If we are going to have a surface fleet, why not have the real thing? I'd like to see the Baltimore Class punk-cruisers get replaced with a real battleship.
Lets see that IOWA CLASS BB:
3 x Triple 16" Gun Mount
10 x Twin 5" Gun Mount
20 x Quad 40mm AA, 2 x Dual 40mm
47 x 20mm Single Mount
Now THAT's what you want supporting your amphibious invasion of an island base. I'm getting tired of being able to just up a tiffie and wack the cruiser with a couple of 1000 lb bombs.
The Yamato took 8 bombs and 10 torpedoes before sinking. I don't know what we'd set an Iowa class BB to take before being destroyed, but it would make for one hell of a air-sea battle when that thing rolled up. Might be interesting to be shelling inland bases with those 16" guns too!