Author Topic: The Daycare Arena  (Read 2535 times)

Offline Howitzer

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« Reply #60 on: January 25, 2006, 10:54:51 PM »
Originally posted by FuBaR
The scary thing would be to teach todays teens how to think well...or think at all.

You are a today's teen.  :D

Offline DipStick

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« Reply #61 on: January 26, 2006, 10:21:05 AM »
Originally posted by B@tfinkV
ignorance is bliss.

You would know.

Offline FuBaR

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« Reply #62 on: January 27, 2006, 02:22:50 AM »
Does anyone know how many months its been since I threw my last AH tantrum?

Offline Naytch

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« Reply #63 on: January 27, 2006, 07:39:32 AM »
Are the rest of the teens on AH really acting this bad to get this kind of response from u guys? I'm almost 15 and I know I can hold my own, I know I have NEVER talked trash on any channel, I just utter a swear in my room and when I lose control and swear on vox I always apologize later. I don't vulch, ho, or wire-wiggle - I just bnz and occasionally run, but thats cuz I fly a pony.

But I can agree with u guys on the drugs/guns thing. U may know I live in the Philippines and I consider myself fortunate to be living an average teen life; i.e. I enjoy listening to punk/metal/rap, practicing the guitar going to internet game cafe's with the guys, having romance problems, etc. I consider myself fortunate bcuz even tho I go to a private school, about 65 percent of the students I see around me are definitely on the street spank, which is mainly bcuz its a third world country so life standards is really low.

I know that I'm clean, despite having a turbulent childhood and being forced to live in this hellhole where I'm deprived of livng the good life in the states. This is bcuz I know that I'm gonna be a pilot someday and the white powder will never get me there. These other kids who take it have nothing to live for and look for something to dull the pain. I hope I don't learn one of my friends is a druggie bcuz I would have to spit at him; he is rich enuf to goto a private school and believes to be worse off than the thousands of shirtless kids who roam the streets begging for a peso here and there.

Same goes for the kids who live in the states and go all punk rebel believing that the man keeps them down and that everyone exept them and their group is looking to opress them or watever BS they come up with.

Now, on the topic of video games and stuff; ppl who are like Jack Thompson are more stereotypical and gullible than the kids they accuse of being influenced by games to the point that they start taking drugs and shooting ppl and stealing stuff. Video games are a relaxant to us, they're fun for us and they give most of us that one thing to hold on to when normal life gets us down kids who DONT have these games to vent their stress on are the kids who turn into the 'crutches on society' as one of u guys said in a previous post. Let me eleborate; if a kid cant vent his stress on a game, then he's gonna get sick of school, get sick of the work, sick of his parents and generally sick of the world and their own life. Consequently, this would lead them to not caring about ppl around them and not caring about their own well being. Soon they'll be toting guns to school or tossing a bat at the window of some store so as to get money to buy their own food, and, at the same time, leaving some store owner without money to pay for his family's food. Wanna talk about vices? Like I said, no games builds stress, and kids will look for ANYTHING to clear their head - it's normal in human growth for hormones to rage and thus mess up their insides and they look for some relief. Geez, I knew that just bcuz of my girl trouble, the moment I saw a beer I chugged. Amplify that reaction so instead of girl trouble, it's life trouble and u probably wont be suprised at what kids would chug.

Now games and hard music dont influence us to become gangsta like we see our beloved CJ from GTA or like we hear eminem, and the westside crew rappin about. Hell I'm listining to eminem right now, and I know I won't be toting a gun to school any time soon. I've played GTA, call of duty, warcraft, and I know I won't be going around the city throwing ppl out of cars, waving a thompson around looking for nazis to kill, or dressing up in a suit of armor and looking to save the tree of life against the undead scourge - same goes for my friends who enjoy the same games. Hell most of the ppl that are reading my post shud know about this little flight sim made by some company in Grapevine, Texas that involves flying WW2 aircraft and shooting down anything that's written in red. And I doubt that these ppl go around hoing traffic in their cars and calling padestrians 'spitdweebs or lgheys' on ch 200 (insert old role eyes)

Offline NoBaddy

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« Reply #64 on: January 27, 2006, 10:21:16 AM »
Originally posted by Naytch
And I doubt that these ppl go around hoing traffic in their cars and calling padestrians 'spitdweebs or lgheys' on ch 200 (insert old role eyes)

Wanna bet?? :D
NoBaddy (NB)

Flying since before there was virtual durt!!
"Ego is the anesthetic that dulls the pain of stupidity."

Offline Iceman24

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« Reply #65 on: January 27, 2006, 10:51:20 AM »
"And I doubt that these ppl go around hoing traffic in their cars and calling padestrians 'spitdweebs or lgheys' on ch 200 (insert old role eyes) "

I simply drive by and open the car door at the last second to hit them... I call it a rolling snapshot :)

Offline dedalos

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« Reply #66 on: January 27, 2006, 11:21:38 AM »
Originally posted by Iceman24
"And I doubt that these ppl go around hoing traffic in their cars and calling padestrians 'spitdweebs or lgheys' on ch 200 (insert old role eyes) "

I simply drive by and open the car door at the last second to hit them... I call it a rolling snapshot :)

Thats a HO.  you are just using wing mounted guns :D
Quote from: 2bighorn on December 15, 2010 at 03:46:18 PM
Dedalos pretty much ruined DA.

Offline Iceman24

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« Reply #67 on: January 27, 2006, 11:30:26 AM »
LOL... actually more like a 10 degree deflection, I approach from the HO position but at the last second I'll bank right and throw open the door

Offline Iceman24

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« Reply #68 on: January 27, 2006, 11:38:04 AM »
now if I could get my hands on a few 20mm cannons I could mount them on my truck and set my convergance to about D200, I think that would be just about right for driving through Dallas/Fort Worth traffic in the mornings :) , would definately make it more interesting :) , maybe even put a single 20mm stinger in the back as well for the tailgaters lol

Offline Casper1

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« Reply #69 on: January 27, 2006, 04:55:48 PM »
I see alot of this: "I am older than you, therefore I am holier than thou...."

Gimme a break...just b/c the majority of the community is probably over 30 doesnt mean ppl should be acting this way.  Yes, alot of the younger players are annoying or have voices that annoy many of us, but what were you like when you were their age?

And me...I'm a fresh 24 year old.  So make whatever judgement you wish.

Offline wetrat

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« Reply #70 on: January 27, 2006, 05:18:37 PM »
What's with all the ragging on privileged kids? Growing up, I always had the nice clothes, expensive shoes, big allowance (always spent on food... Golly-geeN was I ever hungry by lunch), and was given a car when I got my license. My "job" in highschool was reffing hockey, working 6-10 hours a week making $20-30/hr (depending on age/league), so that wasn't exactly hard earned money either. The simple truth is, when I moved out (immediately after finishing highschool), I was better equipped to be out on my own in the "real world" than just about anyone that didn't grow up "privileged."

The thing you people need to realize is that the "rich kid" arnoldholes you see hanging out at the mall instead of going to school would suck just as much if they were poor. Fact of life: most people suck. Their parents having money just gives you another reason to resent them.

And YES, there are way too damn many kiddies in the DA. I squelch 9/10 of the people in there based on the pitch of their voice alone.
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Offline FuBaR

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« Reply #71 on: January 27, 2006, 05:20:15 PM »
I agree, I drive a bmw and Im not even 18 yet. I dont take it for granted either, I see it as a total privllege.

Offline dedalos

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« Reply #72 on: January 27, 2006, 05:31:32 PM »
Originally posted by FuBaR
I agree, I drive a bmw and Im not even 18 yet. I dont take it for granted either, I see it as a total privllege.

No need to try fubie.  Most hated you already :rofl
Quote from: 2bighorn on December 15, 2010 at 03:46:18 PM
Dedalos pretty much ruined DA.

Offline airbumba

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« Reply #73 on: January 27, 2006, 07:23:45 PM »
Originally posted by wetrat
What's with all the ragging on privileged kids? Growing up, I always had the nice clothes, expensive shoes, big allowance (always spent on food... Golly-geeN was I ever hungry by lunch), and was given a car when I got my license. My "job" in highschool was reffing hockey, working 6-10 hours a week making $20-30/hr (depending on age/league), so that wasn't exactly hard earned money either. The simple truth is, when I moved out (immediately after finishing highschool), I was better equipped to be out on my own in the "real world" than just about anyone that didn't grow up "privileged."


I woulda beat you up and took your lunch money, hehe.
I used to be a fatalist,
but that part of me died.

Offline wetrat

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« Reply #74 on: January 28, 2006, 12:25:30 AM »
Originally posted by airbumba
I woulda beat you up and took your lunch money, hehe.
There weren't too many people in school that coulda done that to me, and if it were to happen, the wrath of my friends would have been swift and painful. And fun for the spectators, too :D But I grew up in a rich suburb.... lunch money theft wasn't an issue :p
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