Author Topic: SWulfe, Hangtime, mrfish..  (Read 3151 times)

Offline Boroda

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SWulfe, Hangtime, mrfish..
« Reply #30 on: December 27, 2001, 07:59:00 AM »
Southern Urals, summer, 1988... We just dumped our backpacks and wait for a narrow-way train. We stand in the cannabis bush, the plants are at least 3 meters high...

I have quit smoking MJ after I realised that I only get completely stupid when I smoke it. Like holding a spoon in my hand and deciding what the hell is it for. Strange kind of kaif.

Vodka is enough for me, if I need some "mind-extention". Or a good Armenian or Georgian brandy.

But I will vote for legalising MJ and other soft drugs. It's prohibited only because State can't monopolise it.

What I really want to "taste" is LSD. Just to know what that musicians from the 60s felt. But I am too lazy and  will stick to vodka and beer.

Offline Eagler

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« Reply #31 on: December 27, 2001, 08:19:00 AM »
it ain't legal because big booze doesn't want the competition..

good thing it ain't legal, the general public would be even more brain dead if it were...maybe why the dumbocrats and libs are the ones pushin for its legalization..

talk to your average/heavy bong head, can he remember what he had for breakfast 2 hours ago??

booze ain't any better, just the effects wear off quicker, makes most more social not paraniod and as stated above isn't being pushed by cheech and chong rejects.
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Offline Udie

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« Reply #32 on: December 27, 2001, 08:26:00 AM »
Originally posted by Boroda:
What I really want to "taste" is LSD. Just to know what that musicians from the 60s felt. But I am too lazy and  will stick to vodka and beer.


 You do LSD and you will know the true meaning of those 2 phrases. But just make sure you have a "safe" place to hang out for 12-14 hours  :)


 I respect ya, agree with ya alot of the time.  But my friend on this subject your wrong  :)  Actually very off from the truth.  What you posted sounds like the stereo typical user of mary jane, which couldn't be any farther from the truth  :) except maybe highschool kids who just started smoking.

Offline Am0n

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« Reply #33 on: December 27, 2001, 09:05:00 AM »
What is bad for your lungs is not so much the smoke but the particles of cannabis and ash that cling to your lungs if your smoke out of a bowl or doobie.

If you are using a water bong you do not get that residue. If youve ever noticed all of the junk floating around the bottom of your bong in the water, you would have inhled that otherwise. Just like cigarettes, its not so much the smoke that causes cancer but the fiber in the filter that clings to your lungs.

If you notice people who smoke non-filters normaly get emphazima and not cancer, its still possible to get cancer but not as great of a chance as filter cigs.

I agree with you all that smoking pot is 1000% better than any liqour, for your body and mind. It is a great stress reliever, and also good to relieve muscle pains and aches, headaches and other discomforts.


one night we were partying at my house, to make a long story short the sheriff shows up w/ 3 of his buds.. they walk right in my house (illegal). We were all on our way out to get booze. they detain us all and search us, in my own house. I owned a nice stained glass 2 1/2ft bong my roomate had a real nice thick glass 200$ grafix bong.. they found them took them, broke one on the way out to there car. No one claimed them when they asked but my STUPID roomate piped up and said they were his (they even walked back into his bedroom where he was sleeping to wake him up, after they had illegaly entered my home. They walked passed my room which had 12 baby plants in the walk in closet, door wide open only light on wsa the plant light).. what a dummy, his lawyer even told him he was stupid for doing that  :)

*whipes tear away* man i miss thoses pipes..
Now i got a nice upright single buble 2 1/2 footer that does the trick, but its not like the old stained one  :)

man this is a long post.. sorry for droning on

Offline Boroda

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SWulfe, Hangtime, mrfish..
« Reply #34 on: December 27, 2001, 09:16:00 AM »
Udie, from what I have heard - if someone will bring me a "stamp" and kindly ask me to take it - I'll wait for summer, then get my backpack and go to the forest on Friday evening. After I'll have my tent ready and fire burning with shashlyk ready - I'll probably "taste" it.

Eagler - what a beautiful English phrase - "brain dead"  ;) Such a brief but correct description of mental condition for 95% of the public I see at the subway every day! It's hader to translate to Russian even then "unf#$%ingbelievable"  ;)

Offline midnight Target

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« Reply #35 on: December 27, 2001, 09:22:00 AM »
I saw a story on this a while ago. According to this documentary (on the History Channel) MJ was made illegal to allow the White settlers of California to have more control over immigration. This was during the 20's and 30's I think. A large percentage of Mexican immigrants used MJ I guess, and the laws allowed landowners in California to kick these workers out when the harvest was completed. I asked some of my employees here (almost all Mexican or Mexican American) and many were familiar with the story. Sorry I don't recall more details.

I Smoked MJ daily for at least 15 years. I just got tired of being stupid and quit about 10 years ago. I still have fond memories of some of the silly watermelon we did back in the day though. It also gave me the ability to nail my son the 1st time he "experimented". He thought I was Karnak or something lol.

Offline Am0n

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SWulfe, Hangtime, mrfish..
« Reply #36 on: December 27, 2001, 09:25:00 AM »

if you want to get "far out" dont mess with LSD, look for some "shrooms".. dont know the medical term, its a huge word. You cannot describe what you will see and feal, but it will buy all means expand your mind. they are in no way addidictive, you wont even want to do them for a long time.. but its a great experience. they make you halucinate and everthing looks like a picaso painting. They are like LSD w/o the speed effect.

ive done both quiet a few times (to many some would say :o ), shrooms are the way to go. if you get some good LSD, its also a good time. With both though as stated you want to make sure that you got nothing to do the next day, you will need it to rest, you wont be sleeping that night  :D

Man i miss my younger years.. havent done anything like that for a lonnnnnng time  :cool:

Offline midnight Target

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« Reply #37 on: December 27, 2001, 09:51:00 AM »
hehe Amon, I like your disclaimer.

If memory serves the name of that mushroom is psylicibin or something similar to that. We used to make a big batch of tea with the shrooms, throw in a lot of honey and wander the beach. The funny thing about those psychodelic days is that I remember them quite well. Not like getting stupid drunk and forgetting what you did. not try this at home. I was a professional!

Offline DRILL

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SWulfe, Hangtime, mrfish..
« Reply #38 on: December 27, 2001, 09:57:00 AM »
awwww man !!!! no buds on it  :(
 take it back !!!!!  :)
Drill /384th FA/CH 364th

Offline Boroda

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« Reply #39 on: December 27, 2001, 10:27:00 AM »
This mushrooms grow around Moscow, but it's not a good time to go pick them  ;)

I have a strong "phobia" against unknown mushrooms. Even if someone will bring them to me and say they are 100% safe - I'll hesitate before eating them.

When I am hiking - I will better stay hungry for a week then eat unknown "plated" (must be a wrong word here, "plastinchatiy" in Russian) mushrooms.

Offline capt. apathy

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« Reply #40 on: December 27, 2001, 12:03:00 PM »
I have to disagree on the shrooms.  There are many poisonous mushrooms that look a lot like liberty caps (shrooms, silisyben), and if you buy them dried you are at the mercy of the guy selling them to you as there is no way to tell poison from not when they are dry.  If you are not ABSOLUTLY sure of what you have you can end up very dead. Also the strength is unpredictable and the 'trips' go bad without warning.  
Shrooms, peyote, or mescaline, are not very good choices for your first adventure into the world of psychedelics.

Offline Eagler

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« Reply #41 on: December 27, 2001, 12:31:00 PM »
Originally posted by capt. apathy:
I have to disagree on the shrooms.  There are many poisonous mushrooms that look a lot like liberty caps (shrooms, silisyben), and if you buy them dried you are at the mercy of the guy selling them to you as there is no way to tell poison from not when they are dry....

what do you think in the mushroom gets you "high"?
look it up kiddies

I'd take a stoner over a drunk anyday. One all you have to do is drive thru McDonalds at midnite while the other you have to worry about him drowning in his own puke..

As mrfish stated, the default setting is best especially for us old guys  :)
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Offline AKSWulfe

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SWulfe, Hangtime, mrfish..
« Reply #42 on: December 27, 2001, 12:35:00 PM »

[ 12-27-2001: Message edited by: SWulfe ]

Offline capt. apathy

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« Reply #43 on: December 27, 2001, 01:31:00 PM »
eagler they are 2 very different poisons.
while the high is your reaction to one kind of poison. the other kind of poison destroys your liver and leaves you dead.

Offline Am0n

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SWulfe, Hangtime, mrfish..
« Reply #44 on: December 27, 2001, 01:59:00 PM »
A bad trip a month later is a good trip.. Its all about the experience. I've been there and done that, and learned more about humanity then i ever wanted to know. I also learned about walls that breathe and faces that mutate and stay that way for a few hours.. you learn everything is as your eyes percieve it.

But yea it could be risky taking "shrooms".. but ive never had a problem with them. I know thats like saying, "yea guns can kill you, but ive never been killed buy one." ive been shot at though  :)

Except for the night i got lost in the middle of no mans land, and was driving. "i'll take these now and buy the time i get home they will have kicked in" lol  :D
To bad it didnt work out like that!  :D

I havent done anything like that for a long time, i still smoke grass and drink occasionaly.

Opium is great smoke, just wish it wasnt so damn addictive. Used to know a guy oon campus here who made his own. He had cookie jars full of it and sold it dirt cheap... i had to stop hanging out with him hehehe..

thats a great body high.

I will truely never be able to justify having alchohol legal and not cannabis. A rational person who understands both would think it would be the total opposite.

Tahgut i thought you would get a good laugh out of my sig, i know pyroman did..  :)