Author Topic: SWulfe, Hangtime, mrfish..  (Read 3150 times)

Offline Seeker

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SWulfe, Hangtime, mrfish..
« Reply #90 on: December 30, 2001, 09:35:00 AM »
"Anybody going to Amsterdam for the Cannabis Cup 2002 competition?"

I've won second prize in that twice  :( (Master Kush, a Sativa/Indica hybrid grown hydroponicaly).

Every year some fugging hippy wins it with his organicaly grown, stinks of horseshit "feel the nature" Sativa pure strain.

As far as I can tell, the best (most plausible) reason for Cannabis being illeagal is that in the early twenties, just as J. Edgar Hoovers best buddy William Randolph Hurst was buying most of Canada's forests for his newspaper mills, a couple of Carolina brothers invented a harvesting machine that could deal with Hemp fibre for paper production. Which would have royally screwed Hearst's investment....

Addicted? I've been smoking this toejam for fifteen years and I'm not addicted yet!

Offline paintmaw

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SWulfe, Hangtime, mrfish..
« Reply #91 on: January 01, 2002, 03:30:00 PM »
I smoke at Least every other day ,I have an 18year old son who goes to church 3 times a week (probably praying for me )and graduated with a 3.5 gpa . He gets all my attention and love , I AM a good father  :) and I get stoned on my time off .