And now some even more boring stuff... the US has built (huge) secondary industries to service crappy cars. Drove down any street and you'd swear the entire economy is based on cars needing repair and fast food.
Muffler shops, Wendys, body shops, McDonalds, upholstery shops, Burger King, auto paint shops, KFC, oil service, Pizza Hut, radiator shops, Taco Bell, mechanics, mechanics, mechanics, Crystal Burger, auto parts stores, mechanics, brake shops, mechanics, mechanics...
Japanese cars come from a culture where there are none of these shops. It's a huge nusance to have a car fall apart in Japan. Cars are designed to be transportation vehicles that work with little or no input from the user. No one has time to sit around and work on a car and people just buy a new one every 4-5 years. They send the used ones to Russia or Australia.
If a car breaks down in Japan, the buyer (and all the extended family and coworkers and neighbors) will never buy another car from that manufacturer... ever. The dealer will have to send someone to apologize profusely for weeks for causing such an enormous problem and embarrassment to the customer.
Are the Japanese customers coddled? Sure, but you have reaped the benefit of that culture by having cars needing alot less service.