a pretty baic emotion, it is based on taking offense at something.  Or animosity based on jelousy.  I.E. The person hates something because they want it themselves.  Also you have to make a decesion to be offended.  So Kai, you either want something the Jews have, or you made a decision to not like them.  That is your choice.  From my personal experience most of your deep seated racists feel that the thing they hate is superior to them and they are jelous and envious.  This means that the deeper emotion is coveting something.  Ergo you want something but can't have it.  Kai, I don't know what the Jews have that you want.

You still failed to explain what I have to be embarrased about also?

So you choose your arguments and toss them out, people can make counter arguments all day.  It won't change the fact that you are in a minority of people who choose hate.  I choose not to hate.  I choose not to be influenced by your silly weak arguments.  YOu call me weak white trash.

No matter what you post here, in your combative and insulting tone, you won't change my perception of you as an ignnorant racist.  Your hurting your cause by being insulting and offensive.  Belive me I have read things in the bible, that are along the lines of what is in the Torah, Koran, or Talmud.  For what things people should be branded, burned, or stoned.

I choose not to follow any religion because since religions inception it is the number 1 reason for people to kill other people.  I am hoping we can find ways to not kill other people especially for their religious beliefs.  So your statements that we should hate people for their religous beliefs are against my beliefs.

I admit I was tossing out about you being gay because I know that is the thing that upsets racist the most.  They totally hate when people insinuate that they are gay.  They protest loudly about not being gay, and then the "I think you protest too much argument" really sets em off.

You turn around and throw the insuation back at me, and then say I am not being original.

Hmmmm... who isn't being original?

Kafir?? I guess that makes you a South African?

Kai, I can't say anything that will make you stop hating, I wish I could. To me race, religion, creed, whatever has nothing to do with it.  What embarrases me is that you demonstrate stupidity with your hate.  I think to hate something as much as you hate is a demonstration of stupidity and ignorance.  I am embarrased by all the White Supremacist groups who stand out and preach hate.  I am embarrased by people like you who take facts and information and twist the facts an information to suit their purposes.  To stir up more hate and more violence.  Kai, I just came to this game because I am interested in the history of WWII Aircraft.  Someone asked what we thought of Al Gore picking a Jewish person for a running mate.  I said that I thought it would hurt the Mideast Peace Process and you came here, and started spouting your hate mongering views.  It is the hate mongering that bothers me.  It is groups of white men standing around and preaching hate that embarrasses me.

Why don't you start preaching that people should learn things for themselves.  That people should look at arguments from both sides and think for themselves.  You should preach that people should learn and make decisions.  Why don't you change your website so that it says nice things about Hebrews.

Most of all why don't you take your hate filled views elsewhere.

For your info Kai, I was in the military and spent two years in Germany.  While I was there in my quest for information about WWII History I went to Trablinka.  While I was there I met a Nun.  In 1944 she was a blonde haired blue eyed young German girl and was seeing an officer at the camp.  She showed me pictures of herself when she was younger, pictures of her boyfriend.  She told me about the gold rings, and ivory and pearls and diamonds and rubies, and gems that he brought her.  She was very happy.  And then the Allies got into Germany and they came to Trablinka.  They found the camps and they made all the people in the town go through the camp.  She was sickened by what she had seen.  She took off all her jewlery and went to a convent and became a Nun.  I talked to this woman, she had seen the camps, she wasn't Jewish. She was German from a wealthy family.  I talked to this woman myself.

So Kai, you can't change what I know, you can't change my perceptions, you can't make me hate.  I simply refuse to hate.

I feel sorry for the little boy who was raped and murdered.  I knew a little white boy who was raped and murdered by a bunch of drunken red necks too Kai.  Are you going to tell me no white man ever raped a child?  Are you going to tell me no white man ever murdered a child?

Nope, you are just gonna take a sad story, where a poor child was murdered, and try and make me hate people because of it?  You are gonna take this heartbreaking story and try and generate more hate.  I bet if there was a lot less hate, there would be a lot more children alive.

Well, I am rambling, I will stop, I am tired and I have to go to work in the morning.

Kai, I hope you can get over your hate.


"Downtown" Lincoln Brown.
Wrecking Crews "Drag and Die Guy"
Hals und beinbruch!


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What do you guys think of Lieberman, is his being Jewish an issue?
« Reply #48 on: August 19, 2000, 04:55:00 PM »

I gotta admit, some of what you posted is almost amusing

About 4000 Danes died for Hitler. And about 10,000 Ugly Americans fell on the beaches of Normandy alone. Ugly Americans, under pretty white crosses, all to clean up Europes mess.
If I recall correctly there were also a few british and canadian guys there right?

And now there are elected Nazis in Austria (THAT scares the kee rap outta me), I wonder if the Europeans are protesting, or buying cookies?
Actually its a conservative party (like the republicans), nevertheless it DOES scare me as well. And yes of course, the europeans are just buying cookies again, waiting for AT LEAST 1042173897621 americans this time... Man, watch the news, the european union (do you know what that is anyway?!?) sanctioned austria a LOT and totally isolated it, the italian secretary of state officially said that no right wing conservatives are welcome in italy... Just a few examples of europeans buying cookies

Get your sons and daughters ready to go back over, and fill more graves. Some in Bosnia, some in Kosovo, who knows? maybe this time some in Denmark...
Again, it wasn't only americans who fought in bosnia and kosovo...

More Ugly Americans under more white crosses... yep, ya gotta love the way the Europeans know how to run things.
ROFLOL no commment

Hell, maybe we should do that in America, ya know???, register our guns, vote in some Nazis, burn some books, then burn some Jews... and become sophisticated like our European friends
LOL yeah preach on!

Most ppl accuse Santa of trying to "antagonize us [americans] with his lack of knowledge within the US political system"... ok might be true, but then I would like to ask YOU to stop posting utter BS like your above post, it clearly shows that you don't know ANYTHING about life and politics in europe so if Santa's posts make you upset please understand that your posts upset ME.

And please don't take this personally... I just couldn't ignore your post


Commanding Officer
Red Dragons Aces High Division


[This message has been edited by RDRedwing (edited 08-19-2000).]


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What do you guys think of Lieberman, is his being Jewish an issue?
« Reply #49 on: August 22, 2000, 06:27:00 PM »
Right on, more talk about me hating and being an evil, evil person.
Actually I've learned hate, you know what I did? I just read what your jewish darlings said, their rabbis and the rest of em. You know, worshipping Goldstein who murdered 30 palestinians praying at the Mosque and teaching of Eli Wiesel.

Dear sweetheart Eli said "Every jew must have hatred of Germans in his heart"
Now I just substituted two words and that's it. And I carefully followed what happened after Baruch Goldstein, a jew from Brooklyn New York went to Israel where he slaughtered innocent people at their house of worship.

But I know you are lost, unable to understand because for years you were taught the same thing about goodness of your god chosen people and their victim status, and how persecuted they are and so on. Here, read this and before you start rambling about 'goodness' and 'tolerance' and 'sensitivity' at least check what I posted is true, go to any major library and find some info about it. Or you can read the whole article at  (it's in the radio broadcast section) which talks in length about such 'sensitivity' and 'tolerance' and 'diversity' and 'multiculturalism' of your loved jewish violin playing, favored by god darlings.

"Immediately after the massacre one very prominent Orthodox leader, Rabbi Moshe Levinger, told a writer for Israel's largest newspaper, Yediot Ahronot, that he was sorry for the 29 Palestinians murdered by Goldstein in the same way that he would be sorry for the killing of 29 flies. Another prominent Israeli religious leader, Rabbi Dov Lior, announced, and I quote: "Since Goldstein did what he did in God's own name, he is to be regarded as a righteous man." There was a huge funeral procession for Goldstein, and the Israeli army provided a guard of honor at his grave. Jewish children wore buttons with the slogan "Dr. Goldstein cured Israel's ills."

On the day of Goldstein's funeral, one of the eulogists, Rabbi Israel Ariel said, and I quote: "The holy martyr, Baruch Goldstein, is from now on our intercessor in heaven. Goldstein did not act as an individual; he heard the cry of the land of Israel, which is being stolen from us day after day by the Muslims. He acted to relieve that cry of the land."

Do you suppose there will be no 'diversity' for jewish children, does multiculturalism no enrich their jewish society? Shouldn't they be happy to live with another race of people in their homeland? Why do they worship a murderer who killed the members of 'minority' in their land? Should I worship Ben Smith, or those 3 guys who dragged a kafir in texas? Oh no, that would be intolerant, hateful and insensitive would it?

Offline Kieren

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What do you guys think of Lieberman, is his being Jewish an issue?
« Reply #50 on: August 22, 2000, 06:58:00 PM »
Lieberman is too far right for the left. His stand on censorship alone will earn him the ire of liberals. He may be a good man, but the left will have to have amnesia to go for it.

Offline StSanta

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What do you guys think of Lieberman, is his being Jewish an issue?
« Reply #51 on: August 22, 2000, 10:57:00 PM »
Wow, a post about Denmark and I almost missed it  .

Yes, there was Frikorps Danmark, and there were some Danes who fought for the Nazi's. There were more than a few collaborators, and the government became largely a puppet one. All were dealt with rather harshly after the war; for a time we had the death penalty.

But on the other side, there were the resistance. Contrary to popular American belief, the Germans weren't directly welcome in Denmark. More than a few Danes disappeared under odd circumstances. But, it doesn't really matter. Denmark had no chance and elected (arguably wrongly) not to wage a war which would have devastated the Danish society in all ways possible.  The Germans were quite simply too strong.

The Germans had a great number of nationalities serving under them, including Britons, Canadians and a few Americans. In the US, some people supported Hitler and his regime. We're all different, that's about all there is to it. A few of us will go into a fanatical frenzy and support idiotic abusive ideologies. You have your fair share of it in the US, and we have a few in Denmark.

I wasn't in the resistance, and I wasn't fighting for the Germans. And I will not take credit or blame for the doings or other men who lived and died before me.

JG54 "Grünherz"
"If you died a stones throw from your wingie; you did no wrong". - Hangtime

Offline Naso

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What do you guys think of Lieberman, is his being Jewish an issue?
« Reply #52 on: August 23, 2000, 04:00:00 AM »

your are talking about the hate and violence of the jews fanatics, it's true, there are fantics in the jews, pretty similar to the nazi in many issues, i have to say nazi themselves.


the thinks you say are quite similar the think they say, the only difference between you and them is you are WASP (probably) and they are jews.

For me both of you are the same scum of humankind, if we want consider you and your similar (Wasp or jews or whatever), having part of umanity.

When some stupid child like you raise up wiht the mouth full of such roadkill, showing complete ignorance and no use of the precious sponge inside your head, i have to fight hard with my decision to never solve contrast with violence, and to defend the other's right to have different ideas.

You little stupid ignorant dont have any idea where this roadkill can bring a society, even with the examples of the actual foulish genocides ongoing in this crazy world under your own eyes.

The reason of your hate is more simple than Downtown stated:

You hate jews because someone told you to do it, little sheep.

It's easy to not think and let others do it for you.

That's all i want to spend with you.


I apologize all of you in this community (except kai) for my hard words, i try always to be educated, and this post is out of my line, but i see the evil rising again in the world, people like kai is becoming more and more, thanks to the ingorance and the lost of values, and this piss me off.



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What do you guys think of Lieberman, is his being Jewish an issue?
« Reply #53 on: August 23, 2000, 04:43:00 PM »
well said Naso


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What do you guys think of Lieberman, is his being Jewish an issue?
« Reply #54 on: August 23, 2000, 05:12:00 PM »
and Kai:

I think Downtown got it right, there's no way we can stop you hating jews. There's no way to discuss with you because you counter ALL arguments with another thesis without proving ANYTHING

e.g. you said that "(...)thrown into concentration camps where they hope do die of starvation before they will be tortured to death or having witnessed their kids in schools being shelled by artillery with toxic gas(...)"

so that's your thesis. Now comes the "proof"...

"Of course the media doesn't mention this, that's because the media is not liberal, it's Jewish from your network to cable TV to Hollywood movie studios. Why should they report the truth, it's better to tell the dumb American stories of poor victimized jewish darlings, not focus too much on what's really going on."

hmm, interesting. Makes me wonder... here in germany they don't show this stuff on TV either, so german TV must be jewish too. I also didn't see those things on TV while I was in england, france and italy (its a hot topic here in europe). So obviously there must be jews controlling ALL media in a LOT of different countries. Must be a big jewish conspiracy...

...don't you notice that this is just plain BS? Its easy to say "TV doesn't mention it since TV is jewish too", but unfortunately that is not a proof, its just ANOTHER thesis. So much for the basic rules of conversation.

I know, my post won't change your attitude at all, but I think its better to say something useless than saying nothing at all, because THIS is what my ancestors did 60 years ago, and we all know the result. Its up to everyone of us to make sure that something like this NEVER EVER happens again, in NO country of the world.


[This message has been edited by RDRedwing (edited 08-23-2000).]

Offline RAM

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What do you guys think of Lieberman, is his being Jewish an issue?
« Reply #55 on: August 23, 2000, 07:12:00 PM »
Originally posted by StSanta:
Wow, a post about Denmark and I almost missed it    .

Yes, there was Frikorps Danmark, and there were some Danes who fought for the Nazi's. There were more than a few collaborators, and the government became largely a puppet one. All were dealt with rather harshly after the war; for a time we had the death penalty.

But on the other side, there were the resistance. Contrary to popular American belief, the Germans weren't directly welcome in Denmark. More than a few Danes disappeared under odd circumstances. But, it doesn't really matter. Denmark had no chance and elected (arguably wrongly) not to wage a war which would have devastated the Danish society in all ways possible.  The Germans were quite simply too strong.

The Germans had a great number of nationalities serving under them, including Britons, Canadians and a few Americans. In the US, some people supported Hitler and his regime. We're all different, that's about all there is to it. A few of us will go into a fanatical frenzy and support idiotic abusive ideologies. You have your fair share of it in the US, and we have a few in Denmark.

I wasn't in the resistance, and I wasn't fighting for the Germans. And I will not take credit or blame for the doings or other men who lived and died before me.

Denmark asked England in late 1930's to make a secret pact in wich if Germany invaded them, England would send a expeditionary force to assist the danes in defending their country. I was told this by a danish, I dont know further details about it, but that asking existed.

England refused, they said that it wont be feasible such support (and then they tried to invade norway at the same time than germany...ahem...wasnt feasible or wasnt it WANTED?). So in 1940 Denmark had to face the odds of an impossible resistance or a more or less peaceful invasion. They elected the wise thing, a fight would only have had delayed the mainland's invasion for less than some days and the islands in some months...Still,germany wanted Denmark for its airfields (to support the landings on norway). And that would've been done in only some hours of difference anyway, but for sure was done with less suffering.

In Belgium, a country assisted by Allied forces, a country with a noticeable army and big importance in the western front, King Leopold III signed a separate peace,giving up the fight.The immediate consecuences were the impossibility of further support to netherlands, and putting in a serious compromise the allied force implicated in the defence of the territory of the very same country that had just refused to fight more.

I wont dig into Leopold III' decision. I am sure it was a serious compromise and that he didnt like to give up the fight. The fact is that doing it,sealed the fate of the armies that were into his country's land

Interesting how Denmark had will to fight but was denied the support to do it, and how Belgium had all the support desirable,still sued for peace when she still was not beaten.

About the danish "freikorps", there was a similar thing in Spain called the "blue division". THey were volunteers who fought on the Leningrad front, and were much appreciated as soldiers by the germans. THey fought until very late 1943 there, then returned to spain.

At the very same time, thousands of ex-Republican soldiers were fighting on the allied side, and hundreds of republican people who had exiled in 1939 were captured in france and sent to concentration camps. Auschwitz and Matthausen saw these people suffering and dying.

I am sure there was Danish people too in the concentration camps.

To judge a country as profascist because there were volunteers who considered that was fair to fight agains the communism is so STUPID that I'll tell you that then USA is a profascist country, because did just the same in 1950.

It is a stupid argument from any view. There are (and were) nazis everywhere. In Denmark too, in Spain too, in USA too. There were communists too, and these payed a high price (yes, toad, in USA too).
 Morale: Toad, please,dig a bit before making that kind of critics to a country you dont know. Lack of knoledge is the only thing you demonstrate here. You wished to hurt StSanta's pride (or at least to put the ball on his side) and you only managed to appear as an ignorant.

Sorry the rant, there are many "pseudodoctors" here in WWII history when they know nothing.

[This message has been edited by RAM (edited 08-23-2000).]

Offline Ping

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What do you guys think of Lieberman, is his being Jewish an issue?
« Reply #56 on: August 24, 2000, 05:55:00 AM »
 It amazes me to think that we call ourselves civilized. As was pointed out, Hatred knows no racial or ethnic boundary.
 We have white rascists, black rascists, and yellow rascists. Maybe even some creamy coloured rascists. Its so easy for some like Kai to overlook their own failings and point at others instead.
 Lets not try to fix our own problems, lets instead forment some hate and murderous ideas and really cloud the issue.
 Kai, time to look in your own backyard. Why dont you clean up your house before you tackle the injustices of the world. And that doesnt mean ethnic cleansing.
I/JG2 Enemy Coast Ahead

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« Reply #57 on: August 24, 2000, 12:34:00 PM »
Since we're talking numbers, here's an interesting tidbit of information:

Who of the allieds made the greatest sacrifice (i.e who should we be most thankful to?)?

The US:
Men in war: 16,112,566
Battle death: 291,557
Wounded: 670,846

The Soviet Union:
Men in war: unknown
Battle death: 6,112,566
Wounded: 14,012,000

The UK:
Men in war: 5,896,000
Battle death: 357,1164
Wounded: 369,267

Poland lost 664,000. Of the adversaries, German lost about 3.2 million.

So, the numbers seem to indicate that the US came out of WWII realtively easy compared to its allieds; less casualties despite several times the numbers.

I should toast to the Britons and Soviets before the Americans, if I am to go by these numbers.

Horrible thing, statistics.

Numbers are estimates and might be wrong. I've gotten them from

It has a nice index for general WWII info, found at

I'm sure some of you nutters know of this site already.

JG54 "Grünherz"
"If you died a stones throw from your wingie; you did no wrong". - Hangtime

Offline Toad

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What do you guys think of Lieberman, is his being Jewish an issue?
« Reply #58 on: August 25, 2000, 10:28:00 PM »
Originally posted by RAM:
Morale: Toad, please,dig a bit before making that kind of critics to a country you dont know. Lack of knoledge is the only thing you demonstrate here. You wished to hurt StSanta's pride (or at least to put the ball on his side) and you only managed to appear as an ignorant.

This message has been edited by RAM (edited 08-23-2000).]

Ram, react all you like, cast aspersions as you will.

My post is just a simple statement of historic fact. That's all it is.

More Danes died fighting for the Germans than died fighting against them. The information I quoted comes from a DANISH site on military history.

If you can't handle fact, perhaps you are one of the "pseudodoctors here in WWII history".

So in 1940 Denmark had to face the odds of an impossible resistance or a more or less peaceful invasion.

Sort of the same situation the Finns found themselves in when the Russians attacked?  

...and Santa And I will not take credit or blame for the doings or other men who lived and died before me.

Nor will I take credit or blame. "Pride in"  may be another matter, however!  

So, the numbers seem to indicate that the US came out of WWII realtively easy compared to its allieds; less casualties despite several times the numbers.

Yeah, we never have been fond of sending men to their slaughter in "human wave" attacks. We've pretty much always favored using firepower instead of human blood to achieve an objective.

So, even had we known you were going to hand out awards later, we'd probably still have done it in a way that conserved the lives of our sons to the maximum extent possible.  

If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude than the animated contest of freedom, go from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains sit lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen!

Offline Downtown

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What do you guys think of Lieberman, is his being Jewish an issue?
« Reply #59 on: August 26, 2000, 05:23:00 AM »
Toad, read "Citizen Soldier" by Stephen Ambrose.  I believe the U.S. could have taken considerably fewer casualties than we took.  Especially in the European and North African Theaters.

The U.S. had what they called the Repple Depple (Replacement Depot) where soldiers who had completed basic training were sent.  From there combat units that had been bled down could draw individual troops.  So instead of going into combat with people they had trained with they were fed piecemeal into veteran units.  The rate of survival of the folks from the repple depple was not good.  There were soldiers who could have passed on many vital lessons to the Repple Depple troops and saved many lives but that policy wasn't institued until very late in the war.  Also the vetrans didn't like having the replacement troops put into line with them because they drew fire.

Isenhower also kept many units in line for extended periods causing quite a bit of combat fatigue, another telling problem on the front.

In interviews with German Soldiers they said that the U.S. Relied on Artillery too much.  When the Germans came up against troops they had to fight it out.  When the U.S. came upon so much as a Hitler Youth with a pocket knife they called in Artillery on him.


"Downtown" Lincoln Brown.
Wrecking Crews "Drag and Die Guy"
Hals und beinbruch!