Author Topic: Christians and end times- Are they here?  (Read 2963 times)

Offline lazs2

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Christians and end times- Are they here?
« Reply #180 on: March 30, 2006, 08:03:03 AM »
I will bet that if you looked at the politicians who are introducing gun laws you will find that more of em are athiests or, like chair "strong agnostics"  than are christians.

I bet a lot of em are just mad because someone took their walking fish magnetic thingie and placed it on the ground by their car.

chair... I guess it boils down to.... at this point.... I just don't think you are a real athiest...  you want to wear the uniform and get the chicks but....

you just can't bring yourself to say you have the faith..


Offline Chairboy

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Christians and end times- Are they here?
« Reply #181 on: March 30, 2006, 09:01:38 AM »
Buddy, I don't believe there's a god.  I'm an atheist, but since I believe in small government and the constitution, you don't think I'm a _real_ atheist?

That's just silly.

There ain't no god.  God is a fairy tale created to provide answers when there was nothing better, but we have something better now.  Believing in magical spirits does not automatically confer some sort of special insight into how the universe works, despite what many theists suggest.

There _are_ dishonest people in this thread, people who are dishonest with themselves.  For instance, I think wrag honestly believes that he's not making ad hominem attacks and really thinks that he's a beacon of light and purity.  I bet that you, lasz, honestly believe that there's some sort of obvious dishonesty with the idea of being an atheist, but like wrag, you just can't vocalize it.

We're all entitled to different opinions, and boy howdy, some of y'all sure have some imaginative ones.

I give my christian friends the benefit of the doubt, I respect their decision to believe what they want, but you know what I get in return?  Condescension, mocking, and worse.  This thread illustrates this nicely.  Talking with a christian about religion is an excercise in frustration.
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Offline Krusher

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Christians and end times- Are they here?
« Reply #182 on: March 30, 2006, 09:13:42 AM »
wrong thread
« Last Edit: March 30, 2006, 09:22:47 AM by Krusher »

Offline lazs2

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Christians and end times- Are they here?
« Reply #183 on: March 30, 2006, 02:31:28 PM »
chair... you didn't and haven't read waht I posted.... I do no say anywhere that your believing in a small government has anything to do with your athiesm.

You just now said... "There ain't no god. God is a fairy tale created to provide answers when there was nothing better, but we have something better now. Believing in magical spirits does not automatically confer some sort of special insight into how the universe works, despite what many theists suggest."

you are stateing what you believe... you, of course, have no proof that this is true at all (that there is no god) but.... you have "faith"  

I would venture to say that in no other thing would you bother to give yourself a faith based name for not believeing in something.... I would say that, you probly would leave room for doubt about such things as bigfoot or aliens or PSI or auras even...

To take such a strong stand on god when you have no proof would be a leap of faith equal to the most fervent snake worshiper.

When asked about a belief in god... the honest man who does says, "yes I do, To me the proof is all around me but it is really a matter of faith"

Another case of an honest man would be... "I really don't know"

Another honest man would say.... "I do not believe in god even tho I have no proof but I have my own faith to cling to."

A dishonest and /or stupid man would say... " there is no god and I know this for a fact and I have no agenda by proclaiming myself to be an athiest... my belief is fact not faith based"


Offline Holden McGroin

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Christians and end times- Are they here?
« Reply #184 on: March 30, 2006, 03:11:13 PM »
Originally posted by lazs2
.... I would say that, you probly would leave room for doubt about such things as bigfoot or aliens or PSI or auras even...

I believe in PSI: I have 35 to 40 of them in each of my tires.  I have 100+ in my bike's tires.
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Offline Chairboy

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Christians and end times- Are they here?
« Reply #185 on: March 30, 2006, 03:36:38 PM »
Lazs: We're back to the basic problem of you not understanding the difference between not believing there is a god and believing there is NO god.

I just don't believe there's a god, and there's no faith required.  I also don't believe there's an easter bunny, and I don't believe that pokemon are real creatures that people train and fight against each other.

You can call me stupid if you want, but it doesn't change the facts of the matter.  I just don't believe a god exists, and decoding the distinction between that and faith will just have to be an excercise for the reader.

BTW, I don't think you're stupid or dishonest, I just think you're confused.  I respect that your beliefs are different from mine, that's just how the world works.  You asserted that I wasn't a real atheist, feel free to explain how that's the case.  If it's because I don't fit your preconceived notions of what an atheist looks like (Tax and spend democrat, perhaps?  Some sort of communist assassin that slouches towards Bethlehem?), then perhaps it's time to re-evaluate those images.
"When fascism comes to America it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross." - Sinclair Lewis

Offline lazs2

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Christians and end times- Are they here?
« Reply #186 on: March 31, 2006, 10:09:58 AM »
chair... and why wouldn't you respect my beliefs?  I have been up[ front with you about them... I have said that they were entirely faith based and ask nothing of you.    I don't go around proclaiming a name for my belief like "athiest" even.

And.... I have met dishonest libertarians and constitutionsalists and small government types.... we are not imune from dishonesty.   I have left room for this in my thinking.   It is perhaps not as poured in concrete as yours.

If you can't say that there may be a god then you are either dishonest or stupid or both.... If you loudly proclaim this belief and even give it a name "athiesm" then you have taken your belief out of the realm of science and into the world of "belief" and/or agenda.   Many who have used the term athiest have indeed had an agenda.... that of making the government and it's leaders the only god.
